HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn visits Sattahip Navy Base

City Council appoints members to Public Relations and Marketing Committee

More complaints lodged against Siemens

Governor steps up war on drugs

Jealous husband kills wife

Fire safty drill held at Pattaya Park

Beautifying Pattaya’s roads

Asian Games come to Chonburi

Youths taught to conserve water

World’s pineapple growers met in Pattaya

Japanese insurance conglomerate opens office in Pattaya

Customs Department receives plaque of honor

The Decade of the Physically Challenged

Australian-Thai Chamber assists Ban Chang School

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn visits Sattahip Navy Base

Details of His Ceremony to open sailing center

On November 13, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn traveled to the Sattahip Naval Base where He received the respects of the gathered navy battalion and reviewed the troops.

The Crown Prince was greeted by the Head Judge of the Province, the Commander of the Sattahip Naval Base and many important government officials.

n1.JPG (26991 bytes)His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn traveled to Sattahip to open the new sailing center for the Sailing Association of Thailand.

After reviewing the fleet, the Crown Prince traveled to the Samut Sports Center in Tan Bay Sattahip where Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan, the President of the Yacht Club of Thailand, along with the organizer of the Asian Games, Jurin Laksanavisit, Minister with the Prime Minister’s office, the Commander of the Navy and the Head of the Sailing Association of Thailand greeted Him with a Plab Pla ceremony. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince lit incense and other holy ceremonial objects to honor Phrabuddanawornrachaborphit and then blessed the company.

Dr. Sakchai Ratanasomboon, the President of the Sports Authority of Thailand offered the Crown Prince a souvenir book and Jurin Laksanvisit of the Prime Minister’s Office invited the Crown Prince to push the button which unveiled the ‘Samut Sports Center’ sign of the Sailing Association of Thailand.

Buddhist Monk Charoenchaimahamangalatha rang the gong of victory, poured lustral water with horns and played the Mahareuk song.

The Crown Prince then began the Plab Phiti ceremony, giving the four necessary things to the monks. The Crown Prince also put his name on the stone tablets.

To conclude His visit, the Crown Prince received the respects due His rank from the assembled Honor Guard, and then proceeded to fly back to Don Muang Airport in Bangkok.

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City Council appoints members to Public Relations and Marketing Committee

The Pattaya City Council has appointed 18 new members to the Public Relations and Marketing Committee. This new members will continue the job of promoting Pattaya and maintaining her good image in the world community. The committee uses radio, television, publications and all other forms of the media to promote the city.

New members are Khun Phanga Vathanakul, Ms. Sophin Thepjug, Mr. Sutham Phantusak and Mr. Seri Wangphaijit. All four of these new members sit on the Pattaya City Council. Other members are Mr. Songsak Yomjinda, City Manager, Mr. Sithipap Muangkhum, Director of City Public Works, Mr. Sethapan Buddhani, Director of Tourism Authority of Thailand, region 3, Pattaya, Mr. Phinij Phoonsiri, Head of the Pattaya Tourism, Mr. Koyuth Bokert, Ms. Varalak Sumangalasombat, Head of Publicity for Chonburi Province, Mr. Sura Lijutiphum, Director of Thai TV, Pattaya, Mr. Chanyuth Hengtrakul, Head of the Pattaya Media Association, Mr. Suphadit Maneeratcharatsri, President of the Pattaya Business and Tourism Association, Mr. Suwat Phaephiromrat, Head of the Pattaya Hotel Association, Mr. Thaworn Konganan, President of the Koh Larn Community Association, and Mr. Chachawal Suphachayanon, Head of the Thai Hotels Association of the Eastern Seaboard.

All of the above people are well-known in the business, hotel and tourism sectors of Pattaya. Ms. Phanga Vathanakul, City Council Member, was a past president of the committee, as was Mr. Sutham, Ms. Sophin and Mr. Seri Wangphaijit.

