HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Support Father Ray Brennan

Disgusting slurs

Support from Canada for Father Ray

True or exciting stories

Support Father Ray Brennan

Dear Editor,

...and dear friends, Thai and international, an English newspaper called “The People” which is a member of the “gutter tabloid press” has seen fit to increase its flagging circulation with an attack on OUR Father Ray Brennan.

Reading their lies, half truths and sneering innuendo you will see how they are eager to cloak themselves in the typical cowards’ garb of evasive and deniable ‘shadow speech’.

The ‘People’s’ paparazzi whom they elevate to the title of investigative journalists claim to have posed as paedophiles to trap Father Ray. Neither was he trapped nor did they fool him for a nanosecond. He saw they were probably not posing at all. Let them return to face us in Pattaya - let them face Father Ray - before they are marched off to a long spell in jail to reform their evil ways.

I am not a Roman Catholic - yet I know Father Ray is of far greater worth than his organisation. Below the King, no other man, neither Thai nor farang has ever contributed more to the well being of its subjects in Pattaya.

Here is a man who has worked around the ‘pillars of corruption’ to protect the innocent, the weak and the unwanted.

Let all decent men and women join in defending Pattaya’s Father Ray Brennan in any way you think you can. Let us all show Father Brennan and those who would rob him and us of his wonderful reputation that we treat their lies with contempt.

God Bless you Father Ray - and damnation to your enemies.

Chris Hill

Disgusting slurs


I am disgusted to read the slurs on the good name of Fr. Ray Brennan and the Pattaya Orphanage. This man has devoted his life to those less fortunate than many of us. For a London Tabloid to do this is despicable behaviour. Of course the reporter was not identified as the story is untrue! People throughout the world know of the excellent work and reputation of Father Ray Brennan and the Pattaya Orphanage. We will continue to pray for you and your charges and continue to support you financially.

John X. Berlin

Sydney, Australia

Support from Canada for Father Ray

Dear Sir,

I have read the article in your newspaper titled: “Father Brennan denies British tabloid report”. Also I have read the Tabloid article which is mentioned.

I am saddened to read the article ... not just because of what it says about Father Ray (I have the greatest faith in him and respect for the man he has shown himself to be ... and this Tabloid article certainly does not change that). I am saddened most of all, because people are so quick to judge others and ignore their own faults ... and that (in this situation) will be detrimental to the orphanage, which does such exceptional work!

My understanding of Buddhist teachings, which are similar to my Christian beliefs, is that we should try not to pass judgment on others. We have too many sins of our own, that demand our attention, without adding the sin of judging others! My sentiment is to let God do His work of judging and let humans get on with looking after their own sins.

I did some investigation after reading these articles.

First, in reading the article, I noticed that the author was not identified. The norm for any reputable newspaper or magazine is to identify the author. The Pattaya Mail certainly identifies the authors of its articles.

Secondly, the comments that are given as quotes from the discussion were not in a logical sequence, as normal conversation usually occurs. Obviously the statements are taken out of context! It is very poor journalism ... these writers would be better at writing gossip columns instead of trying to pass themselves off as newspaper writers.

Third, checking on the tabloid, I found that it is a tabloid with a falling circulation. This tabloid is desperate to get circulation at any cost. It has in the past, as it seems to be doing now, fabricated stories without concern for those whom they hurt.

Usually tabloids are characterized by their outlandish, sensationalist headlines, at the slightest whim of news. Real news is not a prerequisite for a tabloid. This seems to best describe this particular tabloid.

It is really sad that statements in the tabloid article should be said so casually. The tabloid is attempting to carry out trials and condemnations within its’ reporting! That is pathetic.

I hope that everyone who reads or hears tabloid information will also have the good sense and human compassion to question such exceptionally poor journalism.

What really bothers me, especially in cases like this, is that the victim is not only Father Ray ... it also affects the needy Thai children and adults who depend upon donations to be able to achieve a reasonable human lifestyle; which the orphanage provides. That is really the great sadness of such unfounded accusations.

In my case, I have been a financial supporter of the orphanage in the past and will continue in the future.

My fervent wish and prayer is that the many orphaned children, the deaf and blind children, the seniors, and the street children that have benefited from the orphanage will not be harmed by the reckless writing of this tabloid.

Father Ray, as I have come to know him, may be a senior citizen based on his age, but in personal strength he is a youth. He has tremendous love for the people that continue to benefit from the orphanage. I am confident that he will not allow any personal harm to himself, to reduce his on-going efforts to work and speak out, on behalf of these people that he loves.

