Winners all round at the annual
CUEL Charity Classic Golf Day
A 7:30 a.m. Shotgun start saw the commencement of the 2004
CUEL Charity Classic Golf Day at the well groomed Laem Chabang Country Club
& Golf Course of Friday July 30. 152 players scrambled to demonstrate
their skills on what proved to be a first class day of golf and general
enjoyment. This has become a prestigious and coveted annual event organised
by the locally based CUEL Limited, who are leading fabricators of offshore
oil and gas platforms in Thailand. As in past years, this very successful
charity day was organised by Steve Hovi and Graeme Moore with the support of
CUEL’s Senior Production Manager, John Blyton. This year players from USA,
Singapore, Indonesia and Australia flew to Thailand especially to join and
support the event.
winning team of Sirima Taveesat, Amporn Tammeesilp, Saisunee Maenchoowong
and Narongchai Tantrakul en route to success during CUEL Charity Classic
Golf Day held at Laem Chabang.
Whilst the USD 10,000 Hole-in-one prize, again sponsored
by leading risk management specialists, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Ltd. was not
won this year, the very able team from Bangkok consisting of Narongchai
Tantrakul, Amporn Tammeesilp, Saisunee Maenchoowong and Sirima Taveesat,
took out the champions prize and were presented with their trophies at the
luncheon in the clubhouse following the morning game.
Moore (left) and John Blyton (right) presented Sister Kalayanee (center
left) and Sister Michelle, representing the Good Shepherd Sisters, with a
cheque for 350,000 baht for the Fountain of Life, which helps
underprivileged children in Pattaya.
The Fountain of Life Center in Pattaya was also a winner
on the day, thanks to the support of all of the sponsors. At the luncheon,
Graeme Moore spoke briefly about the work of this center and John Blyton
presented Sister Michelle and Sister Kalayanee, representing the Good
Shepherd Sisters, with a cheque for 350,000 baht towards the wonderful work
that this charity performs, working with underprivileged children in the
local community.
The drinks and refreshments on the course during the game
were as usual provided by Ron Coulson of International Construction
Equipment and Camel Bar, Bang Chang fame, as well as that infamous painter,
Blondie Robinson of Profound Innovations. Ron’s Bloody Mary’s have
become institutional and mandatory at this event. These two icons of the
district were ably supported by The Blind Beggar Pub in Jomtien, Dynamic
Flowline, Kuriyama Ohji Thailand and R.C. Supply Ltd.
This year’s event was again sponsored by many of
CUEL’s important suppliers of materials and services and apart from
Lloyd Thompson who annually sponsor the so far elusive
hole-in-one prize, the major sponsors who contributed towards this years
event included such well know names as: Akzo Nobel Coatings Ltd., Brunel
Technical Services, Campbell & Associates, Deborah Services Ltd., FMC
Energy Systems, GE Supply / Bently Nevada, J. Ray McDermott Asia Pacific,
PCH Access Pty. Ltd, PT Petrotech, TIG Trading Ltd, Thai Nondestructive
Testing, Unithai Shipyard & Engineering, Unocal Thailand Ltd., Oil
States Industrial.
In addition to the major sponsors the Hole Sponsors who
contributed this year consisted of: Air Liquide Welding Thailand, Bangkok
Freight Forwarders, CR Industrial Services, EK Crane Group, Emerson Process
Management, ESAB Asia Pacific, M.J. Bangkok Valve & Fittings, Megatek
Industrial Services, Marubeni-Itochu Tubulars, Matco Asia, Mitsui Thailand
Ltd., Oakwell Engineering Ltd., Rolls Royce Ltd., Romar Positioning
Equipment, Solar Turbines Inc., Thai Leighton Ltd., Tri-Progress Electrument,
Van Leeuwen Pipe & Tube Asia, Vetco Aibel, Yokagawa Thailand Ltd.
At the conclusion of the luncheon, Graeme Moore expressed the golf day
committee’s thanks to all of the sponsors and participants, following
which Steve Hovi presented the runners up and lucky draw prizes in his usual
style. Judging from the comments of those present, all in all it was a very
successful day.
PSC golf from Bobby Joe’s 60s Bar
Tuesday August 3 Phoenix
There is always one person in every golfing circle who
always just seems to fall short. If he shoots 40 points someone else shoots
41, or he loses on countback. On the course he is usually the one who puts
most balls in the water, and at The 60s Bar we all know this man buys his
balls by the bucket and regularly loses at least a dozen a round. Indeed the
last time we played Phoenix, as we played Mountain Nine, we saw a cart
coming towards us and this gentleman said he was having such a bad round he
was packing in, selling his clubs and never playing again. Obviously he did
play again after a great deal of persuasion.
says Well Done to Bob.
