HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Barry Winton courts the zone,wins 6th annual Wayne Tischbern Memorial

K4 gives ‘em what for

Tony scampers to the top at Plutaluang

Stay low with a mis-fit

Jomtien 8-Ball Pool League Table

PSC golf with The Bunker

Devonshire destroys White Rose!

P.S.C. Golf From McAllisters Bar and Grill

Mark Cooper enjoys his final week

The Rover’s Return to the Top at Ban Chang

‘JIGS’ AT Jameson’s -the new Irish Pub

A charitable opening

PSC golf from the Three Sisters Bar

Cafe Kronborg moves into 4th place and VFW jumps into 6th

Darts players welcome to compete in Thaioil-BDL-Thaimatic Charity Darts Open

Wednesday Quiz League

Sunday Quiz League

The Square Ring

PH3- Run 1087

Maria Sharapova downs Venus Williams in TAT tennis exhibition

A wedding green in Pattaya


Barry Winton courts the zone, wins 6th annual Wayne Tischbern Memorial

Injects enthusiasm into top of the table

Barry Winton has been on a tear of late, winning now two low gross, high Stableford point prizes on the trot. The second earned him the championship trophy for this year’s first major, the Wayne Tischbern Memorial 2005, organized by Stephen Beard through the IPGC and run out of The Haven. Barry shot 75 off the stick, earning 38 Stableford points and the spoils of victory.

Barry Winton won best gross and the Wayne Tischbern Memorial 2005 overall championship. He is shown here receiving his two trophies from Stephen Beard (left) and Richard Livingston (right).

This year’s tournament was played Friday, January 7, on the Lakes and Mountain nines at Phoenix Country Club. With the rough cut to reasonable levels, the course’s defense is now its quick, but true greens. A stiff afternoon breeze kicked up for a while, which also helped keep Stableford scores low.

Division 1 winner Mark Joshua (center) receives his trophy from Stephen Beard (left) and Richard Livingston (right).

Mark Joshua won the first division with 37 Stableford points, Norman Robinson won division two, also with 37 points, and Roar Berger won third division with 38 points. When the winning scores in all divisions hovered right around par, as they did this year, it shows that the handicap system is holding up nicely to the test of time.

There was never any danger of the tournament’s namesake, Wayne Tischbern shooting par or better, unless of course he was given a special 50+ handicap. But Wayne wasn’t known for his golfing prowess. He was, instead, for many years a cornerstone of the Pattaya community; not an exemplary citizen by any means, but one of the few true characters one meets in a lifetime.

Division 2 winner Norman Robinson (center) receives his trophy from Stephen Beard (left) and Richard Livingston (right).

Long time friend Howie Reed described Wayne, and what he meant to Pattaya, quite succinctly, “Some in the ex-pat community may not have met or had the pleasure of being around a genuine original Wayne. He grew up in San Francisco, which had a very large Chinese population. That population was so important that they had their own phone system, no phone book and operators that knew every name and number. Wayne was the ‘San Francisco Chinese Phone System’ of Pattaya. He never made a note for reference but could at the drop of a question tell you who was in town, how long they would be staying and where, how much beer was consumed at the last Hash, and any information needed about old Teelocks from previous visits. He also had at his fingertips the standings in all American professional sports leagues, the odds on the next Presidential elections with opinions, the latest world news along with opinions on where to buy anything the tourist wanted. This information was only provided for his 10,000 or so close friends. It never felt like being in Thailand until driven down Soi Post Office and waving a hand at the ‘A’ table Wayne presided over. If he acknowledged you with either a nod of the head or a glance, not only were you back home but all Pattaya knew it, when you arrived and where you were staying. Sadly, both Wayne and the San Francisco Chinese phone system are gone and will never be replaced. Today it’s all computers. Modern computers had nothing on Wayne Tischbern, though. He stored more information and with no ‘pop ups’.”

Division 3 winner Roar Berger (center) receives his trophy from Stephen Beard (left) and Richard Livingston (right).

Wayne did enjoy a round of golf with his fellow Dream Team mates, and it’s no wonder that the celebration of his birthday with a round of golf grew to become one of the majors on the Pattaya golf calendar.

With Wayne’s untimely passing, now 6 years ago, his friend and business partner Stephen Beard has kept the tradition going, keeping Wayne’s memory fresh in everyone’s minds. Year after year, Stephen has done an exemplary job organizing and running this tournament, and this year, despite being slowed somewhat by his physical “challenges”, was no exception.

Ladies winner Oili Henning (center) receives her trophy from Stephen Beard (left) and Richard Livingston (right).

