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Mail Bag

Looking for Noel

I visited Pattaya in March and I enjoyed reading your publication. I REALLY enjoyed Noels column but since I came home and started reading the Mail on the web I haven’t been able to find his work. Can you please tell me under what category I can find his weekly column? Thank you and I will continue reading the Mail and I hope to come back to Pattaya again to read it in person. Thanks a lot.
Frank Fariello
Editor’s note;
The reason you haven’t been able to find Noel on the net is because he has temporarily disappeared from the scene. We haven’t heard from him in a while, but hope that he will soon be back with his witty look at life in Thailand.

Reformers should start at home

Dear Editor:
I am a businessman who travels several times each year to Thailand, spending vacation interval in Pattaya each trip. Over the last decade, I have seen much in Pattaya of a negative nature, but never the depths of depravity which I read about daily in the U.S. (Ed. Note: two newspaper articles were included with this letter, one about a woman killing her stepson, the other about a man who forced a boy to live with pigs).
Perhaps the “Christian Crusaders” and other self-righteous reformers who are so down on Pattaya ought to look in their own backyards.
I myself find the sexual climate in Pattaya refreshing in it innocence, compared to the violence and banality of its American counterpart. I feel like I leave an American cesspool for a Thai paradise. See you soon.
M. Broff
Pittsburgh PA, USA

Exploding still

Dear Sir ,
I read with interest the recollection of Airhead’s “history”. Congratulations to him for achieving such a mile stone. But the true story of Airhead is contained in bowels of the History of the Pattaya Hash magazine. The 1st 200! No one mentioned the exploding still that he and the Prince of Darkness had running in some foreign country where strong drink is banned.
Any way On On
Cloak & Dagger!

Scottish reply

Dear Sir
I dinnae ken whit yon Sir Arthur Bottomley’s a bletherin aboot. But lang may his lum reek.
The trouble with the sassenachs is that without the Scots they widnae have had an Indian army at all. An that’s a fact. So it is.
Any whinging letters from English will be receive a reply of course, but together with a complimentary photograph of a sojjer of the Black Watch in Hong Kong, who hasnae any breeks.
The Rt Hon.Sir Ponsenby-Smythe

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Looking for Noel

Reformers should start at home

Exploding still

Scottish reply

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It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be given to those signed.


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