Family Money: Exchange Traded Funds
By Leslie
Managing director of Westminster Portfolio Services (Thailand) Ltd.
Although I wrote about exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
some months ago, it seems few amateur investors have ever heard of them,
and fewer understand what they are or how to acquire them.
So what are ETFs? ETFs are quoted companies structured
as open-ended funds, so an ETF is a collective investment instrument that
looks, behaves and acts like a share, but for ease of use it is just like
a fund.
ETFs combine the best attributes of mutual funds,
investment trusts and index trackers, offering low-cost exposure to stock
markets and sector indices, and, like investment trusts, individual ETF
shares can be bought and sold on stock markets. Like a share, they have
continual pricing; but being structured like mutual funds, their share
price reflects the value of their underlying assets.
Essentially then, they are easily traded, diversified,
low-cost, low-risk investments that deal like a share but perform like a
fund. Until comparatively recently, they could be traded only on the US
market, but now are available through London also. In fact, their success
and popularity with investors worldwide has been phenomenal. According to
Morgan Stanley, more than €123bn is currently invested in ETFs compared
with less than €10bn as recently as 1997.
But in what ways are investors using ETFs? Because of
their inherent transparency and cost-efficiency, ETFs are ideal tools for
a wide array of investment strategies, be they long- or short-term.
Long Term
One of the catch phrases in the world of portfolio
building these days is “core-satellite” investing. This is where the
bulk of one’s portfolio is invested in a stable, lower risk “core”
vehicle, whilst the remainder is allocated across a number of riskier
“satellite” investments, which aim to make the overall portfolio
ETFs can provide an ideal vehicle for the “core”
component of this strategy. They provide broad, diversified exposure to a
wide variety of industry benchmarks, sectors, countries, and regions. This
is a relatively simple way of using ETFs, but one that growing numbers of
retail investors are adopting as a cost-efficient, “buy and hold”
portfolio strategy.
Similarly, ETFs have emerged as ideal products for
tactical asset allocation, and are increasingly being used by investors to
implement specific strategies including risk diversification and
sector/style plays.
Short Term
It is in relation to short-term investment strategies
that ETFs really come into their own.
ETFs are listed on stock exchanges and their prices
follow the indices they track throughout the day. This allows investors to
profit from short-term movements, buying into a market as it starts to
rise or selling out when it starts to fall. Compare this to open-ended
funds that are only re-priced once a day.
Also, because ETFs can be sold ‘short’, they can be
used to hedge a portfolio of stocks or funds, and to make specific bets on
market direction.
For example, the highly volatile NASDAQ 100 Index
offers frequent moneymaking opportunities if one can pick the market
swings correctly. ETFs tracking this index can be sold short, cheaply and
simply, and quick gains can be made. As a hedging vehicle, ETFs have also
proven an effective alternative to futures. Depending upon the
availability of the futures contract for a given benchmark, the
anticipated holding period, and the overall expense ratio of a given fund,
ETFs can enable investors to avoid the quarterly rolling costs of futures.
The ease with which ETFs can be bought and sold,
combined with their very high liquidity, has seen growing numbers of fund
managers turn to ETFs as a means of maintaining equity market exposure
easily and cheaply, prior to making specific stock or sector asset
allocation decisions. In technical parlance, this is called equitising
short-term cash balances.
This stratagem is increasingly being used in portfolio
transition management. If an investor wants to move his assets from one
manager to another, this transition can often be time consuming, with
market exposure being difficult to maintain at reasonable cost. ETFs
provide the perfect way of maintaining cheap market exposure while this
often lengthy transfer process is taking place.
Again, the overall liquidity of ETFs has seen the most
successful of them benefit as a result of index arbitraging. Despite their
closeness to respective indices (which is a key attraction with ETFs),
arbitrage opportunities do present themselves when the value of the ETF
slips from its tracked index.
Because of their efficiency, these arbitrage
opportunities are usually only very brief windows of opportunity for large
investors, but their high liquidity enables the alert speculative investor
to capture these incremental differences between the ETF and the market.
But ETFs have their disadvantages. Index tracking can
be a safe, low-risk and cost-effective way to invest in markets, but only
when they are rising. Market turmoil this year has shown index tracking to
be highly restrictive. ETFs perform only as well as the index they are
tracking, so investors must still make a judgement about which index or
which sector to track.
