101 continue to battle scheduled demolition
Form commitee for strengthThe 101 businesses in South Pattaya that have been ordered by the National Government to move off public land they are occupying have formed a committee to battle the eviction.
Representatives of the 101 businesses in South Pattaya scheduled for demolition formed a committee to try to save their livelihoods.
This committee met on January 4th at King Seafood Restaurant to find ways of convincing the government to reconsider its decision, passed down almost two years ago.
The committee felt they needed a legal structure to represent them, so they elected officers and made bylines for the committee.
They now call themselves The Committee of 101 Businesspeople, with Mr. Sukhum Viphutanon as President, Mr. Jaran Jittivithikarn, Mr. Naris Petcharat and Mr. Sunthorn Knasririkul as Vice-Presidents. A treasurer, a secretary and nine others were elected to fight the government.
Each of the 101 has put in 500 baht per square meter in front of their respective businesses, totaling 200,000 baht to use as expenses. They are attempting two ways to achieve their goal. The first involves calling for justice by submitting a letter, which will begin at the local level and make its way up to the highest levels of the government.
While this letter is being considered, the 101 will invite the government demolition committee, which is ready to rip down their buildings, to listen to their arguments. This would ensure fairness in conducting all matters.
If the letter fails, the 101 have a plan 2. This consists of the gathering together of over 1,500 people, who will then pile into buses and gather in front of government house to personally serve the letter to the government.
Mr. Jaran, the owner of King Seafood, summed up the problem thus; "There were various people in the government who wish to obtain advantage from the use of the land at the end of Bali Hai Point. The building site for the Pattaya Pier had been moved farther out and they wish to tear down the 101 businesses. Then, the people who wish to take advantage of the situation would initiate a landfill project to extend the beach. They would be able to receive thousands of millions of baht from the budget for this project."
"The landfill project had been initiated during the government of Banharn Silpa-Archa, who was thrown out of office on a no confidence vote. Then, in the new Chuan Leekphai government, although the landfill project was nixed, the buildings were still ordered torn down.
"This was done without any prior consideration or study. At this point in time, the countrys economy is in dire straits and the government wants to destroy tourism? Tearing down the buildings will cost a lot of money and where will the government get it aside from taking out a loan from the IMF?
"The government is destroying a valuable tourist resource which makes money for the country and destroying the reason for Pattayas being.
The 101 feels that the government is wrong and must fight it and make the government ministers reconsider," Jaran concluded.
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Frenchman arrested for child molesting
Caught with 14 year old boy
On January 29th, officers from the Foreign Crimes Division arrested French national Jacob Phillipe Alberiini, 56, and charged him with child molestation after he allegedly paid a fourteen year old boy for sexual services.
Staff at a South Pattaya hotel notified police that Alberiini had been bringing boys to his room on a regular basis. When police went to investigate, they found a young Thai boy in Alberiinis room.
Pattaya Police questioned the 14 year old, who told them Alberiini had been a regular customer since December 16. The man paid the boy from 100-200 baht for each experience.
Alberiini was charged with child molestation (engaging in sexual relations with an individual less than 15 years old). The law specifies that this is a crime whether the child was willing or not.
Alberiini denied the accusations and would not sign a confession.
The boy was also charged with inappropriate behavior for his age.
Both await trial.
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Two heart attacks end with one death
Finnish tourist dies on Larn Island
A Finnish tourist who had been drinking alcohol in the hot sun died from a myocardial infarction on December 30 on Larn Island.
Mr. Huvari Maark Yakko, 48, after drinking a large quantity of beer, allegedly challenged a friend to a wrestling match. After the match, both were tired, and when they went back up onto the beach, Mr. Yakko collapsed. Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation was attempted in vain.
Mr. Maartin Aari Vilho (sic), his wrestling partner, was so upset at his friends death that he too, had a heart attack.
Mr. Vilho was able to be revived by friends and is now recovering at Banglamung Hospital.
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Police raid small time gambling party
Confiscate cords and sitting mat
On December 30, the ever watchful Crime Suppression Division of the Pattaya Police Department were out in force to stop a frenzy of heinous gambling. The police stealthily stole around Pattayas residential areas looking for people involved in this activity, which they consider to be a danger to society and the morals of young people.
Doughty officers raided a small-time gambling party at a private residence in Central Pattaya.
Slyly slinking to the back of the Mackin Thai Market on Central Road, police found three youths engaged in an orgy of betting.
