Mail Bag |
Thai language has no plurals
(Re: Michael Nightingale’s response: “Yes but it is not possible to use the
word ‘farangs’ since you cannot pluralise a Thai word. Despite this the
error is so frequent that one might begin to think it’s legitimate” in PM
Mailbag “When an R is really an N - or an L”, Friday, 08 March 2013) -
Michael, you are correct Thai language has no plurals. But as English is my
mother language it is the norm for me to use plurals. Speaking or writing in
English it’s ok for me to say 10 farangs. However, as Thais have no plurals
they fall back to using “classifiers”. The nearest I find in my studies to
farang is the fruit known as guava (a pink fleshed fruit about the size of a
small apple). If I use the classifier “look” or sometimes “bia” I can write
“farang sip look”. Ten guava fruit. If I change the classifier to farang sip
“khon” I am changing it to read farang ten person. I enjoy learning to read
& write Thai but have a long road ahead of me. I realise I may never become
perfect and welcome any constructive criticism.
Bryan Patricks
Respected in village
Re: Pattaya officials begin Songkran planning (PM Friday, 01 March 2013) -
In my village I expect the young people will have their water fights.
Myself, I will be treated with respect befitting my age. I will be
approached by someone with a bowl of powder and dab some on my face then
sprinkle some water on me. Farangs in Pattaya have no idea what Songkran is
all about and behave like it is their right to run around like dyslectic
Sean Murphy
Off to Siem Reap
Re: Pattaya officials begin Songkran planning (PM Friday, 01 March 2013) - I
am off to Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) over Songkran. It is Cambodian New Year
too, and they have water throwing, but it is strictly forbidden in tourist
areas. So it should be in Pattaya and other tourist areas.
Prakhonchai Nick
No indulgences
Re: Government & religion (PM Mailbag, Friday, 01 March 2013) - I do not
know of any church that sells indulgences, which was a medieval practice of
the RCC. However, a donation might help to get an indulgence. An indulgence,
by the way, is simply a token for the old fashioned penance. I support Mr
Standiford’s pleas to tax churches 100+%.
Michael Nightingale
I’m Irish, too
Re: Pitch in on St Patrick’s Day (PM Mailbag Friday, 01 March 2013) - I am
also of Irish heritage. Many Australians are as our forefathers were sent
there as prisoners of Mother England.
Before I could think for myself mum would take us all to Mass as it was
regarded as a Holy Day. Now we have gone mad with green food colouring. No
doubt “Danny Boy” will be sung over & over. But is the song truly Irish? No.
In 1910 an English lawyer wrote an “unsuccessful” song by this name. On his
American sister in law’s advice he set the lyrics to a tune she heard called
Londonderry Air. The song was a great hit with the American Irish, but the
newly arrived migrants had never heard of it. It was also a hit with the
Northern Irish as it emphised their ties to the British.
Another of my favorite Irish ballads was, “I’ll take you Home again
Kathleen”. A song that congers up the thought of someone returning his wife
to the Emerald Isle. This one was written by an American whose wife’s name
was Jennie. This song bought a tear to my eye whenever mum sang it. You must
give these American Mick’s their dues. So get on with the parade and save
some of that green 7UP for me.
HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]
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Thai language has no plurals
Respected in village
Off to Siem Reap
No indulgences
I’m Irish, too
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