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Balance sheet of the coup

I sense, on purely anecdotal evidence, that most farang will agree with Charlie Cox (Mailbag May 30) that the recent coup is to be supported. But it’s odd that he doesn’t name his former “past home country” which he doesn’t seem to like much.
But we shouldn’t get too carried away. The 2014 Thai putsch is being justified by the junta because of the failure of the democratic system to deliver solutions, rampant corruption and attacks on the institution of the monarchy. Those are precisely the reasons given for the coups of 1991 and 2006, neither of which can be termed as successful however you describe the term.
This time there are certainly some differences. General Prayuth has wisely set up structures to pay the farmers the money owed to them, has abolished political rally stages encampments in Bangkok, has uncovered several caches of weapons which had been hidden for use in an insurrection and has released senior red shirts after a short incarceration to allow them to “rest”. As with previous coups, we can expect the Thai stock market and the baht to improve. The appearance of public order always pleases international financiers.
For the time being, coup opponents are leaderless and several of the Shinawatra clan are here in Thailand slapped with a travel ban. But the military government has to move quickly to convince people that it has a genuine political and economic reform agenda with a clear date next year for a general election. Also, the generals must abandon any thought of banning the bulk of the social media which would be disastrous from every point of view.
Incidentally, nobody should worry about the US and the EU governments denouncing the coup. They solidly support the ruling clique in Saudi Arabia which has never held even one democratic election in the whole of its history. It’s tokenistic hypocrisy.
Barry Kenyon

No groups larger than 5 people

If the country is in Marshal Law and no groups larger than 5 people are allowed, why is Soi 6 operating normally - with large groups gathered in bars?
Scott Smith
Ed’s reply: Actually, the coup bans gatherings of more than five people for political purposes. The key phrase being, “for political purposes”. It might be that politics is a hot topic on Soi 6, but it is doubtful the denizens of that area pose any kind of threat to the coup leaders.

Nice tribute

Re: Vale Sir Jack Brabham (PM Automania Friday, 30 May 2014) - Nice tribute by Mark Webber... I saw Sir Jack race at the Tasman Series Race at Lakeside in 1967, the Tasman Series Race at Sandown in 1969, and finally Easter Bathurst, 1969.

Smoking an assault

Apologies to readers for continuing the already lengthy correspondence on smoking but it is necessary to correct Mr Arnone’s (MB 30/7) concept of death certificates once again. Only immediate causes of death and are normally recorded. Since you don’t fall down dead an hour after smoking it does not figure on death certificates.
As for as the rest of his letter and that of Mr McArdle (23/5) it is somewhat fortuitous that a study by Drs James Hardin & James Thrasher et al of the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina has just been published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Apart from exposing some of the disingenuous tricks of the cigarette industry such as designing their product for maximum addiction and adding ammonia to mellow the taste, the report says that, ‘more people die every year from smoking than from murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes and alcohol combined’ (my italic).
What is more alarming for most people is an article in the current edition of The American Journal of Public Health which states that 42,000 non-smokers are killed by second hand smoke every year in the USA alone. For Mr Arnone’s benefit this means that they will die from heart failure, lung disease, a cerebral episode or some form of cancer or organ failure as a result of smoking. However, it is not even this that most of us resent but the fact that it is an unpleasant assault on our persons and would normally be classed as a misdemeanor. It has to be stopped whether Mr Arnone likes it or not.


Re “No one is dying from second hand smoke” 30 / 5 /2014. Really?
“These included women who spent more than 10 years exposed to fumes as a child, more than 10 years as an adult working in a smoke-filled workplace, or more than 20 years as an adult exposed to secondhand smoke in the home.
“These women were 17 percent more likely to have a miscarriage, 55 percent more likely to experience a stillbirth and 61 percent more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy, compared to women without these exposures, the study found.”

Why can’t beach vendors clean up?

Dear Editor;
I have been coming to Pattaya for thirteen years now and have lived here for long periods. Why are the condo builders allowed to build so high? From the view point on Pratamnak Hill the sea view is blocked by two very high condominium projects and the view point is now beginning to look like a fortress from there.
The owners are nothing but greedy and uncaring in their quest for more money but how are they allowed to get away with it? Or is that a stupid question and there is an obvious answer?
It makes me so mad to think that with careful planning Pattaya could look so much better. Low rise at the front rising to middle and taller ones towards the back is much more pleasing on the eye instead of looking like Spain’s Benidorm.
Also, can you tell me why so much money is wasted on most projects but with a little money spent and a little education for the beach vendors, why can’t the beaches be cleaned up? At Jomtien and around to Cosy Beach it looks like a rubbish tip so why is nobody complaining and getting it cleaned up with machinery and why can’t beach vendors clean up any rubbish in front of their rental areas?
It makes me angry because I see some tourists doing it themselves just so that they do not have to look at it or walk around it.

Jomtien garbage containers need emptying

Re: Thai families leave trash behind (PM Mailbag Friday, 23 May 2014) - There is lots of trash all over Jomtien. Fly tipping is prevalent and the Thais who visit the beach leave their trash behind. It affects the overall tourism of the area. The garbage containers by the beach smell very bad these days. They need cleaning and regular emptying.
Charles Firth

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Balance sheet of the coup

No groups larger than 5 people

Nice tribute

Smoking an assault


Why can’t beach vendors clean up?

Jomtien garbage containers need emptying

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