Mail Bag


HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Show mercy for dogs
What double standards?
Excellent Job
Shoddy postal service

Show mercy for dogs

Dear Sir,
I’ve been here for only some weeks visiting my relatives who work and live here. I already like to read your very informative paper.

I knew nothing of Pattaya, except for the usual critical description I found in traveling guides. I was also very pleased to see that the city is making great efforts to change.

That’s why I’d like to report things that should change as well. I do not want to sound like these Westerners who claim they do better at home, not at all. We saw things we did not expect to find in a Buddhist country. Several times we saw men beating skinny dogs to death or throwing stones with slings. Their purpose was to hurt and kill the dogs. Sometimes we could stop it before it was too late...

We know that too many wild dogs becomes a problem, like in other big cities. But that gives no excuse to treat living creatures with that cruelty. We saw nice pets, well treated by their owner. But why should stray dogs be killed with cruelty?

We help people as much as we can and we treat all animals with respect, we believe that is just humanity. Taking care of stray dogs, preventing their increase with the correct way to change things. That might not be the top priority, but please no slaughter or extermination in Pattaya.

We do our best to help and to explain, but if other people have the same concerns, we would like to read about it.

Thanks again for this paper.
C. Madial

What double standards?

Dear Editor,
I would like to congratulate Leslie Wright of "Family Money" on his article on "Double Standard". You should rerun it in its entirety at least once a year in your newspaper. I for one found it enlightening and informative into Thai culture and the farang in Thai Society. Especially often money exchanged for time spent with youth, and youth can never be recouped. Also each time you have to pay more than a Thai to visit a place of interest, you are not being exploited you are being given face. I think I’m a contented long term resident as opposed to one of the discontented whingers. The double standards in the Western world we all know are too numerous to mention here. I know where I prefer to live out my retirement.

Happy and still contented,
Ken O’Sullivan


G’day Pattaya Mail,
Very sorry to read on internet of Louis’ passing. Quite a shock. Pattaya will miss him.

Although I knew Louis only briefly, he was a man who made an impression on all who knew him, I am sure his light will shine over the Royal Cliff forever.

Till next time,
Ken Bailey

Excellent Job

Dear Editor,

I am Australian but spent from when I was 16 to 20 in Bangkok, so I spent a lot of time in Pattaya. And your paper makes me laugh and remember what it was like.

Great paper, chock dee.
Leslie Calvin Rudge

Shoddy postal service

Dear Ed,
A phone call from Great Britain finally prompted me to write to you to complain about the mail delivery here. My friend queried why I had not answered his letter. Easy, it was not delivered. I am aware of three letters from my daughter in Perth and two each from Melbourne and Sydney that friends have sent that also have not found their destination.
In December last year I mailed fifty promotional letters to various States of Australia. Each contained a return addressed air mail envelope, only one was returned. This was amazing as only two months earlier I had done a survey in Australia and the results were very encouraging. As the promotion was for the local art industry here in Pattaya, the mail service could be costly for local artists as well as myself.
We did take the matter up with the Pattaya Post Office but the outcome was as expected, nothing resolved. We were shown the sorting room and told all the mail received had been delivered. I have not experienced the same problem with window faced mail, all my accounts arrive from Australia a few days after being mailed.
I suspect this problem is non existent if the mail is addressed in Thai.
Mike Conlan

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are also published here.

It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be given to those signed.