The first order of business which the committee will give their attention to is making the seemingly forgotten ‘Passport to Pattaya’ project a reality. The name of the project is now changed to the ‘Pattaya World’ project, which has yet to show any progress. It is hoped that the new committee members will remedy this situation.

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More complaints lodged against Siemens

Sukhumvit office allegedly disturbing the peace

Citizens living in the area of the Caltex station and the Glass Museum on Sukhumvit Road in South Pattaya have been lodging complaints against the Siemens Company of Thailand, stating that the operations of the company are causing residents severe hardship. The residents also claim that the company is operating in an area zoned for residential use, not commercial use.

After lodging a complaint with the Pattaya City Council, residents looked to the Pattaya Mail for help.

n3.JPG (24163 bytes)The major complaint was about the noise from work in the factories of the Siemens Company. The main office of this operation is at 29/13, Moo 9 Sukhumvit Road, and the offending factories are behind this office building.

Parts of the complaint state, "The noise from the Siemens factories is deafening and disturbs the emotional peace of us and our neighbors. Large trucks, cranes, container trucks and heavy machinery go in and out of the factory day and night. At the same time, the construction team works from early morning with various metal cutting machines, wood cutting machines, various dies, awls and metal punchers, and various pumps and machinery which burn the eardrums until evening."

"The quality of the air is bad and getting worse by degrees every day. While the workers of the Siemens factory wear protective clothing and masks while using heavy machinery in the giant factories, which features painting, lacquering and the use of other chemicals, we must live in a poison world just outside the doors of our houses. We must close our doors and windows to protect ourselves from the odor and paint fumes, which may come into our houses anyway."

After receiving this complaint, Pattaya Mail reporters went to meet with Mr. Karl Maag, the General Manager of Siemens, to hear his explanation of these disturbing phenomena and how he was going to solve the problems.

Mr. Maag admitted that formerly, the factory’s work in back of the office may have caused noise, especially when wood and metal were cut, and agreed it may have been disturbing. The testing of heavy equipment could have also caused disturbance. He continued, saying that this was not a manufacturing plant but instead an equipment repair plant that repaired damaged or old equipment. The company had no control over when the equipment was brought in and out of the plant, mainly because the transportation system was always competing with time. Sometimes traffic caused delays. This heavy traffic made it impossible to transport equipment during the day, so it had to be done at night. Mr. Maag said this did not happen every night, though.

He continued, saying that after the complaint was filed, the Pattaya City Council, and City Manager Songsak Yomjinda, did send a letter to the Siemens Company asking them to please solve these two main problems: the noise from the factory and the odor from the chemicals. The letter asked the company to: not use metal cutters, electric planes, metal punchers and air compression machines and to stop all painting activities immediately; to build a sound proof room to stop the noises from escaping; to build a painting and lacquering shop from which chemicals couldn’t escape; and to find protective equipment to guard against odors and fumes emanating from inside the above mentioned rooms. The company was also to make sure that all workers have protective outfits.

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Governor steps up war on drugs

Sets out 4 part strategy

On November 6th Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan laid out his 4 part plan for controlling addictive drugs in Chonburi.

1. Holding workshops and seminars in order to increase results in every target group and community, and to support local organizations not connected with the government. This also includes letting the ordinary people have a part in protecting against and solving this problem.

2. Suppress producers and producing facilities. Arrest people who break the law. Putting up roadblocks to entry points. Getting rid of influential groups and improving the news. Improving technology and emphasize safety for news sources.

3. Using therapy to treat drug addicts. Strengthening the family structure and community organizations to let them have a role in reviving the condition of people addicted to drugs.

4. Formulating a public relations campaign to keep people informed. This includes increased news coverage. Establish two way communication with general public concerning drug activities, sales and manufacturing. Target groups for this plan are students, young people, laborers and the general public.

The Drug Center that will be the base of operations for all this is located in the Communications Building 2 on Rong Payaban Gao Road, Tambol Bangplasoy, City District, Chonburi. Emergency phone numbers at the Ministry of the Interior are 21199, 21054 and 21040. The regular telephone number is (038) 282993 twenty four hours a day everyday.