Stephen was once again ably assisted by PGA teaching professional Richard Livingston, who this year pulled quadruple duty, signing people in, marshalling the course, gathering the scorecards, assisted by Roy, and emceeing the awards presentation party back at The Haven after the event. Once again this year, Lamyai and her staff at The Haven put on a buffet fit for kings.

Barry Winton, 38 pts
Best Gross
Barry Winton, 75
Division winners
1st Div: Mark Joshua, 37 points
2nd Div: Norman Robinson, 37 points
3rd Div: Roar Berger, 38 points
Ladies: Oili Henning, 28 points
Runners up
1st Div: Tom McManus, 36 points
2nd Div: Norman Isherwood, 34 points (c/b16 from Tom Breslin)
3rd Div: Ron Dalen, 37 pts (c/b19 from Peter Johansson)
Ladies: Trudy Chadbourn, 25 pts.
3rd Place
1st Div: Perry McNeeley, 35 pts c/b9 19;Neil Stevenson 18; Chris
Davisson 17
2nd Div: Roy Thorton, 32 points
3rd Div: Ingi Magnfredsson, 37 points
Near Pins
Lakes #2: Roar Berger. Lakes #7: Bobby Collis. Mountain #4: Ramus Jensen. Mountain #8: Steve Wallace.
Long drives
Ladies: Oili Henning.
Men: Immu Korvenmaa

K4 gives ‘em what for

IPGC Golf From Lewiinski’s

Sunday Jan. 2
Green Valley

1st A Flight: Mark “Woody” Sherwood, 39 pts
2nd A Flight: Ian Ashenden, 37 pts
3rd A Flight: Bob Patterson, 34 pts
1st B Flight: Robert Sellick, 37 pts
2nd B Flight: Joe Mooneyham, 37 pts
3rd B Flight Jim Munns, 35 pts
1st C Flight: Bob Lindborg, 40 pts
2nd C Flight: Steve Mulberry, 34 pts
3rd C Flight: Mike Frizzell, 34 pts
1st D Flight: Brian Cooper, 34 pts
2nd D Flight: Jez Lees, 34 pts
3rd D Flight: Alec Hoare, 33 pts
Near Pins: #5 Jim Wickstrom; #8 Lee Adelly; #13 & 16 Steve Mascari

Every time this scribe picks up the scorecards for Sunday’s comp at Green Valley he checks quickly to see how the Guru of Green Valley, Bob Lindborg did. He didn’t disappoint, as he had a C Flight winning best on the day 40 points. That left a modest dogfight for second between Steve “Around the” Mulberry “Bush” and Mike “Frazzled” Frizzell, with the former winning out on the math.

This scribe tried to wrench A Flight’s first place from one of the “Caddy to the Stars” with a little typographical and award it to local teaching pro Ian Ashenden. Fortunately the truth won out, the clumsy fingers of this scribe were exposed and the top spot in A went to the rightful owner, “Woody” Sherwood. Ian Ashenden, innocent in all this skullduggery, slipped to second and Bob “Cheesehead” Patterson scrambled to third with 34 points, a score equal or better than five placeholders on the day.

Robert Sellick, OBE, pronouncing the English educational system superior to that of America’s, as he did some fast figuring to demote Joe “I’m in the” Mooneyham to second in B Flight. And out of the Fogg was the good Capt. himself to pick up his beer dole with third.

Brian Cooper slipped through a small opening, relatively speaking, that is, to make his 34 points better than Jez “The Professor” Lees in D Flight. Alec Hoare had the distinction of having the worst baht-winning score on the day, 33 points.

The big field supported four Near Pins on the day and the President garnered two of them.

Monday Jan. 3
Burapha - A & B
Blue or White Tees

1st Blue Flight: Graham Buckingham, 41 pts
2nd Blue Flight: Jonathan Tsao, 39 pts
3rd Blue Flight: Rocky Qin, 39 pts
1st White A Flight: Richard Garland, 44 pts
2nd White A Flight: Joe Mooneyham, 42 pts
3rd White A Flight: John Emmerson, 40 pts
1st White B Flight: Ken Kutzing, 45 pts
2nd White B Flight: Brian Cooper, 44 pts
3rd White B Flight: Mike Craighead, 41 pts
Near Pins: # A6 Pete Murray; # B6 Simon Philbrook

It wasn’t a dramatic storyline week, so the search for our title boy was a little strained but when it was all decanted, K4 took the nod as his first of two victories on the week was a fine 45 points in the B Flight of the “just a little bit short” White Tees of the “Old Course” at Burapha. Yesterday’s winner, Brian Cooper continued his improvement with a nearly as efficient 44, enough to lead another 40+ pointer, Mike the Mechanic by three.