Officers pounced valiantly and arrested three young men. They also confiscated the tools of their nefarious activities, one deck of cards and a mat upon which the three were sitting.
All three confessed to the crime but tried to wriggle out of it by telling officers that it was just a friendly game of poker with five baht stakes.
Unimpressed, police charged the three with illegal gaming and sent them to the officer on duty for charging.
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11 year old accidentally shot in the back
Police searching for 14 year old friend
At 12:00 a.m. on December 27, Police Captain Tawachchai Korbkrathoke, the Investigative Officer of the Banglamung Police Department, received a report that an 11 year old boy had been shot with a gun of unknown type. He was wounded and had been taken to the Banglamung Hospital. Police were asked to investigate the matter as the boy was in critical condition.
An 11 year old boy was accidentally shot with this rifle by his 14 year old friend.
After receiving the report, the officer went to the hospital along with a squad of police. They found Anat Chantra, 11, undergoing treatment.
The boy had been wounded by a cap rifle. The shot had had spattered his back causing 8 separate wounds. The doctors at Banglamung Hospital sent him to Chonburi Hospital for treatment.
Later, police talked with Mr. Kijprasert Daengpia, who witnessed the incident. He told officers that before the shooting, he saw a boy, Jon Chanthien, 14, walking with a rifle and Anat walking in front of him. When they came to the front of a house in Khao Mai Kaew in Banglamung, he heard one shot and saw Anat collapse. He quickly took Anat to the hospital. Jon ran away.
Police went to the scene of the shooting and found the cap rifle near the jungle. Officers went to find Jon to bring him in for questioning but could not find him.
Police conjecture that Jon did not intend to shoot Anat but became afraid when the rifle accidentally fired. Police are still looking for the boy.
Police have not yet been able to contact the parents of the two boys.
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Phone lines being tapped and used for long distance calls
Authorities believe phone crooks are Middle Easterners
Telephone authorities warn residents to beware of Middle Eastern criminals who have been caught tapping into peoples phone lines and using them for long distance calls.
The Telephone Organization of Thailand also warns those with cellular phones that these same people have been tuning into mobile phone frequencies and using them for their own purposes.
The Telephone Organization said the usual modus operandi was for these foreigner crooks to rent houses in areas where many other foreigners resided for short periods of time. They would then tap into their neighbors telephone lines. Authorities believe most of these criminals are from Pakistan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
This behavior has caused many problems for residents and hotels who have to pay the astronomical phone bills.
The Telephone Organization also suffers as they have to pay for international satellite use without being able to collect from the unknown users.
If you feel that your phone is being tampered with, please notify The Communications Authority of Thailand at (02) 506-4370-1 or 982-8229. The Authority will then put special protective measures into effect on your long distance outgoing calls.
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College students arrested for speed party
Smoking utensils and 180 tablets confiscated
Working from a tip off, police broke up an amphetamine party on January 5th at an unnumbered house in Rung Thai Housing Project, Banglamung.
A squad of officers from the Banglamung police who responded to the call initially had a bit of trouble finding the house as it had no address. But canny officers were equal to the situation. Asking nosy neighbors, who always are more informed than anyone, they found out immediately.
Speed pills and smoking utensils were confiscated from an unnumbered house in Banglamung where 12 college students arrested for possession of schedule one substances.
Officers surrounded the house where sounds of wild laughter and mad partying emanated, along with the fetid miasma of smoked methamphetamine.
When officers stormed the house, their suspicions were borne out as they found 12 college students involved in a methamphetamine debauch. Bongs littered the floor and the police found 180 tablets of methamphetamine.
The twelve students were arrested and charged with possession and use of a schedule one substance.
One of the students had obtained the drug for the party and was charged with possession of schedule one substances with intent to sell.
Questioned by police, he told officers that he had bought them from a wholesaler who dealt in millions of tablets at a time. He refused to reveal his source for fear of reprisal.
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Sriracha beach improvements debated
Not everyone approvesThe port city of Sriracha is preparing to repair the beach, yet, according to some, at the same time they may be doing dire damage to the marine shoreline environment. The project to erect a sturdy wall to hold back waves, is basically a bid to tame the mighty ocean. But as Sriracha is in the Gulf of Siam, which is not troubled by Tsunami, rollers or even waves upon which a surfer could cavort, this project may be ill-conceived. The constraining wall will run the entire length of the beach and have the same effect as cutting off the wondrously beautiful flight feathers of a parrot in order to keep it in line.