The day started as normal with Bobby’s free breakfast
for the golfers, even if there are those of us who really cannot take solids
at this time of the night, hot coffee, and plenty of it always goes down
well. Then a nice slow bimble down to the course in fine weather.
Booking in at Phoenix is reasonably simple, and this is
indeed a fine clubhouse, so plenty of space in the changing rooms is
available. On the day the course was in its usual fine condition and the
test for the day was Lake and Ocean. Ocean is my own favourite, whilst I
think Mountain is the most difficult, still Lakes has it’s good points.
18 Holes later we fancied a beer, so sat at the rest stop
after M9, as in fact it is cheaper here than at the Clubhouse. This was
pretty good as many friends going past stopped and we had a good chat.
Back at the 60’s Bar the results were tabulated, and to
the pleasure of most, our own ‘Nearly Man’, Bob Lawrence, finally
triumphed and was congratulated by Bobby, whilst we all had a beer or two to
say well done. T.T.F.N.
Winner Bob
Near Pins: Andy Evans, Homicide Hank, Ray Spurling, Bob
Long Putts: Joe Patcher, Tim Holt, Wayne Muras, Derek Brook
Another Aussie barrage
PSC Golf from McAlister’s
The McAlister’s regulars were out in
full force at Green Valley for the Friday outing on August 6. With guests
swelling the numbers to 31, it was the largest group to play so far from
this venue.
Bob Wighton (right) and Dene Mundy (left) celebrate their performance for
the day.
Overnight rains did nothing to stop the golfers from
turning up and they were greeted with the golf course in excellent
condition. Hole 1 took its normal toll on many of the less capable players
being unable to clear the hazard. With stableford scoring being the format
it was just a matter of marking the zero in the appropriate column and
moving on to the next tee box.
The early groups out went off to McAlister’s for
refreshments both liquid and solid while waiting for the tail-enders to
finish and report their scores. No sign of McAlister that day as he was
feeling a little under the weather. Never mind, his trusty cook turned a
very fine luncheon spread for all to enjoy.
For a long while it seemed that Dene Mundy was going to
get the nod with 35 points, the low score reflecting the wisdom of Green
Valley management deciding that the white tees needed a rest so a lot of
back tees were in play. The result was more scores in the twenties that
thirties. Dene was feeling pretty good about his game having had a poor
showing at his last outing with The Three Sisters at Siam.
Eventually Bob Wighton, another Aussie, came in with the same score to
pip Dene on count back with a better back nine by one point A win by the
Aussies seems, in retrospect, to have been an omen for the result of the Tri
Nations RFU match the following day, well done Wallabies!
Laem Chabang ‘winds’ the day
PSC golf from The Bunker
On Tuesday August 3 The Bunker Boys
took advantage of Laem Chabang’s Sports Day and played their weekly Medal
competition from the blue tees on Courses A & B. Keith
Smithson relaxing in The Bunker Bar after his success at Laem Chabang.
On a very blustery day teeing off into the wind was
proving to be very tricky and the scorecards reflected this as no low
scores were recorded. Best of the day was Keith Smithson playing off 2
handicap, even he found the going tough returning a score of 74 Net.
Battling his way to second place came the
ever-present John Preddy with 78 Net and third place going to Lez Hall
with 79 Net.
Surprisingly the wind did not prevent three golfers
claiming the Nearest the Pin prizes, these were won by Keith Smithson,
Vic Simmons and the rapidly improving Lez Hall.
The Bunker Boys will not admit defeat and promise to
return on another day!
Ben - The Eastern Star

Star Winner, Ben Findon
Thursday the August 5 saw The Boys from The Bunker
visit Eastern Star Golf Course to play their regular stableford
competition. Playing off the white tees the course was not found to be
in the best condition. There was a lot of bare patches on the fairways
and too much ‘ground under repair’, which, when added to most
golfers’ usual dodgy fairway shots proved too much and the scores
reflected this.
The only Bunker Boy to master the conditions was Ben Findon who
stormed home with 40 stableford points, second prize was won by John
Preddy (vying with George Redgewell for the title ‘Steady Eddy’)
with 33 stableford points and third spot going to Colin Wilkes. Nearest
the Pins were won by Mick Ramshaw and Lez Hall.