The A Flight of the same configuration was led by a not surprising trio that would have been comfortable at any distance. Richard Garland, who continues to add Pattaya triumphs to his lengthy list of Costa Rican accomplishments, led “I’m in the” by a couple, with the Golf Manager another two adrift. All six placeholders of the White Flights were in the 40’s. Maybe it is a tad easy from up there.

Slight of stature but clearly up to the task, Graham Buckingham notched a what must be considered a best on the day 41 points in the testosterone Blue Flight. Two mates, Jonathan Tsao and Rochy Qin, took a break for the travails of working in China to lock up an amiable count back at 39 points, to round out the balance of the Blue Flight.

Wednesday Jan. 5
Century Bangchang
White Tees

1st A Flight: Bob Patterson, 36 pts
2nd A Flight: Joe Mooneyham, 35 pts
3rd A Flight: Bill Collis, 35 pts
1st B Flight: Ken Kutzing, 35 pts
2nd B Flight: Jens Schunemann, 35 pts
3rd B Flight: Mike Craighead, 33 pts

A field comprised of as many sex tourists as there were golfers set out for neighboring Century Bangchang to get through the morning. The Cheesehead took man of the match honors and first place in A Flight, as North Carolina Joe and Dhaka Bill squared off for second. Bill waived off the count back citing that he had to retire to the social area of Bangchang to begin a string of short times. It should be noted that this was Joe’s third silver medal in as many days. How do you keep a guy like that out of the title?

Well, I’m afraid a second victory in two days is how. That is what K4 did as he took a four-way count back to claim first in B Flight. Jens Schunemann and The Mechanic may have experienced some disappointment as they slipped to second and third, respectively, but it did not match that of Wendy Hollingsworth, one of the few honest women on the day, as she slipped completely off the payroll.

Friday Jan. 7
Eastern Star
White Tees

1st A Flight: Jack Spencer, net 67
2nd A Flight: Bill Collis, net 71
3rd A Flight: Richard Garland, net 73
4th A Flight: Joe Mooneyham, net 74
1st B Flight: Chas Li, net 70
2nd B Flight: Andreas Grunenberg, net 71
3rd B Flight: Graham Buckingham, net 72
4th B Flight: Bert Griffin, net 77
Near Pins: # 3 Lucky Draw; # 17 Bob Patterson

Gen. Jack Spencer put the hurt on A Flight and the field with a sparkling net 67 at the Trent Jones, Jr. “OB left, water right” course. That left the Fishman of Dhaka second with a one under net of 71. Carmates Richard Garland and Joe Mooneyham rounded out the four-place A Flight. Is it too late to put Joe in the title? Come on, four places in four days. Is there an unwritten bias to having no wins on your weekly resume? Could be hell to pay!

Chas Li led the United Nations B flight edging Andreas Grunenberg, who edged the unassuming Graham Buckingham, who edged Ballybunion’s Bert Griffin. Well maybe not “edged”.

Tony scampers to the top at Plutaluang

PSC golf from the Cafe Kronborg

Monday January 3 Plutaluang Stableford

The Royal Thai Navy South and East layouts were host for a stableford competition in Two Flights, A Flight 0 to 18, and B Flight 19 and up. The course on the day was dry due to drought conditions, but quite playable with 16 players shooting their handicap or better.

Campbell Johnson

Tony Scamber took the A Flight with an amazing 43 points, Kris Helgasson was second with 39 points with Monte Sykes in third with 38 points beating Alan Sullivan into fourth on countback.

Old Steady Arthur Bailey took the B Flight with a fine 43 points ahead of Aussie Campbell Johns in second with 40 points, Aussie Barry Kerr third with 39 points and Kenny Chung in Fourth with 38 points.

Arthur Bailey

Near Pins: S4 Barry Kerr; S7 Dave Richardson; E2 Alan Lord; E5 Monica Arne.

Long Putts: S9 Koji Yamada and E5 Monte Sykes

Thursday January 6 Treasure Hill Stableford

There is always something a little special about Treasure Hill, it seems so peaceful and quiet here it is most therapeutic. Stand on the first tee, get the ‘Rabble’ behind you to be quiet and the experience starts. Walk down the first fairway and all you can hear is the sounds of the birds and of course the curses of the other golfers.

Jeff Wylie

On this day we had a stiff breeze to contend with, and it is no big surprise that hole number 2, a par 3 of over 200 yards into a stiff wind, becomes the first real test of the day. Still the fairways are fine, if dry, and the greens are fast and tricky, and all this at a very good price.

