Mrs. Achana Snitwongse Na Ayudhaya (left) managing director
of the Montien Hotel, Pattaya together with the administrative team
joined with regular guests Mr. Kittiphan Nisalux and his family at a tree
planting ceremony in the gardens of the hotel.

Mrs. Cheryl Wojcickij (seated) celebrated her birthday
recently by inviting her close friends to a luncheon party at the Art Caf้.
The ladies enjoyed the ambiance and the food and decided to form a birthday
club. Next birthday party will be at the end of May.
Pol. Gen. Amnouy Phetsiri (left) Deputy Commissioner General
presided over the wedding reception of Mallika Modrakee and Police
Lieutenant-Colonel Yongyut Jantabud held at the Napalai Ballroom of the Dusit
Resort Pattaya Hotel recently.
Qantas/British Airways led by
Boonsong Haruchaiyasak, the Commercial Manager held a seminar for
travel agencies on the eastern seaboard at the Hard Rock Hotel
recently. The seminar was aimed at updating information on the
airline’s products, frequent flyer programmes as well as
strengthening business relations.
H.E. Vaecon Pierere the Belgian
Ambassador and his wife visited Pattaya recently and stayed at the Siam
Bayshore Resort where they were welcomed by Duncan Miller the
resident manager (right).

General Saiyud Kerdphol former Supreme Commander of the Thai
Armed forces and a Past District Governor of Rotary district 335, who is also
considered to be the champion of democracy in Thailand, visited Miriam’s
Restaurant recently where together his family enjoyed a delicious lunch. To
show his appreciation, Gen. Saiyud presented Khun Pan Thanaporn Rigone the
owner of the restaurant with some of his noteworthy writings.