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Mail Bag

Haunted Westerner

Dear Editor,
Re: Farang conceit (PM Mailbag Friday, 10 January 2014) - The comment of Mr. Barry Kenyon is rather disconcerting but probably sent by someone with a wife or girlfriend strongly connected to the party in the street since two months.
More surprising as it is generated by a westerner who, in his mother country, would complain without compromises a behavior like that.
I am not in favour of yellow, red, black or blue shirts but I would like to see in Thailand a true democracy in full respect of popular sovereignty and a respectable opposition.
Do you really believe that Thai people, politicians or government officers are listening critics, suggestions or advices of westerners living in Thailand? Forget it. They never read any letter or comment published in the local newspaper. They simply go their own way. I cannot forget what happened three years ago with 90 deaths, hundreds of injured and millions in damage. Is that you want Mr. Kenyon?
I suggest the sender of the email to start reading carefully the recent book of Tom Tuohi “Watching The Thais”. He will learn a lot on mentality and attitude of Thai society.
Also should be useful to have a look to the 2 articles posted on Pattaya Mail of January 10th Political Unrest; and Tourism Ministry on page 11.
Finally, the appellation of the archaic word pompous is totally not suitable to my first email. The word means on a grand scale, ostentation, showy, magniloquent, all attributes unsuited to a plain observer. Not my case.
Kind Regards,
Concerned Farang

Smoking and the law

Like many others I detest nanny government. It has taken a lot of the joy out of life and has led to an increase of juvenile drug taking, internet abuse, mobile phone abuse and other anti-social behaviour, but I was astonished to read Arturo’s letter (10/1) in which he claims to dislike people who want to enforce the law. Presumably he would not mind being hit by a drunken motorist ignoring the law!
Arturo displays an utter contempt for others who have to suffer the misery and harm inflicted by his foul smelling habit and it has to be pointed out that any government has a primary duty to protect its citizens. Hence the only satisfactory outcome is for all smoking to be prohibited in public. It is interesting that the Philippines, hardly a nanny state, has already several non-smoking cities.
How about it City Hall; why not make Pattaya the first non-smoking city in Thailand?
Michael Nightingale


Correcting a correction

Dear Editor,
On 14th November 2013 the Irish Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform, Mr Alan Shatter T.D. issued a press release advising that from 18th November 2013 all Thai citizens holding a valid UK visa would be permitted to enter the Republic of Ireland. (Reference ie>media centre>press release)
Hopefully this agreement with the UK will encourage many Thai visitors to the UK to take the short trip to Ireland where they will receive a very big Cead Mile Failte (A hundred thousand welcomes).
Your correspondent Sean Murphy (Mailbag 27th Dec issue) may not have known about this development ,which is understandable when one is living so far away.
Yours sincerely,
Max Wilson
Beaufort, Killarney, Co. Kerry

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Haunted Westerner

Smoking and the law

Correcting a correction

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