Successfully Yours: Steve Graham
by Dr. Iain
The managing director of European Safety Concepts is a young
Englishman, Steve Graham. He is a man with a sense of humour which sparkled
through during the interview, and is someone who has always had the ability
to see an opportunity, and work on it through to a successful conclusion.
He was born in the North West of England, the eldest in the family, with two
younger sisters. His father was in the hospitality business, while his
mother stayed at home to look after the brood. “She was the domestic
engineer,” said Steve.
He went to a comprehensive (government) school, and it was here that his
entrepreneurial flair became apparent. The school used to organise bus trips
to the ice skating rink, using a small mini-bus to take interested students.
Steve began to organise his own trips, selling the concept so well that he
ran 15 trips using 50-seat coaches, eclipsing the school’s efforts and
eventually putting over one thousand pounds in his bank account. He was 15
years old!
At this stage, Steve wanted a career with “travel, excitement and action”
and decided that this would be fulfilled by enlisting in the army. His
mother was not really in favour, but Dad said, “It’ll do ‘im good,” and the
16 year old joined up as an infantryman.
Steve really enjoyed his time in the army. “It gave me discipline and a
better head on my shoulders.” It also gave him a trip to Asia for a short
tour of duty and special training in security and protection, both of which
were to become important factors in his later life.
He retired from the army after seeing active service in the Gulf War and
chose learning to be a chef as the subject of his army sponsored retraining
into civilian life, as he had always enjoyed cooking. Boots and battledress
gave way to pots and pans and he spent the next 18 months working in quiet
country inns in the UK, a little bit of a change from Desert Storm! However,
he became disillusioned with life in the UK, “With taxes and everything, it
was just getting ridiculous.”
He had some savings and since he had enjoyed the short period in Asia while
in the army, ventured forth on a journey which was to encompass the next
seven years of his life and take him to the Philippines, Australia, Kuala
Lumpur, Macau, Hong Kong and even India. To avoid putting his hand in his
pocket too much he used his skills and abilities, adding more practical
experience to his training in cooking - and the security business.
While on this voyage of exploration, Steve used Thailand as the stopping
point for his holidays. “The climate is one of the best in Asia. It’s not
too hot or sticky and there’s a good expat population. It was like a homing
beacon for me.”
So, two years ago he arrived in Thailand with the intention of staying. His
choice was either Phuket or Pattaya, as he is not overly fond of cities. His
intention was to try each for three weeks and then decide. Phuket got its
three week chance, but it was here that he settled. “I went on the town and
then realised I couldn’t do that for the rest of my life. I’d be dead in 2
to 3 years!”
He looked around for what he should do. “There were too many restaurants and
bars, so I fell back on my security experience. I could see there was a
niche market here for central monitoring of alarm systems and then send out
a response team.” From that initial concept, European Safety Concepts was
conceived; a company that today employs nearly 100 personnel with a
computerized central monitoring station and contracts with many major hotels
and commercial enterprises. It is also the only company of its kind here
that can deploy trained security dogs, a fact that Steve is obviously quite
proud of.
On asking about his ambition, he came straight back with, “I want to become
a Thai citizen. I have just got married and I want to raise a family, have a
quiet life, raise my kids, give them a good education and then sit back and
relax.” So here is a man who intends staying here for quite some time.
He spoke further about his wife, whom he obviously adores. “I met her in
McDonalds, where she was dispensing hamburgers. I ate hamburgers for three
days on the trot before she agreed to go out with me!” She has also been a
large influence on his life, coming from a rural depressed area in Udon
Thani, with Steve’s European Safety Concepts company now carrying out
several ongoing charity projects in the region. These include sponsoring a
village there and supplying the local school with computers.
I asked him about his ideas on success to be met with, “I never think about
success. I suppose it could be just staying in business in Thailand,” all
said with a smile. He continued with, “Reaching 65 and being in good health
with a couple of kids.”
Regarding his business, he is a man who firmly believes in goal setting, and
not five year, ten year plans either. He sets what he believes are realistic
goals and reviews them every three months. These goals have included
training courses to help his guards with essential literacy.
His hobbies include “Heineken, Heineken, Heineken,” according to his wife,
and he does admit to enjoy sitting back at the end of the day to watch TV
with a cold one in his hand. He does have a home gymnasium, but working out
on it is sporadic and at best weekly (or perhaps that should have been
Steve Graham is a happy man. “I have no regrets. Wouldn’t change a day. At
the end of the day, what you get out of life depends upon what you put into
it.” How true!