HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Family Money

Snap Shot

Modern Medicine

Heart to Heart with Hillary

A Slice of Thai History

Personal Directions

Social Commentary by Khai Khem

Women’s World

Family Money: Trading on Logic - or Instinct?

By Leslie Wright,
Managing director of Westminster Portfolio Services (Thailand) Ltd.

Most investors tell themselves that their investment decisions are based on sound logic and experience. According to psychological profile testing, however, the reality is rather different.

For instance, imagine somebody gives you ฃ1,000 combined with the following bet: a 50/50 chance of getting a further ฃ1,000 (option A) or the option to reject the gamble and be guaranteed a further ฃ500 (option B).

Most people choose B - the guaranteed ฃ1,500.

But something odd happens when the same people are offered a variant of the original. This time you’re given ฃ2,000. However, you must choose between a 50/50 bet that takes away ฃ1,000 if you guess wrong but that leaves you with the ฃ2,000 if you guess right (option C); or (D) a certain forfeit of ฃ500, leaving you with ฃ1,500.

This time most people choose C, the 50/50 bet.

In all cases, the probable outcomes are the same as the guaranteed outcomes: the average person will end up with ฃ1,500, no matter what he or she chooses. But when the choice is between a certain versus a possible gain we tend to avoid risks, and then when the choice is between a certain versus a possible loss, we switch to seeking risks.

To understand this reaction, imagine you have a simple attitude towards money: more is better. If someone gives you ฃ100, you’re ฃ100 happier. If they give you ฃ200, you’re twice as happy.

Except that real people aren’t like that. How they react to the offer depends on how they perceive the default. In the first example, the default thinking seems to be that you are lucky to have ฃ1,000 and a guaranteed ฃ500 on top of that is no bad thing. You are averse to risking more for a further gain.

In the second example, you have already mentally pocketed the ฃ2,000 and must take on risk in order to avoid a loss.

Researchers into financial behaviour think this explains why so many people sell their winning stocks and keep hold of their losers even though share prices move up and down randomly. Investors are happy to take on risk to avoid realising losses, but less keen to hold on to shares that have risen, because that jeopardises gains already mentally banked.

The outcome is that they sell their winners and keep their losers. But if share prices are unpredictable, then a greater tendency to hold on to shares that have fallen while selling those that have risen is arithmetically certain to lose you money in the long term.

Early humans had little to gain and plenty to lose from taking risks, unless their backs were truly against the wall. Even in today’s world, those two proverbial birds in the bush are only worth more than one in the hand if the risk-adjusted returns are higher. For early men and women, who relied on that single bird to nourish them until the next unknown meal, taking needless risks would have been pure folly.

Our different attitudes to the prospect of further losses, relative to further gains, ties in with a recurring theme of evolutionary psychology. We are born bench-markers.

Try this simple test example: Is the percentage of the Texas population that is of Latino origin higher or lower than 15%? Make a note of your estimate. Now switch your demographic intuitions to California. Is the percentage Latino population higher or lower than 40%? Again make a note of your estimate.

Researchers have found that we sometimes use arbitrary marks in the sand to get our bearings. Benchmarking would have made huge sense for people foraging around landscapes and trying to find their way back to base camp. But it’s no way to navigate modern stock markets.

Let’s return to our Latinos in Texas and California. Did you make different estimates? The correct answer for both states is 32% (according to the 2000 US census.)

If you gave a lower estimate for Texas than California, you might have been swayed by the 15% and 40% benchmarks. But I just made them up.

Psychologists have tested this theory more rigorously by asking different groups of people identical questions such as, what proportion of the United Nations countries are African? When different groups are first asked to compare their answer with different benchmarks (50% or more? 30% or more?) their average answer also varies.

People assume that the benchmark contains useful information or they are biased by first impressions. They then anchor their replies to that implicit guidance.

Public relations firms know this all too well. That’s why they encourage companies to report ‘headline earnings’ or ‘pre-exceptional’ profits, because these page 1 figures nudge the brain to view more favourably the real figures hidden away in the depths of the report.

Now ask yourself what real information there is in a firm’s historical share price. Chartist superstitions apart, the evidence is that the five-year high and low of a share can tell you nothing about its likely course. Previous share price highs are arbitrary benchmarks that will mislead unwary investors.

