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Mail Bag

Help save the dogs

Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to you because many dogs are unhealthy street dogs and I’m worried that many are being killed and are in pain. As you may know, it is important that we all help these sick dogs by finding them homes. I think that Pattaya Mail should also help save dogs.
The first problem is many dogs are becoming very unhealthy because people are driving fast and hitting them which leaves the dogs with broken bones. Dogs are getting horrible food that they aren’t supposed to eat which is also adding to their sickness. I think you should make a website that donates healthy foods and helps street dogs to stop having babies by sterilizing them.
The second problem is: lots of dogs are getting killed by people because they are not property cared for. I think people should stop. Perhaps you could start a press campaign to help promote the neediness of these poor creatures.
The last problem is that dogs are getting lost from their owners, so we should create ways to keep them safe. Last night I saw that some dogs that are getting lost get a picture posted on the wall. This could be useful. Also we should microchip all dogs. I think we should get to donate money for this cause.
In conclusion, if we help dogs by keeping them safe at home and by donating food and money, I think the world will be a munch better place!
Plaeng Issada Duangsamosorn

Public safety issue

Re: Overloaded ferry (PM Mailbag, Wednesday, 06 November 2013) - This is a public safety issue. How about the training of Thai pilots, food inspectors, construction inspectors, train safety equipment, etc? Thais do not want to be criticised by foreigners and love to say we do not understand the Thai way. What they do not understand is that we do understand the Thai way.

At last an objective report

Re: Ferry captain high on drugs during accident killing 6 tourists (PM Tuesday, 05 November 2013) - At last an objective report of the present situation. It should be pointed out that ALL sea-going activities are compromised in Pattaya, esp. the parasailing, visible recently when a tourist was dragged into the towing boat propeller in sight of her husband. Insurance, what insurance! It is quite clear that all (legal) authority is lost within Pattaya.
David Fox

The debate rages on

Dana (Mailbag, Nov 8-l5) argues that it’s sugar not meat which destroys human health. Yet in that same letter Dana acknowledges the study in the Journal of the American Medical Association which noted that vegetarians seem to live longer than meat-eaters. In other words, Dana’s own letter refutes his own claim!
He also wants to know why vegetarians make a moral issue out of this. Just as I think it would be immoral to slaughter humans because some people may like the way they taste, I also feel it’s immoral to slaughter cows just because Dana loves to eat cheeseburgers!
Steve Gordon

Polish couple - nicest people anyone could ever meet

Re: Ferry captain high on drugs during accident killing 6 tourists (PM Tuesday, 05 November 2013) - The Polish couple were 62 and 60, not 47. Both selfless doctors from a small town in Poland, and both of them were two of the nicest best people anyone could ever meet. The tragedy of this is monumental; the daughter and son they leave behind will never be the same. I hope some justice comes of this, and I can only hope this sort of thing can be avoided in the future.
Greg Kempson

Water problems on Soi Nernplabwan

Can anyone at City Hall or the Water Dept please explain to me why we still have to suffer 2-3 days with no water in the house?
With all the rain we are having, and the reservoir not empty, what is the excuse?
I have a new home on Soi Nernplabwan, and still have to bathe the up-country style bucket baths from water saved in garbage cans, when water is running. No excuse for this.
The only good part of this is my water bill is very low. They can’t charge you when no water is running through the meter.
Charlie Brown
Soi Nernplabwan, Pattaya

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Help save the dogs

Public safety issue

At last an objective report

The debate rages on

Polish couple - nicest people anyone could ever meet

Water problems on Soi Nernplabwan

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