- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
My dream
Lemurs on parade
You were not robbed
Van has people scared
Sick of it
My dream
Dear Sirs,
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had these conveyances running
from the roundabout down Beach Road to South Road and returning back up
Second Road back to the roundabout for a complete circuit?
We will never have a respectable city until we clean up
Beach Road, move the rental motorcycles and cars to another location,
replace the baht buss with real busses with designated routes and remove the
vendors from the sidewalks.
Frank Mack
Been around since 1967
Lemurs on parade
I attach a few pictures of people that I saw on Saturday
night plying their dirty trade in the bars of Soi 8. I hope you publish the
pictures and shame the authorities who continue to let this illegal activity
The pictures show baby lemurs from Madagascar that have
been illegally smuggled into the country. They are brazenly paraded by their
keepers to make money out of tourists who have their picture taken with
them. Most vendors are a nuisance but this goes beyond the inconvenience
caused by some persistent kid tapping you on the shoulder to sell you
The thing that really infuriates me is the cruelty that
the animals suffer. Lemurs are now threatened with 90% of Madagascar’s
forest already cleared and 17 of the 50 species on the endangered list. This
animal has nothing to do with Thailand’s fauna and the only connection to
Thailand is that this is a place where sick individuals can conduct their
exploitation of animals and get away with it, in direct contravention of
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) of which
Thailand is a signatory. It is also a place where tourists are either too
ignorant or uncaring to figure out that the money they give perpetuates this
business which if left unchecked will continue to degrade, cause suffering
and ultimately threaten species of animals.
Having lived in Thailand for 12 years, I am fully aware
of the fact that this is nothing new and that there may or may not be
another ‘crackdown’ and some illegal aliens sent back home to Cambodia
for a few more weeks. However, it is indicative of any society the way it
treats animals. It would appear that this one is totally indifferent to the
suffering of individual animals and the extinction of species.
I don’t for one minute think this letter will clear the
scum off the streets. But if everybody out there voiced their opinion every
time they witness such exploitation and refrained from encouraging such
behaviour by providing the animals keepers with money, it would at least be
a start and educate the locals on why this needs to be stopped.
Finally, if tourists want to give their money to a worthy
cause, there are plenty of charities that are out there working hard to
protect the same animals that these individuals seek to exploit. Just do a
search on the web and choose your favourite!
Paul Pearmain
You were not robbed
To letter writer “9 magic beans or 9 one-baht coins”
I want to say, you were not robbed!
If you were willingly to hand over the cash for your
girlfriend to lavish herself in gold to parade around in, you must be very
naive to think at some stage in your relationship the money would not
somehow disappear, and magic beans and nine one-baht coins is as good a way
as any.
I’m sure if you took a ride up-country you might see
the evidence reappearing in a new motorbike owned by a family member who
miraculously got lucky on the lotto the very same week. That’s if the cash
ever left your Soi at all. It might have been used to pay your
girlfriend’s escalating gambling debts.
But one thing is for sure; you will be footing the bill
for the new gold. Why not put the money in your girlfriend’s bank account.
It might diminish a little slower.
Friendly advice
Van has people scared
Dear Editor,
With all the comments from the local government about
Pattaya not becoming a second Bali, and that vehicles being left on public
streets unattended, etc., Their 1st concern should be about the un-licensed
Tan Van parked in front of The Pizza Company. This Van was only moved once
and that was for the widening of Beach Road. Not only is it an
‘eye-sore’ but it is very close to Royal Garden and it is unattended
except for the hours of darkness.
I hope the mayor reads this and makes sure it is moved
off Beach Road.
Jim Johnson
Sick of it
To whom it may concern;
I don’t know why I’m writing this letter, it will
never see the light of day. I guess I’m writing it because I want to voice
my opinion, and enough is enough. I’ve been coming to Thailand for 5 years
now, and stay anywhere from 3 to 6 months at a time. I have many friends
here, most have lived here for a number of years. Each time I come back, I
notice a change in things, mostly for the bad. Okay, things change I can
deal with that, but these crackdowns and raids are too much. Like most
people, we all know what Thailand is and why most people come here, that’s
what made it, what it is today. You take that away and the country will
crumble. The Thais are setting off a chain reaction, and whether they
realize it or not, they will hurt everybody in the end, accept the high
officials. The lies in the paper, they control the media. The raid on
Tony’s and Marine 2 back on Oct. 5, they said that they were open past
curfew, but what they didn’t mention the fact that they knew these places
were open after curfew for the past 6 months, and the Bangkok police would
be around here and there and they knew. They’re trying to save face in
front of the world or whoever, and somebody has got to be the bad guy, so
the Thais turn to us, and bad mouth the farang, when all we do is spend our
hard earned money. That’s what we get, hassles and bad mouthed, that’s
no way to treat us. A lot of us come here to have a good time and we like to
stay out late, no harm done there. All they are doing is killing business
and are driving people out.
The other problem at hand is the yaba, these border
officials are letting this junk come into Thailand and frying the minds of
the Thai men, and women. They don’t care, they just want to make money,
they don’t care about there own people. They tell everybody we want to get
rid of it and so what do they do, they raid Marine 2, Tony’s and Top
Secret, and scare everybody and waste time, when they should be stopping it
at the border.
I tell you this, if this keeps up, there will be know
more farang in Thailand, they will move to other countries, we are sick of
it all. Put a stop to this madness.
Bkk Bob
It is with deep regret that I announce the recent death of a long time visitor to Pattaya, Gerry Fitzharris.
Ex seaman Gerry, 82, from Crosby, Liverpool, UK, passed away on Monday 28th October after a short illness.
He was well known amongst the ex pats in Pattaya having visited every year since the early 70's.
I am sure his many friends in Pattaya will join me in passing on their sincere sympathy to all of Gerry's family.
Duncan Campbell (Liverpool, UK). |
Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail are also on our website.
It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be
given to those signed.