The next question is to think about personal wealth and ask yourself: How much is enough?

It’s another ill-posed question which eludes a simple answer. The most common approach defines “enough” as whatever other people will settle for (plus a little bit more). The effect of this attitude will be to ratchet up our material well-being and motivate us to defend what we’ve got.

Keeping an eye on other people not only resolves ill-posed problems, it also solves practical ones like “How do you do that”?

Imitation and a concern not to be left behind can spark off competitions that boost productivity and innovation for everyone. Yet they can easily trigger irrational booms (and busts). You watch your neighbour growing richer and your judgment about how much is enough begins to change. The only way to keep up with the Joneses is to imitate them, even if that means running the risks they run. The catch is that someone else is using you as a benchmark, and the bubble begins to inflate.

Successful investors separate these two biases of benchmarking from others and learn by imitation. But learning from others is a double-edged sword: other people’s behaviour is often a good model to follow, but occasionally disastrous.

One way to eliminate the risk of going over a cliff with the Joneses is to decide for yourself how much is enough, and stop there.

Snap Shot: Lights, Camera, Action - the great pioneer

by Harry Flashman

Action photography is a specialized business, with today’s action photographers bringing back graphic images of ski jumpers caught in mid air, motorcyclists scraping the tarmac, and even speeding bullets. This requires split second timing and shutter speeds measured in thousandths of a second. Shutter speeds of this degree of extreme speed are fairly recent developments, so it may come as a surprise that the ‘father’ of action photography was a Frenchman who was born in 1894, who when 11 years old was taking action shots. And these were not taken with split second shutter camera, but rather the old black cloth over the head and focus on the ground glass screen jobs!

Jacques-Henri Lartigue is his name, but he has long departed to visit the Great Darkroom in the Sky. This guy was a child prodigy. When other six-year-old children were bouncing their balls in Paris, J-H Lartigue was experimenting with photography.

Now there were others around the early 1900’s who were taking photographs as well, but J-H Lartigue’s special gift was “action” photography. He was a great individualist taking photographs of “everything which pleases me, everything I am keen on, which delights or amazes me. The rest I let pass.”

Fortunately for us, he took plenty of photographs, but the enormity of his collection was not discovered till 1963, by which stage he had over 200,000 photographs catalogued in albums! On his 90th birthday he was still snapping away and had a major exhibition in London. What a wonderful tribute to the man, to have an exhibition when 90 years old. Does photography extend one’s life? For my sake, I hope so!

But back to J-H Lartigue. He had the uncanny ability to anticipate the exact fraction of a second which would “freeze” a moment in time, for ever. That moment was probably only 1/300th of a second, but he would capture the subject, mid-frame, as if posed in mid air waiting for the shutter to click.

These days, even compact cameras have shutter speeds faster than poor old J-H’s first cameras, and the top of the line SLR’s have shutter speeds as fast as 1/4000th of a second combined with motor drives exposing multiple frames per second. This makes action photography today much easier than at the turn of the century. However, there is still the need for “anticipation”, and that was Lartigue’s great gift.

So let’s have a crack at some “action pix” this week. The secret is to pick a subject where the shot shows that action is truly occurring. This means you are going to record something that does not happen when things are at a standstill. Now while this sounds obvious, if you take a shot of a car going round a corner it will just look as if the car is stopped in the middle of the road - no difference. But take a motorcycle - it leans into the corner and you can see that it was in motion. Or even better, riding through a puddle, with the spray coming up from the wheels. People jumping convey movement too, or skipping rope, water skiing, running or other physical activities.

Now what sort of shutter speed do you need to freeze this type of action? Actually, not all that fast at all. Anything from 1/60th or better is fine. In fact I’d choose 1/125th if you’ve got a choice of shutter speeds.

Select your subject and activity and start clicking. The secret you’ll find when you review the results was not the shutter speed, but anticipating the peak of the action! Finding the exact time to push the shutter button takes practice because there is always a slight delay between your eye seeing the moment, your finger pushing the button and the camera doing its internal tricks to expose the film.

There’s only one way to find this out. Practice! Plus perhaps some help from Jacques-Henri Lartigue!

Modern Medicine: SARS - are you at risk?

by Dr Iain Corness, Consultant

A current topic of conversation is the world-wide SARS epidemic. SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and they had to put the word “severe” in front of the title, or we would have ended up with a most unsatisfactory acronym.