The Chairman’s day
PSC Golf from The Three Sisters
Tuesday August 3 saw The Three Sisters golfers going around at Siam
Country Club for a change of day due to the public holiday on the previous
day. Since other regular groupings were out on the same day we saw a
diminished crowd compared to the usual Monday gang. Only 15 players fronted
up to play the course in, what has to said to have been a very fine cool day
enhanced by the overnight rains. Even after a full night of rain the
watering experts were much in evidence all over the course.
Dennis Willet (right) with the bag holder Dene Mundy.
After the scores we have been seeing in recent weeks the
day’s results seem to be on the tame side. The winner for the day with an
excellent even par 36 on the back nine was former PSC golf chairman Dennis
In second with a mere 37 points having thrown it away on the back nine
came last season’s PSC golf chairman Gerry Carpenter. The big surprise for
all was the man left holding the bag with, what must be his worst score for
years, Dene Mundy. Dene is sufficiently embarrassed with the result that we
will not shame him by noting his score. Surely there are better prospects in
store for Dene!
Guy Billings Shoots a Pair of 75s
IPGC TAGGS Golf from The Haven
Wednesday Aug 4
1st Peter Emslie, 45
2nd Guy Billings, 40
3rd Trevor Edge, 38 c/b 19
4th Fred Ewins, 38 c/b 14
After not playing a competition on Monday, which was a
bank holiday, the Haven Golfers had obviously spent some time on the range.
Scores were unusually good on a course where the greens were showing some
signs of recovery from the sanding and coring. ‘Slammer’ returned to
his youth when he was a 9 handicap golfer in Scotland and played to it once
again, destroying the field with a magnificent 81 off the stick. Guy, once
again on the podium, had to settle for silver with his superb 75 gross
netting him 40 points off his 7 handicap, to beat off a strong challenge by
Trevor & Fred. Trevor shot an even 19 points on both 9s whereas Fred
was left wondering what went wrong on the back 9 after a firing 24 points
on the front. Perhaps it was the monkeys which appear to be getting more
daring and aggressive! Poor Trevor Schirmer lost his lunch again on his
second consecutive outing to Bangphra and Major Roy had his buggy ransacked
by a particularly nasty snarling monkey who ran up a tree with a pouch of
tobacco and urinated on his caddie!
The 2s pool was shared by Andy Pedlar & Tony Quaid
on what was an eventful day. Prior to the prize giving, Richard Livingston,
the resident PGA professional, welcomed back Tony Quaid.
Friday Aug 6
Burapa C & D
1st Guy Billings, 4Up c/b 2Up
2nd Dave Lee, 4Up c/b A/S
3rd Bob Lindborg, 1Up
Clearly there had been very heavy overnight rain and the
old ‘West’ course was playing long off the blue tees, yet despite the
difficulty, scores were surprisingly good with Guy finally winning his
first Knotted Putter trophy with a superb display of golf to finish 4up off
his 7 handicap. After shooting a pair of gross 75s in the week he is sure
to see a reduction in his handicap for future competitions. Dave had
another solid round, but just like his old mate, Fred on Weds, he must be
wondering how he could only finish A/S on the back 9 after such a good
front. Bob completed the podium positions but John Desmond & Major Roy
were hard on his heels, both finishing ‘All Square’ on a difficult day,
with the wind gusting it was perhaps not surprising that there were no 2s,
so it is rollover time at Khao Kheow on Monday.
Prior to the prize giving, Richard Livingston, welcomed
Keith Avery, Ken McCarthy & Vincent Smyth and bade a sad farewell to
Yasuo Suzuki before giving a huge welcome back to our host Stephen Beard
who came home from hospital in time to attend the presentation. Everybody
present was delighted to see Stephen back again and Khun Lumyai laid on
some impromptu snacks for the occasion.
Claus Birk Rules From Hump Day On
IPGC Golf From Lewiinksi’s
Sunday August 1
Green Valley - White Tees
1st A Flight: Clive Bruce, 40 pts
2nd A Flight: John Emmerson, 40 pts
3rd A Flight: Doug Williams, 39 pts
1st B Flight: Jim Munns, 39 pts
2nd B Flight: Peter Hall, 38 pts
3rd B Flight: Larry Nicholas, 37 pts
1st C Flight: Frank Pilkington, 42 pts
2nd C Flight: P.J. Redmond, 40 pts
3rd C Flight: Spot the Dog, 38 pts
Near Pins: #5 Julian Clarke; #8 Rick Sharp
A good-sized turnout saw eleven prizes handed out via
three places in three flights and two near pins. Who said it is Low Season?
Frankie ‘The Pilk’ Pilkington led Sunday’s mob with a fantastic C
Flight winning and best on the day 42 points and continued his warning to
the Society that he has his sights set on the August 8th Monthly Medal. P.J.
