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PSC swimming to begin November 4

Doctors have given swim instructor Tony O’Donohue the go ahead to get back in the pool, so the Pattaya Sports Club and Tony will begin swim classes on Monday, November 4, 1996.
Tony O’Donohue is an A.S.A. senior coach. During his distinguished career, he has coached at the world level and has previously placed 11 swimmers on various Olympic teams. He was previously the head coach to the city of Southhampton, England, where he coached Alan Kimbler, at that time no. 2 in the world, who gained a silver medal at the European Games and earned 11 national titles. Tony has also coached many age group champions, and has been head coach at Georgia University, head coach at the Pan-Am Games, and coached Jill Norfolk who broke the world record in the 100 metres backstroke.
Tony has retired and is now coaching in Thailand more or less as a hobby. But, as he says, “Who can tell? Champions are out there, they just need someone to pick them out”.
For more information, contact Tony O’Donohue or Alec Chilcott through the Pattaya Sports Club.

Shamrock Bar swings into action

A“Which teacher was played by Robert Donat and Peter O’Toole?” “Who was the most senior Nazi police chief to be murdered in W.W. II?”
After a wobbly start, newcomer to the Wednesday Quiz, Shamrock Bar, put up a strong performance in week three. They lost to wily Palmer’s by only a couple of points. If only Shamrock had known more about the movie ‘Prince Valiant’, they might even have drawn!
Cheers kept up the pressure on the leaders by defeating Aussie Ken’s, who have not had much luck with the questions this season. Bob’s ale house delivered the first bloody nose in recent times to Britannia. Rising Sun, back on form after a temporary setback in week two, overcame a spirited defense by Fawlty Towers.
Its still anyone’s race. The points system does not relate to the number of questions answered correctly. After week three, the order is:
Bob’s 18 points
Rising Sun 18 points
Cheers 17 points
Fawlty Towers 16 points
Britannia 15 points
Aussie ken’s 12 points
Palmer’s 12 points
Shamrock 4 points
To join, just turn up at the bar of your choice any Wednesday before 8:30 p.m. Answers to the questions above are “Mr. Chips” and “Heydrich”.

5th Asia Pacific Racing Pigeon Conference

Over 1000 birds from 15 different countries are laying in wait at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort in South Pattaya for the 5th Asia Pacific Racing Pigeon Conference international championship race which is scheduled to take place November 21-24, 1996.
Most of the pigeons have been kept in Pattaya for at least nine months so that they will return to their loft at the conclusion of the race. The main event will be a 1000 kilometer Chiang Mai to Pattaya race.

Sunday Quiz

In ‘Young Churchill’, who plays Winston Churchill? (Look for the answer at the end of this write up.)
With their lead now at a healthy 61 points, with only 3 weeks to go, it looks as though Palmer’s has pretty much wrapped up the championship in the tough Sunday Night Quiz League. And with Wild Chicken nearly 200 points behind next to last place Bob’s, WC’s grip on the wooden spoon is also quite secure. All that is left to be decided is the bragging rights to the minor positions.
Cheers has a fairly good hold on second place, currently 44 points ahead of third place Pleasure Dome. In fact, all the positions, except for the battle for fourth place, are fairly well spaced. Rising Sun and Fawlty Towers is the only close race. The two teams are separated by only one point in the battle for fourth.
The end of season awards presentation party date and venue are now set. Pleasure Dome will host the affair on Sunday night, November 11.
Results from week 15: Palmer’s and Pleasure Dome played to a 75 to 75 tie. Cheers defeated Bob’s 72 to 57 away. Fawlty Towers beat Viking Beachcomber 77 to 54 at home. Mick’s Place beat Wild Chicken 74 to 51 at home. Rising Sun scored 64 points at home alone.

The answer to this week’s question; “In ‘Young Churchill’, who plays Winston Churchill?” Simon Ward.
The public is invited to join the fun every Sunday night in the Quiz League. Interested parties need only show up Sunday nights at 8:30 p.m. at the venues listed n the Sports Roundup column of Pattaya Mail.