Are you likely to die from this new virus? Simple answer is an emphatic no! At the time of writing this, there were just over 2,000 cases reported throughout the world and the death rate was around 3%. This does not mean that out of the next 100 people who walk past you, three of them are going to die from SARS. It means that of the next 100 diagnosed cases of a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, three are likely to succumb (if we haven’t managed to get an efficient treatment by then). Put another way, 97% will recover.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10% of SARS patients go into a decline, usually around day 7, and need mechanical assistance to breathe. The care of these people is often complicated by the presence of other diseases. In this group, mortality is high. This would include patients with other chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney problems, poor lungs (smokers!) or even AIDS.

Right now, one of the complicating factors is that we do not have a 100% accurate diagnostic test for SARS. One reason for this is that we have not (at the time of my writing this article at least) positively identified the virus, but it appears to be a corona-virus.

So how do we diagnose this problem? The answer is a combination of symptoms and circumstances. Firstly the patient has a high fever, greater than 38 degrees Celsius, and has one or more respiratory symptoms including cough, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. Now I fully realise that is fairly typical of many respiratory conditions, but don’t think you’ve got it yet! The diagnosis also requires close contact, within 10 days of the onset of symptoms, with another person who has been diagnosed with SARS and/or a history of travel, within 10 days of the onset of symptoms, to an area in which there are a significant number of SARS patients. By the way, by “close contact” means having cared for, having lived with, or having had direct contact with respiratory secretions and body fluids of a person infected with SARS.

So what can you do to make sure you don’t get it? Well, unless it is absolutely necessary, take the WHO’s advice and postpone travel to Hong Kong and Guangdong and other SARS affected areas - Shanxi, Taiwan, Hanoi and Toronto.

There are also some simple precautions that you can take, if you think you could be at risk. These minimise your exposure to potentially infected persons and require personal hygiene measures and personal protective measures. Obviously, avoid being close to people who are already sick, and stand well clear of people that are coughing. Surgical masks may make you feel “safe” but it is a false sense of security without taking additional precautions. Basic hygiene is essential in reducing the risk of virus transmission. Washing hands before eating is essential and avoid rubbing your eyes. Smokers should wash their hands before smoking as contaminants on the hands are easily transferred to the mouth whilst smoking. Do not touch disposed tissues or handkerchiefs as these may carry secretions with infected material. All fairly basic stuff.

However, right now, you should rest easy in your beds. As I said at the beginning, your chances of getting SARS are not high and your chances of dying from it even less.

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Dear Hillary,

Hello Hillary, whoever you are. This is a sketch for a painting I am doing of my imaginary you!



Dickens 44

Dear Dickens 44,

Hillary is so touched that I have managed to stimulate someone out there to a higher plane, though I am a trifle worried about the tassel on the beret and the hanging balls, my Petal. I must also mention that it seems a fairly small bottle of Moet et Chandon, and whilst it is a nice drop, which I have enjoyed many times, it should have been Veuve Cliquot (vintage) to be more correct. I also prefer champagne flutes, rather than the old fashioned champagne saucer. Petal, I do presume that is me on the left, not the strange creature on the right that has a more than passing resemblance to my friend Kevin. Whatever, I am very thrilled and humbled by your sketch. Thank you so much.