Nonetheless, it could almost be claimed that ETFs are
the “investment for all seasons”. They offer simplicity,
diversification and ease of access - key selling points for risk-averse
retail investors.
Some portfolio managers claim that they are simplistic
and unsuited to more complex trading strategies or portfolio building -
but this attitude does ETFs a disservice. ETFs can be used as key tools
for securing or enhancing one’s portfolio - very useful in a time of
continued volatility and uncertainty about equity markets.
Some ETFs are distributor funds and pay out all
dividends from the underlying markets as income, which could potentially
create a tax liability. Other ETFs are accumulator funds, which roll-up
dividends and pay them out as capital gains. So before buying an ETF,
consider the index or sector you want to track, the type, and how this
will affect your tax position.
Snap Shot: Is now the time to go digital?
by Harry Flashman
A couple of years ago, I posed this same question, and
came up with the final words, “Digital cameras are tomorrow. While the
doomsayers have been spelling the end of normal film and photographic
processes for ten years, the days of the 35 mm SLR are numbered. Harry
here believes that digital will surpass conventional photography within
two years. Just remember Mr. Kodak doesn’t sell digital cameras because
he thinks it is a passing phase!”

Two years later, Mr. Kodak is producing and selling one
of the finest digital cameras on the market, and the top digital cameras
are now every bit as good as the current SLR’s. In fact, many digitals
and SLR’s now share the same optics. Digital cameras do have optical
components, just like normal cameras. They have lenses that zoom and do
all the usual optical tricks as regards depth of field and suchlike. The
main difference is that the image is not recorded on film, but recorded
electronically inside the camera itself. Some cameras record this on
‘memory sticks’ or even on the universal floppy disks.
A couple of years back, there was a question mark over
the image quality of the digital cameras. Now in “conventional”
photography the image quality depends largely on how many “grains”
make up a picture. It is like the grains of silver halides in normal Black
and White print film. Big grains a fair way apart give a “grainy” soft
image. With digital cameras, these grains are called “pixels”, and
obviously the more pixels the better. The better cameras have millions of
pixels, with Mr. Kodak’s wonder digital camera having 14 mega-pixels -
sharper than normal print film.
Comparing the two types of results can be difficult, or
even confusing. When you want to view pictures from a digital camera, you
will generally be looking at a computer screen, not known for razor sharp
images itself. You can print out the picture from the screen if you want
to be able to hold the picture in your hand, and if you have a high enough
quality printer and use the special “photographic” quality paper in
the printer you will get a very clear and sharp image from the digital
An immediate plus when going digital is the saving on
photographic film and processing, since the electronics do that without
film. But there is always a downside. To get the picture in your hand, you
do need that special photographic paper in the printer - and it’s not
cheap. Another problem - digital cameras eat a gross of batteries for
breakfast. Their appetite for normal alkaline batteries is truly
prodigious. Even NiCad batteries do not last long in a digital camera.
Rechargeable Lithium batteries are the answer, but they are expensive.
Another plus for the digital photographers is what I
call instant gratification! No longer do you have to wait till the film is
finished and then another hour at the photo shop. You can see what
you’ve got a few seconds after firing the shutter. Yes, you’ve got it,
or no, you haven’t and take it again.
You win some and you lose some, though. With the
digital cameras, there is a pause between pushing the button and the
electronic storing of the image. To take action photography is difficult,
because the moving subject tends to be out of the frame by the time the
electronic saving is completed - but at least you do have the instant
(lack of) gratification and can see that you’ve missed the action!
One drawback to the giant step of going digital was the
cost. A good quality digital camera would set you back 30,000 baht and
upwards, but the cost is falling daily. There is another drawback.
Digitals have “computer-like” menu driven controls. To take pictures
with a digital camera requires a reasonable degree of computer literacy as
well as photographic competency.
The decision is now yours. Me? I’m still conventional, but a lot
closer to making the change!
Modern Medicine: “Natural” contraception
(AKA Vatican Roulette!)
by Dr Iain Corness, Consultant
Getting pregnant, or not getting pregnant, is a major
item in most young couple’s lives and unfortunately there still exists
vast chasms of ignorance, in the minds of both the men and women of this
country (and all over the world, I hasten to add).
