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Dramatic examination results for GIS

We’re the best! GIS students celebrate their amazing results.

Mark Beales
Photos by Ritche Guisona

Garden International School (GIS) students have passed their drama and communications examinations - with the top scores in the region.
Around 40 students from Years 7 to 9 and two teachers took part in the LAMDA examinations, and everyone passed with either a Merit or a Distinction.
LAMDA stands for the London Academy of Music & Dramatic Arts and offers an internationally-recognised series of assessments.
Among the real stars was Year 9’s Henry and Year 10’s Gear, Praw and Berenice, who all scored 90 points - the highest of any students in the region who took the examination.

Flashback to Henry Gear performing one of the sketches at a Music, Arts and Drama evening.

Here’s Praw with her top-scoring performance for LAMDA.

GIS students graduate in style

Student Nan performs with her friends at the graduation evening.

Mark Beales
Photos by Ritche Guisona

Students from Garden International School (GIS) celebrated the end of their IB examinations with a spectacular graduation evening.
The students headed for the Hard Rock Hotel in Pattaya on May 30 to mark the end of their studies - and the end of their time at GIS.
They have just finished examinations for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, the world’s leading pre-university course.

‘R Cubed’ perform a special song for their graduation evening.

More than 100 students, parents and teachers filled the Hard Rock. After enjoying a buffet dinner, there were performances from students and speeches.
The evening began with a speech by IB Co-ordinator Mr Fraser, who said this year’s IB group was the largest ever in GIS’s history. He praised them for their hard work, sense of fun and dedication.
After a speech by Form Tutors Mr Gordon and Ms Tincombe, there was a buffet dinner.
This was followed by several performances. Sofia and Robert sang “Everything Has Changed”; Sofia and rap star Louis sang “Love the Way You Lie”; then Lisa, Nan and Sofia performed “Mirrors”.

GIS students looked fantastic as they graduate in style.

GIS dancing legend Yogesh then took to the stage, and Rain, Rohit and Robert sang an “Ode to Ms Morris”, before the trio, joined by Gorn and Sarah, ended the performances with “Without You”.
All 17 graduating students were given a special GIS teddy bear to mark the occasion - along with their own IB badge.
IB results are out in early July. Students will then be heading off to universities, or enjoying gap years, all around the world.
GIS has been offering the IB Diploma since 1999 - last year it had its best-ever score as Ben Bartlett gained 44 out of a possible 45 points. Ben is now studying at the world-famous Berklee College of Music in the USA.

Sofia sang wonderfully at the graduation evening.

GIS students celebrate the end of their studies!

Two GIS students pose on the red carpet ahead of the graduation.

Swimming gala makes a splash

Go! Students start a race at the gala.

Amuchou Yumnam
Photos by Ritche Guisona

Primary students from Garden International School (GIS) enjoyed a great day by the pool as they took part in their swimming galas.
Students splashed, kicked and paddled their way through a series of challenges, watched by many proud parents.
Year 1 and 2 participated in their own very exciting 2014 inter-house swim gala.
Our aim is to promote participation and enjoyment in sport and in particular swimming. Not only can swimming be fun but it also promotes good health, increases endurance and develops stamina.
Students also learnt the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork. They certainly had a carnival atmosphere as they celebrated their learning from the pool as their teachers, parents and peers watched and cheered them on.
Our swimmers certainly demonstrated a variety of skills by participating in events as wide ranging as the motorbike relay, titanic relay, freestyle, breast stroke, butterfly, and doggy paddle.
We were delighted with the support and commitment we received from teachers and parents and we congratulate all the swimmers who participated.
Year 1 and 2 students had the opportunity to demonstrate their outstanding skills during an open race which involved swimming one lap of 25m freestyle.
The Year 3 to 6 swimming gala was also a huge success with children showcasing their range of swimming skills while getting into the team spirit and cheering on their classmates. The Year 3 to 6 swim gala showcased some very talented swimmers.

A GIS student demonstrates the butterfly stroke.

Swimming with friends is fun.

Almost there! A student nears the finish.

Splash! A GIS student makes her mark at the gala.

Pattaya School No. 8 warns students of cigarette perils

Students drew pictures to promote the anti-smoking campaign.

Urasin Khantaraphan
Pattaya School No. 8 worked to keep students off cigarettes for World No Tobacco Day.
City Councilman Rattanachai Sutidechanai joined Principal Aaphorn Rachsinghoo at the school’s May 29 event, two days before the worldwide tobacco-awareness day.
The school and representatives from the Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Office of the Pattaya Public Health Department organized activities to warn students of the risks of tobacco use and to stop smoking if they had already started.
“Smoking has spread everywhere, even to educational institutes,” Rattanachai said. “Research shows that 90 percent of new smokers are teenagers ages 15-24 and the smoking rate is on the rise.”
The councilman said every hour 600 people die because of smoking while smokers spend an average of 11 baht per day, or 4,210 baht per year on cigarettes. He added that studies show that 95 percent of those addicted to cocaine or heroin started as teens smoking cigarettes.

This picture was singled out as one of the best.

Students from Pattaya School No. 8 listen to speakers teaching the dangers of smoking.

City Councilman Rattanachai Sutidechanai tests his lung capacity at the school to promote World No Tobacco Day.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Dramatic examination results for GIS

GIS students graduate in style

Swimming gala makes a splash

Pattaya School No. 8 warns students of cigarette perils


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