Attention all fishermen

The fishing section of the Pattaya Sports Club has announced they will sponsor their next Deep Sea Fishing competition on Monday, October 28, 1996.
Rules for the monthly tournaments are as follows: Each team captain will pay an entrance fee of 600 baht to the Pattaya Sports Club. The entrance fee must be paid by 12 noon, October 27. Included with the entrance fee must be a listing of the name of the boat or the boat’s captain and fishermen on board. Each team will be responsible for hiring their own boat. There will be no limit on persons or tackle on board. Boats and crew may not leave shore before 4:00 a.m., October 28. Weigh in for trophies will be at the Fishing Lodge, Bang Saree, or the Marine Bar Pier, Pattaya, no later than 6:00 p.m., October 28.
The Pattaya Sports Club will award individual trophies for 1) First Place: the biggest fish (by weight), 2) Second Place: the second biggest fish (by weight), and 3) First Place Plaque for boat captain with the biggest fish. Only one trophy will be awarded per individual.
To register for the tournament, please contact Carl Engel, Pattaya Sports Club Fishing Chairman, tel: 410 228, fax: 426 121. Registration and entrance fee can be left at the Shamrock Bar, Soi Pattayaland 2, or Atlantis Cafe, Soi 15.

Sports Corner retains lead in Pool League

Sports Corner has taken on the best the new Pattaya Pool League has to offer, and so far this season has only lost once. With their latest victory, Sports Corner has gained a 9 point advantage atop the league standings.
Toi’s Place, meanwhile, by virtue of gaining a draw in nearly half the games they’ve played, sit in second place. Toi’s Place sits three points clear of Penthouse even though they have won two less games.
Results of week 8: Atmospher Club came as close as they have all season to gaining their first win when they earned a 6 all tie with Toi’s Place. Sports Corner kept a tight grip on first place with a convincing 8 to 4 win over Beer Put. Penthouse drew a bye.

Pattaya Sports Club golf gets busy

November is always the beginning of the Pattaya Sports Club Golf Section’s extra busy season. Golfers who wish to participate in the 3 special upcoming tournaments should insert 150 baht entry fee in the handicap box, while simultaneously signing the starting sheet on the notice board at Cafe Kronborg.
Theses additional tourna-ments are:
Wednesday, November 6 - the Banana Scramble at Siam Country Club. Prize giving will be at the Cafe Kronborg, with complimentary buffet at 5:00 p.m. In addition, Bjarne is donating prizes, for it is his birthday. Entry list will close on Monday, November 4 at midday.
Monday, November 11 - the Pattaya Sports Club will play their annual match against the merry Swagmen from the Philippines at Eastern Star Golf Course. This is always a superb day, and 42 golfers a side are expected to play. Total Stableford points scored for each team will decide the winner. The entry sheet is at Cafe Kronborg. A 9:15 a.m. start is necessary with 84 playing.
Thursday, November 25 - Papasan Ray Rogers is holding his annual Thanksgiving Day Tournament at Siam Country Club. All Pattaya Sports Club members are welcome, as well as all Papasan Ray Roger’s friends. Prize giving and Papa Ray’s famous banquet will take place at his house around 4:00 p.m. as usual. Once again, the starting sheet can be signed at Cafe Kronborg together with 150 baht entry fee. There will be a Calloway for those with no official handicap, and A & B flight prizes for all those with USGA & RA handicaps.