Let’s get back to basics and deal with the egg and
chicken thing. In its simplest terms, the lady lays the egg, and the man
fertilizes it. But just the same as your local neighbourhood chickens lay
eggs every day, which you eat for breakfast easy over, these eggs do not
contain baby chickens. This is because they have not been fertilized by
the local rooster and cock-a-doodle-do to you too.
Moving up the food chain several steps, human females
do “lay” an egg (the ovum), which also does not contain babies, unless
it is fertilized. Human females do not drop eggs on a daily basis, but
generally only once a month.
Now the male of the species (the human rooster)
produces the sperm (tadpole like things) which can penetrate an egg and
fertilize it - and then, and only then, do you have the start of another
human being. A growing mess of microscopic cells that eventually turns
into a baby.
So, to get pregnant, you need one egg and one sperm to
meet each other on a dark night and fall in love. Well, not quite, sperms
and eggs are not capable of human emotions, but they do need to meet.
Since this system seems a bit “hit or miss”, nature
has tried to make it a little bit easier to get pregnant by allowing the
male to produce millions of sperm to join the race to claim the prize egg.
Sperm are not particularly strong or long lived (sorry if that dents your
egos guys), and this is why we need the several battalions of them to
catch one egg! Mind you, the egg only lasts a couple of days too.
Now then, how do we get the sperm and the egg to meet?
Here is where nature has again made it a little bit easier - the female of
the human species produces one egg a month, and this is how we get the
‘monthly’ cycle (periods) that women have to endure for around 30 plus
years of their lives. Time it right, so that the egg release and the sperm
release occur at the same time and you have a high possibility of scoring
the jackpot!
Again, nature has made it (relatively) simple. The
release of the ovum is followed two weeks later by the woman’s next
period (if the egg has not been fertilized). So if you know when a period
is expected, the egg release is two weeks before then.
Now this is what the “Rhythm Method” is based on.
Predict the ovum release date and avoid intercourse for four days either
side and you will not win a prize. The so-called “fertile” time of the
month is avoided. Simple! Or is it?
Well if the lady has completely regular cycles then it
is easy (around 28 to 30 days is the norm) to predict the onset of the
next period, but if she does not, then it is not really possible to use
this method for reliable contraception. Vatican Roulette failures stem
from irregular cycles more than anything else. You have been warned!
Heart to Heart with Hillary
Dear Hillary,
When you read my letter (email) you will probably just
discount it as being another of “those” letters from milked and bilked
foreigners, but please read it through as this one is genuine. Despite not
wishing to have anything to do with women from the ‘wrong side of the
tracks’ six months ago I found that I was getting very fond of a young
lady who worked in a bar here. I come over three times a year for a week
and in between times we began to keep in touch via email, and I thought I
was beginning to understand something about the Thai culture. It got that
she would wait for me at the airport and see me off afterwards, and in all
ways looked after me very nicely (and not like the women back at home).
Never once did she ask me for money, and I began to think that all those
letters I read before showed just what mugs they are. This time it is
different. I had given her a gold chain last time I came over and this
time she wasn’t wearing it, so I asked why and she told me she had to
pawn it to help pay the mortgage for her father’s land. Then she said
she didn’t have a job anymore and couldn’t go back to the bar she
worked in before because she would lose face because she didn’t have the
chain, and asked me to buy her another one. I blew my top, I’m afraid,
and I know it’s a no-no in Thailand and walked out leaving her in tears.
Now I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing. What do you think,
Dear Gregory,
Why can’t I meet people like you? You are here for
a grand total of two weeks and you start throwing gold chains about like
you are fishing for mackerel - except you are the fish on the end of the
chain, coming in hook, line and sinker! Let me assure you that you have
done the right thing - there’s a lot of land out there, and it’s all
under finance! Every last rai of it.
Dear Hillary,
Today I just made $23 million, and all it will cost me
is a fax or two. Three separate emails in one day from people all over the
world who have ‘over-invoiced’ accounts and have the surplus ready to
be disbursed, or have been left the money after their father was
unfortunately murdered, or finally they were given money to use for a
secret arms shipment and they ran off with the cash. Grand total of $92
million and they will give me 25%. The senders of the good news were an
accountant, a senior minister and an African princess. Hillary, do people
actually fall for this? Surely if enough people bring this to
everybody’s attention we can stop the nonsense? Or do you believe these
emails too?
