Beach Road is a race
track for coaches
Re: Ban parking on Beach Road (PM Mailbag Friday, 29 August 2014) – The
biggest mistake they have made is to make an extra lane down Beach Road. It
is now a race track for coaches and baht buses. It is a frightening
experience trying to get to the beach. You think one of these coaches is
going to stop for you on a pelican crossing, even if the light is showing
red for them to stop. No chance!
Many already use 2nd Rd as 2 way
RE: Commend city for working on 2nd Road (PM Friday, 03 October 2014) -
Jimmy there are many who already use 2nd Rd. as a 2 way street. So, if you
erected concrete barriers, bright traffic arrows, a few fearless cops and
gave ample public notice I believe you will greatly relieve Beach Rd.
congestion ( many only use Beach Road as now they can’t go south on 2nd
Rd.). Even 1 lane South would be a good experimental start.
The big problem is nay sayers and if Edison had stopped trying after only
1,999 tests to find a solution, you would be reading this via candle light!
Don Aleman
Cost of labor in Thailand is much less
Re: Mityon opens Honda big bike sales center in Pattaya (PM Friday, 15 March
2013) - In Canada you would pay a similar amount for a service. The cost of
physical objects and equipment might be the same in Thailand as the rest of
the world, but the cost of labor in Thailand is much less. Take your bike to
a smaller shop when possible. You save $ and the little guy makes a living.
Suzuka is the best track
Re: Japan GP this weekend (PM Automania Friday, 03 October 2014) - Suzuka
:-) I think I covered about 25 race meetings there from 1990 to 1997... It
is without a doubt the best track that I have been to. The staff there were
so professional as well.
Strange logic
Re: Cyclists raise awareness on ‘Car-Free Day’ (PM Friday, 03 October 2014)
- People here don’t use helmets on motorbikes, but they use helmets on their
bicycle... this logic will always surprise me.
Aussies are a class act
Re: Growling Swan and Pattaya Sports Club help Khao Bi Sri (PM Friday, 03
October 2014) – This is a heartwarming story. The Growling Swan is the
greatest sports bar in Pattaya, and perhaps the world! I stay there every
winter. Aussies are a class act!
Bubba’s Buddy
Distrustful of new policies
Re: Bank letters are no longer required - (PM Mailbag Friday, 26 September
2014) - I am distrustful of any new policies, procedures, paperwork, rules,
regulations, or paperwork requirements less than two years old in the
Kingdom. And of course the fact that I am more up to date than whomever is
facing me across some counter is meaningless. Checking in and out of some
Caribbean island nations it was not rare for the paperwork to have the wrong
date, day, and time. You just went with it. Being more knowledgeable was not
ever in your favor.
Enjoyed vegetable festival
Re: Pattaya Vegetarian Festival sizzles in opening (PM Friday, 03 October
2014) - Even though I am from California, I am not a vegetarian. I attended
the festival this year and really enjoyed it. I thought they did a great
job. I must say however, I would think that being a vegetarian implies
“healthy food”. Each dish I tasted, and they were all good, contained more
sugar than I use in a year. Also, the majority of food was deep-fat fried. I
learned that here in Thailand, vegetarian means made with vegetables, and
does not necessarily mean healthy.
Renewed without bank letter
Re: Bank letters are no longer required - (PM Mailbag Friday, 26 September
2014) - I have renewed without a bank letter for the last two years Mr. Wood
of the seven I have lived here and it was then that they “changed the
rules.” What your country negotiates with the Thai government is between you
and the instructions of your consulate. This was a comment to an article
about taking out an 800K baht short term loan to falsify someone’s status to
qualify for a retirement visa. If you do not have assets you don’t belong
here. These rules are here so that you do not become a charity case (in a
poor country) should you become sick. I did say: “if you are fortunate to be
an American.” We are all to follow the rules as they are given to us on a
country by country basis as guests living with a retirement visa. “If you do
not have the dosh you don’t have the posh” explains it all.