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Pattaya’s Perfect Dilemma

I suppose it was inevitable. By inviting a host of foreign correspondents down to see another side of Pattaya, we put ourselves under the magnifying glass for all to see our dirty washing.
In a two page article under the headline “Pattaya’s Perfect Dilemma” the Sunday Nation newspaper this week put that washing through the wringer making the point that Pattaya was getting bad publicity abroad because not only of its sex image but the growing cases of foreign crime and corruption in the local police force.
As the ‘Nation’ points out, this is not an issue new to readers of the Pattaya Mail. WE SAID IT FIRST. We have campaigned and campaigned and campaigned and campaigned about unethical behaviour in the local police department, and how this town is being used by foreign criminals as a haven. This is not without its own inherent risks.
We welcome the initiatives by the Thai Government and assurances by Dr.Virachai Techavit, Advisor to the Prime Minister who promises action will be taken, both on a local and national level, to sort out law and order problems. The sooner the talking stops and the action begins, the better. Meanwhile, the majority of tourists coming to Pattaya enjoy their holidays and are delighted with what we have to offer them. The closest they ever get to the ‘sleaze’ of Pattaya is by reading it about in their newspapers back home.
Invariably they say:”Pattaya is nothing like it is portrayed in the media.”
We welcome these tourists with open arms. If they ever have problems they can be assured that the Tourist Police care and so do we.
Pattaya is not the only tourist resort with crime problems. (Phuket which enjoys better publicity isn’t exactly crime free, but fewer people get to hear about Phuket’s other side). The British press has labelled the Costa del Sol the ‘Costa del Crime’. Let’s make sure they keep that unfortunate title.
The campaign for “The Rebirth of Pattaya” has begun and we must stick with it. The short term repurcussions will be felt, as the media will be writing more and more, not only to exploit us of our short comings, but to expose and bring them to the attention of our leaders. And we did ask them to do so. This is the only way they can help us address our needs on a national and international level.

Hot Stuff

With temperatures reaching record high’s in Thailand this week of over 100 F (40 c) John Gardner, General Manager of Mercure Hotel Pattaya Resort, has just returned from chilled Europe on a business trip. He was greeted by staff to a ‘suit’able treat. A cool bubble bath and pampered with grapes. ‘It was a wonderful idea’, said the smiling, 007 Boss, ‘I didn’t have time to take of my suit, who said you could not get everything in this wonderful resort of Pattaya.’

Nutritional balanced eating plan

by Robyn at World Class Gym
Well we’ve been talking about motivating ourselves to take a visit to our gym, how to formulate goals, beginning on simplistic fitness plans and today I want to look at another important factor of health, beauty and fitness. That being, of course, our daily diet, intake of calories and basic nutritional standards. We are what we eat.
If you need to lose weight, training and diet go hand in hand. Although the word “diet” I am not really fond of. It sounds so rigid, stern and boring. I prefer to call it, “nutritional balanced eating plan.” Because, let’s be honest, who wants to live for the rest of their life on a diet? However, what is a tangible thought and possibly is the idea of a reformed, healthier eating plan? Something which allows us to still enjoy life and food without it becoming an avid religious practice.
If it’s not a diet then and not written out like a set A’la Carte Menu, where do we start? Let’s begin with the morning time. What are we eating? We all know the value of fruit, the expression “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not an old wives’ tale. Fruit cleans our system, gets our digestive juices working and is 100% nutritional. Pineapple is excellent because this is a fat burner. However, please fresh fruit only! No tinned, sugary, sweetened fruit cocktail and the works. No, good old fashioned fruit, the way it grows, the way it should be eaten. If you’re needing energy after a hard workout, bananas are high in carbohydrates and will do the trick. Far better than that chocolate bar or delicious donut which only provides short term energy. Plus, the high fat content in these types of products will do your skin no good!
OK, what about something staple in the morning. That piece of toast or bread. Is it white or brown? Yes, brown bread is more expensive, but why? Brown bread feeds you better. The flour used is not bleached, it’s more filling and more than often, brown bread is baked with healthy, wholesome seeds, rye, corn or nuts. Be selective with your bread, you deserve the best, so eat the best. Sit down with the white loaf and see how much of it you can eat until you feel full or satisfied. The next day do the same thing with the brown loaf. This test should instil your faith in the value of brown bread, which quite simply is just a little more natural than white bread. Sure, white bread looks very appetising, pure white with green garnish, beautiful and clean, however it does not feed you the same as brown bread would. When eating out, request brown bread, if they don’t have it, you don’t have to avoid white bread, just try and keep it in the cupboard at home.
Join me next week when we’ll be talking about things like museli, dairy products and what we put onto our sandwiches. Eat well and eat healthy!

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Pattaya’s Perfect Dilemma

Hot Stuff

Nutritional balanced eating plan


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