Dear Multi-millionaire,
The emails are real, it’s just the subject matter
that is phoney. Unfortunately there are still people who get suckered in
by the thought of all that lovely money. It’s a very basic human emotion
called Greed, my Petal. The more zero’s you put after the number, the
greater the greed and the bigger the sucker. Hillary doesn’t know what
to do about the unwanted emails, my in-box is stuffed with unforgettable
offers, millions of dollars and do I want to see women doing contortionist
activities with free access for three days? Like you, I have managed to
pass all these opportunities by.
Dear Hillary,
I am over here on a retirement visa, living off a small
pension I get from the old country. This is enough for me and my lady
friend as we don’t have expensive tastes and eat at the local markets
and such, so it’s been good for the last year or suchlike. Only now her
grownup kids have come to stay with us from their village. It was going to
be for a week, and then it was two and then it was a month. She has let
them stay for three months now and they just sit around and drink Thai
whisky, don’t work and live off me. At first I didn’t mind, but it’s
costing me more than my pension and I don’t like dipping into the bank
account that’s supposed to be for emergencies. I feel I have to do
something. She tells me it is the Thai way. You know these things, what
should I do?
Dear Ernest,
You certainly have to do something Ernest, and
that’s a little wood work - you have to show them the door! And ask them
to close it on the way out! You are just being used. Forget all this
nonsense about Thai ways and the family, the way the system works is that
as soon as they are old enough the kids support the old folks, not the
other way round. Put your foot down and tell them they either have to
contribute and keep you in Thai whisky, or return to their village.
A Slice of Thai History: Tarutao: island of prisoners and pirates
by Duncan Stearn
In 1937 the Thai government decided to construct a
prison on the island of Tarutao, one of a group of islands administered by
the southern province of Satun.
Tarutao was selected because it was hundreds of
kilometres from Bangkok, remote, virtually uninhabited and, during the
monsoon season from May to October each year, difficult to reach by boat.
Basically, it would serve the same purpose for Thailand that Devil’s
Island and Alcatraz served for France and the United States respectively.
Most of the island is covered by rainforest and, back
in the 1930s and 1940s, crocodiles were plentiful. These were eventually
hunted almost to extinction in the area.
The first operatives from the Department of Corrections
arrived on Tarutao on 13 July 1938. The group was led by Luang Pitan
Tantatai and consisted of 10 staff and guards and a number of prisoners.
They established a base at Talo Udang Bay, built an
office and then constructed an 11-kilometre road to Talo Wao Bay and
established a second office on that site. That road wasn’t completed
until June 1941.
The offices in Talo Udang Bay became the headquarters
of the warden and in June 1941 the first group of 500 prisoners arrived. A
second group of 500 came in September that same year.
The inmates came by train from Bangkok to Songkhla,
then by truck across a dirt road to Koh Nok Pier just outside Satun where
they were taken by motorboat to Tarutao. On other occasions, prisoners
went by train from Bangkok to Kantang Pier in the province of Trang before
being loaded onto a motorboat for the trip to the island.
A group of 80 political prisoners, many of them former
government officials and military officers highly placed within the
government prior to the overthrow of the absolute monarchy in 1932 were
sent to Tarutao in 1941. Most had been involved in the failed Boworadet
coup of October 1933.
The government didn’t want them to mix with the
general prison population, so they were housed at a special area close to
the beach at Talo Udang Bay.
One of the political prisoners was So Sethaputra who
had begun creating a Thai-English/English-Thai dictionary whilst inside
Bang Kwang prison in Bangkok. He had won a King’s scholarship to study
overseas and after returning to Thailand had worked for the civil service
and contributed articles to newspapers. However, some of his pieces were
deemed to be too critical of the government and he was charged with
sedition in 1934. The thirty-year-old scholar managed to have reference
books, stationery and dictionaries smuggled into the prison so that he
could work on creating his dictionary.
After So and his cellmates were caught with a radio
they had smuggled into their cell they were sent to Tarutao. So continued
to work on the dictionary and completed the 4,000-page work during the
Second World War after being transferred to Surat Thani. His dictionary is
still used today.
However, five of the political prisoners escaped with
four hired accomplices taking them by boat to the safety of the Malay
island of Langkawi, five kilometres to the south.
In 1943, Tarutao was declared the property of the
Department of Corrections, meaning that all non-inmates or staff who lived
on the island were forced to move elsewhere.