ROW back on top

The Rest Of the World golf squad from the Pleasure Dome rebounded well from last month’s loss, defeating the Americans from Shakey Pete’s 10 to 6 in October’s Ryder Cup on Wednesday the 16th at Great Lakes. ROW built up an early lead, then held on as the Americans came charging back late in the match.
ROW and the Americans split the first match with 1.5 points each. Dennis (Am) defeated Harry (ROW) 1 up, and John (Am) drew with Steve (ROW). The team match went to ROW 3&2.
ROW swept the 3 points in the second match to build a 4.5 to 1.5 lead when Brian and Graham defeated Dene and Paul, 1 up, 8&7, and 3&2.
Svein and Jean kept ROW flying with 2.5 more points in the third match of the day. Svein (ROW) and Jerry (Am) ended the day even, while Jean (ROW) beat Jody (Am) 1 up, with the team game going to ROW 4&2.
The Americans began to battle back, taking 2 of the 3 points in the 4th match. Philip (ROW) beat Jerry (Am) 2&1 to start the match, while Lars (Am) defeated Fred (ROW) 2 up, with the team point going to the Americans 1 up. Through 4 matches, ROW held an 8 to 4 lead, leaving the Americans needing to win all four remaining points to gain a tie.
In the fifth match, Mark kept the American hopes alive with a 6&4 win over Billy, but Tony’s 4&3 defeat of Brian ended the American’s come back bid. Brian and Billy did manage to win the team game 5&4 for the Americans, but it turned out to be too little, too late.
In the final match of the day, Arthur Bailey from ROW defeated Don Antonio 2 up, clinching ROW’s 10 to 6 victory, and moving the “Golden Harp” trophy over to its new home at the Pleasure Dome.
Nearest the pin honors went to Bill Thompson on #5, Tony Odlam on #7, Bill Thompson again on #12, and Don Antonio on #16.

Jack’s keeps streak alive in PSC Darts

Mick’s Place gave Jack’s a run for their money in week 10, but Jack’s managed to squeak out a win on Tuesday, October 15 to keep their unbeaten streak going in the Pattaya Sports Club Darts League. Jack’s streak now stands at ten straight games this season.
In the epic match-up of the top two teams in the league, Mick’s Place built up an early 4 to 2 lead and looked poised to knock Jack’s from the ranks of the undefeated. But Jack’s rebounded, winning 3 of the final 4 games to tie the match at 5. Jack’s then went on the win the match deciding beer leg to improve their record to 10 and 0 this season. The loss put Mick’s Place 2 matches back in the standings.
Results from other week 10 matches played on Tuesday, October 15: Tippy’s defeated Rising Sun 8 to 6 at home, but not before Keith from Rising Sun secured the beer leg with his high check out of 90. Britannia got back on the winning track with a 7 to 6 nail biter away over Beer Put. Texxan Inn handed Sports Corner a decisive 8 to 2 loss in Sports Corner’s home venue. And for the third consecutive time, Pleasure Dome and Cafe Kronborg went all the way to the beer leg before the match was settled. The two evenly matched teams ended regulation tied at 8, when Alex sank the winning double to snatch victory for the Pleasure Dome.
Rod from Sports Corner still holds the highest check out so far this season. Rod shot a double top, treble top, bull finish for a 150 check.
There has been 2 maximum 180 scores achieved so far. Jack from Jack’s Bar and Kevin from Rising Sun have managed the feat.

Inter-Hotel Tennis week 2

Number 3 seed Prasong from the Royal Cliff Beach Resort cruised to a 9-1 victory over Ray in singles A competition.

The two team competitions in week 2 of the Singha Inter-Hotel Tennis League ended even on Monday, October 14. Montien and Siam Bayview played to a 1 all draw, while Grand Condotel and Siam Bayshore also drew even at 1 match each.
Dee-Cha from the Montien defeated Peter from Bayview 9-1 to open the day’s matches. Peter then teamed up with Amorn to give Bayview a 9-7 doubles victory over Ray and Surasak from Montien.
Komkai from Bayshore beat Kesorn from Condotel in a close fought 9-8 singles match. Anusak and De-Cha from Condotel teamed up to win the doubles portion of the team competition over Komkai and Paitoon from Bayshore, also by a hard fought 9-8 score.
In the singles A open competition, Chakkri defeated Albert 9-4. Somkiat defeated Piak 9-2. Prasong defeated Ray 9-1.
Singles B saw Sawang beat Maurice 9-2. Prakorn beat Maurice 9-8. Hans defeated Hans S. 9-4. Hans defeated Ratiya 9-1. Carlos beat Noo 9-3. Sawang beat Narin (w.o.). Hans beat Kim (w.o.).
The Inter-Hotel Tennis League is being played every Monday morning on the courts of the Montien Hotel Pattaya. Finals are scheduled for November 11.