This is a tough course and very rarely gets beaten by a lot, and on this day it more than held its own, with a few golfers beating their handicap, but most struggling.

In the A Flight, 0 to 19, the winner was, and here we have a three way countback on 38 points, Aussie Jeff Wylie, with Serge Straeten in second and Ted Morris in Third.

Tony Scamber sailed in with 43 points to win the A Flight.

In the B Flight, 20 upwards, the winner was Aussie Campbell Johnson with 38 points, with Alan Lord in second with 36 points and Graham Buckingham in third with 35 points.

There is a suggestion we change the name to The Aussie Benevolent Society. T.T.F.N.

Near Pins: #2 Tony Scamber; #6 David Thomas #13; Don Richardson; #17 Jeff Wylie.

Long Putts: #9 Bill Plath; #18 Jeff Wylie

Stay low with a mis-fit

Pattaya BridgeClub

Jomtien 8-Ball Pool League Table

PSC golf with The Bunker

Treasure Hills

Monday January 3rd Treasure Hills Golf Course was the venue for a hastily re-arranged Medal competition due to Century Chonburi Golf Course being over booked. Great credit goes to the management and staff at Treasure Hills for coping with an unexpected large group of golfers turning up unannounced.

“Steady” George Redgewell (left) with his December “Golfer of the Month” Trophy and voucher.

The field was split into two Divisions and in Division A, John Hughes led the way returning a net 72 to take first prize, runner up spot went to Michael Dige with net 75 and third place was taken by John King with Net 76.

In Division B Curtis Hessler took the honours with the best round of the day with a net 71 ahead of George May with net 72 and a three way tie for third place between David Johnson, Jim Wooler and Mick Ramshaw all with net 78. Near the pins prizes were awarded to Les Hall, Brian Wilkins, Mikael Andersson and Miilo Olonen.

Century Ban Chang

The January 5th saw The Boys from The Bunker play Century Ban Chang in a Stableford competition in two groups as usual. In Division A Mick Ramshaw claimed first place with 34 stableford points with Peter Habgood and Geoff Parker in joint second with a Stableford score of 32.

In Division B George Redgewell fired a magnificent score of 43 Stableford points a full 6 points ahead of George May in second place with 37 points with Les Hall coming third with 33 points. Near the pins prizes went to Bob Lawrence, Mark Gooch, Peter Habgood and Les Hall.

Back at The Bunker Bar George Redgewell was presented with a Trophy and a voucher for Dinner for Two at The Bunker for winning The Golfer of the Month for December, George clinched first place by winning on the last game of the month at Eastern Star the previous week - Well Done George!

Royal Thai Navy Golf Course - Plutaluang.

Friday January 7th, The Navy golf course at Sattahip was the venue for The Bunker Boys to play a Medal competition. Playing in two Divisions again George May returned a level par 72 to win first prize in Division A followed by Geoff Parker with net 76 and a three way tie for third place between P.J. Redmond, John King and Alan Sullivan. In Division B best score of the day was David Johnson’s net 69 which took first prize ahead of Jimmy Smiles’ level par 72 and Brian Wilkins in third place with Net 76.

Near the pins prizes went to Brian Wilkins, Frank Pilkington, Frank Baker and Jim Payne.

The Bunker Boys are playing three times a week during the high season (Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s) so if you fancy a round of golf call into The Bunker Bar on Soi Chaiyapoon (near X-zyte disco). Pick up a golf schedule or consult The Pattaya Mail every week and, as usual, you can get the latest information about all other sporting activities at The Bunker Bar by visiting our website @ www.

Devonshire destroys White Rose!

The Original Pattaya Pool League - January 3

Group A: Devonshire Bar 8 - 1 White Rose

Tony’s win in the first frame against Liam was the first nail in the coffin for White Rose this evening. He began with a spot off the break soon followed by two more. Liam retaliated with 2 stripes down. There was a chance for Liam as he sank another two. But Tony played a safety next and forced Liam to foul. On his first visit Tony cleared the rest of his spots but snookered himself on the black. He escaped and still had one shot left and won with a clean pot. Devonshire 1-0.

Smiles all round from both teams after an enjoyable evening.

The second game saw “Hard Hitting” Frank (White Rose) get to the black first. Frank slammed ahead early in the game after a foul from Dave with three stripes down but then he too fouled. Dave picked off a few and then played safe. However, it was not enough and with the black near a corner pocket, Frank had lined himself up with a long, straight pot the length of the table to victory. Then disaster struck... down went the black and the white followed through. Devonshire 2-0.