During its time as a prison it is estimated that around
10,000 inmates were sent to the island with approximately 3,000 being
housed at any one time. Many hundreds died of malaria. The largest
concentration of prisoners was at Talo Wao Bay, housing around 2,000 men.
Another 600 or so were accommodated at Talo Udang Bay with a further 200
located at Kramad Canal.
Due to water and food shortages brought about by the
worsening military situation during the latter stages of the Second World
War, the guards and prisoners on Tarutao were forced to go begging for
food and other supplies from ships passing by the island. As the
quantities of supplies given by some passing trading vessels proved
insufficient for their needs, some of the people involved turned to
The action of the pirates continued after the surrender
of Japan and was aided by the power vacuum that existed in the few months
it took for the British to regain effective administrative control of the
Malay States.
When the pirates began hijacking vessels travelling to
Langkawi, the British asked the Thai government to clamp down. When the
Thais proved unable to do so, the British government requested permission
to undertake a punitive expedition against the pirates.
The request was granted and on 15 March 1946 a small
Royal Navy force consisting of two vessels and 300 troops under the
command of General Terray landed at Talo Wao Bay on Tarutao and began
operations against the pirates. They destroyed the pirate bases, killed a
number of the buccaneers and departed on 23 March.
In 1949, the Department of Corrections closed down the
Tarutao prison and it became vacant land. It was transferred to the
control of the Forestry Department in 1974 and in April 1975 Tarutao
became the first marine national park in Thailand.
Bits ‘n’ Bobs
No, I am not referring to the irrefutably most
hated mass murderer on the planet, I am propounding the use of
common sense when enjoying the occasional libation in Pattaya.
Over the festive period, I had on more than one
occasion to have words concerning my drinks bill. The scam in
question is hardly a new one. When there are several people in a
group who insist on waving their hands indicating the next round of
drinks will be paid for by them, it is open season. This is a
typically British and Australian tradition followed by few other
nationalities, naturally excluding the Dutch according to folklore.
I personally cannot see a problem in being charged for what I
consume, especially if there is a system in place to do just that as
there is in almost every bar in Pattaya. The round system is
absolutely fine provided you pay for each round as you order it, but
letting countless slips accumulate in your ‘bin’, as the Thai
say, over the course of an evening can be unwise in my view. It can
most certainly be a temptation for less than honest bars or their
staff. The last ‘words’ I had on the subject revealed that
whilst a round had been paid for, each individual had also been
charged for the same drinks.
My advice to anyone who suffers from ‘round
mentality syndrome’, when in a busy place always ensure that your
bin is within sight and better still, insist on initialling every
slip that is placed in it. This may sound decidedly over the top to
some, but I guarantee that many of you may well avoid having your
‘bin laden’ by the unscrupulous.
There seems to be some confusion as to what is
considered Politically Correct these days, causing some to stay home
muzzled for fear of being labelled ‘Non-PC’ for saying: ‘Good
morning!’ or some such. I am also mystified, but am striving to
understand this nonsense. Be warned, the definition of PC in its
current usage can be cunningly gender dependent. The scenario below
may help in explaining this bewildering paradigm shift that is
forcing people to retreat into the Dark Ages of the puritanical and
adopt a new code of conduct. Common sense is no longer fashionable
it would seem. Below refers to a nocturnal emission when both
partners were supposedly asleep:
Female explanation: Botty cough, caused by
indigestion, to be denied at all costs including blaming the dog. If
challenged, claims her partner did it or dreamt it, if the dog
sleeps downstairs.
Male explanation: A deliberate, window-rattling
and satisfying fart, generating immense personal pride and pleasure
selflessly shared with all within aural or nasal range and later
boasted about down the pub.
No, I am not referring to the ditty of some
one-hit-wonder rock band with the lyrical composition skills of a
dysfunctional amoeba, I refer to those who disbelieve the devious nature
of my dogs. My charges may well be reincarnated Enro disgraced corporate
executives, given their devious nature. One lapse of concentration when
the gate is opened and the canine couple are out like a shot. As Timmo
blocked young Ted’s escape route, the confined canine sprang like a
steroid-abusing Gazelle, leaving Timmo full of apologies affording Ted’s
much-abused wife to trot through his legs and join her regularly
unfaithful partner. Ted was up the soi set to ‘search and defile’. He
had but one thing on his mind. I said a silent prayer for the recipient...