Dear Hillary,

I came to Thailand intending to stay three months, but now I want to go home to Ireland as soon as possible. I am a little shy to mention my age, but I was born between the wars. Dare I say it, I’m blessed with exceedingly good looks, rather modest in an old-fashioned way, great sense of humour, intelligent, highly educated, kind hearted and a snappy dresser. On my first night out I was very lucky to meet an attractive girl on her first night in the city. She came from Udon Thani and her name was Noi. She fell for my looks and charm. She kept blowing wind in my face and said many times, “I lub you too much.” She bowled me over and within days we finished up in her Moo Bahn in Udon, where the whole village came to ogle me. She then told me she wanted to marry me and I told her I might consider it if she would agree to a few of my suggestions. I dearly wanted her to stop picking her nose in public and asked her if she would do the same in private. I then suggested we go shopping. She blew on my cheeks, hugged me and said I had “jai dee too much.” The shopping trip began with “Sister me boy friend hab Isuzu pick-up” and I stood in amazement as the whole village and her 20 sisters had parked themselves on the truck, while some of the children had lashed themselves to the bull bars. I said, “Where do I sit?” Noi said that I should follow on “motorcy Papa.” I began to think that this shopping safari could cause a slight hiccup with my bank manager. Just then it happened. The truck hit a pot-hole and with all that weight on board the result was the left axle broke into many little bits. Shopping was put on hold and I could imagine my bank manager giving me a wry smile. After a few days I began to get a little disappointed with the whole affair and being woken in the middle of the night with the cockle-doodle-do’s cockling, dogs barking, motorbikes revving up, sticky rice and somtum daily, loud music, no hot water, creepie-crawlies and Noi’s mobile phone constantly ringing. When I asked her who was calling, day and night, she said it was her sister who worked in a bank in Bangkok. (I still wonder why she always walked away somewhere quiet and only spoke in English.) I then decided to call the whole thing off and went to Pattaya. Noi said no matter what she still lubbed me too much and she would follow me in a day or two. As I hadn’t heard from her after a week and I still cared for her I decided to call her mobile. She said that her Mama was “Mai sabai” and it may be a few more days before she would come. It was just then that I got the shock of my life when this big Harley Davidson whizzed by with my darling Noi astride the pillion with her arms tightly clutched around the long haired driver. Needless to say, I was devastated and hurt and for a while suffered from mild depression. To this day I don’t know why she would associate with the looks of a man like that and give up a man of my looks, charm and generosity. Over to you.

Caring Chris

Dear Caring Chris,

As you can see, I did have to shorten your ten page letter and I hope you have it in your “Jai dee” to forgive me. I have read your letter many times, trying to find the turning point in this relationship, and keep coming back to the nose picking. You may not have noticed, while spending so much time looking at yourself in the mirror to ensure you are snappily dressed, that nose picking is considered something of an art form in Thailand. Many males will even keep one long fingernail for that express purpose. I also note that you have not totally believed in your Noi, and it is this mistrust that caused your relationship to fail. Simple phone calls in English just showed that her sister was practising her English too. Probably all for your benefit so she could chat to you as well. Finally, the Harley rider - are you sure the long haired person was a man? It was probably Noi’s sister and they were on their way to pick up Mama’s medicine. You must learn to trust people.

A Slice of Thai History: The Thai invasion and occupation of the Shan States, 1942-1945 - Part 2

by Duncan Stearn

When Pibulsongkram visited the occupied region in February 1943 he was alarmed at the parlous state of his army and sent orders for money, supplies and medical equipment to be sent from Bangkok to Kengtung. On the 2nd of that month American fighter planes had destroyed seven Thai planes on the ground at Kengtung. A month later another raid saw one Thai plane destroyed on the ground.

By this time he had become disillusioned with the Japanese alliance, and on this visit he made his first secret move to contact the Allies by sending representatives of the Thai forces occupying the Shan States to begin negotiations with the Kuomintang (Nationalist) Chinese in Yunnan.

The Japanese, for their part, recognised the fact that as Germany was slowly being beaten in the West, their own military position was also being eroded under Allied counter-attacks and they would have to honour their undertakings and grant as much of the territory Thailand sought as possible.

To this end, the conquest of the Shan States was enshrined by a treaty signed in August 1943. Thailand was granted the two easternmost Shan States, re-naming the territory the United Thai State and General Pin Choonhavan was appointed governor. Although this did not please the Burmese, who were also about to receive a form of independence under the Japanese umbrella, the Japanese argued that the British had administered the Shan States separately from Burma and the Shans were ethnically closer to the Thais than the Burmese.

At the same time, although Thailand desired the return of certain territory in Laos and Cambodia, the Japanese alliance with the Vichy French meant this could not be fulfilled. Japan instead returned control of the four Malay states of Kelantan, Kedah, Perlis and Terengganu (ceded to the British in 1909) to Thailand.

In reality, with the British going onto the offensive in western Burma and the Americans moving steadily across the Pacific, Japanese hegemony was crumbling with every new day. Leading Thai politicians realised, as did the prime minister, they had allied themselves with the wrong side and in July 1944 Pibulsongkram was forced to resign. The new regime, aware that the Allies - and the British in particular - were keen to punish Thailand severely for its alliance with Japan, made it clear that they would renounce all claims to the Shan and the Malay states once hostilities ceased.

