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Missing English man in Thailand

Hello, I’m just getting in touch as I have a news story / editorial piece that I think may be of interest to you. We are searching for Ian Patrick Lowe, who turned 70 years of age on the 5th Oct 2014. His last known address was in Armthorpe, Doncaster, and it is thought that he has since moved to Thailand with his Thai wife. The location in Thailand is unknown.
Ian Lowe was a member of the RAF for a time. Ian’s sister Pamela Anne Lowe, brother Christopher Lowe, mother Nora Anne Lowe and stepfather Kenneth Lowe all moved from Gloucestershire in the 1950’s/60’s to Australia, where Kenneth, Christopher and Pamela are still thought to reside.
Ian hasn’t been heard of for a long time and we have set up a Facebook page in order to find him:
I hope you are able to use this. I’m afraid we don’t have any photos of Ian but hopefully the story is compelling enough.
Olivia Piepe
Email: [email protected]

Will Jomtien 2nd Road sidewalks ever be acceptable?

Years ago, when I first came to Jomtien, 2nd Road (previously Thappraya Road) was partly without a proper surface and the sidewalks were just natural soil and in the rainy season more or less unusable. Then all of a sudden work began to asphalt the surface and not long after stones were laid down on the sidewalks. It was almost a luxury not to have to walk in the road with its heavy traffic.
Not long after the results of inadequate craftsmanship became clear. Stones started to sink in and one had to be very careful not to trip over the now again uneven surface. More than one year ago, for unknown reasons, somebody had the idea to dig up huge holes every ten, twenty metres on the left and right sidewalk from Royal Hill down past Jomtien Market. These holes remained unprotected for a long time, then some had red-and-white painted bamboo stick-fences and although this is about one year ago, nothing has happened, nothing has changed to improve the situation.
Not only is this a shame for a place whose politicians consider it equal to the Riviera it is also back onto the road and the traffic which makes walking rather a hazardous experience.
Is there any hope that the sidewalks will be ever in an acceptable state again?
Hans F. Brennecke

Illegal beach shanties

Free enterprise in Thailand can provide a possible income for those people with a good business idea and who are willing to work. It is a cornerstone of the economy, necessary for the survival of so many. But this must be done with respect, and when an individual or company begins a business that is not appropriate in a certain area, it must be regulated.
Directly across the Police Box at Sigma Hotel on Jomtien Beach Road past Soi 19 is Cocktails Bar. This shack of a structure not only blasts music late into the night and early morning, disturbing visitors and residents, it is right on the beach, on the sand, so very illegal. Yet despite many complaints to the police and City Hall about the noise and illegal venue, the illegal shanty continues to exist and operate daily with its oversized speakers.
Why doesn’t City Hall and the police enforce building and business regulations and close this business?
Respectfully submitted by
Sir William of Doodadshire

Potatoes are fattening

Re: Chiang Mai feels the arrival of winter (PM Sunday, 05 October 2014) - Potatoes are the most fattening item in the world! Pure empty starch with no nutrition or energy at all. They are only good if people are starving and need to stay a live until spring.
Rudy Allan

Check the taxis

Re: Pattaya’s overhaul of motorbike-taxi sector stuck in neutral (PM Friday, 10 October 2014) - Why don’t they check the taxis? They never turn on their meters and always charge 300 baht or more.
John Wayne

Tube’s the way

Re: Pattaya’s overhaul of motorbike-taxi sector stuck in neutral (PM Friday, 10 October 2014) - All they have to do is have something similar to a London zoned tube map, coloured departure and destinations and the colour match is the fare price. It’s kids stuff.
Asian Ron

Please use environmentally friendly krathongs

Aloha Editor;
It’s that time of year again to celebrate Loy Krathong, November 6. One of the primary reasons for this celebration is to worship the goddess of the water in the expression of gratitude for the life that water gives throughout the year.
Please think twice before buying a krathong if the base is made from Styrofoam. It can and does kill our marine life, freshwater fish and waterfowl, turtles, dolphins.
Our lakes, oceans and rivers are already having a big problem from the flooding of storm drains and water resources, due to weather conditions.
The traditional krathong is a raft with a diameter of about the size of a hand. Most bases were made from the banana stalk, while some are made of bread and sometimes, sad to say, made of foam.
The Pollution Solution group recommends the bread base, because, whilst many krathongs are lost in the rivers, oceans and lakes, bread will eventually become food for fish and other animals. Even though banana stalks are biodegradable, they take a little longer to decompose and will not harm the environment.
We ask you not to buy the Styrofoam krathongs, as you would be adding to the problems. Please look around; there are many very deserving krathong makers that care, use bread or banana stalks and deserve your sale. They all have been decorated with exquisitely folded banana leaves, flowers, candles, incense, etc.
Many people feel that the transmission of Loy Krathong to water rids one of problems and helps with relationships. For whatever one’s reason is to celebrate, please also consider the environment. Enjoy Loy Krathong and please think about Mother Nature and all living things when you buy a krathong.
Khop khun khrup, mahalo, thank you,
The Pollution Solution Group along with Pattaya City Hall.
Gerry T. Rasmus (aka KOTO)

Might is right so get out of my way

Re: Beach Road is a race track for coaches (PM Friday, 10 October 2014) - “Thai teamsters motto” Might is right so get out of my way. There is also some strange thought that the pedestrian in Pattaya has no rights at all. In the entire length of Beach Road there is not one controlled Pedestrian crossing & from start to finish on 2nd Road there is only one intersection controlled by lights (Pattaya Klang).
City hall & police are remiss in their “duty of care” for the people & tourists of Pattaya. Beach Road should have at least 3 sets of lights for pedestrian crossings. (Never mind flashing amber lamps or zebra crossings, they don’t work.) 2nd Road is controlled by one set of lights for the full length from Pattaya Tai to Dolphin Roundabout.
There seems to be something about one way streets where the traffic jockeys for a place to be first at the next traffic jamb. Traffic on Klang can be congested but not to the point of chaos. Buses stay in their own lanes. But when making a left turn are forced to make a wide dangerous turn entering the lane of oncoming traffic. This is caused by the cars & motorcycles hogging the left lane. In some countries large vehicles display a sign on the left rear stating, “Do not overtake turning vehicle”.
I dispute the theory that Thais can not drive. They are capable drivers but lack “road sense”. How often have you seen someone booked for an illegal right hand turn from a two way street into another (mostly motorcycles). Proper way move to center of road, when oncoming traffic is clear, make a 90 degree turn into center lane then merging to the left. Thai way & some farang move to the far side of road (against oncoming traffic). When you can, make a turn into oncoming traffic and continue against the flow until you can merge left into the correct lane.
Take Buakaow - maybe 3kls long and not one controlled crossing. No sidewalk but not very wide. You can get across it easily. Doesn’t work all the time. I have the steel rods & screws in my leg to prove it (hit & run farang).
Meanwhile, stay cool and enjoy the time you have left.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Missing English man in Thailand

Will Jomtien 2nd Road sidewalks ever be acceptable?

Illegal beach shanties

Potatoes are fattening

Check the taxis

Tube’s the way

Please use environmentally friendly krathongs

Might is right so get out of my way

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