Redmond, who is dropping by with a little more frequency, much to
everyone’s enjoyment, was close behind Frank with 40 points. It is tough
to take second with a total like that, but P.J. needs look no further than A
Flight’s John Emmerson for someone to commiserate with. Spot The Dog snuck
in with an even to course rating 38 points. Incidentally, STD is the all
time low scorer in Monthly Medal history at 62!
Turning to the premier flight, Clive Bruce continued his
fine play and won a count back over the aforementioned Golf Manager, with a
first place 40 points. It is hard to believe that the first time this scribe
played with Clive he was a struggling 24 handicap. How did he become so good
(hcp 8), and this scribe so lousy? New friend Doug Williams, a Pattaya
resident and long time participant in the growth of golf in Thailand, added
another few shekels to his purse while taking bronze in A Flight and
lowering his handicap to a miserly one! Condolences to Bill Macey and Guy
Billings who were sent to the welfare lines on count back.
The Middling Flight saw the return to podium of Capt.
Fogg and his 39 points which was one better than the intrepid Canadian Peter
Hall who left his golfing snow shoes behind in the bar. Had his equipment
not caught up with him at the course, heaven above only knows how he would
have played if forced to wear standard Western-style golf shoes with leather
uppers. The irascible Larry Nicholas, all the while whinging aloud and
goading everyone within hearing distance, managed 37 points and the third
spot on the B Flight dais.
Tuesday August 3
Laem Chabang A & B Blue or White
1st Blue Flight: Eddy Beilby, net 67
2nd Blue Flight: Guy Billings, net 72
3rd Blue Flight: Julian Clarke, net 72
1st White Flight: J.J Wright, net 64
2nd White Flight: Klaus Schiffer, net 68
3rd White Flight: Pete Murray, net 71
Near Pins: #A7 Oddvar Rykke; #B8 Oddvar Rykke
Everyone knows that the biggest benefit of Low Season is
the gals actually pay attention to us residents. Running a close second is
the opportunity to play Pattaya’s signature course, Jack Nicklaus’ Laem
Chabang. Half the gang wanted to turn the reasonably friendly confines into
a beast by choosing the Blue Tees and that, therefore, became the Flight
demarcation. Eddy Beilby confirmed what the society’s golf administration
has been saying and, that is, when we move to the back tees the advantage
often swings towards the high handicapper. The analysis being that from the
back neither the typically range inhibited high handicapper nor the low
handicapper, who now has a demanding approach shot with a long iron, is able
to hit the greens in regulation. With that distance advantage neutralized,
the determining factor is the additional handicap strokes. Having said
congrats to Eddy, it should be noted that two fine players, Guy Billings and
Julian Clarke were separated by but a count back for the final spot in the
manly Blue Flight.
The man of the match was the irrepressible J.J. hailing
from the Sugar Shack who might well have implemented some lessons learned on
his recent holiday to Royal Troon for the Open Championship. Whatever the
reason, J.J.’s superlative net 64 in the White Flight will surely tidy
that handicap that has lagged behind his ability and knowledge of the game.
Having a lovely round but feeling quite normal in the shadow of J.J., was
Klaus Schiffer, who on any other day would have been the toast of the town
with a net 68. Old Man Murray, shakin’ and a’ cussin’, took home the
third prize in the senior friendly White Flight.
WednesdayAugust 4
Burapha A & B Blue or White Tees
1st Blue Flight: Claus Birk Thomsen, 36 pts
2nd Blue Flight: Eddie Blackwell, 36 pts
3rd Blue Flight: John McHugh, 36 pts
1st White Flight: Apple Jitchana, 37 pts
2nd White Flight: Allen Cole, 35 pts
3rd White Flight: Frank Pilkington, 35 pts
Near Pins: #A6 Eddie Blackwell; #B8 Perry McNeely
When there is adequate interest as there was again on
this day, the society splits the field by tee box choice. Burapa is just a
bit short from the whites, although there are 4-5 holes which are absolute
beasts from the Blues. So the bangers are given their chance to strut off
the Blues and those inclined more towards a relaxing day on the links play
the Whites. June’s Monthly Medal winner, Claus Birk Thomsen, went out and
put it to the long hitters, edging on a three way count back, medium but
accurate hitting Eddie Blackwell and booming Johnny McHugely in the Blue
Flight. While the seniors, the laidback and the physically limited prepared
to face off on the imminently civil White Tees who should bolt through the
pack other than the Apple of Eddie Blackwell’s eye who a best on the day
37 points. Who woulda thunk? Allen Cole and Frankie ‘the Pilk’ were able
to overcome this assault on the field’s male psyche, and lock up in a
count back for the last two places in White, with the former, Allen,
Friday August 6
Eastern Star
White Tees
1st A Flight: Claus Birk Thomsen, 37 pts
2nd A Flight: Rick Sharp, 36 pts
1st B Flight: Colin Davis, 37 pts
2nd B Flight: Klaus Schiffer, 37 pts
Near Pins: #17 Perry McNeely
Much to the delight of field, Eastern Star is showing
signs of getting back to nick after a slight slip in conditioning. It would
be a pity to lose this venue again given its proximity, quality and the
extraordinary effort expended to sort it out. Our title boy was at it again
with a best on the day tying 37 points. The Hermit rounded out A Flight with
36. The Donkey geeked Klaus Schiffer, as only The Donkey can, on count back
to sort out B Flight. Perry McNeely continued to show high aptitude on the
par threes by winning yet another Near Pin.