Nevertheless, the Thai occupation of the Shan States continued until the end of the war in August 1945. Although the vast majority of Thai troops returned home after the war, a few remained to marry with the locals, settling down in the Shan States.

Personal Directions: Positive feedback impacts our lives personally and professionally

by Christina Dodd
Managing director of Westminster Portfolio Services (Thailand) Ltd.

I asked an audience recently, “When a speaker or presenter (anyone in front of an audience large or small) has done his or her job well, why do we applaud?” They thought it was a rather basic question that was very easy to answer (and guess what - it is!). They offered answers like, to show appreciation, to give thanks, to give encouragement, to give warmth, to show acceptance, to show respect and so on. All of these are good positive feelings and emotions.

I then asked them another question, “If we want to give all of these positive feelings, why then do some of us clap our hands lightly and sometimes so lightly there is no sound; why do we look disinterested and have dull expressions on our faces; why do we appear negative and exhibit negative behavior if we wish to give a positive message with all these positive emotions to the speaker?” They couldn’t come up with any answers right away.

Why do you think this is so? I have seen this happen with audiences in all sorts of situations and in all sorts of places and countries. And having spoken to many people to try to find out why we behave this way, I have found that a lot of people in giving “feedback” to others, which is what applause essentially is, don’t realize just how important it is to give “positive feedback”.

There are some of us who think that our half-hearted efforts are good enough, but we probably wouldn’t feel very good being on the receiving end of them would we? To my mind, in everything we do, we should do it with one hundred percent effort or not do it at all. If a speaker has presented well, then give them due regard and appreciation. None of this finger tapping on the side of your glass, none of the glancing at your watch and checking your next appointment, none of this carrying on a conversation with the person next to you - get up there and use both hands and make a noise with them! Spare a moment to give all those positive messages - give them positive feedback.

So often we forget that as humans we crave emotional charges which help us to feel fulfilled and to live our lives with meaning and purpose.

We can give positive feedback in so many ways to the people around us. Applauding with sincere effort is just one of numerous ways to show all those positive feelings that really mean a lot to the person on the receiving end. A firm handshake, a glowing smile, an enthusiastic wave, words of encouragement, a phone call, a simple wink or nod of the head, sending a note, saying you love someone, taking the time to listen. There are so many ways that we can give - and receive - positive feedback or positive feelings.

The opposite of giving positive feedback is discounting and of course there are severe forms of discounting like screaming and yelling at somebody, and subtle ways such as being sarcastic, ignoring someone, not giving your full attention to someone, laughing at people, being negative and always putting someone down, having no time for anyone. And the list goes on and on.

Think to yourself for a moment - how often do you give positive feedback to those around you? How about your colleagues in the office for starters? Do they receive your positive or negative feedback? What about the boss or the tea lady? What about your friends who have probably given you support over the years and have always been there to get you through the hard times, the bad days when maybe you didn’t have a job or you were struggling to make ends meet?

What about your family? All those people who gather around you and live with you day in and day out. Mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, grandparents and children! People who care about you and what happens to you. People who have given so much to you so that you can be where you are today because of their efforts. What about them? Do you give them positive feedback or do you discount? What impact do you have on them and their lives?

In one of our programs on self-awareness and personal development, there are many such questions to think upon and to answer - to oneself. In a weekend program I conducted recently, the participants found it a great help in understanding more about themselves when they had to reflect upon who they were and the way they either gave positive feedback or discounted the people around them. Not a light-hearted activity at all, but one that if given full attention and effort, will bring a sense of relief and personal fulfillment. For many this is quite an emotional ordeal but once gone through, the rewards are worth every moment of personal examination.

There are some professionals in the field of human resources who believe - as I do - that the development of people (staff) can only be effectively achieved through a combination of personal as well as professional growth of those people. Development means moving ahead as a person and a professional.

It is not enough these days to just improve upon job-related skills to improve performance. The only truly good performance is one that gives joy and self-fulfillment to the performer. Salary alone won’t do it.

My belief with regard to “staff development” is, in a nutshell, this:

Happy, satisfied, challenged and motivated staff will stay with the company, provide their best efforts in support of delivering results and inspire others to do the same!

It is in the best interests of companies to take on this approach in order to move ahead and to achieve their planned objectives in this changing world.

Should you wish to obtain more information about our programs in personal growth and development, and to how they can be adapted to suit your specific staff development needs, please contact me at [email protected] and visit our website at

Have a wonderful week!

Social Commentary by Khai Khem

The ‘devil’ is in the details

There’s an idea being kicked around to designate an area in Pattaya City where entertainment establishments serving alcohol and dishing up adult entertainment can stay open 24 hours a day. This zone, according to some of the brainstorming that’s been going on would be strictly for foreigners and Thai ‘service’ girls. Foreigners would be required to carry passports and service girls would be registered with authorities as precautionary measures for not only tourists but their ‘escorts’. Okay, not bad so far.

There is merit in this scheme since it might contain Fun City’s rowdier nightlife. Business establishments and their workers that cater to this sort of thing could make money and tourists who come here to let their hair down would be less constricted.

This is not exactly a new idea. Some cities have very successful ‘red-light’ districts because they are meticulously and strictly administrated.

The plan is only in the discussion stage at present, but would restrict all Thais from participating in the fun. Oooops. Not all Thais, since Thai service girls, (and perhaps Thai service boys) would be allowed into the red-hot 24-hour party zone. Ordinary Thais, even Thai tourists from other regions might be barred from the fun, and establishments that serve them could be fined and closed down.

Is this a glitch in the plan? What kind of message would this send to Thai citizens? Foreign tourists and prostitutes can avail themselves of what could be a special dispensation of national Thai law, but ordinary Thais will be shut out of this loophole and may even be prosecuted. That could raise some objections.

The same kinds of restriction have been suggested if Thailand finally changes its laws and allows legal gambling casinos in the kingdom. Foreign tourists can gamble and bring sex workers along as company, but Thai citizens might be barred from entering the premises. These restrictive proposals are supposedly intended to “save Thais from themselves” and encourage them to be upstanding citizens and not be lured into vice or be exposed to corruptive influences. But the exceptions to the laws would cater to the incorrigible elements in Thai society which are already irredeemable, and the decedent preferences of foreign tourist who come to Thailand to do what they are forbidden to do in their own countries.

This idea could work, nonetheless. There are plenty of other things to do in Thailand for those not interested a 24-hour binge in South Pattaya and perhaps there should be some adjustment in laws which will accommodate our night crawlers. Compromise can be a productive force. All of Pattaya’s zoning should come into the 21st century not just the entertainment districts. So, can the authorities plan, execute and administrate the zone with efficiency and honesty if it goes through?

The concept needs some serious refinement. How bitter will the complaints be from business operators who are not located in the special zone? How long before each little enclave of ramshackle bars, eateries and karaoke venues will declare it unfair they must bow to the Minister of Interior’s strict closing hours, but a few businesses in some parts of Pattaya get special treatment?

Entrance restrictions on law-abiding Thais could also provoke ire. They may feel as citizens they are entitled to participate freely in the same kind of vice that tourists and hookers are enjoying, and rightly so. Why should a Bangkokian or Chiangmai businessman, for example, who comes for a break to his second home or condo in Pattaya be shut out of nightclubs (or casinos, for that matter) while drunken foreigners, Thai streetwalkers and male hookers are welcomed with open arms?

If we re-zone Pattaya for 24-hour entertainment, should we introduce two zones, which will effectively be ghettos - one for Thais and a separate one for foreigners? What about the sex-workers? How will they be classified - beauty, skin, age, residency? If a Thai man takes a Thai hooker out for a good time, will he be refused service? Will the Ministry of Interior really want to get tangled up in this Gordian Knot just to make Pattaya happy?

Perhaps sex workers should be brought into a national registration and carry ‘smart cards’ specifically designed for this profession. That way they can be legalized and even forced to pay taxes as in some countries where prostitution has been legalized and comes under very stringent laws. There are lots of double standards at work here and it will be interesting to see how this is finagled. The complexities will be enormous.

Legalized casinos, depending on who owns and runs them might think about setting up a membership concept which would be effective upon entry. Customers could fill out a simple form, pay a flat fee and be issued a card. The fee could be set to effectively screen low-income Thais who would otherwise gamble themselves into penury. If they can afford the annual fee, so be it. If not, they at least have the option of refusal just as they do in a shop if the price of the item is beyond their budget.

