HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
First sailfish landed in 1998 PSC fishing season
Hash House Harriers History: A brief encounter with running and drunken kind
Cheers breaks all records
Eastern Seaboard Corporate Golf Challenge ’98
PSC Golf next week
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First sailfish landed in 1998 PSC fishing season

"The sails are in" is the word around the Pattaya fishing community. The sailfish is the largest game fish that inhabits the Gulf of Thailand waters. The old saying is "to hook a sailfish is one thing, and to land or get that sailfish on board is another thing."

During the PSC bi-weekly fishing tournament held on Sunday September 6th, two sailfish were landed.

First place: SGP Team (Seaboard Gourmet Products). Fish: 25.0 kilogram sailfish. Captain: Knoud. Location: Ko Lin.

Second place: J G C Corporation team. Fish: 12.5 kilogram Sailfish. Captain: Phagop. Location: Ko Lin.

A total of 101 kilos of fish were checked in at the end of the tournament. Three boats were entered with sixteen anglers on board, being treated to a really nice cloudy day on the sea and a really good fishing day.

Boat #1: SGP (Seaboard Gourmet Products). Fishermen: Middy Campbell, Jens Paterson, Terry Sylvester, & Andrew Delugar.

Boat #2: The J G C Corporation. Fishermen: Rey Elicot, Jeff Heng, Verachai, Efren Camiel, Jun Sagun, McDonald Macaraeg, Honesto Tiongson, Joe Riviero, Louie Sumastre, & Daniel.

Boat #3: The Pesco team. Fishermen: Carl Engel, & Paul Fordham.

The next tournament is scheduled for Sunday September 20th. Join the fun.

Reserve your boat early because the boats are hard to get on Sunday. If you need boat captain telephone numbers call 038-410-228 or better fax 038-426-121 or e-mail for information.

Registration and fees can be left at the following places: the Poteen Still, Soi Yamoto, Central Pattaya; the 60s Bar, Soi Pattayaland 2, Central Pattaya; the Bull Ring Bar, Soi Yodsak, North Pattaya; and Atlantis Café, Soi 15, South Pattaya.

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Hash House Harriers History: A brief encounter with running and drunken kind

Around 10,000 B.C. during the last period of Paleolithic culture, humans drew leaping bison on the walls of a cave near Altamira, Spain. Today historians still ponder and wonder why. Possibly a religious significance, a training session, or for shear enjoyment. Who knows? In centuries to come historians will know from records and documentation that the Hash House Harriers (HHH) were formed and have evolved into its present state as an international body of people who derive the meaning of pleasure and fun through a mild form of physical exercise. Primarily running on a paper trail, joking around, and indulging in the consumption of alcohol, namely beer. The idea of Harriers chasing paper and following basic rules as they are known today came into existence in the early 1930s in Kuala Lumpur, Johore Bahru, Malacca and Ipoh.

By 1938 individual members of the then various Harrier clubs in the region had been posted or moved to KL, namely "G" Gispert, "Horse" Thompson, "Torch" Bennett, and were joined by Cecil Lee, Eric Gavin and H.M. Doig. It was during that year in the so-called Hash House (the nickname for the Royal Selangor Club Chambers famous for its unimaginative, monotonous food, or leftovers usually mixed with mashed potatoes and fries) in Kuala Lumpur that these British Civil Servants and businessmen founded their own club. They thrashed out the ground rules that they had learnt elsewhere and in doing so formed the first official Hash House Harriers. "G" Gispert is credited with proposing the name Hash House Harriers for obvious reasons, which was then entered in the Register of Societies in KL for legal purposes.

With the arrival of the Japanese in the Second World War a halt was called to KLH3 activities, and it was near another 12 months after the war that survivors of the HHH took part in run No. 1 around the Racecourse. (Sadly "G" Gispert was killed in the fighting on Singapore Island in February 1942). It took another 16 years for a second chapter to be formed in Singapore, followed by Kuchin in 1963, Brunei, Kota Kinabalu and Ipoh in 1964, and Penang and Malacca in 1965. Perth, Australia was to take the lead in becoming the first overseas chapter being formed in 1967.

There are now 1200 active chapters in some 160 countries with each chapter independent of the other. Considering the total absence of any kind of central organization, therefore name Disorganization, HHH is unique.

Since KL 1974, every two years InterHash brings together Hashers from around the globe. With the last one being held in Limmasol Cyprus in 1996, the next Interhash will be in Kuala Lumpur, organized by the rightly called Mother Hash, beginning October 1998. Over 5,000 people have already registered. Intermittently there is also the Pan Asia Hash, the last being Jakarta in 1997.

The Pattaya Hash House Harriers were formed January 7, 1984, by Molly Kirgis, and now has 757 runs under its belt. Our meeting place is the Hare House in Soi Post Office. We start gathering together at 15.30 hours every Monday and leave by bus to a run site outside Pattaya an hour later. We are proud to say that we have a reputation that is unequaled for its hospitality, generosity and characters, namely Fossil, Sir Airhead, Chicken F., Groupie, Yao Yao, Who Ate All The Pies, Pegleg, Flying Frog, Spunk Bubble, Compost Heap and the many others too numerous to mention. There is also the Dirt Hash held on the last Thursday of each month (for men Only) and can only be described as an experience that owes its undisputed status as tour de force in depravity. Sir Airhead is presiding.

So Join in the fun and take part in an experience that will be reflected upon for years to come.

