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TUI - leaders in environmental tourism

 (L to R) Axel Borsdorf, TUI Pattaya, Dr. Wolf Michael Iwand, Executive Director Department of Environment TUI, and Felix Grieder, Resident Manager Royal Cliff Beach Resort Royal Wing.

TUI (Touristik Union International) has become the leading tour operator in caring about the environment at its holiday destinations.
Tour leaders of TUI Service are required to make a report on the situation year by year. Contracted hotels are required to fill out a questionnaire about the environmental situation at, in, and around each hotel, as part of the TUI contract.
TUI guests are given information on how to protect the environment. With this we have had great success in European destinations as well as on the Maldives Islands, where the garbage is returned from the guests themselves to Germany.
Keeping the natural environment intact is one of the first priorities of TUI and their guests.

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TUI - leaders in environmental tourism