His wife had no chance of catching him, so she took
revenge on a previous unfortunate she espied wobbling down the soi,
clearly heavily pregnant. She set about trying to rip the bitch’s throat
out. I soon put a stop to that by coaxing her with a bone, a trick I
learnt in Soi 8 as a tourist, but off she went before she was in custody.
Seconds later, what looked like a jet-propelled caramel/liquorice candy
bar near broke the sound barrier as she pursued her mate. Whatever the
maid feeds them, I must get it analysed and apply for a patent, although I
doubt ‘infidelity revenge’ serum will qualify with the Patent Office.
Feminine temper fortified with adrenaline is a lethal potion naturally
produced in Thailand and in plentiful supply. Be warned, this phenomenon
is not restricted to canines, it also applies to humans, although domestic
emasculation is usually performed with the aid of a kitchen knife when the
unfaithful partner is asleep...
Thai Bar Girl: A bright liar
Judging by the increasing number of burglaries suffered
by expat friends recently, I can only conclude that we are also in high
season for thieves. Last weekend my neighbours had a visit from the
thieving scum late evening. Not surprisingly, it was Ted that spotted them
and raised the alarm. Within minutes, there were gun-toting police
scampering over rooftops in hot pursuit. All that was missing was Mel
Gibson as the surreal but chillingly real spectacle was played out. Those
who criticize Pattaya’s finest be advised that they were on the scene in
minutes. Incredible! I must buy some tickets for the policeman’s ball,
as the officer who slipped astride the roof will need at least one
Personal Directions: Switched-on and hands-on
by Christina Dodd, founder and managing director
of Incorp Training Asssociates
I had the opportunity to meet a business owner recently
who added a refreshing dimension to managing a business. I have known this
gentleman for many years and have always accepted the fact that his
success has come through sheer hard work - and that’s that! But to my
surprise I discovered that this person is a very switched-on and hands-on
“partner” of people - his people.
His success has led him to build new and large offices
with an enormous amount of floor space dedicated to training rooms and
staff facilities. This is not how I had perceived this man’s way of
operating at all, and I was very pleased indeed. When shown the offices
and particularly the executive offices, I asked where his office was. His
reply was, “I don’t need too big an office as I’m usually down on
the shop floor - that’s my real office.”
The interesting thing here is that this man’s success
has in part been driven by the fact that he never forgot his people - his
workers - his staff - all through the years. He lives with them up front
with the customer. He is accessible to them all and visible every day. His
finger is on the pulse not only of his customers, but also of his
So many companies lose sight of the fact that they
exist because of the abilities of their people. Certainly companies exist
because of other factors, but at the end of the day it all comes down to
people, the quality of people and the way a company manages its people.
Some managers look for the conventional methods and
study all the current texts to hone their skills and to become good
managers. Sure there are lots of things you can learn from books and from
management programs, and some managers do very well this way. But there is
also the fact that to manage people, you have to be “people savvy”,
you have to be out there with your people - and not just the figure that
sits in the big office at the end of the hall who comes out occasionally
to bark!
A real eye-opener for any manager is to spend time on
the “shop floor” with staff and to work in various positions to see
how it’s all done. It’s a rewarding exercise in many aspects and can
have enormous benefit at all levels. Become part of the team, roll up the
shirtsleeves, and be prepared to get dirt on your hands. Take on various
jobs for a day at a time; handle customer complaints at the counter where
most of them happen; see how you cope with ringing up the register, the
task of taking a customer’s order or how you cope with working on the
process line operating machinery.
This is where my friend at the beginning of this story
shines in terms of his management style. His people love him. They also
respect him for his acknowledgement of their role in the business. He
understands only too well that his success is the result of his people and
in a recent move he offered them the opportunity to invest in the company
and to share financially in its success.
Today companies are rethinking the roles their managers
play. This is not the world it used to be and people are changing rapidly
as technology becomes a major part of the equation. The traditional
concept of management is undergoing a revolution and there are many who
believe that the days of the bureaucratic managers will soon be over. They
will really be entrepreneurs even in a large organizational setting.
Emphasis will be on individuals and teams with guides
and coaches, so to speak, as opposed to managers. The hands-on approach
and situational focus with involve maximizing every individual’s and
team’s potential and capabilities to contribute to the overall
performance. This will require that “managers” re-align themselves
with the needs of the people who do the real work in a company - the work
that brings in the revenue.
