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Can you reverse the aging process?

Dr Olivier Meyer, Swiss doctor practising in Pattaya mainly to expats, was PCEC’s speaker for the 5th of January. Dr Olivier’s talk was about Anti-Aging Medicine, the goal of anti-aging medicine being not just adding time to life, but also “giving better life to time.”

Tired of waiting for a magic potion that will make you look and feel 20 years younger? Hang on. Scientists have discovered what causes the body to age and are busy working on ways to reverse the aging process. Dr. Olivier Meyer, who is a medical doctor, a native of Switzerland and a resident of Thailand, spoke at the Sunday, January 5 meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club. His topic was about Anti-Aging Medicine. He said that the goal of anti-aging medicine is not just adding time to life, but also “giving better life to time.”
Some people at 90 years of age are fit and have no or few chronic diseases, whereas for others getting old is a challenge, Dr Olivier stated. He said that when he went to medical school, we did not know what causes aging. However, some ground breaking research at Harvard Medical School in the first decade of this century changed that. Scientists discovered that the chromosomes in the cells in our body are capped at both ends by something called telomeres, and that it is the shortening of these telomeres over time that leads to aging.

Not unsurprisingly, there were many questions from the members of PCEC about the methods and benefits of anti ageing regimes.

The scientists also discovered a natural enzyme in cells called telomerase that can prevent telomeres from shortening, except that that the telomerase is repressed by a protein in the cells. Researchers are using a process called telomerase activation to rejuvenate organs in animal experiments. There is a good chance that in the future telomerase activations will be used in humans to slow the aging process.
In the meantime, Dr Olivier said, we already have strategies to combat the effects of aging. He described a three-step process: Step 1: Healthy lifestyles; Step 2: Medical interventions; and Step 3: Use of stem cells.
With respect to health lifestyles, Dr Olivier described several steps we can take, including practice good nutrition, take anti-oxidants, don’t smoke, drink alcohol moderately or not at all, get regular exercise, keep your weight under control, and be sure to get good quality and enough sleep.
The second step involves medical interventions, such as keeping chronic diseases under control; having regular check-ups (at least once a year for people over 50); visiting the dentist regularly; taking multivitamins; taking a low daily dose of aspirin to keep the blood thin; and achieving good hormonal balance. He then described the different hormones and their purpose.
Dr Olivier referred to “andropause,” the male equivalent of menopause. He said that as men age, the decrease in testosterone is more gradual than what occurs in women. Half of the men aged 50-70 will have low testosterone levels. Common symptoms of andropause are lack of energy, depression, diminution of memory; loss of strength; increased body fat; irritability, mood swings, bad sleep; low sex drive; and difficulties getting erections or erections not as strong as usual.

PCEC Chairman Pat Koester details the trip to Bangkok’s Chinatown during Chinese New Year for their colourful celebrations.

The third step involves the use of stem cells. These cells are able to differentiate into more specialised cells and are one of the body’s fundamental tools and mechanisms for self-repair, Dr Olivier explained. Stem cells improve the immune function and regenerate and repair damaged organs. As we age, however, the bone marrow releases fewer stem cells, giving us less power to repair the damage of ageing. Treatment with stem cells reverses this process.
Some of the benefits of stem cell therapy are less weakness and fatigue; less aches in the head, neck, back and limbs; reduced stiffness in joints; a more youthful appearance; fewer wrinkles on the skins and face; thickening of the hair; more energy; and mental and emotional improvement. Stem cell therapy can even change the colour of one’s hair from grey back to its normal colour.
The future of anti-aging medicine, Dr Olivier said, is almost limitless. Before long, he added, really tiny (nano) machines will crush small blood clots in the body and deliver medicine directly to the organ for which they are intended. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Dr. Olivier then answered several questions from the audience. The Dr Olivier Clinic opened in 1999 and is located just off South Pattaya Road (website: http://www.
Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg brought everyone up to date on upcoming events and called on Roy Albiston to conduct the Open Forum, where questions are asked and answered about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya.
Learn more about the Club’s meetings and other activities by visiting their website at

A club member discusses with Dr Olivier details of his presentation.

Former Chairman Richard Smith advises members & guests of the sign up sheets for the Android and the iPhone users groups meetings; meetings TBA.

Lions Club caps Children’s Day events with water system donation to Thungklom School

The Lions Club of Pattaya-Nongprue capped off Children’s Day by donating a new water-filtration system to Thungklom School.

Warunya Thongrod
The Lions Club of Pattaya-Nongprue donated a new water-filtration system to thirsty students at Thungklom School.
President Bunanant Pattanasin presented the water filter and dispenser tank to Principal Aphiwat Jaiyangyuen Jan. 9 in front of teachers, students and invited guests.
Bunanant said donating water filters and tanks is what the club has to do for the community as it wants to see kids have clean water to drink and be healthy. So the club celebrated Children’s Day by giving the system to the school as a present. It was one of five activities that the club’s committee has approved for the Jan. 11 holiday.
The club also took students to Ripley’s World Pattaya, donated scholarships and provided food and ice cream for kids.
While at Thungklom School, club members also staged games, provided food and drinks, and enjoyed shows from students who danced and sang famous songs.