It was quickly becoming apparent to the away team that this half size snooker table was not as easy to play on as the US-style one back in White Rose Bar! Nigel found this out as well when he faced Norman in the next frame. Although Nigel carefully examined every ball before playing it, the sheer power of his shots that followed went against him. One foul was all Norman needed to pick off his remaining balls to victory. Devonshire 3-0.

Jan pots a straight black to win the second doubles game.

It was now time for Boss Kev (one of the longest surviving players in the history of the League) to face “Dipster” aka Dibby. Kev won the toss and graciously offered the break away. Was there something the captain knew about this table that everyone else didn’t? Kev played safely and consistently but Dibby was playing some fancy shots along the way. He even snookered Kev twice but when he blasted a ball down with the white going in-off, this was all Kev needed to complete the game. Devonshire 4-0.

Thai Lady Jan faced “Captain Blobber” John (White Rose). The pressure was certainly on the away team now as if they were to lose this frame that would mean the match lost. Jan, who has shamed many a farang player in the past with her pool skills was smiling with confidence. But Blobber was not easily dazzled by her beauty and freshly washed long dark hair. After an early foul from Jan, Blobber edged ahead with two stripes down. He then proceeded to pick off his remaining balls until only the black was left, loitering over a corner pocket. Jan did manage to sink 3 balls but left the white out in the open for an easy finish by Blobber. White Rose 1-4! There was still a chance, if only the rest of the team could turn down the power of their shots!

It was Jimmy who comfortably took the winning frame of the match for Devonshire when he played “Smudger” aka Nick. Jimmy was in control all the way and swept round the table cleanly dispatching balls. He potted his last three spots and made it look all too easy when he lined himself up on the black. Devonshire 5-1.

After everyone had devoured several dishes of piping hot stew the doubles games got under way. Frank and Blobber put up a hard fight against Norman and Tony in the first frame but the result was still the same: another win for the home team. The second frame saw Jimmy and Jan beat Liam and Dibby as well, with Jan finishing with a long straight pot on the black. The last frame however, with Dave and Kev against Nigel and Nick, was the closest. Nick’s confidence was high as he potted four stripes in quick succession. Kev quickly sank 3 spots and soon both teams were down to their last ball before the black. Then, at the crucial moment, Nick potted his last ball and went in-off. Dave calmly stepped up and used his two shots wisely and seized the final game. Victory to Devonshire 8-1!

When the two captains were interviewed afterwards, Kev said “I can’t believe it. That’s the second game we’ve won in a row. We’re making a last minute comeback!” John, with a philosophical grin on his face commented, “You win some, you lose some. I’m just happy to have stuffed Sportsman and P. Galore earlier in the season, who are the big boys in the League!”

It just goes to show anything can happen on a Monday night and with only four matches remaining in the season the heat is really on as every game counts more than ever.

P.S.C. Golf From McAllisters Bar and Grill

Bang Chang, Friday January 7 - Well for once I had a bad day on a golf course. The day was fine and the weather pretty perfect as we teed off. The course was in fine condition and we started last in line as 30+ of our fellow players streamed ahead. Then we waited, and waited, and waited for every shot. Sat in the cart which I had rented, along with Bob Benda, I was not too upset at first as the cart went so slow it gave us a little time to get to our ball, but not enough. Slowly, not a good word, the cart got slower, until a passing Marshal was stopped and asked to bring us another. But we still more than kept up with play, and a new cart did not turn up. Finally we played the second par 3 and got to the top of the slope leading down, then up, to the drink stop. Taking a run at it I got halfway up the other side and no amount of pushing by Bob and the caddies would make it go any further. So I threw a tantrum, cursed the golf gods, left the cart there and finished the par three.

Winners with Staff back at McAllisters after a long round.

Coming back to the cart, I had a brain storm, turning the cart around and with all pushing I manage to get it out to the right, and shortly after a new cart arrived. Whilst this cart may have been a thing of joy, and it was a really good cart I could fly up and down hills in it, and did, a 5 1/2 hour round in a two ball is, nearly, best forgotten, apart from the fact I was so incensed, I started to smack the ball a country mile. I am informed that Tully also started to hit the ball a long way, maybe for a similar reason.

Hours and hours later we sat at the clubhouse killing a cold one and talked to Doug Powell. Doug had lost his keys and as such had to get his wife to bring his spare keys from Pattaya. We will not tell you where his keys were.

Finally we got to McAllisters, but not until a search party, via phone, had been sent for us. Then all became peace, quiet and once again all was well with the World. Cold beer and excellent food puts a smile on anyone’s face. So to the results and they were pretty average, and to put a smile on my face my temper tantrum had so improved my golf I managed to finish in a place, so ‘Roll On’ next week.

