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PCEC celebrates joyous Christmas

Mother Superior’ (Toy) poses with some of her delightful charges at Pattaya Orphanage, as they assemble to perform for the lucky members & guests of Pattaya City Expats Club.

It was again a joyous Christmas celebration at the Pattaya City Expats Club meeting on December 16. As with the past four years, it was almost standing room only at the Amari’s Tavern by the Sea restaurant in expectation of the enjoyment of hearing again those wonderful voices of the Children’s Choir from Pattaya Orphanage. Master of Ceremonies Roy Albiston introduced Radchada Chomjinda (Toy) from the Orphanage. Toy said it was a privilege for the children from the Orphanage to be back this year to again sing Christmas Carols for the Club.

Board member Richard Smith thanks Santa for taking the time to visit & to give out presents to the children. Toy looks on.

The program started when Toy brought in six very cute Thai girls dressed in gold trimmed traditional costume and said they would perform two dances. One was entitled “Blessing from God to All of You” and the other was “Youth of the Nation.” They were followed in by about 30 children in choir robes with much applause from the audience.
After the two dances, the Choir started with “Oh Come All Ye Faithful,” “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” “Joy to the World,” “Jingle Bells,” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” Then, lo and behold, but who should appear! It was Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick himself with his flowing beard and red suit. With a merry “Ho, Ho, Ho” he wished one and all a “Merry Christmas.” To the delight of the children, he conversed with them in Thai. When one of the little girls pulled on his beard and patted his rotund middle and exclaimed something in Thai - Jolly Ol’ Santa explained to the audience that she had said, “It is real.” Santa then led the choir in another rendition of “Joy to the World” before bringing out his sack of goodies; handing them out to very happy and smiling children.

One young man contemplates the intricacies his Christmas present - a new yo-yo. How do I drive it?

While the gifts were being handed out, Toy briefly mentioned the history of the Orphanage that was started 39 years ago by Father Ray Brennan. She briefly explained how the orphanage began and Father Ray’s contributions to its continued existence. She noted that they currently have about 175 children at the Orphanage ranging from days old to college age. For more information about the Orphanage, visit their website at: http://www.
Meanwhile, the children were having a delightful time with Santa (and many thanks to member Bill Francis for being a natural Santa, with his large white natural beard, rotund body, and jolly demeanor). Member Judith Edmonds thanked everyone who had made donations to buy gifts for the children and the Club presented Certificates of Appreciation to Toy and to Santa Bill.
After the children had left, Master of Ceremonies Roy Albiston called on everyone for a moment of silence in memory of those other children and adults in Connecticut that so tragically lost their lives.
Roy then provided an update on upcoming events and called on Jerry Dean to conduct the Open Forum where questions are asked and answered about expat living in Thailand; Pattaya in particular.
Read more about the Club’s activities on their website at

Dressed in traditional Thai costumes, these young ladies look lovely as they perform a variety of Thai and Christmas songs.

Saint Nicholas (in red cap) popped in to spread some cheer amongst the fine children of the orphanage. Pattaya City Expats Club congratulates Toy and her staff for the great work done with these formerly underprivileged children.

90 Happy Birthdays for Archie

Archie Dunlop celebrates his 90th birthday with friends.

Dr. Iain Corness
At least 90 well-wishers helped Archie Dunlop celebrate his 90th birthday at the Ban Souy Resort last weekend. Archie remains robust and ascribes his longevity by doing all the wrong things all his life! However, Archie has been known to exaggerate!
The birthday party began around the pool with wine and canapés before adjourning to the rooftop where a five-star buffet with oysters, oysters and oysters and all the usual buffet fare.
After dinner, the guests wound their way downwards through a champagne ceremony and then back to the pool area for a series of shows imported from Boys, Boys, Boys.
A different night celebrating a rather ‘different’ and larger than life character. Happy Birthday Archie!

Peter Malhotra presents a bottle of wine to Archie. From left: Dr. Iain Corness, Elfi Seitz, Archie Dunlop, Peter Malhotra along with Arthur & Alisa.

Archie gathers quite an entourage for a boat trip the following Sunday.

BPH Charity Bazaar a winner for the needy

Children from Mercy Center Pattaya pose with Santa and his helpers.

Dr Iain Corness
The annual Charity Bazaar sponsored by the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya (BPH) was an even bigger event than the previous bazaars. With 24 charity groups represented at the booths, there were plenty of shopping opportunities, and with a full program of entertainment it was certainly an “event”!
The bazaar was advertised as commencing at 9 a.m., but the Jomtien Lions Club stall found itself deluged by bargain hunters at 8.30 a.m. and by 9 a.m. was almost sold out. Some lucky people certainly knew where to shop for bargains.
A very welcome addition this year was the stall from the Banglamung Home for the Aged, with one of the ‘senior’ people selling hand-crocheted scarves.

Children from Redemptorist School for the Blind receive sweets from Santa and his helpers.

Star of the show was of course Santa Claus, who parked the reindeer on the helipad and came down with his two beautiful helpers and distributed Xmas gifts to all the children who were waiting - all 280 of them! These included the children from the Maha Thai Blind School who would never “see” Santa, but could experience the spirit of Xmas through the event.
Amongst the entertainment acts (which were non-stop) were dancers from the Children with Special Needs group, which prompted the MC to say that they were really “special” children, rather than “special needs” children!
The BPH Charity Bazaar has now become one of the major fund-raising events in Pattaya, and the hospital is delighted with the response, and congratulates all the charities on their good work with the needy children in the area.

Lewis “Woody” Underwood (center), along with Bernie Tuppin (right) and the Jesters Care For Kids committee open a booth at the Charity Bazaar.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

PCEC celebrates joyous Christmas

90 Happy Birthdays for Archie

BPH Charity Bazaar a winner for the needy


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