Im provement of Srirachas shoreline may involve tearing down old-style buildings and piers and constructing a large retaining wall to protect the beach from erosion.
On December 9th, the city of Sriracha, in one of the Eastern Seaboards ever popular brainstorming sessions, was thinking of ways to improve the seaside environment, with the gracious assistance from German academics in both technique and budget.
The session yielded two ways of thinking. One wishes to re-green the city by planting trees, moving the messy looking piers in order to divert vehicle traffic, and beautifying the view by the sea. This is to be done for the people and to save the environment.
The other group would like to build concrete roads running parallel to the beach, begin a landfill project and build railway tracks to run to Loy Island. This is also to be done for the people and to improve the environment.
Many people think the second plan is not necessary. It will also cost much money, which is a handicap in these days of the drooping economy.
In any case, both plans from this brainstorming session will be drawn up and presented to learned people such as city planners, architects and the National Office for the Environment. Both plans will be given consideration by all the concerned scholars. After opinions have been given, they will be presented to the mayor of Sriracha for the inevitable consideration.
One very viable opinion stated at the brainstorming session was that if everyone took proper care of the environment, neither of these plans would be necessary.
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Meyer Incorporated accused of unsanitary dumping
Local residents stage protest
The Meyer Company in Laem Chabang is being accused of dumping waste in public places. Local residents were out in force last week, their ire raised and crying for justice.
After suffering bronchial irritation, runny noses and many other respiratory and gastro-intestinal complaints from the dust emitted by the factory, citizens thought that their health was at last to be stable. But the company is allegedly up to its cavalier behavior once again. Citizens have found rubbish strewn in a most uncaring manner and overflowing trash cans. These cans have Meyer Incorporated emblazoned on them thus making it difficult for the company to refute its culpability. Examining the trash and finding nothing of value, citizens were shocked to see shards of stainless steel and an ominous white powder.
Any chemical waste is to be sent to the Genco Company for safe disposal, while ordinary trash was ordered sent to the Laem Chabang dump.
Dr. Sanit Banthujan, the Manager of the Laem Chabang Industrial Estates, revealed to residents dismay and disgust that the company had only completed one stage of its upgrade of trash containment. The second stage is due for completion on January 23, 1999.
Dr. Sanit said experts have been monitoring the emissions of chemicals such as hydrocarbons from the smokestacks of the factories with great care.
As for the trash, he said that the company had been warned that they were absolutely forbidden to dump it anywhere but the proper place. Apparently, they did not or do not listen.
Dr. Sanit did admit that this whole situation was indeed distressing but that he could do naught. The only people allowed to move the trash was the Pattaya Chaiyathip Company, which was contracted to do it.
Mr. M.S. Chan, in his aegis as the owner of the company, admitted that the trash was indeed that of the company. But he denied it being steel and stated it was aluminum and cloth.
Mr. Chans company contracted Mr. Jom, whose surname they did not know, to remove the trash. The man had apparently no regard for people and had dumped it in a public area.
Mr. Petch Tungkaserawong, the leader of the residents, admitted that the stench had abated somewhat but this gave meager satisfaction and he hoped that the company would keep monitoring progress closely.
The companies gave their word, which put residents hearts at ease.
Mr. Petch also requested the companies give physical examinations to residents to prove that the chemicals were not affecting their health.
The reasonable Mr. Petch cautioned that residents were investigating legal methods of receiving financial compensation from the company for any medical or hospital costs incurred.
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Ignorance is not bliss in Pattaya
A look at prostitution off the South Pattaya pier
Comment by Add
Pattaya has the reputation of being a world class tourist destination. One may hear dozens of languages spoken on Pattayas streets, attesting to her value to attract tourists.
There is a question often asked by real Pattaya natives: Why doesnt the city do something to improve the citys reputation? Many of Pattayas high-rollers might give you a blank look and ask what this question means. But its time to get real. Ignorance is not bliss; neither do problems go away when one ignores them or pretends they dont exist.
The natives would like Pattayas image to be that of 30 years ago. That of a beach town, with golden sands, sheltering palms and waters rich with fish.
Sadly, the mention of the name Pattaya brings up one image in the worlds eyes today. Prostitution.
The large business and hotel operators complain of the foreign press smearing Pattaya, yet they, who have the power, do nothing concrete to stop this very real problem.
Part of the Pattaya Pier welcoming commitee.
It seems as if they would rather sweep it under the rug or use the head in the sand technique. Dont talk about it and it doesnt exist.
