- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
What about the other scams...
Beach vendors add colour
Unfair persecution of beach vendors
More baht bus trouble
Ashamed of his government
Khai Khem commentary was off, or was it...
Mr. Bird missed the boat
What about the other scams...
I have been living in Thailand for 6 years going back and
forth. Since I’ve been in Thailand, yes I’ve been ripped off with double
pricing and even paying 10 times for attractions, quote: in Kanchanaburi 7
waterfall Farang pay 200, Thai 20 baht.
I, however, have been charged 2 times to fix my car with
the same problem because they did not do their job properly, thoroughly
investigating the cause. And when I got my car back running rough, I
resorted to do the timing belt myself, putting nuts on the distributor they
left too and getting it checked by the main dealer.
I am also aware that if I took legal action against the
garage concerned there might be reprisals like my in-laws getting hurt or
their house burnt down, where we stay, and the police wouldn’t be bothered
too much because I am a farang and they would say I caused the problem
because they’re on the side of their countryman.
Be warned because this goes on all the time:
I bought a computer too and had to wait for 1 month for
repair, and it wasn’t repaired 100 percent, as the floppy drive wouldn’t
work. When I found out they used it to play music they told me to f-k off.
Subsequently I got a qualified computer repairer to change the parts, losing
my warranty, and got the dealer to give me software at a lesser price as
agreed than cost and had no more to do with them.
Michael McGovern
Beach vendors add colour
I read that Mayor Pairat has issued an order banning
wandering vendors from Jomtien and Pattaya beaches. Do these short-sighted
officials ever consult or canvas the opinion of the many tourists who use
the beaches? Not only do the wandering vendors provide a useful service for
visitors but they are part of the “colour” and attraction of a day at
the beach.
Are the Mayor and his blinkered officials hell bent on
spoiling Pattaya for tourists? They should remember that without tourism
Pattaya would be a ghost town. OK, by all means clamp down on the social
order aspects, motoring madness, beggars, rabid stray dogs and freelancers
(both real and second category ladies) selling sex along Beach and Second
Roads. But I fail to see what harm the wandering vendors are doing.
Could it be the very fact that they are wandering and
therefore not available in one place to offer tea money to greedy police and
municipal officials that has made them a target of this stupid bureaucratic
D Snowdon
Unfair persecution of beach vendors
Hi there,
I was so excited at locating the honourable Pairat
Suthithamrongsawat, the mayor, no less, I forgot to mention the fax no at
city hall is 039 428 405.
Quite by chance there was a photograph of the honourable
gentleman in the last Pattaya Mail, threatening dire consequences on the
Jomtien vendors. He also advises beach chair operators will be held
responsible for fines as well as the vendors. How on earth can anyone hold
the beach chair operators liable for the vendors? It’s very unfair
persecution and moving the responsibility from the beach police onto the
operators, they have enough to contend with as it is.
The letter from Richie about the massacre of the trees on
Dongtan Beach hit the nail on the head with the brief observation, “I note
that heavier pieces of wood are carefully taken away might give a clue” to
the massacre that is, rather than the trimming. Wood sold for charcoal
making is quite a lucrative business, is any of that getting back into city
hall funds? Good morning Thailand.
Why don’t they provide more toilets, free, showers,
they have the water supply already in place and allow sun loungers on
Dongtan Beach? City hall do something constructive for a change, tourism
keeps Pattaya afloat, why not encourage it? The vendors are not a problem,
they are all polite and a smile and a shaking of the head is enough to put
them off. I personally like to purchase my fruit from my favourite lady, and
the odd Thai snack on the beach. The locals are a large part of the charm of
being in Thailand. Who wants to associate with farangs? We are mostly fat
and ugly, the Thais are slim, beautiful and the reason most of us are here.
Thank you Pattaya Mail for being such an
informative paper,
Yours. R. Walton
More baht bus trouble
Editor and Townsfolk!
Some days ago I took a public route-going vehicle, a
so-called baht-bus, from Soi Buakow to Big C at Second Road. When stepping
of I pay the usual 5 baht simply because I know that is the legal fare. Then
the driver started to harass me and try to tell me that the fare is 10 baht
for foreigners-farangs and points to a sign inside the pick-up. But this
sign never ever states the fare for any category of passengers travelling by
baht-buses which pick up passengers on a certain route. The sign only gives
fare-examples for one person or more e.g. groups who charter the baht-buses,
that is to say, hire them as taxi-going vehicles.
