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HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]: 
Why propagate bad genes?
Mr. Bob got one thing right
Sorry to lose evening hours at PO
Ben Franklin President?
Trigger happy?
Improved bus system
Uncool water cooler

Jomtien vendor tag

Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail will also be on our website . 
It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be given to those signed.

Why propagate bad genes?


An article from our Motoring Doctor urges action to encourage people to wear crash helmets and safety belts. I believe that anyone who chooses to adopt a life threatening way of life, whether by neglect or choice, should not be persuaded or dissuaded otherwise.

There really are too many people on this planet at the present, and Darwinian thinking would suggest that such people are not equipped to be part of society, being unable to understand or cope with technology or stress. That they should propagate and continue their genes is really unproductive.

There is also the upside of having a source of organ donors.

A.T. Roller

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Mr. Bob got one thing right...


I have just read the letter you published from Mr Bob regarding him and his arrested pedophile friend Jeff. This man only got one thing right in his letter and that is he will be accused of being sick.

Children should be given every opportunity to have a normal childhood. It is wrong for parents and guardians to sell children into prostitution but the real perpetrators are the people that buy the children’s services. Has it occurred to Mr. Bob that the children that he and his friend prey on might be scared out of their wits when they do their disgusting deeds?

Contrary to what this fiend says, most men don’t secretly desire to molest, view or have sex with children. They are the minority.

I don’t care about what some dead President of the US did or Mr Bob’s relationship with a 23 year old Thai (who’s life has probably been a living hell thanks to his like). I just hope the Thai authorities not only throw the full weight of the law and make an example of Jeff but they find Mr Bob before he does any more damage to Thai children, your future.

Robert McNab

Perth Western Australia

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Sorry to lose evening hours at PO


Bravo to John Blyth for bringing the problems of the Pattaya Post Office to light. I am very sorry we have lost the evening hours, when there was some chance of service. Of course there were often no air letters for sale, no large packages could be posted, etc., but it was something.

Now we must all battle the inefficient service and the lines that resemble a Bangkok traffic jam once again. Surely the post office can do better - why are only one or two clerks assigned to serving customers when twenty or more clerks are clearly at work?

The problem is made worse, of course, because so many Thai customers make tedious, time-consuming transactions because they know one third or more of their mail will never be delivered.

Ernie Chaples

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Ben Franklin President?


I do not know Jeff or Bob, and thus won’t make any comments regarding their personal views as discussed in the letter "Planet Pedophile" in last week’s Pattaya Mail. I also have no knowledge of whether Ben Franklin was a connoisseur of young girls as was claimed. I am from the U.S., but don’t claim to know much about U.S. history. To the best of my recollection, however, Mr. Bob’s favorite President, Ben Franklin, was never President. I thought it was because he was not born in the U.S., but now am wondering if it was for other reasons. At least he made it on the $100 bill...

Hippie Tom

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Trigger happy?


It was a well executed event. Perhaps too well. Last week’s shooting of three gangsters by Pattaya Police at the Town In Town Hotel was also a message to those who dare to defy the law, that any planned robbery or serious offence will not be tolerated. The ultimate penalty, as in this case, is death.

With the economy in a downturn, people are finding themselves in need of greater financial support and subsequently are changing occupations. Police both locally and internationally are always placed in awkward situations and in many cases it’s extremely difficult to determine an outcome.

One policeman was shot in the leg whilst protecting others. Yes, this is bravery, as he was trying to save fellow colleagues, but one must consider the fact that: 1) police significantly outnumbered the deceased, and 2) knew the movements of the robbers two weeks prior to the event up until the day.

With police confident that the robbers would strike on the Monday (pay day) at The Town In Town, why didn’t they arrest them earlier on the Sunday night when they checked into the hotel? With several police also watching the getaway driver wait behind the hotel on the Monday, why too, didn’t they arrest him whilst waiting there?