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Jealous husband kills wife

Premeditated stabbing on Soi 17

On November 18th, a drunken jealous husband stabbed his common-law wife to death on Pattaya, Soi 17. Sak Usadee, 33, was suspicious that his wife, Ms. Valai Yalitapannyasophas, 35, was having an affair with another man. He had asked her about this many times and she had always denied it.

Sick with jealousy, he got drunk and began to question his wife again. Becoming angry, she cursed him and his jealously. He stabbed her with a knife he had in his pocket. He later admitted to police that he had prepared the knife for this purpose.

Ms. Valai died within minutes.
Her daughter, 11, reported this to Pattaya police, who managed to apprehend the man.
He is charged with first degree murder.

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Fire safety drill held at Pattaya Park

n6.JPG (33021 bytes)Ensuring the safety of Asian Games athletes & tourists

On November 19, the Home Protection Units of Chonburi and Pattaya joined in a fire prevention and drill exercise to support the Asian Games at the Pattaya Park Beach Resort Hotel in Pattaya. The occasion was honored by Mr. Pricha Rakhid (center) the Under-Secretary of the Home Protection Department, Special Services. Mr. Pricha opened the event which was also graced by the venerable presence’s of Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan, Pattaya Mayor Pairat Suthithamrongsawat and many other high officials. Over six hundred people attended this momentous occasion.

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Beautifying Pattaya’s roads

Planting trees to honor HM the King

On October 23 Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchinaman led a ceremony to plant palm and Pradoo trees to honor His Majesty the King. The trees were planted on Sukhumvit Road, Krating Lai Junction in Banglamung. Prasert Thanasethakorn and Pattaya Mayor Pairat Suthithamrongsawat were also present as honored guests.

n7.JPG (53426 bytes)A large group of citizens from various organizations also participated, including Boy Scouts, Village Headmen, college students and primary school students. The atmosphere was festive and everyone enjoyed expressing their respect and love for His Majesty, who will complete his 6th cycle or 72nd birthday next year.

The tree planting will beautify the view and make the way into Pattaya more welcoming for visitors. It is also an auspicious prelude to the 13th Asian Games. Some of the events will be held in Pattaya.

Suphadit Maneeratcharatsri was kind enough to provide the trees. Especially beautiful are the ‘Pradoo’ trees, a type of Thai hardwood which were once abundant in Chonburi. Mr. Suphadit outdid himself and provided 700 of the arboreal treasures.

The ‘Pradoo’ trees are also a symbol of the Navy, which calls itself ‘children of the Pradoo’, as the tree is almost indestructible, except at the hands of humans. The ‘Pradoo’ trees will guard the way to the Naval base at Sattahip.

When the trees are mature and burst into full flower, it will be a beautiful sight indeed.

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Asian Games come to Chonburi

Chonburi and Pattaya to host 6 events

Chonburi is one of 13 provinces in Thailand which have received the honor of being host to the 13th Asian Games between the 6-20 of December. 43 different countries have sent athletes to compete. Chonburi and Pattaya will host 6 events.

Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan, in his aegis as the director of water sports, and Admiral Narong Yuthawong, Commander of the Battleship Fleet of the Sattahip Naval Base, in his aegis as the Director of the Samut Sports Center, have joined in coordinating the work and the meetings of the organizing committee.

The current concern of the committee is to ensure confidence in the athletes and tourists by: 1. Making sure there are no destructive fires, 2. Making sure that the city is clean and disease free by checking the various hotels, restaurants and other establishments, 3. Setting up a sports center to organize work, public relations, and arrange transportation, security, and welcome committees. The center will be opened officially at the Ambassador City Jomtien Hotel on the 25th of November.

The Ambassador City Hotel and Pattaya Park Beach Resort Hotel have been specified as the official hotels for the Games.

Pattaya Park Beach Resort Hotel will host beach volleyball between December 7-9, and Windsurfing between December 8-12.