Leroy Blasi dons green jacket in TQ Masters

Leroy Blasi compiled 42 Stableford points off his 22 handicap to win the third annual TQ Masters Tournament on Friday, October 18, 1996, at Pattaya Country Club.

Leroy Blasi receives his TQ Masters championship trophy and green jacket at the awards presentation party.
Leroy became the third person ever to don the coveted green jacket, and while doing so, will have his name permanently engraved in the championship trophy.
Low gross honors went to Dave Meadows. A 6 handicapper, Meadows shot a scratch 76 in his remarkable round.
Ian Harley compiled 40 Stableford points off his 18 handicap to finish overall runner up.
Nearest the pin honors were won by; Eddy Henheffer, TQ Master’s first ever winner, on hole #5. Dave Meadows and Doug Fabling shared the honors on hole #7 after careful measuring by every conceivable method failed to produce one shot closer than the other. Dave Stockman on hole #12, and Jerry Lein on hole #16.

A buggy full of lovelies provided thirsty golfers with libatious refreshments.

The long drive contests were won by Simon Quigley on hole #8 (260 yards), and Roscoe Leaborne on hole #14 (a towering 309 yards).
Shortest Drive honors were achieved by Jeff Scheetz after his tee shot sailed an amazing 1 inch on hole #8.
Longest first putt holed was achieved by Mick O’Meara on #18.
In the true spirit of the competition, Jack Levy earned the TQ Masters’ trophy for high score, a scratch 166. During Jack’s remarkable round, he managed to re-landscape most of the beautiful gardens on the course, as well as empty most of the bunkers (his caddie was constantly needing to refill his supply of sand so as to fill in Jack’s cavernous divots). He was also honored as this year’s recipient of the exploding ball (“it was my best shot all day!”). Jack did manage to get through his round without losing too many golf balls (“I never hit them far enough to lose them”).

Wayne Tischbern shows great form off the 9th tee.
The same did not hold true for Glen “Lassie” Dragland. Lassie, of Siam Country Club swimming pool fame (he holds the distinction of being the only golfer in recent memory to land one of his shots on #18 at Siam in the swimming pool) managed to lose nine balls on his first nine holes. Did he have enough ‘balls’ to play his final nine? Apparently not, for he was seen rushing off to the clubhouse to purchase more.
Playing in Lassie’s foursome, Mark Gorda did fairly well considering he couldn’t see the ball for the first six holes. Apparently overzealous pre tournament celebration the night before left him a bit bleary eyed come tee time.
Second place Dave produced the quote of the day. When asked how he did, Dave replied, “I was out in 36, back in 3 hours...”
Other notable happenings included; an American contender who lost his bag of smelly clothes after showering (who would want to steal those?). Beer was served out on the course by a buggy full of beautiful women. And we can’t forget Dr. Doom. Seems in his entire golfing career leading up to the event, Doom had achieved just one par. Yet, in a practice round the day before the event, Doom birdied #12, then on the day of the event he parred the same hole, meaning he has played what is now his favorite par 3 in 5 stokes over two rounds.
Despite the heavy rains early in the morning on the day of the event, 57 golfers turned out to play in what is becoming one of the most anticipated tournaments in the area. The good turnout was definitely a tribute to the event’s popularity.
Everyone who participated received a T-shirt, hat, and buffet dinner in the clubhouse. The trophy award presentation took place at TQ on Beach Road.
Special thanks go to Woody Underwood, Richard (you know who you are), Chris Hoffman, and all those who helped in making the event a success. Special thanks also to the great staff at Pattaya Country Club.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

PSC swimming to begin November 4

Shamrock Bar swings into action

5th Asia Pacific Racing Pigeon Conference

Sunday Quiz

Attention all fishermen

Sports Corner retains lead in Pool League

Pattaya Sports Club golf gets busy

ROW back on top

Jack’s keeps streak alive in PSC Darts

Inter-Hotel Tennis week 2

Leroy Blasi dons green jacket in TQ Masters


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