Wighton and Macey’s net 65 is good enough!
Mike Franklin
Newcomer Bob Wighton and long time member William Macey,
both playing off a 10 handicap, carded a gross 69 in the Shenanigans Pairs
Scramble at Eastern Star Country Club & Resort on Tuesday August 3.
Their team handicap of 4 resulted in a winning net score of 65. Close behind
were Gerry Power and Vincent Smyth playing off 9 and 13 respectively with a
team handicap of 4.4. A gross 72 resulted in a net 67.6 to claim the
runner-up spot. Scores were generally good on a fine day, mainly overcast
with a stiff breeze and just a little rain around mid-day.
The course showed much improvement with evidence of new
growth in many of the weeded areas on the fairways. These were generally
marked GUR with an additional local rule in force to cover any unmarked
situation. All the greens, bar two or three, were back to standard and
running around speed 8.
The usual technical prize holes were on offer and Near
Pins were claimed by Robert Knutson, visitor Phil Sayers, William Macey, and
Banjob Franklin rapturously on the signature hole 13th. William Macey also
had a Long Putt and David Johnson sank the other one.
Back at Shenanigans, Chef Sunny produced another
excellent 100 baht Tuesday Special in the form of Marinated Beef Steak
served with saute potatoes and mixed vegetables. During the prize
presentation newcomers Dave Maynard, Bob Philp, Bob Wighton, Ashley
Archibald, Mick Leighton and resident Jack Moseley were duly welcomed.
The next Shenanigans Very Friendly Golf Society
tournament is at Plutaluang on Tuesday August 17 for another Pairs Scramble
playing the South and East courses. August being a long month provides a
third outing on Tuesday, August 31 to return to Eastern Star for a ‘Four
Club Pairs Scramble.’
Sign-up, in pairs please, at Shenanigans.
PSC golf from the Cafe Kronborg
Tuesday August 3 Laem Chabang Stableford
Yes the day is correct, the organiser, Dave The Pipe,
moved the day due to Monday being a Holiday, and this allowed the golfers of
the Kronborg to take advantage of the sports day at this fine golf course.
The Laem Chabang A & B Layouts were host to a stableford competition,
under threatening and cool conditions on a course in very fine condition.
First place went to Peter King with 40 points, second
place was won on a countback on 35 points with Takeshi Hakozaki second and
Rick Evans third. Fourth was decided on countback, with a myriad of people
on 34 points, however out of the group came Big Pete Galle to win fourth.
Thursday August 5 Bangpra
Lately the number of players, normal at this time of the
year, has been quite low and has meant a second look at the number of tee
times we actually book, however on this day the numbers doubled, once again
showing how difficult it is for the organisers to guess the numbers. On this
day Bangpra was very good and accepted the extra golfers, but in the ‘High
Season’ golfers are advised to put their names down early to allow for
negotiations with the course, as many courses are totally booked up.
On the day, the groups got away a little early and apart
from the five ball in front, that actually moved very well, the players were
allowed to move pretty quickly. The course was pretty good but the greens,
normally so fast, were in slow mode, obviously the course is trying to get
them in prime condition for the high season.
However we still had a great day out with the weather
being as good as it can be, with cloud cover and a light wind. Despite this,
we only had one person playing under his handicap, and as he seems to be the
player of the moment, not surprising. When you have a high handicapper who
suddenly starts to improve it is normal for it to take time to catch up with
him. Every dog has his day.
On this day the winner of the B Flight, 18 upwards, was
Peter King with 38 points. Peter has done well of late but he is practicing
hard to improve and is getting his dues. In second was the ever silent Barry
Kerr with 35 points, out of form of late maybe this could herald a return to
the winners circle! In third was Evan Trotman with 33 points.
