
Managing caddies

Caddies – whether they can make or break your day is
largely up to you.
To those new to golf in Thailand, and certain others, be assured much of your
enjoyment will depend upon how you get on with your caddie. Hopefully these tips
make your golfing day, and theirs, that little bit better. As is the case with
all articles posted in this blog, it is assumed golfers have a basic
understanding of scoring, club selection – knowing how far they hit the ball
through the air – and the Rules.
On emerging from the clubhouse and meeting up with
your golf bag and caddie, greet her (or him) with, “Sawadee khrup,” or “Ka”
if you’re female. Also, inform her of your teeing order – group number. This
tells her which other caddies she will be sharing the day with, thus
allowing her the chance to organise things better – they share food etc.
A happy caddie can have a profound influence on your day.
Showing respect is a good start. Use “khrup” often and always. It’s
an easy word to say. It means thank you, but in Thai it implies a lot more.
It says you are respectful and also gives your caddie some face amongst her
peers. Attach it on the end of a “yes” or “no” answer, or on to a request
for a club, “Lek ha, khrup,” or “five iron, khrup.” Doesn’t take much, but
you will make her day far more enjoyable than those forced to suffer from
the ignorance and disrespect shown by many Farang. She will also be better
company as a result.
When arriving at a drink stop, you can offer them a
drink, but as they have access to liquid refreshment most would prefer the
money instead. Personally, I make a one-off offer at the first drink stop by
giving 50 baht, saying, “up to you.” This is not deducted from the tip paid
at the end of the round.
Most Thais are modest and naturally shy. Ever noticed a
Thai appear to laugh or snigger when something unfortunate befalls an
individual? Maybe an incident where someone falls over and hurts themselves?
They are “laughing” because they are embarrassed for the victim. They feel
for the victim’s situation, and are empathising. Remember this the next time
something bad befalls you or your golf, and your caddie appears to laugh.
Distance: When asked for a distance involving a hazard,
caddies will err on the side of caution, making your succeeding shot that
much harder. Beware, some will also factor in an allowance for wind when
giving estimated yardage.
Important words caddies use: “Sai” means left. “Qua” –
sounds like kwa – means right. “Khung” means up while “lohm” – sounds like
loom – is down. “Mak mak” means a great deal. Beware when caddies say lohm
or khung as they are most likely referring to something that has a huge
impact on putting, something many Farang can’t see – grain.
Provisional ball: Caddies do not like to be the bearer of
bad news. If there is any chance your badly-directed golf ball has not gone
OB or into a hazard, their optimism will show, or they may say, “Ha sip, ha
sip” (fifty, fifty). Add this to the language factor and you have the
potential for frustration – as you trudge back to the tee. If at all in
doubt, hit a provisional ball.
Relief: Your caddie is keen to ensure you receive every
advantage possible, irrespective of the Rules of Golf or your Local Rules,
neither of which she/he will likely know much about. Do not rely on their
interpretation of what qualifies as relief. Especially so when they say,
“Free drop.”
Never do or say anything that could cause your caddie to
lose face in front of her peers. Nothing you could do would leave her
feeling worse about herself, and you. Remember, she is there to carry your
bag and give advice. Whether you take that advice on-board is entirely up to
you. The outcome is also your responsibility. No caddie ever made a poor
club selection or played a bad shot, only golfers can do that.
Caddie Rules infringement: Oftentimes during the course
of a round, caddies infringe the Rules of Golf. Actions such as touching the
line of putt, replacing the ball in a different place, picking up a ball
thinking the next putt was a “given”, taking advice from another caddie and
numerous other Rules violations are commonplace. Most thinking golf
societies allow for this and have an appropriate local rule to cover such
eventualities. Remember, we are here playing golf for fun, not to win a
Green Jacket.
Sometimes you will experience a caddie whose indifference
suggests she would rather be elsewhere. We all have our bad days. Just let it be
and get on with your golf knowing next time it will be different. Know this;
having a caddie you don’t get on with is really not that important. Don’t be one
of those self-important peacocks who, on not getting on with their caddie,
demands the caddie master organise another. Such action could cost that caddie
her job, and with it her family’s livelihood. Is your game of golf that
important? Are you good enough to get that angry?
Happy golfing,