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HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]: 
Looking for more info
Keeping in touch with Pattaya
Better sports coverage in Thailand
Taking Hillary too seriously?
Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail will also be on our website . 
It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be given to those signed.

Looking for more info

Good morning Pattaya Mail,
Would it be possible to let me have the E-mail address of Phoenix golf course please.

Would it not be a good idea to make an article on the major golf and country clubs in the area, and on how they are doing now-a-days. Eastern Star, Phoenix, Green Valley, to name a few. They may also be interested to use your web site to put some adverts and info up.

The issue of farangs owing land, the law in this respect, and how one can use a Thai registered company for real estate ownership, are topics you may want to address in the future.

William of Bracknell

Editor’s reply: Thank you for your interest and suggestions. Concerning the golf courses, the gentlemen who contribute to the Pattaya Sports Club Golf page every week (page 25) usually submit helpful little tidbits about the courses the club visits each week. More information on the PSC, as well as golf courses in the area, can be found on their website at www.pattayasports.org. Further, sometimes more detailed information on golf courses in the area (perhaps including the e-mail address of Phoenix Country Club) can be found on a website called www.Thaigolf.com.

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Keeping in touch with Pattaya

Dear Sirs:
Every Friday evening we rush to the computer to see your latest edition. We visit Pattaya once a year and really enjoy your on-line edition...

I really enjoy the auto column by that Aussie fella and every now and then there are articles by someone by the name of McCarthy that are quite enjoyable, kind of new openings of rest. or clubs. You might think of presenting a restaurant an issue and critique it. That would be good for those of us that only get there once a year.

Keep up the good work, your paper keeps us in touch with Pattaya.

Harv from TX USA

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Better sports coverage in Thailand

Next week I return to Pattaya to put my feet up in Suksabai and savour the sports coverage given on the local network. At last I can see Premiership football, follow the upward climb of our young tennis stars, watch cricket to my heart’s content, albeit the current tour of the Windies is drawing to a close, or check and watch the progress of our British golf players.

To which far flung corner of the British Empire have I been vanquished? Where can’t I view the progress of our sporting heroes (or villains)? Which country can I not settle down in and watch all this on the state’s normal T.V. network? ENGLAND of course.
Martin J Knapp

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Taking Hillary too seriously?

Dear Editor,
For the year or so I have been in Pattaya I have intermittently read your advice column, "Heart to Heart With Hillary." At times I have taken her column with a good dose of humor, at other times with mild concern for the more serious readers of such lame advice. Recently, however, I have been shocked at the boldness and utter nonsense of some of her ruminations and proclamations. It was for this reason I decided to finally speak up and say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Let’s stamp out Hillary!

What is the nature of her transgressions? Generally she accepts the writer’s view at face value and gives simplistic overly general advice. She exhibits little or no knowledge of concepts of behavioral science or research. At times she overlooks important information necessary for a better understanding of the issues involved. Her advice could at times be harmful if followed by the reader. There are many examples, but where to begin?

The most recent offense was her response to the young Thai woman who was concerned that her American boyfriend might lose interest in her once he discovered she wore a "padded bra" (PM 27 March, 1998). This poor woman was obviously making irrational unfounded assumptions about her boyfriend’s attitudes which were clearly based upon her own stereotypes and insecurities. This is the phenomenon known as "projection." Hillary could have done this woman and others like her a favor by identifying the woman’s low self esteem as the central issue, rather than directing her to view the matter as a test of the man’s worthiness to date her. Hillary’s advice: "When the time comes tell him the truth. If he loses interest - good riddance."

Come on, Hillary! Have you ever seen a padded bra? How much can this piece of fabric realistically be contributing to the woman’s attractiveness to that man? By suggesting that a rejection of her based on a minor, possibly imperceptible discrepancy in breast size is a possibility aren’t you in effect validating her insecurities and adding to her anxiety level? You are doing more harm than good. It’s time to put away your pen and embark on a new career!

Then there was the poor retired woman who complained that her husband had depleted their savings and was eating into her pension to finance his gambling habit (PM 13 March, 1998). She sometimes didn’t have enough money to pay the rent and occasionally asked her daughter to send her money. The woman wrote, "I try ... to save as much money as possible on food and other expenses, but the more I save, the more he spends." Hillary’s advice? "..convince him to seek help with a qualified psychotherapist... if he refuses... you must leave him."

Anyone with any awareness of the dynamic of addictive behavior would recognize this woman’s role in enabling and perpetuating her husband’s irresponsible compulsive behavior. By allowing her husband access to her pension, borrowing from her daughter and cutting back on expenses she was unwittingly fueling his addiction and preventing him from experiencing the natural consequences of his gambling. Insight into this dynamic on the part of the addict’s support network (in this case, wife) is considered essential to the recovery of the addict. Abandoning the addict may become necessary in some cases at some point, but it seems premature to be calling for this drastic step with the limited information available in the woman’s letter.

This woman could obviously benefit from counseling herself, as well as from the understanding and support of others who have faced similar difficulties with addicted loved ones. Organizations like ALA non, Narcanon and Tough Love specialize in providing the unique counseling and support these so called "co-dependent" individuals require, but not one word was mentioned about these excellent resources. I could give many more examples, but I think I’ve made my point.

Hillary comes across as a well intentioned person who gives out her own opinion to a friend or family member. It is easy to shrug off a family member’s advice by reasoning that he or she really isn’t qualified to give advice. However, unlike one’s family member, she publishes her comments in the newspaper. Because of this she may be viewed by some as an expert in human behavior and her comments given more weight than they deserve. I see no disclaimer accompanying her column which would indicate her lack of professional training and knowledge of psychology. It’s time to put an end to this inane, misguided form of counseling. I, for one, think it’s time for the Pattaya Mail to find a new "Hillary".

Michael Catalanello

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Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand 
Tel.66-38 411 240-1, 413 240-1, Fax:66-38 427 596; e-mail: [email protected]
Created by Andy Gombaez