Interesting thoughts and I’m sure there are a lot of
conventional managers shuddering in their boots at the prospect of such
change. But to me this seems like a natural approach and I’m sure that
there are companies that operate this way, and very successfully as well.
The most important thing management can do is to stay
in touch with the people who do the real work in the company.
It seems to me that the time is here for a huge
“wake-up” call for those involved in management at any level of a
company. The boys or girls at the top, right through the middle
sanctuaries, down to the factory floor. The time has come to take the
emphasis away from compiling copious reports and holding endless
time-wasting meetings. Focus is paramount and for it to bring rewards it
has to be on the key elements of a company - its people - and on their own
A lot of senior executives forget the realities of hard
work that got them to where they are today. Only a few can remember and
through staying in touch with this part of their lives, they are able to
really succeed in business.
There are so many barriers built by management that
prevent interaction with the people of the company. I remember when open
planning became all the rage in offices and individual booths were knocked
down to welcome a new era in management. It had a tremendous impact and
was a much needed step, despite the opposition to such a dramatic change!
Changes are happening all the time and need to be. If
we continue to manage people by remote then it is not really managing. It
is simply pressing a button and expecting everything to work - just like a
machine. The people who form the majority of a company’s workforce are
generally in tune with what good and effective management should be.
Indeed they can recognize outstanding managers a mile away and would no
doubt welcome them on the shop floor any day of the week.
For further information I can be contacted at cmedodd
Until next time, have a great week!
Social Commentary by Khai Khem
Why make them if you’re going to break them?
It’s that time of year again when we all start
talking and thinking about New Year’s resolutions even though we know
from many years of experience that they don’t work. Because our friends,
family and colleagues are all obsessing about what resolutions they are
going to make, we feel we have to join the herd and make promises to
ourselves and others which we probably will never keep.
We know that within a few days or weeks, the
resolutions will be forgotten, nothing will have changed and yet for some
reason most people still worry about them. So why do we still bother with
New Year’s resolutions?
First, they’re a custom and a New Year implies a new
start. So what better time than now? If there is even a small chance that
we may stick to our resolutions this year we all start making out those
lists. Hope springs eternal in the human heart so we must have a go.
The main reason some people think about New Year’s
resolutions is because they want to change things in their life. The most
common New Year’s resolutions seem to be about losing weight, getting in
shape, drink less, stop smoking, change jobs, earn more money, clear up
those credit card debts, be nicer to the wife and kiddies, stop snarling
at the shopkeepers, or make up with the next door neighbor - whom you
haven’t spoken to in years and have forgotten what started the quarrel
in the first place.
These types of resolutions are vague wish lists which
if not coupled with real action don’t last any more than a few weeks.
For resolutions to work, they need to be well thought out and have real
meaning. Without firm resolve, this list of daydreams recedes into the
background and is soon forgotten.
The end of a year is a time for clearing out and
completing things, to leave us with a clean slate ready to start a new
year. There’s something about a new year, a new beginning, and a fresh
start which encourages us to desire self-improvement. It’s a great
feeling to know you have a brand new year ahead of you and you can choose
what you do with it. It’s a perfect time to reflect about where we want
to go and what we want to do next.
On the other hand, why wait until the New Year? We can
commit to self-improvement and changes in our lives at any time of the
year. The real key to achieving what we really want in life and business
is to take action to achieve those changes. It’s the lack of action
which stops us from having what we most want.
Everyone’s list of resolutions will be different.
Some want more time in their personal lives, less stress and more fun.
Others will desire greater business and career success, want to alter
their management styles, or achieve a better balance between home and
Frankly, most of us don’t have a clue how to make
reasonable resolutions so that’s why we fail to keep the ones we do
make. We set such high goals for ourselves, and then wonder why we never
achieve them. So we either stop setting the goals or make resolutions that
are ridiculously easy to keep. Old habits are hard to break.
I stopped making New Year resolutions a long time ago
because I hate making promises I can’t keep - even to myself.
I recently asked a friend what his New Year resolution
would be for 2003 and he said, “Breathing”. So in deference to this
very sensible resolution, I want to take this opportunity to wish all our
readers a very happy and prosperous New Year. For those of you who are too
worldly-wise to make a list of resolutions for 2003 - no worries. I truly
sympathize. I’ve already misplaced my own list.