Winner: Bill Knight 36 points; Second: Bob Laurence 35 points on countback; Third: Derek Brook 35 points on countback and Fourth: Paul Kraft with 35 points. T.T.F.N.

Mark Cooper enjoys his final week

IPGC TAGGS golf from The Haven

Monday Jan. 2
Burapha A & B
Medal White Tees

Division 1
1st Randall Penrod, net 66
2nd Joonas Hinkkanen, net 68
3rd Norman Isherwood, net 70
Division 2
1st Mark Cooper, net 68
2nd Tom Sathrum, net 69
3rd John Teague, net 70

Despite the day being a public holiday, Burapha kindly reduced their holiday rates for our competition and were well rewarded with a large Haven turnout. The course was in excellent condition as usual and with little or no wind, scores were generally good.

Randall Penrod led the way home in division 1 finishing with two birdies for a superb 78 gross, which will surely see a further reduction in his 12 handicap. Leading the chasing pack was the young Finnish player, Joonas Hinkkanen who shot a solid 69 gross off his 1 handicap. In division 2, Mark Cooper was well rewarded for his practice sessions and tutorials by Richard Livingston, shooting an excellent 68 net and breaking 90 for the first time in Thailand. Hard on his heels were Tom Sathrum and John Teague who also broke their handicaps. As might have been expected, 2s were plentiful and the pool was shared by Randall Penrod, Barry Chadbourn, Immu Korvennmaa, Ken Moss, Rainer Helling, Karl Holm & Martin Grimoldby.

Prior to the prize giving, Richard Livingston, the resident PGA professional, welcomed David Wishart, Immu Korvenmaa and Joonas Hinkannen and welcomed back Doug & Wendy Hollingworth, Pekka Raiha, Ken Moss & Richard Terbszkiewic

Wednesday Jan. 4
Eastern Star

1st Joe McArdle, 41 pts
2nd Norman Isherwood, 38 pts
3rd Paul Taylor, 37 pts
4th Arthur Hancock, 36 pts

A more subdued turnout for the popular trip down to Bang Chang, but well worthwhile as the course was in really good condition.

Making the most of his rare visit to the Haven, Joe McArdle romped home with a super 41 points to easily take the honours from Norman, Paul and local member, Arthur Hancock. Just losing out on countback was in form Mark Cooper, with another creditable performance to round off his Thailand trip.

In the 2s competition, Karl Holm scooped the pool and so left the Haven with a nice fat wallet! Prior to the presentation, Richard Livingston welcomed Steve Dunlop and David Drinkwater.

The Rover’s Return to the Top at Ban Chang

IPGC Bunker Boys at the OK Corral

Finding a course which is empty of Asian tourists at this time of the year is always a problem, but Century Bang Chang fitted the bill perfectly on Tuesday, January 4 for thirty or so players from the OK Corral, who turned up for their weekly medal tournament. The day was fine but the course was a little “scruffy” with hairy and dry fairways and only average greens. However the two flights, cut at seventeen and under, set about their task in resolute fashion.

In division two Roy Mitchell continued to find his form and shared third place with Chris Walsh on net 77, one behind Brian Bellis who shot net 76. Norm Robinson, playing off eighteen, showed he had not suffered the New Year to excess and ran away with the divisional title, recording net 70, two under par. In the top flight Steve Nowell, recently returned from a European Christmas, found he had acclimatised well and his net 74 gave him third place, one behind runner-up Jack Spencer on net 73.

Lancashire Lad, Wilf Latham, has suffered from a loss of form more than most during the past twelve months, but he put all this behind him on this occasion, recording a one-under par 71 to take the day’s main honours. Everyone shared his joy at seeing him atop the table again. There were three shares of the birdie two pot with Steve Nowell, Roger Pidcock and Chris Hunter being the lucky gentlemen, whilst pity Angus MacFarlane whose nifty new pink balls may make them perfect to spot from distance, but when his drive failed to reach the Ladies’ Tee colour was not essential! Mr. Loy dutifully presented him with the Banana Booby, to much mirth. It was a day to remember for Wilf Latham, of course, and our hopes are that it will make the perfect start to the New Year.

Pre-Major woes at Chonburi

Maybe it was because January 6th was the eve of a “major” event, maybe it was the early start, maybe it was the long haul, maybe it was the prospect of a cold shower on a seasonally cool day.