In the A Flight, 0 to 17, we had a very tight battle,
only decided by the last put on the last green, allowing Derek Brook to
score a birdie and 36 points and beat Mike Gerrard, also 36 points, on
countback. Close behind was Thomas Johansson with 35 points. T.T.F.N.
Near Pins: Jeff Wylie, Bob Rasmussen, Derek Brook, Steve
Long Putts: Rick Evans and Derek Brook.
From Hero to Zero in Eight Months
IPGC Bunker Boys at the OK Corral
On Tuesday August 3, the Bunker Boys left the OK Corral
anticipating a fine day’s golf at the Eastern Star Golf Resort at Ban
Chang, on the occasion of their weekly medal outing. The day was overcast as
the golfers drove off the first tee to find bare, patchy fairways and coarse
grit sanded greens. Only eight months before the course had been in pristine
condition and was high on the list of everyone’s favourites, but now it
had plunged from hero to zero in spectacular fashion.
for Bill Hewitt
Undeterred, the group battled with the conditions,
showing grit of their own, and later had to contend with occasional showers
and an increasingly obstinate strong breeze. Continuing on they found good
scores hard to make. Such was the challenge that one group comprising of
more than 250 years of finely honed athleticism, Bill Hewitt, George Meigh,
Len Jones and Barry Pethig, all found water at the par three thirteenth, as
did two of the following group as well. Elsewhere on the course Roy Mitchell
was overcoming his dislike of the course to attain third place with a fine
net 75.
Ahead of him was the astute PJ Redmond and his level par
net 72 was beaten only narrowly by the score of his marker, Richard Wardell,
who has returned to the Bunker Boys’ fold after many months of golfing
tuition. His net 71 was the day’s only sub-par round and was a fine reward
for his tenacity. Unsurprisingly there were no birdie two’s but Bill
Hewitt played the worst round of his life in the Kingdom and his net 90
earned him the Banana Booby. Maybe it should have been awarded to the ground
maintenance supervisor at Eastern Star?
Double for Richard Wardell
The Bunker Boys visited the almost local favourite course, Century Bang
Chang, on Thursday August 5, to play their weekly stableford event, under
clear skies and with the prospects of a good day ahead of them. The two
divisions were cut at seventeen and under and the course was well presented
with slightly slower than expected greens. Division one saw an epic struggle
for the minor places with a host of players on 34 points. Bob Philp, playing
his final round for a while before flying off, jousted with Aussie mate Bob
Wighton and Englishman, William Macey, and they were joined by Keith
Smithson, who obviously was feeling the after-effects of his gross 76 off
the back tees at Treasure Hill, only the day before, dropping three points
on the final four holes. Leading the group was the ever-dependable Steve
Nowell, firing 36 points. In division two visitor Wayne Muras equipped
himself well to take third place with 30 points, a long way behind second
placed Brian Bellis, whose level par 36 was one of his best rounds for a
while. Tuesday’s winner Richard Wardell completed a fine double with a
tremendous score of 40 points, three-putting a host of greens, and he will
not have the luxury of a thirty-plus handicap to help him on his next
outing. Bob Philp celebrated the day’s only birdie two by ringing the bell
at the OK Corral and personable Scot, Angus MacFarlane, ended his current
stay with the Bunker Boys with the Banana Booby. It was a fine reward for
his rookie golfing exploits which saw him, during his stay, spend 6,000 baht
on lessons, and three times that on clubs and repairs. His smile will be
missed, and he will be welcomed back any time he returns to Pattaya. It was
a fine end to a fine day.
P.K. bowls 691 series and
Three Sisters moves back into first
Pattaya Sports Club Friday Bowling League

week’s 200 bowlers
Paul (P.K.), Three Sisters, bowled a 691 series with games
of 225, 232 and 234, which is the best bowling that has been recorded in the
PSC Friday bowling league. Three Sisters took four points from House of the
Golden Coin and moved back into first place. La bowled a 520 series and Tien
rolled a 201 game, 511 series for Three Sisters. Ken Crow knocked down 503
pins for Golden Coin. Q Cars remained in second place after taking three
points from Brother D and knocking them down from first to third. Gert led Q
Cars with a 506 pin total and Ooy was best for Brother D as she bowled a 203
game and 536 series. Kran rolled games of 189, 201, 223, 613 series to lead
Cafe Kronborg to a four point win over fourth place Cafe Ole. VFW Post 9876
is closing the gap with the league leaders as Bill Key had games of 180, 189
and 209 for a 578 series and Jon added a 214 game, 524-pin count to take all
four points from Alt Koelle. Scott led Nam Tip to a three-point win over
Jack & Tar with games of 181, 175, 207, 563 series as Mai bowled a 202
game and Morn rolled a 508 series for Jack & Tar.