Tourists who pay membership fees could have their fees refunded in some way, much as they are refunded the VAT tax they pay when leaving the country.

A 24-hour party zone in Pattaya is not an impossible idea if it is implemented with precision and forward planning. But as with everything else in Fun City, there is “many a slip between the cup and the lip”. Let’s take a few issues like the Bali Hai pier, the motorcycle helmet law, the parking scheme on Beach Road, the campaign for order at Jomtien Beach Road, the 10-year contract on waste management which could never be enforced, tap water distribution, road surfacing and traffic management. The ideas are good. But the devil’s in the details. Working out the ‘bugs’ in this plan is going to be a devil of a headache.

Women’s World: You are what you eat Part 4

by Lesley Warner

In my pursuit of natural vitamins I found myself in one of the more embarrassing situations in my life last night. I went to a great Thai restaurant just past the junction of Pattaya Klang on 3rd Road. Eat all you want for 79 baht and have the fun of cooking it yourself. The reason I like it is because they have a great selection of fresh fish, meat, vegetables and my favourite pigs liver in tiny strips. After an hour of eating and relaxing listening to the live music, I asked for the bill and looked in my purse - I only had 100 baht! I was the only farang in the place and felt that all eyes were on me. I calmly stood up and went to see the boss and left my mobile phone with him while I went to the ATM. I wouldn’t have felt so bad if the bill had not been a total of only 253 baht. The moral of the story is always check what’s in your purse before you eat.

To continue with the B vitamins:

Pyridoxine (B6)

This B vitamin is constantly promoted as a cure for PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and some ladies take high doses. But surprisingly research does not support this. Also worth bearing in mind is the fact that mega-doses of pyridoxine can cause nerve damage.

Pyridoxine, also known as pyridoxal phosphate and pyridoxamine, is needed (like some of the other B vitamins) for the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Pyridoxine is also used in the production of red blood cells as well as in the biochemical reactions involved in the metabolism of amino acids. Due to the abundance of pyridoxine in many foods, a deficiency is rare except in alcoholics. A pyridoxine deficiency causes skin disorders, neuropathy (abnormal nervous system), confusion, poor coordination and insomnia. Oral signs of pyridoxine deficiency include inflammation of the edges of the lips, tongue and the rest of the mouth.

Pyridoxine is found in many foods, including liver, organ meats, brown rice, fish, butter, wheat germ, whole grain cereals, soybeans and many others.

Cyanocobalamin (B12)

Vitamin B12 is necessary for processing carbohydrates, proteins and fats and to help make all of the blood cells in our bodies. Vitamin B12 is also required for maintenance of our nerve sheaths. Vitamin B12 acts as a coenzyme in the synthesis and repair of DNA.

Vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed or used by the body until it is combined with a mucoprotein made in the stomach and called intrinsic factor. Once the B12 becomes bound to the intrinsic factor, it is able to pass into the small intestine to be absorbed and used by the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency is sometimes seen in strict vegetarians who do not take vitamin supplements, and those who have an inability to absorb the vitamin (usually from a failure to produce intrinsic factor). Although enough B12 is stored in the liver to sustain a person for many years, a deficiency will cause a disorder known as pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia causes weakness, numbness of the extremities, pallor, fever and other symptoms. Mouth irritation and brain damage are also common consequences of B12 deficiency. However, these very serious effects can be reversed by vitamin B12 injections. Injections are needed because the deficiency is often caused by an inability to absorb the vitamin when taken orally. As we age, our stomachs have an increasingly difficult time producing intrinsic factor. Many doctors recommend that people over 60 have their vitamin B12 levels checked, to see if a B12 shot is needed.

Vitamin B12 is not found in any plant food sources and is produced almost solely by bacteria, such as streptomyces griseus. Rich sources of B12 include liver, meat, egg yolk, poultry and milk.

Folic acid (B9)

Folic acid, also known as folacin and pteroylglutamic acid, is one of the B-complex vitamins that interact with vitamin B12 for the synthesis of DNA, which is important for all cells in the body. Folic acid, in combination with vitamin B12 and vitamin C, is necessary for the breakdown of proteins and the formation of hemoglobin, a compound in red blood cells that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. Folic acid is also essential to virtually all biochemical reactions that use a one-carbon transfer and is produced by bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

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