Whatever the reason, the Bunker Boys from the OK Corral toiled for four and a half long hours at Century Chonburi in an attempt to inject some spark into their weekly stableford competition. After nine holes the golfers had lost an average of four shots each to the course with only two maintaining their par status. In division two Barry Pethig’s score of 32 points was a reflection of his concentration but he was jostled into second place by Tony Shephard whose 33 points proved to be the second best score on the day.

In division one Mark Joshua and Norm Robinson, a winner two days previously, finished level on 34 points to share the major honours. John Cunningham and David Lightfoot took some consolation in the form of a share of the twos pot, and for the latter his pockets bulged further with the award of the famed Bananas for his disastrous low total of 18 points, four of them coming on the long par-three seventeenth! Hmm, not the best of days for the Bunker Boys!

‘JIGS’ AT Jameson’s -the new Irish Pub

Mike Franklin

Welcome to Jameson’s and Jameson’s International Golf Society.

After more than 6 years organizing golf for Delaney’s and Shenanigans, I felt it was time to move on and experience the excitement of a brand new pub being opened, and continue the association with Kim, Jameson’s landlord, by tailoring a new Golf Society, Jameson’s International Golf Society, aptly abbreviated to ‘JIGS’.

The detailed set-up for Jameson’s International Golf Society, together with a Membership Application form for Free Life Membership, can be accessed on Jameson’s website at The form can be opened and completed, saved and printed for handing in with two small (3x 4 cms) photos. Member Cards will be issued in due course and membership entitles you to 10% discount on the already attractive food and drink prices. Applicants submitting the form by the official Grand Opening on Friday January 21st will be warmly welcomed at Jameson’s with a Free Irish Coffee.

The first JIGS golf outing will be at Eastern Star on Wednesday February 2nd for a Pairs Scramble. Thereafter fixtures will be on alternate Wednesdays at selected courses, with a combination of Scramble formats and Better Ball, and regular handicap qualifying competitions such as Singles and Pairs Combined Stableford.

Seasonal tournaments will celebrate occasions such as St. Patrick’s Day and my ‘Silly 70th’ on April 1st. There will be a team scramble ‘major’ for the ‘Jameson’s Jug’, the Jameson’s Men’s & Ladies Open’ and at Christmas, the Jigs ‘Jinger Bens’ Novelty Scramble. The ladies will have their own Jameson’s Ladies Championship, and a ‘Thailand vs. The Rest of the World’ Ladies Match is being considered.

The soft opening of Jameson’s is on Monday January 17th. The construction and fitting-out progress can also be seen at and is updated daily. The web page tells you all about the features and layout of the pub and there is a good location map to get you to the rather spacious car park.

Monday January 17th is the ‘soft’ opening and Friday January 21st is the official Grand Opening. Wednesday February 2nd heralds the inaugural JIGS golf competition at Eastern Star.

A charitable opening

PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday January 4th Century Chonburi Stableford

Bert presented 18,500 baht to Bernie Tuppin (back left), PSC charity chairman for the tsunami appeal. Bob Noble (front left) ran the auction to help raise the funds.

A great start to the morning with a fine breakfast at Bert’s, and a fine turnout as today was to be the official opening at Tropical Bert’s and Bert had promised a ‘Pig on a Spit’ to tempt the golfers on their return. It had also been decided that an auction would take place on their return and the proceeds would go to the Tsunami Appeal put forward by Pattaya Sports Club. A fine gesture by Bert and Bob!

(l-r) Winner Bob Lawrence with Bob Noble and ‘Tropical’ Bert.

To the course, and it was in fine condition with fine if dry fairways and hard fast greens. Fine day out and a quick return to the bar where it was decided all fees would be donated to the appeal.

So to the food, and Bert was good to his word, as a ‘Pig on a Spit’ duly turned up and all tucked in, the sound of contentment and cold beers being consumed filled the night.

Richard (center back) shows off his buying spree.

Then the Winner was declared and Bob Lawrence was congratulated by all.

So to the highlight of the night, when items donated by the organizers were raffled for the Tsunami appeal. The Master of Ceremonies, Bob Noble raised 1,900 Baht for a bottle of Red Wine, and the money gradually rose until Bob auctioned some of Bert’s Golf Prizes. These were bought by Richard Price who just happened to walk in looking to go fishing. Richard spent nearly 9,000 Baht on the night

With the night over, Bernie Tuppin, PSC Charity Chairman received a Cheque for 18,500 Baht for the appeal, and a very satisfying opening night came to an end. T.T.F.N.