If the foreign press would just stop smearing Pattaya, everyone would be happy.
The citys movers and shakers dont seem motivated enough to get to the problem at its roots.
Every day, one can see young prostitutes hanging on the railings of the tourist pier. They are tantamount to a welcoming committee, as this pier could be called the door to Pattaya, as it is used by so many tourists. Doubly sad it that most of the prostitutes are very young women.
From where do these teenagers come? Talking to the girls at the pier, the stories are quite similar; broken homes and troubled families. Especially in the age of the IMF.
Some complain of parents too busy making a living to spend any time with their children. Others speak of mistreatment by step-parents. Step mothers often mistreat girls and step fathers often mistreat boys. This causes young people to run away, with no thought of how they will support themselves.
Young people usually congregate in places where other young problem children are. The more displaced young people in one area, a pack mentality takes over. This comes from the need for survival, at any cost.
Leaving home when young brings the childs education and socialization to a halt.
One young girl we talked to said that money problems at home were not the main reason for leaving. Her parents divorced and her mother remarried. She did not get along with her stepfather and left to escape the situation. Meeting young people with similar problems, they could identify with one another and rented a house together.
Having no other way to make money and no control figure, they, in effect, gave each other permission to go into prostitution.
The girl told us that is was her friends who told her where the best places to find customers were and how to talk to them. Money came easy and she could pay all her expenses. She has been doing this for a long time.
Asked if she would like to do some other type of work, the answer was I dont know how to do anything else.
Young runaways who have had some education will often get jobs as clerks in large shopping malls. Those with a bit of knowledge of English will often get jobs as waiters.
But when the pay does not meet expenses, prostitution often becomes a sideline, the restaurant being used as a contact point.
The sex workers at the pier told us whenever they had a foreign customer, they would double the price and receive no argument. This makes the foreign tourist the prime target for these young women and thus Pattayas image is ruined, tourists being the prey of choice.
The Pier now has a jungle atmosphere, with each persons turf being defined and invading anothers inevitably leads to physical combat. As in the jungle, the older and more dominant individuals win.
How can we help these young people? Would it be possible to find a safe house for them, in which they receive protection, food and training in a vocation or profession? The important matter is to be able to find jobs for those who have finished any training program.
There are many cases of young people trained in a vocation and then left to find jobs on their own. This failing, they return to prostitution.
Several of the young people whom the Pattaya Mail spoke confirmed this.
It is a bit annoying to hear how Pattayas economy is failing and then see the literally thousands of establishments which sell sex, openly or secretly, thriving. More are opening every day. Bars, Karaokes, Massage Parlors, Beer Bars, Pubs and other establishments which have sex for sale as an understood stay in business. Every male in Pattaya who has enough money budgets a certain amount of his monthly income on this activity.
Male prostitution is very common in Pattaya. This is engaged in by drug addicts, some sociopath types who will do anything for money and young men who are professional prostitutes.
Male prostitutes tend to have regular clients and the number of young men selling their bodies for money is as numerous at the pier as young women. An interesting phenomenon is that male prostitutes are adopted and taken overseas by clients more often than their female counterparts.
In the end, it is public officials who are responsible for solving the first step of the problem. They should be the guardians of Pattayas image. Officials seem to forget that taxpayers money is used to pay their salaries. Elected officials should not forget they are elected and the peoples trust is put in them to see that Pattaya is a viable city and not a human rubbish bin into which the dregs of society are thrown.
If officials feel its not my affair (for this read; It has no effect on me, so I dont care), they will receive a rude awakening a few years from now when their house of cards falls down.
How can Pattayas image be good when the only time we see public officials is when they avidly have their pictures taken as they give alms to the poor? Self promotion is the main preoccupation of Pattayas public officials.
Why dont these public officials, so eager to have their pictures taken, look at the Tarn Chivit magazine?
It speaks of a foundation that gave more than 10 million baht in help to the poor last year but refused to have its name divulged.
This foundation was not looking for votes or brownie points, but instead was a group of people concerned with peoples welfare.
I wonder. Will these two years of tourism earn the country the nickname Amazing Thailand or will it still be Amazing Prostitution?
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Romanian Ambassador pays visit to Pattaya
Visits Pattaya Mail and Chonburi Governor
On December 29, the Ambassador of Romania to Thailand, H. E. Ioan Voicu visited Pattaya for a Christmas/working holiday.