Mickey Mouse Darts League
Two teams in this week’s league had to
rely on the beer leg to take all, Devonshire at Helicopter and Rising Sun at
home against PSI.
Second on the ladder, Smugglers had a good evening by
taking all the glory at home against Palmers. The top team, Pleasure Dome
only managed to win the game away at the Windsor Tavern who sculled the beer
leg in the round.
Last week’ results Pleasure Dome won all at PSI, U10s:

Draw complete for the annual Pattaya Cup Sepak Takraw championships
Decha Chalermyart
Pattaya city administrators formally announced the
competition draw for this year’s annual Pattaya Sepak Takraw
championships, to be held during August 13 -15 at Pattaya School No. 7 (Nongpankhae
School). Teams will be vying for the Pattaya Cup and cash prizes folwoing
the three day competition.

The Thai
national Sepak Takraw team were present for the press conference at city
hall on Monday.
Wattana Jantaworanont, Pattaya deputy mayor, Niti Kongrut,
Tourism Authority of Thailand central region 3 director and Thanes
Supornsaharangsri, Pattaya Business and Tourism Association president
announced the draw to the media and team representative at a press
conference on Monday morning at city hall.
“As Pattaya is a well-known destination in the region
the Sepak Takraw championships has already drawn interest in the region and
has drawn some strong teams,” said deputy mayor Wattana.
The competition draw was then undertaken as 23 teams,
including the national team are due to compete over the weekend at School
No. 7.
The winning team will receive 10,000 baht first prize,
second place 7,000 baht and third place team takes home 5,000 baht.
Spectators are welcome watch the highflying action at the Nongpankhae
School, located on Sukhumvit Road, south of Tesco Lotus, South Pattaya from
August 13-15.
Jomtien 8 Ball Pool League

Pattaya 9 Ball Pool League

Wednesday Quiz League

World Class boxing action to hit center ring in Pattaya
Somsak Singhchatchawan to defend his Super Bantamweight title
Somsak Singhchatchawal will defend his Pacific Asian
Boxing Association (PABA) Super Bantam weight title against Indonesia’s
Simpson Buta Buta in the headline match this Friday at Mini Siam, Sukhumvit
Road, August 13.
Doors open at 3.15 p.m.
Main event from 4 p.m.
Also featuring Terdsak ‘See Super Tech Yim’ in a WBO title bout
against the Philippines’ Jesar Alcazar.
The two title fights are headlining an evening of Muay
Thai and international boxing matches.
Proceeds will be donated for scholarships for children from Pattaya and
Banglamung’s 36 schools and promote the anti-drug message to the
region’s youth.

The Square Ring
by Howie Reed
I am an avid reader of the Pattaya Mail. It starts my
Friday, which means the weekend is here. Last week found the following
couple of lines. “some inconsiderate visitors see the resort town as a
place where they are free to do as they please and are often imprudent. Some
visitors come for a holiday drunk, look for sexual entertainment, and get
into trouble.” How true. But if they didn’t you’d have De Moines Iowa
and they ain’t actually flocking to that vacation spa.
‘3 K Battery’ Nanthachai retained his WBA superfeatherweight title,
unanimously outpointing Steve Forbes last weekend. Yodsanan trained at the
Sityodthong training camp in Banglamung prior to his departure to the United
States. (Pattaya Mail file photo)
Last week I wrote, “From the standpoint of professional
boxing “If” Yodsanan does what he’s capable of doing it should be a
relative easy win.” Boy did he ever. WBA super featherweight champion
Yodsanan 3K Battery (44-2) made his US debut successful with an aggressive
unanimous decision 117-111 on all cards over former ex-champ Steve Forbes.
Forbes had no answer for maybe the best fighter out of the Kingdom in the
last 50 years. The not so bright spot was that 3K’s fight was not shown on
US TV. The stupid network (Showtime) spend an hour with replays, talk,
replays, talk and wasted time doing the previous weeks Tyson fight. Next for
3K? Maybe Diego Corrales (39-2) who followed 3K to center stage at Foxwoods
Casino Sunday morning. Corrales chased previously unbeaten Acelino Freitas
for 7 round unable to land any effective punches. In the 8th Corrales put
Freitas on his backside to turn the match around. In the 9th Corrales again
deck the Brazilian. In the 10th when Freitas got up from his third knockdown
he did his Roberto Duran, ‘No Mas’. Fight over. All hail the new champ.