Pattaya Preamble to Interhash Run

In recognition of the Interhash in Kuala Lumpur, celebrating 60 years of hashing, at the same time the Pattaya HHH is conducting the Pattaya Preamble to Interhash run on Saturday, September 26. Meet at the Hare House at 14.00 for sign-up. We will bring you to the country side someplace around Pattaya for the exercise part of the event, and for food and entertainment embark to the Sun, Sea & Sand at the beach. Bring your swimsuit along. You do not need to be a hasher to join. You do not need to be a runner to come along. You do not need to be a stand-up comedian to participate... Just bring your thirst along with your body and there you go.

For more info call Fossil at 364 185 or email Yao Yao at [email protected] or check out our Web Page at

ON ON Pattaya, InterHash and all the other HHH chapters WorldWide.

Glass Hopper

(For my plagiarism of their research and article I thank Mike Lyons and John Duncan)

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Cheers breaks all records

How long did Jonah spend in the whale? Which European country has most often been partitioned in the last three hundred years?

A remarkable Cheers team, said to include a recently sacked professor and a chemist who is on the run, totted up an unprecedented 98% in the vigorously stimulating Sunday quiz league. The only failed question was the boxer who died during a bout with Drew Docherty in 1995, to which the right answer is James Murray. The average score across ten bars was a more realistic 76% which makes Cheers’ unique score all the more sensational during their away match at Palmer’s on September 6. Jealous rivals say that Cheers’ new strategy of enforced quick marches up and down Beach Road before competitions start is unfair as their own teams can hardly stand up.

Cheers now lead the Sunday pack with Rising Sun and Tippy’s a distant second and third. There’s not much to choose in the mid field, but Pleasure Dome and Billy and Da are looking up the rear end of Pattaya’s intellectual horse. However, the current league lasts until December, so there’s lot of scope left for surprises in Pattaya’s weekly exploration of indisputable facts and half remembered movies.

Rising Sun
Poteen Still
Pleasure Dome
Billy and Da
518 points
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Eastern Seaboard Corporate Golf Challenge ’98

In October this year avid golfers will be given the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Eastern Seaboard Corporate Golf Challenge ’98. The event will take place at Laem Chabang International Golf Club on Friday, October 16th, and will be an annual event.

Players will be made up from teams and individuals from companies in Bangkok and the Eastern Seaboard with the aim of encouraging camaraderie between local companies.

The challenge is a team event limited to 150 players using Stableford scoring and the Calloway handicap system, ensuring fairness for all participants. The shotgun start will be at 12:30 p.m. giving players the chance to clear their desks on the Friday morning and relax in the afternoon without having to go back to the office.

In the evening, once all players have returned to the clubhouse, a Prize Giving Dinner will be held in a private hospitality lounge at the clubhouse for all players and some guests.

Prizes will be awarded for the overall team winners, best individual score, runners up, longest drive, nearest the pin, etc., and include flights to Australia, hotel room nights and various business products.

The Eastern Seaboard Corporate Golf Challenge ’98 is organised by Nevista, who specialise in organising golf tournaments and company golf days throughout Thailand.

Nathan Smith, Managing Director of Nevista, says, "An event such as this gives smaller companies the opportunity to entertain clients and staff members in a golf tournament that is relaxed and has the feel of a professional tournament. All players can arrive at the club and not worry about costs as everything is included in the player packages such as green fees, caddy, light lunch, evening dinner and refreshments at the clubhouse and around the course. This type of tournament is ideal in the current economy as it takes away the cost and concerns of organising your own company golf day."

Nevista have been prominent in the past few years in organising these kinds of events and in all previous tournaments have managed to fill all available spaces well before the scheduled date. Some of the top companies in Thailand have participated in these events and Nevista find that many companies book to enter these events months in advance and on a regular basis. Companies come from a wide variety of fields.

In addition to encouraging business the event also raises money for the Camillian Social Centre in Rayong, which is the charity for the Challenge. The social centre is run by Father Giovanni Contarin, who is well known in Thailand for his work with the underprivileged and sick, and his unending work for the centre. The problem is underfunding and events like this help support the centre.

The Eastern Seaboard Corporate Golf Challenge is sponsored by Chubb, Qantas/British Airways, Royal Garden Resort, Hagemeyer, Golf Digest Thailand, and other companies who supply product for the day and prizes.

Any interested companies, parties or individual players can contact Nevista on (02) 318 4629 or (02) 717 6191.

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PSC Golf next week

The last full week of September starts with a return visit to Khao Kheow after the Rules Invitational last week, this time a Better Ball competition from the Cafe Kronborg on Monday the 21st. The PSC Splinter Group from the Green Bottle, as an alternative option, play Stroke at Phoenix.

PSC Pattaya Golf Society also go to Khao Kheow for a Stableford competition on Tuesday the 22nd, and on Wednesday a choice of Scrambles at Natural Park Hill with the Splinter Group or at Bangpra with PSC TAGGS from Hare House.

The Monthly Mug Medal Competition with PSC Golf from Cafe Kronborg is on Thursday the 23rd, and the week ends with PSC Splinter Group playing their monthly Diana Group Medal at Rayong Green Valley. Nearer to home, TAGGS go to Siam Country Club for a relaxed Stableford competition to end the week on Friday 25th September.

A reminder that the Delaney’s inaugural Irish Open, organised by Delaney’s and PSC Golf, takes place at Rayong Green Valley on Friday October 2nd. Sign-up early for this at Delaney’s. Closing date for entries is 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 30th September.

More details of both these events and the full September Schedule can be seen at PSC Golf venues, and on our WebPage at

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Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand 
Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sungwanlek.