The needy children at the orphanage require Father Ray’s support, as well as ours.

Respectfully yours,

Daniel E. Campbell, Canada

True or exciting stories

Dear Sir,

If we read an article or to listen to a person telling a story, we should ask ourselves what kind of stories we really want to listen to or be exposed to, true stories or “exciting” stories? To this question many would answer that they would prefer true stories, which are exciting. But in reality not so many true stories are exciting.

Frequently we see the headlines that look interesting and we immediately buy the paper looking for exciting stories. But when we read the contents we find that nothing is as exciting as it was headlined. This is because the stories are (usually) true and are not as exciting as the headline which was designed to make you buy the paper. In fact, whilst the news should be an accurate report of a true story, many times it is twisted, or “spun” as they say now, to make it exciting.

In England, it must be admitted, the freedom of the press is a very real fact. This can make an insignificant into a scandalous story even if it is vastly exaggerated. As a result the royal family and other celebrities in England always have a bad time with the press watching and reporting their every move. Unscrupulous paparazzi went further and stole a hair from a member of the royal family to test it for DNA without considering what damages and difficulties it would create for the family. We also have to ask ourselves, what was the root cause of Princess Diana’s death? Was it not because she was trying to escape from reporters and photographers looking for an exciting story? Please think about how much damage is caused by reporters and editors “spinning” ordinary news into exciting or apparently scandalous stories. This practice is not only cruel to the victims but can also affect their jobs and the institutions that they created to do good. Is there any justification for that?

Just this happened in Pattaya last week. Admittedly Pattaya has been branded a ‘sinful city’ in spite of the fact that there is less real sin here than in most of the capitals of the world, West and East. It was once a family resort where the beautiful environment and tranquil atmosphere could (and still can) be enjoyed. Later it became more of a nightlife resort visited mostly by people looking for fun, fun, fun at night. Then problems followed, the city became full of street kids, drug addicts, babies born out of wedlock and others deserted by the mothers. Therefore intervention by “respectable institutions”, which are opposite to evil, came to be required.

The charitable institutes and respectable organizations did not happen over-night. It took over 30 years to reach their present size and become a very essential part of the health of the community. Many children whose lives would have been misery and would have probably grown up to be criminal addicts or prostitutes have become good and useful citizens of the kingdom as a result of the efforts of such organizations. Many handicapped youths who would have had to beg for a living are now running their own successful enterprises and employing others. If these institutes of grace had been evil, how could this happen and why have they been operating for so long? If the founder of such an institute were only interested in young boys, why did he accept girls as well? Why then bother to establish other institutions, such as a school for the blind, an old age home and a school for the disabled?

Now an unscrupulous and malevolent person with what can only be called evil intent to create a scandal and line his pocket by arranging a situation from which a story could be fabricated bringing disrepute upon an institution which has done immeasurable good for many years has exposed his vicious sting. Purely for the titillation of those eager to hear bad of anyone and anywhere, particularly Pattaya, he pretended that he wanted to make a big donation and interviewed the founder of the charitable institution, asking whether he could take the boys out on a trip even though he was a pedophile. Children from the institution are frequently taken out during the day. I have often seen men take scores of the boys on boat trips and can see that both the men and the children are happy. I am sure that nothing untoward happens to upset the boys or they would report it to their mentors at the home. The boys are returned at the end of a pleasant day, which otherwise they would not have been able to enjoy. Is every good man who has over the years donated money to the institute a pedophile? Why didn’t the interviewer ask a straightforward question such as, “I have money, I like to have sex with boys and I will make donation if I can take a boy to have sex with me?” Then, if the answer had been exciting, by all means let us all share in such exciting and scandalous news.

Only one person does not look after the hundreds of boys living under the care of the orphanage. If someone were to walk into the place he would be asked the question, “Do you have any business here?” Even if you visit the founder of the place, an explanation still has to be given for your interest. There are tens of caregivers looking after the children. This is a place where high-ranking government authorities, ambassadors and members of our own royal family and those of other countries have regularly visited and commended them on the good work they are doing. How then can this place be called a brothel? Please be fair, Mr Unscrupulous Journalist, for the sake of hundreds of deserted, disabled and blind children and the street kids who, in this city at least, have a welcoming home to go to. We pray that you may be able to live with yourself after the evil thing that you have done simply to line your pocket and create an “exciting” story for the titillation of the masses.

Premprecha Dibbayawan

Attorney at Law

MCL Miami University

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