Sailing competitions will take place at Tan Bay in Sattahip between December 8-13.

Mab-Pa-Chan reservoir will be the site for canoeing from December 8-11, and rowing from December 15-19, 1998.

The Ambassador City Jomtien Hotel will host the Squash competition from December 8-12.

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Youths taught to conserve water

On November 19, at the Mab Prachan water purification plant, officials greeted young people who are part of the Isuzu Company’s Youth Program.

n9.JPG (21339 bytes)Youths selected for the Isuzu Company’s Youth Program visit the Mab Prachan water purification plant and learn to conserve water.

This year, 40 young people were selected to learn about the value of clean water and how a water system works. This is to encourage youngsters to conserve water sources.

The Isuzu Company sponsors a Youth Program each year. This year it was entitled "Thai Families getting together to save water."

The youngsters are competing for a plaque which they will receive from Her Royal Highness Pathcarakitiyapha and "The Isuzu takes young people to Japan."

The youngsters observed the reservoir and its workings for more than one hour. They then went to the Isuzu Company and the Oceanographic Studies Center.

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World’s pineapple growers met in Pattaya

Thai-Thailand was honored to be the host of the third seminar on international pineapples on November 17.

Mr. Pitphong Peungboon Na Ayuthaya, Manager of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, presided at the opening ceremony of the seminar at the Dusit Resort. More than 300 people from around the world participated.

The pineapple is an important economic crop for Thailand. Pineapples produced in Thailand amount to 8,000-10,000 million baht in revenue. Thailand is the largest producer of pineapple in the world with an annual production of 2 million tons, about 19.32% of the world’s total.

However, looking at the pineapple industry in Thailand at present, there are problems with production and marketing. Special concerns focus on the efficient use of technology in order to increase the quality and quantity of the pineapple, which would give Thailand a competitive edge.

The International Pineapple Seminar has been held once in Honolulu and once on Martinique Island. The purpose of the seminar is: 1. To spread information on the scientific aspects of pineapple cultivation to growers and other concerned people. 2. To analyze problems with production and development of the pineapple industry which Thailand and other countries are suffering. 3. To disperse information concerning marketing in the pineapple industry. 4. To join together those engaged in the business of pineapples from the other seminars.

The purpose of this meeting was to make the scientific data more widespread on improvement of plants, quality and quantity of fruit produced in foreign countries. Thus, the purpose was to exchange knowledge on pineapples and listen to sage lectures from bromeliadologists, marketers, promoters and others in the pineapple industry.

It is now pineapple harvesting season in Thailand.

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Japanese insurance conglomerate opens office in Pattaya

The Mitsui Marine and Fire Insurance Company, a giant corporation from Japan which has branches all over the world, has expanded its operations into the Eastern Seaboard with the opening of a new office in Pattaya.

n11.JPG (14064 bytes)Pattaya Mayor Pairat Suthithamrongsawat, Kazuo Kazuhara, the Head of the Board of Directors of the Mitsui Marine and Fire Insurance Company, and the company’s board officially opened the company’s new office in Pattaya on November 20.

The company firmly believes that Thailand’s economy will stabilize in the near future.

Pattaya Mayor Pairat Suthithamrongsawat presided over the opening on November 20. Kazuo Kazuhara, the Head of the Board of Directors, along with the company’s board, attended.

Mr. Kazuo told listeners that Mitsui Marine and Fire had been in Thailand for over 20 years. The company specializes in disaster insurance in all countries.

He said the company also provides accident insurance, life insurance and marine disaster insurance, as well as auto insurance and motorcycle insurance.

Presently, the main office is in Japan and has capital reserves of 400,000 million baht. It is the most respected insurance company in Asia and the seventh largest in the world. In Thailand , the company has 3,000 million baht in vested capital. This gives Mitsui great credibility and it has many clients on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand.

Mr. Kazuo said that the company set up its office in Pattaya to give clients on the Eastern Seaboard the full amount of service the company is able to provide.