While in town, H.E. Voicu stopped off for a visit at the Pattaya Mail office. H.E. Voicu is a big fan of the Pattaya Mail and says he reads it every week.
H.E. Ioan Voicu, Ambassador of Romania to Thailand (right), visited Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan (right) accompanied by Managing Director of Pattaya Mail Pratheep Malhotra (center).
The Ambassador told Pattaya Mail reporters that the newspaper had kept him informed of what was transpiring along the Eastern Seaboard. His Excellency was especially fascinated by the tourism and industry in the area.
After his visit, the Ambassador was escorted to the Chonburi Provincial Office to meet with Sujarit Pajchimanan, Governor of Chonburi, in order to get to know him personally.
H.E. Voicu stated the he felt that the Romanian government showed tendencies to cooperate in investment and tourism in the rapidly expanding economy of the region.
H.E. Voicu was especially impressed with Pattaya, which he said was a complete tourist destination.
The Ambassador spoke of planning to propose projects and propositions to his superiors in Bucharest for the furthering of mutual investment and cultural exchange in the area.
H.E. Voicu continued, saying that the two countries were ripe for a fascinating cultural exchange.
The Ambassador also presented the province with a book on Romanian industry and commerce as a souvenir.
The Ambassador spoke with Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan for 20 minutes and then returned.
Governor Sujarit stated that he was very happy that the Ambassador visited and that Romanian businesses might be interested in investing in Chonburi and Pattaya.
H.E. Voicu wished all the staff at the Pattaya Mail a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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Police Colonel Jiraphan Issarangkul Na Ayuthaya
A closer look at the Superintendent of the Pattaya Immigration Police
Police Colonel Jiraphan Issarangkul Na Ayuthaya, Superintendent of the Pattaya Immigration Police, has been with the Immigration Division for over 20 years.
Police Colonel Jiraphan began his career as a border police officer, a position he held for 32 years from 1934-1966.
In 1967-68, he studied to be a pilot at the Helicopter Pilot Training School in Texas, USA, and from 1968-73 he was with the airborne police squadron.
He joined the Immigration Division for the first time in 1973, based in Sungai-Kolok in the Malaysian border province of Narathiwat. He also obtained a bachelors degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University. Following this, his latest posting was as Immigration Inspector in Narathiwas Province.
Police Colonel Jiraphan Issarangkul Na Ayuthaya, Superintendent of the Pattaya Immigration Police.
He then moved to the Immigration Division in Bangkok, posted as a Superintendent of two entry points in Bangkok.
Three years later, he moved to the province of Chonburi (Region 2) where he was posted with the Peoples and Childrens Safety and Welfare Division. He was superintendent of 5 areas of Region 2.
He then moved to the Division of Criminal Statistics.
In June of 1998, Colonel Jirapan once again joined the Immigration Division as a member of the National Police. His position was the Superintendent of the Immigration Division for Pattaya. After 20 years of experience, he now supervises Sriracha District, Laem Chabang, Sri Chang Island and Chonburi Province.
Even though the Colonel has been in Pattaya only a short time, his great experience in many areas has served him well.
The Colonel says, "My duties are to provide the quickest possible service to people entering and exiting the country. We wish to assist visitors to the country.
"Stopping crime is an important facet of this position. We must not allow foreign nationals to use Thailand as a base for their criminal operations. We must protect the security of the country.
"The Immigration Division also closely cooperates with the International Crimes Units of the Pattaya Police and Tourist Police Divisions in hunting down people hiding in the area or engaging in secret criminal activities in Pattaya. There are now 34 foreigners on Thailands blacklist. Three of these blacklisted people were residing in Pattaya and have been deported.
"Due to the economic situation in the country, the Immigration Division has adjusted its operations and policies to help promote the flow of foreign currency into the country.
"We have eased some of the regulations in order to give people opportunities for longer and even permanent residence in the country. This could be compared to a Green Card as in the United States. A foreigner who invests or brings a specified amount of Thai baht into the country may receive a residents permit.
"Regarding tourists, we have been monitoring the desirable and undesirable elements for the past two years. If the purpose of their visit is truly touristic, visas may be extended regularly. But those carrying tourist visas who are not really tourists will be carefully investigated by the Immigration Division. Their visas may not be extended.
"The clean up of illegal aliens from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia is to ensure national security and make for a better atmosphere in the two official tourism years. Many of these people have come into Thailand and are begging on the streets, selling chewing gum and other things. We see that this is annoying to bona-fide tourists.
"Many of these people have been arrested and sent back to their countries.
"As for sex tourists who come here to make pornography and indulge in pederasty, the Immigration Division warns that any foreigners involved in go-go dancing or lewd and lascivious shows will suffer the consequences. This is bad for the country and Thailands reputation has suffered considerably.
"There are still a few places in Pattaya where it is difficult to stamp out these activities. This is because they only allow foreigners in and wont admit Thai people. So it is difficult to arrest them and bring them to trial.
"As for foreigners who come to engage in sex with children, my own opinion is the severest punishment allowed by law should be meted out to these people. If not, the people engaging in these activities will not be afraid.
"Sometimes the courts reduce charges on crimes such as these. These pederasts then leave the country, come back and indulge in the same behavior. The law must be that all people convicted of such crimes should be deported with a blacklist stamp in their passports.
"As for the children involved, we will use the juvenile court system, always considering whether the child can be rehabilitated or not, when they are arrested. The police cannot hold them for more than 24 hours and must send them to the Child and Juvenile Rehabilitation Center at Huay Pong, in Rayong for further processing.
"This shows the strictness and policies of the Immigration Police of Pattaya. For those who are not satisfied, they should know that these orders come from the Ministry of the Interior and the agreement of the Immigration Division.
"The one hindrance the Pattaya Immigration Division has is that it has no power to deport offenders but must send them to the Bangkok Division for processing."
The Colonel concluded with comments on the potential for giving service to tourists and building cooperation between the people and the tourists; "Freedom in the discharge of my duties is not an important issue in my work. The important thing is good quality and efficient work by the Immigration Officials in the providing of convenience.
"If anyone hears rumors, such as Mafia, counterfeiting passports, lewd shows or child molestation, they should contact the Immigration Division at (038) 410-240 or (038) 429-409."
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Sattahip Navy Base celebrates founding day
Base started by His Majesty King Rama the VI
At 8:30 sharp on December 23, 1998, the Naval Base at Sattahip celebrated its founding on the lawn in front of the main building.
Commander of Sattahip Naval Base Admiral Boworn Mingmuang addresses the troupes in celebration of the Founding Day of the Navy.
Admiral Boworn Mingmuang, Commander of the Base, and Admiral Khamranawuth Khlongdamdnavanakarn performed a ceremony of blessing, offering respects to the statue of HRS Duke Chumporn Khetudomsak.
After this, a morning meal was offered to 9 monks in celebration of the 76th year of the bases founding.
The idea for the Naval Base was one of His Majesty King Rama the VI. The purpose of the base was to protect the seas of the Eastern Seaboard of Siam and to train young sailors in the ways of the sea.
The Sattahip Naval Base provides docking facilities for Thailands battleships, her aircraft carrier the HS Chakri Nareubeth, and the Navys complement of aircraft and helicopters.
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Planing ahead for Song kran 1999
Festival committee gets a jump on the big party
Pattaya City, ever efficient, is already planning a carnival to go along with the Songkran Festival in April. Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan and Pattaya Mayor Pairat Suthithamrongsawat were present at a meeting and brainstorming session for the festival on December 23rd.
As usual, the Festival will be a joint effort and the mayor has promised that he will convince the private sector to become involved. The city has allotted one million baht for the Festival.
Those attending will be agog at the tremendous stage performances, Thai crafts on display and the jolly atmosphere which accompanies each Pattaya Songkran.
Sutham Phantusak reminded members of the problems of last years festival. He spoke about the citys hiring of a private company to organize the gala.
Mr. Sutham cautioned enthusiastic members and told them that last year, Pattaya did not use any city funds. If it were to be done this year, he felt that no less than 2 million baht would be sufficient. He proposed that two lofty goals be set for the holy Thai New Year celebration. One, that it be planned to bring in money from foreign tourists; and two, bring in funds from Thai visitors who planned a morning journey and evening return.
Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pajchimanan revealed that if he were organizing the Festival, he would invite countries such as Australia, New Zealand and others for an international beach volleyball tournament.
Pratheep Malhotra, President of the Pattaya Sports Club, agreed with the governor, saying that as Pattaya had hosted the water sports in the 13th Asian Games, a windsurf competition and a beach volleyball game would be wise choices for a sports tournament.
Mr. Pratheep continued, saying that the whole spectrum of activities should be presented. The Pattaya Sports Club is quite capable of, and would be more than pleased to organise golf, bowling, darts and fishing events to be integrated into the official program of the festival.
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Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
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Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek.