Long stay guests at the Diana Group’s apartments
received an extra special surprise during the recent Thai New Year
Staff and management gathered together to pay their
respects to their extended family in traditional ceremonies headed by
Sophin Thappajug, Diana Group managing director.
Each received blessings and gifts bestowed to them from
the staff and management throughout the day.
Group MD Sophin Thappajug (right) led the ceremony and received blessings,
as did Stig Sundin (to the left of Sophin).
left) George Rollerson, a 13 year veteran, John Grolstead (5 years),
Joseph Cutillas (3 years) and Kjell Nygren (11 years) are both surprised
and grateful for the gifts they received on this special day.
left) Adlebert Deloyd, Mike Franklin, Diana Group advisors, Gerry Smith
and Mr. & Mrs Caris Davidson, residents at the Diana Millennium,
prepare for the magical tradition of receiving lustral water poured over
their hands as a sign of respect and admiration.
staff offer their respects to their long stay extended family members.
staff pay their respects to the long staying guests, saying thanks for