Father Oysten standing with the President of the
Nordic Society Pattaya & the Scandinavian Society Siam.
Father Oysten Halling, Norwegian Sea Chaplain, visited
the Nordmanns-Forbundet, the Nordic Society Pattaya, and the Scandinavian
Society Siam on Sat. 23 November at the Thai-Norway Tourist Bungalow, to
intro-duce himself to the Nordic community.
Father Oysten has just received his new mission to look after his Nordic
folks who are living in South East Asia. He has put up his canter in
Singapore, and from there he will be traveling around to Philippines,
Indonesia, Thai-land, and all countries in South east Asia where Nordic
folks congregate.
Father Oysten told Pattaya Mail, “I have been traveling around in the USA,
South America, and Europe to carry God’s words. My new mission in Asia looks
to be very interesting, and I am looking forward to traveling to Pattaya
City at least 4 times a year. My next trip to this city should be on the 8th
of February 97, and I really wish to see more of my Scandinavian brothers
and sisters.”
At the meeting beside the swimming pool, Father Oysten opened by introducing
himself to the members and saying a short sermon. Afterward, he talked about
the painting competition going on at the Bungalow. The judges awarded
altogether three paintings. Third prize went to a painting where there was a
swan swimming in the lake, which the Father said really makes one feel so
cool when watching the picture. The second prize went to a painting of a
winter house somewhere near the North-Pole, with yellow light shining on the
area the snow covered area around the house, which gave piece of mind to the
judges. First prize went to a painting of a water-fall with very powerful
water running down and a very windy back drop, while behind a tree a bird
was sleeping in peace without being bothered by any thing at all. The Father
then said, the art of living is to be able to stay in peace even though you
are going through a lot of difficulties and problems, like this very tiny