Heart to Heart with Hillary
Dear Hillary,
Why is it that even well educated Thais who speak English cannot put the last
“s” sound on words? My girlfriend has been to English classes for months, but
still says “How” instead of House and “Eye” instead of Ice. Should I change the
school she goes to or what? Your advice, Ma’am!
Dear Horah,
Thai does not have an “ess” consonant at the end of a word, Petal, so Thais do
not see one, or say one, even in English. For the same reason educated Farangs
think they can speak Thai, use incorrect tones and continue to make farcical
mistakes. Lighten up and be less critical. Ignore the pronunciation, relax with
a scotch and soda and a little “eye” and keep a happy “how”.
Dear Hillary,
I will soon be back in the beloved Kingdom for some much needed rest and
relaxation. I have discovered in my limited travels in Thailand that I should be
polite but plain spoken and to the point in order to get exactly what I want. I
have always had a brilliant time in Thailand. Bearing that in mind I would put
forth this straight forward question. Some of the boys I consort with smoke a
little marijuana. I don’t, but I don’t mind if a few boys split a joint as long
as they don’t bring it to my room. That’s my little rule. A good Thai friend of
mine told me to stay away from the boys who are taking or offering “ya ma”. He
tells me that a farang could end up in the monkey house over this drug. Please
tell me what ya ma really is. I know most of the others, but ya ma doesn’t ring
a bell. I am not a drug user, but I am curious about this drug and what the
legal ramifications might be if a boy brought one to my room unbeknownst to me
and got caught somehow.
Paranoid and Anxious
Dear Paranoid and Anxious,
It is not paranoia to want to stay out of the monkey house. Not a very healthy
place to be, in fact suicide would have to be considered as a more viable option
to becoming an inmate. Firstly, farangs have been locked up for possessing small
quantities of marihuana. The lucky ones get deported after paying a lot of
money. Secondly, the drug ya ba (which is what I believe you mean) is
amphetamine or speed. Ya ba literally means “crazy medicine” and you’d be crazy
to try it. It is a Class One narcotic here, and it’s jail if caught. There is
also a ya ma, which is roughly translated as “horse medicine”, and is generally
heroin (“horse”, H, “heroin”).
As with other drugs, the seller frequently tips off the police and shares the
reward. Stay well away if you want to have a brilliant holiday. If you want
further encouragement, read, “Twelve Wasted Years” by Warren Fellowes. This is a
horrific story of the time he and his friend spent inside, as a result of heroin
Dear Hillary,
I have been offered a 50 percent share in a beer bar, and the price seems very
reasonable (about ten thousand pounds sterling). The bar does good business
(especially with me around!) but they do not keep books the way we have to in
the U.K., so all I have to go on is the number of patrons - and that seems very
good. How do I protect my investment, as it looks like a wonderful way to retire
over here? Are there any hidden problems I should know about?
Lucky Lenny
Dear Lenny,
Not lucky for long, Lenny, this is a veritable minefield. Not only a foolhardy
retirement plan here, it is also the best way that has ever been designed to
lose ten thousand pounds sterling, or more, within six months. Of course there
are no books kept, neither are farang “partners” kept for long. The “patrons”
may have been just invited friends, that is a common practice (renta-crowd).
Don’t even consider it. If you are still skeptical, leave the Sterling at home
and come over here for a six months look-see. Do your own research and by that I
do not mean just sitting drinking in bars. Find out how many bars there are in
Pattaya. How many of them are well frequented? How many of them have farang
owners or partners who have been here for years? What makes you think you can
run a successful bar and what experience do you have? (Being a customer just
doesn’t rate.) Do you speak Thai, do you have a trusted Thai friend you can
trust with your life and your bank account? In that six months you may be able
to locate a trustworthy Thai lawyer to help you arrange documents but that is
really not much safeguard. As a bar owner you would become an instant target for
the powers that be for all sorts of over and under the table payments. What you
are suggesting is akin to taking the pin out of a hand grenade and playing pass
the parcel! Forget it Lenny and stay lucky!