Pattaya Sports Club and Hand to Hand visit the darker side of the city

The new room is much safer.

William Macey
There are many reasons why visitors come to Thailand. Excellent year round weather, good food and hospitality. It is easy to embrace the glitz and glamour of Beach Road, Walking Street and Second Road, but there is a another side to Pattaya that is largely unknown to, not only tourists, but to those of us that have made Thailand our home.
Shut away along small, unknown sois exists a world that is foreign to most of us and we are unaware that there are hundreds of families living in abject poverty existing on just a few hundred baht per week.
But there are some charities that go out of their way to help, whenever possible, those families that live in the slums that are around the city. Pai of Hand to Hand being but one. She makes regular visits to slums, in particular, slum No. 7 to determine how Hand to Hand can help. It goes without saying that she comes away with a shopping list on every occasion and her recent request to Pattaya Sports Club is a case in point.
No.1 request: A 70 year old man, unable to leave his bed for many years, living in a tin hut with only a 150 cm clearance making it unbearably hot and humid in the hot sun. The roof had to be removed and replaced, at a more reasonable height, with plaster sheeting and some vents used for a circulation of air to be achieved.
No.2 request: A 65 year old lady, again unable to leave her bed, living in what is left of her home. The recent heavy rains congregated on the floor, to a depth of 60cm making it necessary to elevate the bed and put on bricks to stop her being saturated for weeks on end. The solution was to build another home for her on higher ground.
No.3 request: A man was evicted from his home which was being replaced with condos by a developer but slum No.7 had no home for him to live in. A new home was to be built on site.
Pattaya Sports Club was approached for the finance and, following an inspection of their predicaments, the decision to help was an easy one for the committee to make. Here are some photos of the of the success of our mission. All three families are happy with the improvements and will sleep better at night
It is difficult to describe the appalling conditions in which these families live and donations of clothes, food or toys are always welcome. If you feel you might be able to help, please contact Pattaya Sports Club or William on 0861522754.

Request No. 1: A low ceiling creating a humid atmosphere.

The roof has been raised 65cm creating a better atmosphere.

Request No. 2: The ladies room is falling apart.

Request No. 3: This is where he lived.

He is so much happier.

Getting in the MOOD

Oi Somchai Sihaampai keeps the beat.

Dr. Iain Corness
Blues music aficionados celebrated the opening of the MOOD Blues Cafe on Pratamnak Soi 6, on the ground floor of Thepthip Mansion, with a small party and a large feast of music.
Well known Pattaya musicians performing at the MOOD Blues Cafe include the house band ‘Slow Ride’ of Ken (Snowman) Minahan (lead guitar), Tony Stevens (bass guitar) and Oi Somchai Sihaampai (drums) who kicked off with the classics and then went on leaving the audience begging for more.
Thepthip Mansion owner, Peter Windgasse, a guitar music enthusiast himself stated that the MOOD Blues Cafe would be host to live music on many evenings each week, and the house band at weekends.
The venue is certainly a ‘classy’ one with comfortable chairs inviting the listeners to curl up with a drink and just enjoy the music, a situation where MOOD can certainly fill a niche.
According to Peter Windgasse, “We are here to change the mood of going to clubs in Pattaya. We are not a go-go, beer bar or disco. No hassles, friendly good trained staff, good prices, plenty of parking, clean and fresh, no smoking law upheld but a big patio where you can indulge and still see the band and not left out of the fun. We are sure once you spend an evening with us you’ll always be in the MOOD!”

Tony Stevens, long time bass player with Foghat, plays the blues for Slow Ride.

Ken “Snowman” Minahan makes his fender sing.

Barry and Pla enjoy the show.

The Pattaya International Ladies Club invites you to an afternoon of classical music

Featuring noted pianist, Regina Albrink performing the works of Schubert and Chopin

February 20, 2014
Royal Cliff Beach Resort
Rainbow Room
12 noon (seating will begin at 11:45 am)
500 baht

Regina Albrink, renowned Dutch-born soloist and chamber musician, will perform an afternoon concert featuring the works of Franz Schubert and Frédéric Chopin.
Ms. Albrink’s vast body of work includes performances of classical and neoclassical concertos as well as the romantic virtuoso repertoire. She regularly performs throughout Europe, and for the past decade she has taken part in several theater productions centered around Chopin.
Your entrance fee includes coffee and a snack, plus a 10% discount at any Royal Cliff Hotel restaurant.
For reservations, please

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Can you reverse the aging process?

Lions Club caps Children’s Day events with water system donation to Thungklom School

Pattaya Sports Club and Hand to Hand visit the darker side of the city

Getting in the MOOD

The Pattaya International Ladies Club invites you to an afternoon of classical music


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