I’m sure a shot in the leg or shoulder would have been greatly appreciated by the deceased rather than the "death penalty" in the head. I’m not trying to defend anyone who has a gun in their hand ready for use. I am, however, trying to defend the fact that their lives could have been spared by the police and that their relatives could have had a bit more time with them, even if it was spent behind bars. It WAS up to them (the robbers) in the first place, but I’m sure they would have greatly appreciated a place at the "Bangkok Hilton" (Bang Kwang Prison) rather than where they are now.


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Improved bus system

Dear Sir,

This week’s topic is about our recent decision to re-try the Thai bus system between cities. So here we go: Take the bus - leave the driving to us!

We had heard and read of several negative experiences from travelers using the inter-city bus system. "No this is the 9:00 a.m. bus, but it’s leaving late so your 10 a.m. bus will be at this slot at 11:30 a.m." Then at 11:30 a.m.; "Your ticket says 10 a.m., so, no you cannot get on this bus." "Sorry the VIP aircon bus is full, so you will have to ride in this one." "Sorry, no you can not get a refund or reduced fare on this non aircon bus," etc.

But we decided to check out the "improved" system at the "old" Ekami Bus Station en route to Pattaya anyway. Well, fellow travelers, fear not, for the service was found to be excellent! Arrived at the Ekami terminal at noon, bought two tickets for the 12:30 p.m. aircon bus to Pattaya for only Bt77 and headed right for the departure slot. We attempted to board a bus there but were politely informed this was the 12:10 p.m. bus. It was already full and we watched in awe as the 12:10 p.m. bus departed at 12:05 p.m.! (Five minutes early!)

Immediately thereafter our 12:30 bus pulled into the now vacant slot. We boarded and noted each ticket had an assigned seat number. The staff pleasantly handled those few rude passengers who tried to "grab" other’s assigned seats. Our bus filled quickly and then departed 10 minutes early. Amazing! No sitting around, we were full, so let’s go!

Upon arrival at the Pattaya station we were happy to note the large, clear sign board advising all that the Baht Bus fare was Bt15 downtown and only Bt20 to Jomtien. No problem here with overcharging or higher fares for farangs! The same holds for the return trip, too. Again, congratulations to Amazing Thailand where now one can truly "Take the bus & leave the driving to us!"

Yours truly,

Bill & Lumduen Tode

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Uncool water cooler


In October 97 I purchased a Nagasaki water cooler/heater from Big C in Pattaya. As the water was never cool enough to drink I took it in for repair/replacement. After two months we finally got it back only to discover the only change was a lot of dirt & dust on it.

We took it back again and had the same results. This time I took it back the following day and asked, since I had paid (5,550 baht) for a new one, why couldn’t they give me a new one? After some telephone calls the man said, "OK, wait here," and he would bring it up.

At home, when I opened the box, the unit wasn’t packed - just loose in the box. This one wasn’t as cool as the other one and nothing came out of the center faucet.

Back to Big C again. After three months with me checking occasionally they gave me a cooler. I didn’t notice until I started to write this letter, but the warranty card they gave me this time is dated in Nov 96, but does not have my name on it. Also we had to pay 150 baht for repair to the faucet prior to the last pickup, and if you haven’t guessed we still have no cold water and one of the faucets leaks.

I have sent two faxes to Nagasaki in Bangkok. No answer to date. I have been a resident of Pattaya for many years and have been able to accept the bad with the good, but I just don’t know where to go with this problem. The warranty card clearly states that they would arrange for any defects to be rectified at no charge if certain criteria were met.


Kenneth Crow

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Jomtien vendor tag

Dear Sir,

Does anyone know the rules of the game played every day on Jomtien Beach between the police and the vendors?

Are the vendors selling without a permit? Are there permits? How do you get one? Are visitors who buy taking part in an illegal exchange?

It seems if they run off the sand and reach the cement path they’re "home" and can’t be touched. As soon as the police go by it’s business as usual.

We’re getting tired of seeing this game. It’s all so pointless and seems only to fill the pockets of some police who manage to catch and fine middle-aged ladies selling fruit or old men selling eggs or dried fish - honest occupations, you would think, especially compared to other behaviour seen and ignored by the constabulary on this beach.

Yours faithfully,

Bob Hardcastle

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Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sungwanlek.