Mail Bag |
Wake up and smell the litter
Dear Editor,
I am pleased with the issue that the town is now fining 2000 baht for
littering, but I have come to notice that people in Pattaya are not taking
the issue seriously enough. Several days ago, after going out to dinner with
my parents, I noticed that people are still throwing rubbish on the street.
Also there was a policeman standing in front of the person who threw a
plastic bag on the street and although the policeman saw it, he did not do
anything! Due to this scene that I saw that night, I believe that the police
of Pattaya are not taking the fining seriously.
Also I think that the tourists around Pattaya are irresponsible. In their
own hometown they are so careful that they even divide the garbage to
recycle and they would not dare throw garbage on the streets, but in
countries where they are guests they seem to forget it.
I have now lived in this town for 7 years and I think that farangs who are
residents here and even the Thais should get taught some serious
environmental ways to save their surrounding because otherwise, in about
another 7 years, this community will be Bangkok 2! Maybe not only the
schools should teach how to save the planet but also the government should
force some adults to think and act accordingly.
A fond reader of the Pattaya Mail,
Daisy Vogt (12 yrs)
Grade 7, I.S.E.
Thai Garden Resort
More inflated phone bills
Dear Sir,
I read the letter about the higher phone bills. I am one of the concerned.
My first elevated bill rained in last December with an increase of 300%. I
complained to TT&T and without any difficulties got it reduced to my normal
consumption. January 97 the same thing happened. Again my bill was reduced,
but as in December I insisted on having everything checked that possibly can
be checked so the source of the problem can be solved. February the bill was
only about 20% higher, so I didn’t cause a fuss - I felt embarrassed enough
as it was already. I also thought that they might have found and solved the
problem. In a few days I will know.
I think it goes without saying that with each bill reduction many hours were
spent at the TT&T billing counter as well as having to return to the office
many times, making all kinds of telephone calls, mis-understandings and not
understandings occurred after every sentence spoken, getting involved with
different employees/engineers - all of whom don’t speak English, ending in a
lot of unnecessary stress and headache. Finally, a month ago, I wrote a
letter to the manager of TT&T - no answer as of yet. I had a friend calling
him - she couldn’t get through to him and gave up altogether.
What do I do today? I keep an exact record of all my calls, numbers and
names, and in case of a bill discrepancy take it to TT&T and pay only MY
recorded amount.
I might mention that I received a reminder for the difference of my elevated
bills and the reduced amount. At TT&T they only threw the reminder in the
bin. With what kind of business are we dealing here?
Fed up with TT&T
From Miss Thailand to CACI
Dear Editor,
In the Nation, I read the article “Rings on her fingers, Band-Aids on her
ears” about the former Miss Thailand, and came up with the enclosed verse.
Both verse and daffy-nitions are for your amusement.
Ayrada in her Shopping-spree did not mention how long does the 10 treatments
of CACI last? Do you have to take a new course every year? Personally, I
think 25,000 baht could be put to a better use, then to kid yourself that
you look 10 years younger ... for whom? For what? For how long?
“The most consummately beautiful thing in the universe is the rightly
fashioned life of a good person.” (Quote: George Herbert Palmer)
“Beauty is but skin deep” (Proverb)
What do we know of a Beauty Queen?
She’s gorgeous and fit to be seen!
How does she achieve her diamond crown,
And be the ravishing beauty so renown?
She may have been born with a pretty face,
And as she grew she learned to place
Attribute to cosmetics & body care.
An acupuncture here & there.
Behind the ear an insertion,
To keep shape in proportion.
Maybe a face-lift for double chin.
A molded Roman-nose no sin.
Double eye-lids, boosted bust.
Seductive gait is a must.
Thus to content idolaters,
Beauticians are her matadors
To make her a glamorous Aphrodite.
Medical Daffy-nitions (from the Rotarian magazine)
Artery = The study of painting.
Aorta = A statement of something I should do.
Barium = What the doctor does when a patient dies.
Benign = What a child of eight years old wants.
