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Le Parrot’s Inn - dining en famille

An invitation was given to the Dining Out Team to join ‘Oh-so-French’ Christophe and his Francophone wife for dinner at their Parrot’s Inn on Third Road. We had dined there in their ‘Oh-so-French’ restaurant some time ago but now with Christophe on deck all the time, there were many changes they wanted us to experience with their traditional French cuisine.
For those who have not discovered Le Parrot’s Inn yet, it is very easy to find. Heading towards Pratamnak outbound on Third Road, pass the Soi 17 cross-roads and Le Parrot’s Inn is about 50 meters further on the right.
The venue itself has two distinct dining areas. An ‘al fresco’ non-air-conditioned area at the front which seats around 12 in comfort, then leading through to the main air-con area with a large horseshoe bar in the center.

French restaurants are known for their penchant towards blackboards, and this is one feature that Le Parrot’s Inn has certainly followed. Despite having a printed menu, for me, the real value was on the blackboards. Especially with the Set Menu which offered two courses for B. 235 and three courses for B. 295. There are six starters and another six mains and a couple of desserts, so there are plenty of choices.
The only “snag” is the fact that this is definitely a French restaurant, so all the blackboard menus are in French. For me it brought back my schoolboy French, but Christophe and his wife will very happily translate for you if French was not on your school’s curriculum.
This Set Menu deal included “crevettes surimi au curry” (prawns in a curry) and “terrine de campagne” (country style terrine) and “oeuf poche du Parrots” (Parrots’ own poached egg) and a “filet de poisson sauce Provencal” (fish filets in a Provencal sauce), and more.

The wine list is not extensive, and is (once again) on a blackboard, with Cotes du Rhone and Cotes du Bourg both at B. 990, then a Bordeaux and Valpolicella both at B. 1090 and a Petit Chablis at B. 1390.
Being very French there is also the anise drink Ricard, which is served in the correct manner with the Ricard and the water kept separate for the diner to decide how much water to be added. Madame and I both decided to continue with the Ricard, rather than commit to a full bottle of wine, or house wine by the glass.
We decided to try the Set Menu offerings. B. 235 for two courses and B. 295 for three courses. Madame chose the terrine starter while my choice was the curried prawn. Both were good-sized portions and very enjoyable. For mains, Madame went for the chicken in a lemon sauce, while mine was the pork filet mignon. Once again we were both very happy with our choices, and after finishing our mains we were both too full to contemplate a third (dessert) course, but finished the Ricard instead.
We noticed that all th

e diners that evening were treated as if they were part of the family. It was not a haute cuisine French restaurant, but a down to earth French bistro providing traditional French food. The prices are such that one could eat there all week and enjoy very good food at a very reasonable cost. If you go on a Wednesday, there is also the mussels special, with an all-you-can-eat bottomless bowl of mussels for B. 275.
If you are looking for a no-frills French restaurant we can readily recommend Le Parrot’s Inn for a great budget ethnic Bistro. Do try it.
While continuing the ‘ethnic’ theme, we dropped into an Indian dance club another 50 meters down Third Road. An eye opener in many ways but watch the chap selling garlands (called a “Har”). I think it must have been something to do with the Ricard(s)!
Le Parrot’s Inn, 247/28 M10, Pattaya Third Road (about 50 meters past Soi 17 outbound on the right hand side) open 9 a.m. till late, 7 days, telephone 038 050 151 and 080 835 4142, website  which shows the accommodation as well (from B. 700 a night). Plenty of on-street parking

Mountain Dew BBQ Chicken for children

This is probably the silliest and easiest chicken dish for non-cooks. (K. Ocha takes no responsibility for this dish in any way!) All items are available in local supermarkets. (It is presumed that a supply of steamed rice is available, as most houses have a rice cooker!)

Ingredients Serves 2-4
BBQ’d chicken 1 pre-cooked
Yellow curry paste 1 packet
Coconut milk 150 ml
Mountain Dew 1 small bottle

Cooking Method
Remove chicken from the plastic wrapping and remove skin. Now slice the meat into small bite-sized pieces, both breast and legs.
In a deep skillet pour in 150 ml of coconut and heat over a medium heat and add the contents of the yellow curry sachet. Stir slowly, dissolving the yellow curry in the coconut milk.
When thoroughly mixed, increase the heat and then add the chicken pieces. By this stage, the red chilli oil will be coming to the surface and you should spoon this off.
After 10 minutes taste the broth, which should still be slightly spicy. Now pour in the Mountain Dew, stir and bring to the boil to reduce liquid. When the liquid is thickened, place the chicken in bowls and pour the liquid over.
Children love it. Serve with fluffy rice.

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