Faruk Wongborisut, Panya Panyakanakul and Thitiphong Nualmanee are the company’s representatives in the area.

Any of Mitsui’s Fire and Marine Insurance’s customers who have problems may now contact the company representatives at the Pattaya Office and receive free consultation.

The address is 1/3 Moo 6 Sukhumvit Road, Tambol Na Klua, Banglamung District, Chonburi Province. The telephone number is (038)411-593, fax (038) 423-537, Mobile phone 01-657-1906, 01-943-4487 or pager 162-209-126.

The office is open from 8:30-18:00 every day except Sunday

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Customs Department receives plaque of honor

Continuing to improve system

The Thai-US Business Council gave the Thai Customs Department a plaque of honor, citing the work of the Customs Department as "quick, fast, clever and almost international standard". It was the first branch of the Thai government to ever receive any type of award from this organization.

n12.JPG (36383 bytes)Somjaineuk Engtrakul, Secretary of the Customs Department.

Dr. Carl Jackson, President of the Thai-US Business Council praised the results of the work of the Thai Customs Department, which has built great satisfaction among the Thai and American business people.

The honor was announced at a seminar conducted by the Thai Customs Department with the Thai Commerce Authority, held on the standards and rates for duties for encouraging exports.

The seminar covered four topics: 1. The restrictions and public rights to commerce following the treaties among countries, 2. The standards for encouraging exports, 3. The conducting of customs work in local areas, and 4. Border commerce and import-export through customs docks in region 1.

Many government administrations have used the platform that they would like to see the private sector lead business, leaving the government sector in the roll of supporter.

At last notice, the Thai Chamber of Commerce had joined in mutual advising with representatives of investors and businesspeople in the USA, i.e., the Thai-US Business Council.

Somjaineuk Engtrakul, Secretary of the Customs Department, stated that the department is attempting to give every convenience possible to importers and exporters, without discriminations.

At present, the Customs Department is attempting to stimulate the investors from overseas to invest locally. This is being done by making new laws which are easier and more profitable for all concerned.

Duty is collected quicker, giving special treatment to heavy investors. Efficiency is also being improved through the development of a computer system for import and export items, which is now 70-80% finished. The project is expected to be finished early next year.

The Thai government has already received 1.5 million US$ from group of businesspeople from the USA who are very interested in investing in Thailand and in the exporting project at U-Tapao.

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The Decade of the Physically Challenged

On November 28, the Redemptorist Center and Chonburi Province will sponsor a day to remind us of the physically challenged members of the community. The celebration of life will be held at the Redemptorist Center and the public is invited. The purpose is for people to learn about physically challenged people and to learn how they are able to be contributing members of society.

n13.JPG (78224 bytes)Mr. Suphorntham Mongkolsawat, Principal of the Redemptorist Center School, talks with organizers about the celebration.

In the past, the physically challenged were often ‘written off’ by society and kept at home. This attitude has changed in recent years, thanks to the work of the Redemptorist Center and other enlightened agencies in educating the public. The years 1993-2003 have been designated ‘The Decade of the Physically Challenged’ by APAC.

The celebration on November 28 will feature musical performances, plays, local games and other activities.

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Australian-Thai Chamber assists Ban Chang School

The Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce has community service activities as one of its objectives. "We believe in giving something back to the people of the country where we live and work."

This year, the ATCC’s community service project is to provide a library for a school in the Rayong region. There are many Australian Industrial Developments in the Rayong area, so it was considered that this was a suitable area for assistance.

The school selected is the Ban Khao Huai Mahad School in Ban Chang. This institution caters for 120 children, most of whom are the children of local factory workers. It has received very little assistance from local corporations, but has been making a genuine effort to educate the children in its care.

The Chamber will be making an official visit to the school in December, in conjunction with the upcoming Eastern Seaboard Sundowners evening on December 11th at which H.E. William Fisher, the Australian Ambassador will be present.

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Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek.