Pattaya Mail
special correspondent Peter Cummins presents this
tribute to His Majesty the King, as our collective
“Happy Birthday” greetings to our beloved
Monarch on the occasion of his seventy-fourth birthday
on Wednesday, the fifth of December.
Our readers will find some familiar
parts in the story, for the King’s development
projects have been ongoing for more than 50 years and
there is, of course, a historical perspective which has
been encapsulated. However, there are still many aspects
of the King’s development theories, philosophy, and
processes which have not been widely exposed and which,
in a short article like this, it is not feasible to try
to incorporate. They are the material for a large
research publication which the Pattaya Mail will
undertake some time in the future.
His Majesty
King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great went to the Hua Hin airfield in Prachuap Khiri
Khan Province recently to visit the Royal Rainmaking
Research and Development Institute. But he did not go
alone; rather, he took a group of students with him, to
inspect the royally initiated rainmaking project. The
King patiently explained the mechanisms and complexities
of the system to the youngsters from the Klai Kangwol
“Such a project as this helps
alleviate drought and water shortages often critical in
such dry provinces as Prachuab Khiri Khan and many other
rural areas,” the King pointed out to the enthralled
His Majesty’s ‘outing’ with
these schoolchildren again underlines his concern about
the efficacy of his numerous development projects in
reaching out to even the least of his subjects. This
occasion was a little reminiscent of an event four years
ago. Then, the King was so intent upon his dedication to
the people through his “middle way” - the Buddhist
philosophy of balance, inter-relatedness and
self-reliance - that he escorted a group of journalists
to visit the Huay Hong Krai Centre which acts as a model
for catchment area conservation for the north.
The fact that it was His Majesty’s
only press trip for many years - and has not been
repeated since - indicated the importance that he
attached, in that case, to the sites where the farmers
can observe the ongoing research, and choose whatever is
most suitable for their needs and localities.
According to the observations of one
member of the media accompanying the King at that time,
“while international development literature devotes
much space to formulating projects aimed at ‘people
participation’ and beneficial end-results for the
intended recipients, His Majesty had been working
according to these guidelines - before the development
community even thought of embracing them”.
The King established five
other Royal Development Study Centres - or, as they are
better known - “Living Museums” - situated in the
roughest terrain in their respective regions. These
centres are the locale for experiments in reforestation,
irrigation, land development and farm technology which
are conducted to find practical applications within the
constraints of local conditions, geography and
topography. His Majesty’s aim is to restore the
natural balance, to enable people to become
first centre organized was that of Khao Hin Son, in the
rocky area of Chachoengsao’s Phanom Sarakam District.
Here, the centre studies how to turn the barren soil,
caused by deforestation, back into fertile land again.
Other centres are located at strategic places around the
The Pikul Thong Centre at Narathiwat
studies the swampy, acidic land of the southern-most
region. The Phu Phan Centre in Sakhon Nakhon studies
soil salinity and irrigation in the country’s biggest
region, the Northeast, which suffers from endemic
drought. The Krung Kraben Bay Centre in Chantaburi
examines the rehabilitation of mangrove forests and
coastal areas following massive destruction. The Huay
Sai Centre in Petchaburi studies the rehabilitation of
degraded forests and shows villagers, in their turn, how
to protect the forests.
When he is in doubt, the King will
fly over a particular area, armed with aerial
photographs and maps of the terrain, noting features as
they pass underneath. But, being a good photographer
himself, he also takes his own pictures and later
juxtaposes them, to obtain a detailed image of the area
of his concern which helps in his planning of specific
development projects.
the more than five decades that the King has ruled
Thailand, not only Thais, but people around the world
have become accustomed to seeing His Majesty travelling
to remote areas of the country. He works with and brings
rational development to even the poorest and most
disadvantaged groups. He is shown leading officials,
farmers and many diverse groups up rough mountain
trails, over bridges, punting along in small sampans, to
initiate sustainable projects and ideas, aimed at
helping the many who have been forgotten in the
development process.
His Majesty’s insightful approach
to local prevailing conditions has enabled him to
improvise new theories for agricultural development, to
provide guidelines for educating farmers on
self-sufficiency, and to solve problems of goitre by
feeding iodine into salt roads at strategic points.
In all these works, His Majesty has
promoted a simple approach using environmentally
friendly techniques and utilizing moderate amounts of
locally available resources. For example, before
environmentalism became a major force in the development
equation, His Majesty was using vetiver grass to prevent
erosion, controlling ground water level to reduce soil
acidity, and seeding clouds with simple materials such
as dry ice, to produce rain.
His Majesty works on a
nationwide basis, not just in
rural Thailand, but all over the Kingdom. Among his most
significant contributions have been bringing different
people and agencies together to work more cooperatively
than before on urban problems. He has coordinated
activities between different interest groups and
agencies in Bangkok to deal with water purity and flood
control in simple, natural ways.
The King’s lifetime
dedication to natural development as a means of
improving the lives of his people inspired the Royal
Development Projects Board to make better known the vast
range of the Royal Projects, especially to the more
marginalised echelons of society who are the ultimate
beneficiaries of the King’s wisdom.
the Department of Technical and Economic Cooperation and
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) joined
forces to help further the Royal initiatives. For some
50 years - actually the half- century of the King’s
reign - these two organizations have focused attention
on His Majesty’s devotion to sustainable social
progress, better standards of living, as well as unity
in development and the quest for peace and security.
The UNDP, particularly, as the
world’s largest source of technical assistance aid,
has been actively supporting many of the King’s
initiatives, benefiting from his example and joining his
efforts to improve human capacity, sustain livelihoods
and, especially, to help regenerate the environment -
this last being very close to His Majesty’s heart.
righteous rule
Asone would expect from a Monarch defined as
“Mahasammata”, or a “King of Righteousness”, by
all the people and who, upon his accession to the Throne
in 1950, embraced the Tenfold Moral principles of the
Sovereign, His Majesty has ruled quietly and without

Starting very early in his reign and
continuing to this day, the King, usually accompanied by
the Queen and second daughter Princess Maha Chakri
Sirindorn, travelled to the far corners of the kingdom
to learn first-hand from the farmers and peoples of the
rural areas about their problems. Again, as with all his
other interests, the Monarch studies, observes,
photographs and imbues himself with all the relevant
knowledge and facts which he needs to move forward with
recommendations, implementation of beneficial projects
and follow-up.
Thai Monarch is probably best known, universally, for
his unbending resolve to improve the lives of each and
every one of his people - a singular dedication to their
welfare which has been acclaimed from all corners of the
world. A lasting image of the King is that of a man,
often kneeling or sitting on the ground, pouring over
charts and topographical maps of the area, while
surrounded by local farmers and villagers discussing
their problems.
It has been recorded that the King
has spent more than 200 days per year, for more than
three decades, in rural areas where he has initiated
some 2,000 projects aimed solely at improving the well
being of his people.
‘Simple’ approach
The King’s philosophy to
development problems has been to “keep it simple” -
relying on an intimate knowledge of Nature and her
immutable law, such as using fresh water to flush out
polluted water or dilute it through utilization of
normal tidal fluctuations. The ubiquitous water hyacinth
too can be ‘harnessed’ to absorb pollutants.
results of any development, the King asserts, must reach
the people directly as a means of overcoming immediate
problems, translating into “enough to live, enough to
eat”, while looking at a longer-term result of
“living well and eating well.”
His Majesty compares this to using
“adharma” (evil) to fight evil, observing that both
pollution and the water weed are a menace, but they can
be used to counteract each other, thus lessening the
damage to the environment.
The King himself practices this
‘simple approach’ and brings a down- to-earth
approach to which the people can readily relate. He
studies and deliberates exhaustively on the particular
project and then reveals his thinking in short,
easy-to-grasp titles. The very simplicity belies the
profundity of the philosophy, for each title reflects a
much deeper insight into a given problem and often, at
the same time, hints at the mode of operation to be
major working principle has been a true knowledge
of and reliance upon the immutable laws of Nature in
solving problems and resolving abnormal conditions, such
as using fresh water to flush out polluted water, as in
his analogy “good water chases bad” referring to the
hyacinth/water pollution problem in the Chao Phraya, for
The King undertook the establishment
of the Royal Development Projects in 1969, primarily as
a means of arresting the opium growing and deforestation
caused by the Hilltribes’ slash and burn agriculture
and to improve their standard of living. The first was
established at a Hmong village on Doi Pui in Chiang Mai
Province and now has spread to Chiang Rai, Lamphun and
Mae Hong Son. Over the years, the Projects have been
instrumental in the conversion of the poppy fields being
turned into groves of temperate fruits and vegetables.
the dynamic direction of the King’s close colleague,
Prince Bhisadej Rajani, who is the Director of the
Projects, operating from his base at the Chiang Mai
University, there are currently four research stations,
35 Royal Project Development Centres which incorporate
some 300 villages, comprising 14,000 households and
approximately 90,000 farmers.
The Royal Development Projects Board,
under the Office of the Prime Minister, also serves as
the secretariat for the Chai Pattana Foundation which is
directly responsible for the work related to the royal
development projects. Now, more than three decades
later, the results can be seen in the new life which has
come to many of the mountain villages. Greenery has
returned to once-denuded forest areas and barren hills
and the opium cultivation, a cause of extreme national
concern, is virtually a past era.
key to the success of the Project lies in His
Majesty’s guidelines,” explains Prince Bhisadej.
“They focus on obtaining knowledge, through research,
avoiding bureaucratic entanglements and swift action to
respond to the villagers’ needs, while promoting
self-reliance,” he adds. “The effectiveness of this
approach has been applauded internationally.” For
example, in 1998 the Royal Project won both the
“Magsaysay Award for International Understanding”
and the Thai Expo Award for attaining the quality
standard of Thai Goods for Export.
The King’s own views are that
development must respect different regions, geography
and peoples’ way of life. “We cannot impose our
ideas on the people - only suggest. We must meet them,
ascertain their needs and then propose what can be done
to meet their expectations,” the King pointed out
King’s ideas are in direct contrast to the
bureaucracy’s wish to impose standards from the top
down, with the inflexibility inherent therein.
“Don’t be glued to the textbook,” he admonishes
developers “who,” he said, “must compromise and
come to terms with the natural and social environment of
the community.”
The King sees no need to spare any
sensitivities - if there are any - because he feels that
the government approach is costly and authoritarian
which is why it has “failed miserably to address the
country’s problems.”
sporting life
Inaugurated fourteen years ago, to
honour His Majesty the King on the occasion of his
sixtieth birthday, the Phuket King’s Cup Regatta has
been held every year since then, with this year’s
regatta celebrating his seventy-fourth birthday starting
on Monday the third of December.
The now-famous Phuket Regatta Week
will extend until Saturday the 10th,
with the King’s birthday on the 5th,
comprising a yacht race sponsored by the Boathouse and
QBE Insurance, followed by a candle-lit ceremony on Kata
Beach in front of the Boathouse. It will be timed to
coordinate with Kingdom-wide celebrations for the
beloved Monarch.
Majesty was very pleased with the performance of
Thailand’s athletes at the twenty-first South East
Asian Games, held in Kuala Lumpur in September when
Thailand netted a total of 278 medals - the Kingdom’s
best-ever performance at an international sporting
event. The King has consistently encouraged ALL
sportsmen and women EVERYWHERE, to “put the sporting
spirit first, strive for victory - and friendship”.
His own example has always been a
great source of inspiration to athletes everywhere and
every sailor knows that His Majesty is a Gold Medal
helmsman, winning the OK Dinghy Class in the South East
Asian Peninsular Games 34 years ago on the 16th of
December 1967. This day is now celebrated as “National
Sports Day” in the Kingdom.
This record is unlikely to be
unequalled in the annals of sporting history, capping
his nautical record with a land-based one, being the
only person to have lit the torch opening the Asian
Games on four occasions, last time being here in
Bangkok, in 1998.
His Majesty is also well known as
being highly-knowledgeable about many sports having, at
various times, participated himself in skiing, motor
racing, ice-skating, badminton, tennis, swimming and
even a little golf.
As the then-president of the Thailand
Olympic Committee, the late Air Chief Marshal Dawee
Chullasapya emphasized when presenting the King with the
highly-prestigious honour of The Insignia of the Olympic
Order, at the Rajanives Hall, Chitralada Palace in
December 1987, “The King is not just a world-class
yachtsman, but he has also participated in and
encouraged many other sports”.

“The Olympic award was made not
only to recognize the King’s prowess as a dinghy
sailor,” said ACM Dawee, “but also to acknowledge
the leading role he has played in promoting all sports -
in Thailand, in the region and internationally - always
displaying a firm grasp on the history and the finer
points of a multitude of sports,” Dawee added.
Another Olympic honour was bestowed
upon His Majesty last year, when the International
Olympic Committee presented him with the IOC’s
Lalounis Cup. The Thai King is the only reigning monarch
to be so honoured by the Olympic Committee.
During an audience granted to
Professor Anwar Chowdry, president of the World Boxing
Federation, Professor Chowdry was, “astounded at His
Majesty’s knowledge of the evolution and technical
details of boxing.”
through the illustrious decades of his rule, the
King has been the very embodiment of his Oath of
Accession that, “We will reign with
Righteousness for the Benefit and Happiness of the
Siamese People”.
The world’s longest-reigning
Monarch, this week celebrating his seventy-fourth
birthday, continues to be, as he has been for the
half-century of his just reign, “the light of
his land, the pride of his people and a shining
example to all peoples of a troubled world”. |