Your husband, boyfriend or just the guy you want, doesn’t pay you enough attention?
He might sit up and notice if you...
Tips by Tookada
* Show up in his office with nothing but lingerie
* Mention point spreads (and you’d better know what you are talking about).
* Spill your purse.
* Call his mother during a football game.
* Take lessons at a pistol-firing range.
* Show up at the airport in a raincoat but nothing else when you pick him up
from a business trip.
* Stick a temporary tattoo on your breast.
* Tell him you’re thinking of taking a job in another city.
* Call him the wrong name while making love.
* Don’t call when he expects you to.
* Tell him you’ll be away for the weekend. Be vague about where and with whom.
* Slip his favorite nude photo of you into his wallet.
* Hide his cigarettes, coffee, chocolate truffles - whatever he is addicted to.
* Ask him to marry you.
* Tell him your parents want to meet him.
* Shine a flashlight in his eyes whenever he stops listening.
* Tell him you have a crush on the doorman.
* Shine his shoes.
* Tell him that you insist he spend Wednesday night with the boys.
* Pay the phone bill.
* Whisper.
* Tell him you love him (only works if you’ve been dating a short time and the
subject has never come up.
* When the phone rings, act giddily surprised, say “Hi ....(use an other man’s
name), then take the call in the other room.
* Run over his prized guitar.
* Ask for a divorce.
* Surreptitiously tie his shoelaces together, then call out from the kitchen
that the brownies are ready.
* Look over your latest joint bank statement, shaking your head and sighing a
* Tell him you got fired.
* Undress him slowly. If he doesn’t notice by the time you’re down to his
undershirt and Jockey shorts, keep going.
* ‘Disappear’ for a day or two.
* Sneak up from behind and kiss the back of his neck.
The Whiffenpoofs to perform in Pattaya
The Whiffenpoofs from Yale University in the United
States, internationally known a cappella singers, will be giving a concert
in Pattaya on June 25.
The group is the elite of singers from the university which accepts less
than 20 men from a student body in the tens of thousands.
These young men are Yale University’s un-official ambassadors and their
golden pipes produce some of the most euphonious sounds in classic, pop and
other types of choral music.
Since their first concert in Thailand, they have returned almost every year.
The group will be performing on June 27th in the Siam Bayshore Resort in the
Greenery. The package is 500 baht and includes 1 drink, the concert at 7:15
after which a set dinner will be served.
For more information, phone the Siam Bayshore Resort at 428-677-81.