Cauterize = What a young man did before he winked at his girlfriend.
Elixir = What a dog does to his mistress, when given a bone.
Labour pains = Getting hurt at work.
Medical staff = A doctor’s walking stick.
Nitrate = Prices cheaper than day rates. Telephone charges after 6 p.m.
Outpatient = One who has fainted.
Terminal illness = Getting sick at the airport.
Vein = A conceited body organ.
Vitamin = What you do when you see a friend at your front door.
Puzzled by Bridge
Barrie Kenyon, c/o the Editor
Being in no way an expert and at the age of 72 I only play bridge in the
U.K. for enjoyment, I am somewhat puzzled at the achievement of a small slam
by South in your article (Pattaya Mail, Vol. V No. 9).
To quote: “after nine tricks, East was squeezed to bits and was reduced to
Ace/Queen Hearts and Queen/Rag Spades.”
As soon as South plays small Heart (4?) trick 10 - East last to play surely
has two master hearts.
Misprint or one Guinness too far?
Yours Sincerely,
Roy Boast
Over-filled with Eades
Have a question for you.
What or who is this “Peter Eades” (Mr.) that is allowed half pages of
nonsense in your tabloid? Is he the “Edith Clampton (Mrs.) (Bangkok Post) of
the Pattaya Mail? With his double talk and rambling on, it sure seems that
way. Shame on you!
Amon Udcoon
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much to the Pattaya Mail for highlighting the last Chaine de
Routisseurs event. The caption below the photograph was just as I wrote it.
However, I know my spelling is not normally good but did you need to use a
spell check which indicated WHISKY as WHISKEY? No doubt the attendees at the
event, which included the editor of Pattaya Mail, were not listening to the
explanations of Scotch and its origins. Scotch whisky is spelt without an
“e”. Irish Whiskey is spelt with and “e”.
Best regards,
David S. Rice
Pro Pattaya
Dear Editor
I really would like to comment on the attitude and preconceived ideas of
many Europeans who live in Europe, who hear about Pattaya via the media,
namely television and newspapers. The media as we all know tends to over
sensationalise matters, but when it comes to the extent whereby people
refuse to visit a beautiful holiday destination because they are ignorant
enough not to find out themselves how a place really is, I feel something
should be said. Pattaya, for a pure example, is painted as this awful seedy
place where the only thing that is happening is this awful sex trade where
all the women are helpless young girls under the age of 16 being abused and
bought by the “Farang”. I am not denying that this kind of thing has
happened, but why do they have to designate this kind of behaviour to
Pattaya Thailand. If you ask me, this happens all over the world, especially
in Europe. The only difference is that there it is kept behind closed doors.
So which is more seedy, I ask you?
What many Europeans forget to realise, or just don’t take the time and
effort to find out for themselves, is that firstly, Thai girls whether 20 or
30 still look like young teenagers, due to their small and slight bodies and
beautiful faces. Secondly, how many of us have not heard whilst walking on
the street or into a bar or cafe the Thai girls pleading with the foreign
man to come and join them? Telling him what a sexy and beautiful man he is,
etc. Of my experience and conver-sation with many people in Pattaya, hotels
all require the ID cards of any Thai visitors to any hotel room.
But my real point to this letter is that Pattaya is painted as this
“Whore-house” in Asia whereas this is not the case at all. There is so much
to do in this place if one just uses one’s imagination and looks a little
further than the end of his or her nose. The watersports available are
endless. The snake farm, the crocodiles, the fitness centres, the temples,
the restaurants, the discotheques. The shopping centres, the cinemas, good
old fashioned picnics, social cafes and bars and places to meet your friends
for a good chat. Thai boxing matches, organised football matches, I mean
really, anyone who thinks Pattaya only provides women is either mentally
disturbed or lacks entire imagination. Exotic food, excellent weather,
friendly people, is this not what we all look look for when we choose our
holiday destination? Come on world, discover for yourself and don’t be so
influenced by what you hear and read. Be daring, find out for yourself and I
rest assured that Pattaya will not disappoint you.