Since I speak Thai fluently I was able to tell this
driver quite resolutely in easily understandable vocabulary that I actually
live in the country and would never ever accept that he and his
“Baht-Bus-Corrupt-Corporation” or whatever cheats me or any other
foreigners, and the I advised him where to go next, you know.
Besides, that sign inside the baht buses is, deliberately
or not, very misleading and confusing in many respects. First of all it does
not state a regular fare, second it appears to be issued by a Department of
Land Transport while it is not so and there are many other peculiarities.
The general impression this sign gives me is that it is a rather clumsy try
to mislead and deceive foreigners and let the drivers keep up a kind of
“flexibility” as to charge what from whom?
My question is finally, how long this “practice” will
continue in the face of residents here and in a new climate where war is
declared on dark influences, corruption and the hyper-varied cheating of
tourists and foreigners living in the country? This is a real nuisance to me
and many others!
“Plagued BB-Traveller”
Ashamed of his government
I am a Thai notional. I came to Switzerland as a tourist
and stayed on. I worked in Zurich as a cook in one of our hotel kitchens. 5
years later I accepted an offer to work in a very large Thai Restaurant in
Munich. Where I have been now for 7 years. My paid 4 weeks holidays every
year I spent in different countries in Europe. [I have no family in
I want to state: never, and in no country in all Europe
have I been discriminated because of my race. Never did I have to pay extra
because of my race. Nobody in all Europe ever asked me to pay more for a
service or any ware I bought because I am not a national of Europe but
obviously an Asian. I receive the same salary as anybody in my job.
I am deeply ashamed about my government that they allow
this discrimination based on racism. I am also ashamed about the people who
overcharge the guests to Thailand. But they do not know any better but to be
The people in the government should know better. They
went to better schools, travelled further, saw more of the world. Should
know about a thing called racism. They should have stopped this
two-tier-pricing when it first started. Why did they not? I put all the
blame on the governments. The one before and this one. How can they speak
about democracy when they allow racism? I can only hope a good and honest
man in the Thai government reads about my sorrows and my shame.
‘Piak’ Puchan
Ex-Singburi / Thailand, now, Berlin Potsdamer Platz
Khai Khem commentary was off, or was it...
I just can’t stop myself from commenting on the Khai
Khem commentary in Pattaya Mail titled ‘build more prisons’.
I think Khai is being deliberately provocative with this
mis-informed piece of propaganda. I can’t really believe he is being
honest with his own writing, as he seems an educated man.
A society that has to build more prisons is a society
that has ‘failed’!
There is cause and effect. Sure you can cut down all the
weeds in your garden but if you do not remove the roots they will just grow
back again.
As for the USA being so fantastic, their administration
is the biggest danger to world peace, as they bully and bribe other
countries to get what they want - surely we must take the side of the
angels? - That we must educate and rehabilitate and not punish and repress.
Research shows that 75% of prisoners re-offend and most
prisons are a training ground for crime. Why is there crime? Social/economic
factors and corruption and greed.
What can we do? We can be better parents! And better
Poverty is the main root cause of all petty crime - so
lets remove it!
Here’s to the day we don’t need wars or prisons. As
the Beatles once said, ‘Love is all you need’ and not a boot camp! Get
with it Khai this is the year 2003 and not Victorian England.
P.S. I can assure you there are as many foreign criminals
in Pattaya as there are Thai. Perhaps another thing we can do is to check
the criminal records for those wishing to apply for visa b? Or perhaps the
loss of income from these people will be too great for Thailand? What
duplicitous times we live in.
PPS - Re my letter to Khai Khem: well I have just changed
my mind after trying to cross the road and being kicked from behind and
having abuse shouted at me by 2 teenagers on a motorcycle. I might have
fallen into the on coming traffic but I doubt that would matter to them. Yes
you are right Khai, I didn’t realize there was such a lack of respect in
your youth culture. Sorry to have been so hard on you.
Mr. Bird missed the boat
Re: Mr. Bird’s letter complaining about Torrey Pines
green fees being double for non residents. I fear he has missed the boat
with this rather pathetic comparison, as the resident card is available for
residents that pay taxes to support the course. The resident can be Thai,
farang or from Mars, they do not restrict the card to anyone but
I have been ripped off many times by baht bus drivers
charging farang prices, double, for me and my Thai lady, if I hand the money
over. A tip: let the lady pass the coins to the driver.
Al Collinge
Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail are also on our website.
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