If 3K doesn’t get Corrales maybe Cassamayor or how about Eric Morales.
Let’s get it on.
Since last we spent this quality time together lots of
stuff in things boxing to report. Too late for last weeks effort was that
Erik Morales outpointed Carlos ‘Famoso’ Hernandez (119-109, 119-109,
115-113) to unify the WBC and IBF super featherweight titles. The judge that
saw the fight 115-113 was from the Land of the Falling Yen. Figures. With
the win Morales has just about run out of ‘name’ opponents. How about
Manny Pacquiao at 130? The same card saw, well the card didn’t see but the
fans did, Rafael Marquez (32-3) gets his 29th KO. This one over outgunned
Heribereto Ruiz (31-2). The final ‘head’ of this triple-header had WBO
light fly champ Ivan Calderon easily beating Roberto Leyva (22-4) 116-112
all around. Guess there was no Japanese judge for this one.
Mike Tyson trying to make a silk purse out of his sow’s
ear didn’t do it with his performance against Danny Williams. Williams’
win sent British fans over the moon. Of course it doesn’t take much as
remember that the British made Eddie the Eagle a cult figure. The Tyson
performance, which wasn’t as bad as it looked, prompted most boxing
writers to write off Tyson. “Not so fast!” His out fought Williams in
fighting three good rounds with a torn ligament in his knee. Tyson was
operated on three days after the fight with a full recovery expected. One
take on Tyson’s performance is that his ‘smoking the weed’ has
decreased his desire to enter the ring and ‘mash their skulls in.’ Could
be. Boxing guy Teddy Atlas, an early Tyson trainer who split after Tyson had
made unwanted advances to his niece, said , “Early on he had good skills.
Now if he can’t take someone out in the first round or the opponent
doesn’t cower Tyson doesn’t know what to do. He never matured in the
face of adversity. The Buster Dougles’ fight should have been a wake up
call but those around him couldn’t have cared less as long as the money
came rolling in.” As we’re always truthful, part of that is Atlas and
part Howie Reed. Tyson is still a factor in boxing. Will people pay to see
him fight in light of the KO at the hands of Williams? Will you go to The
New Las Vegas in Jomtien looking for true love...again....and again and
again? Yes! Silly boy. Money and honey rhyme for a reason.
The Olympics is scheduled to open in the next couple of
days. It’s the annual flag waving for whatever country one is a fan of.
For those in the Land of Smiles high hopes always ride with their Olympic
Boxing Team. I did my best to search all the research material available to
bring you the latest on this year’s team. Not going to happen. So let’s
go back to the 80s and 90s.
The Thai coach then was a gentleman named Joe Clough. If
you’re like me you never heard of him. Got an email from Bobby Howard an
official with amateur boxing in the USA. “You ever run into Joe Clough? I
understand he is/was the Thai Olympic coach. Clough, when at the Tacoma
Boy’s Club, trained Sugar Ray Seales, Leo Randolph (who did turn pro and
win a title in Seattle, 1980) and many others, including Rocky Lockridge,
Johnny Bumpus and two-time Olympian, Davey Armstrong. He also trained
Ray’s brother, Dale Grant, who fought Marvin Camel for the Cruiserweight
title when it was an infant division.” How about them apples?
Up and coming youngster WBC Youth flyweight title holder,
Fahpetchnoi Sor Chitpattana (8-0) stopped Filipino challenger Joel Rodrigo
at 2:33 of round 2 last Friday in Pimai, Nakhon Rachasima. The rising Thai
boy stalked his foe from the opening round, got three knockdowns in the 2nd
and it was “fights over, we go home.” Lest I forget there is a fight
today in Pattaya. Yep! WBA#2 Somsak Sithchatchawal (38-1-1, 30 KOs) is
suppose to defend his PABA superbantam title against PABA #10 Simson
Butar-Butar. This fight will be the 15th title defense for Somsak who had
been the WBF champ from 1998-2000. The event starts at 4 p.m. at the Mini
Siam complex in Pattaya. Now if you can’t make it in person, turn on the
old telly to channel 7 or Sophon Cable at 4 p.m.. Boxing will appear in your
very own viewing area. True fact. I no lie you!
Soon to return to the ring wars is the popular ex-champ from the Emerald
Isle. That would be the ‘Pocket Rocket’ Wayne McCullough(26-4). The
former WBC champ who hails from Belfast but now lives in Las Vegas signed
with Goossen Tutor Promotions. Their ties go back to 1993 when Goossen
promoted his first USA fight in Reseda California. Welcome back Wayne. Drink
to that? You bet!