PSC golf from the Three Sisters Bar

Happy New Year - Good for some, bad for others. Opening the New Year with a bang was Paul Kraft. After struggling for months, Paul finally hit his stride and came in with a blistering 44 points. He barely passed John Jacinto who came in with 43 points to take second. It was a disappointment for John as it would have been his first win.

Paul Donahue (left) last week’s cellar dweller and winner Paul Kraft.

Coming in further back was Dick Caggiano and John Oakes. Both played well but could not keep up with the front-runners.

Heading into the cellar this week was Paul Donohue. Now back from Saudi, he is giving Tully a hard time fighting for the bottom spot. Paul had a firm hold of the bag as he slipped into the cellar with 15 big points. Tully who normally holds the bag as others pass him was smiling as he came in with 19 points. Just back of Tully was Bill Key and Rollie Weese. They were well out of the cellar coming in with 21 points each. It was a great opening day for the New Year.

Cafe Kronborg moves into 4th place and VFW jumps into 6th

Pattaya Sports Club Friday Bowling League

Cafe Kronborg led by Sven who rolled a 203 game and 524 series to take all four points from House of the Golden Coin and jumped from 6th place to 4th. Ooy, House of the Golden Coin bowled one of the three games over 500 on the day knocking down 507 pins.

Sven, the only 200 bowler of the day

In another day when the lanes at PS Bowl were not properly oiled it was really tough bowling for everyone except Sven. First place Brother D took three points from second place Three Sisters. Third place Domicil took four points from Friends. Cafe Ole dropped one place in the standings after splitting their series against Shenanigans. Last place Q Cars won their match four point to nil against Jack & Tar as Antero bowling for Q Cars managed to get his even 500 series. VFW Post 9876 managed to get into red figures as they took three points from Mai’s Thai Restaurant.

Darts players welcome to compete in Thaioil-BDL-Thaimatic Charity Darts Open

The Bangkok Darts League (BDL) have joined hands with Thaioil and Thaimatic Electronic Darts to stage a two-day charity open on Jan 22-23 at the Thaioil Sports Club in Sriracha.

Donation s of not less than 10,000 baht will be given to the Pattaya School for the Blind and Orphans in Naklua.

Beer Chang and Blue Eagle Scotch whisky are supporting the event with the trophies.

State enterprises and teams from Samui, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Bangkok will be participating at the “Thaioil-BDL-Thaimatic Charity Darts Open”.

All darts players can enter for 300 baht fee per player for each event.

On Saturday, Jan 22, at 10 a.m. registration opens for the Open, Fixed Doubles to be played on a 501 Best-of-3 legs Round Robin, followed by best-of-5 legs knockout.

For further details and contact Bernd Fischer on Tel: 09 545 9440.

Wednesday Quiz League

Sunday Quiz League

The Square Ring

by Howie Reed

I was almost going to bet a beverage of my choice that we would get through the month of January without a “Jesse’ James” taking place. I would have lost. Joe Koizumi reports from ringside. “Game and gory Katsushige Kawashima (28-3, 18 KO’s), 115, barely kept his WBC 115-pound belt as he eked out a split but popular decision over previously unbeaten top contender Jose Navarro (21-1, 9 KOs), 114.5, over twelve hard-fought rounds on Monday night in Tokyo, Japan. The official tallies were as follows: Gelasio Perez (Mexico) 115-114, Noparat Sricharoen (Thailand) 115-113, both for Kawashima, and William Boodhoo (Canada) 120-109 for Navarro. Their difference of the styles might account for this big discrepancy on the score sheets.” Couple of points here! First of course it was popular as the Japanese champion kept his title. Secondly, “Their difference of styles might account for the big discrepancy o the score sheets.” True. And the fact that a rooster crows every morning “might” cause the sun to rise but I doubt it. Knowing what a gentleman Mr. K is what he’s really saying is “Horsedoodle.”

Or maybe not! A few days later Joe K wrote, “Why didn’t Boodhoo (the Canadian judge) give even a round to Kawashima? Probably he scored on a different scoring standard than the professional boxing standard. It wasn’t an amateur contest but a professional bout with the world title at stake. In the long history of Japan that has celebrated some 400 world title bouts, there has been definitely no judge who produced such a big and hot controversy among our journalists as Boodhoo.” Must not have the “know it all,” never pay for anything journalist upset.

One not so diplomatic is Lou DiBella the promoter of challenger Jose Navarro, “I haven’t even written 2005 on a piece of paper yet, and the filth of this business has already sullied this year. He (Navarro) did everything but knock the champion out, and was robbed. This travesty will go unnoticed by many who should notice. Still, the judging in boxing and inherent organizational biases continue to diminish and help destroy a potentially great sport. Most importantly, the damage done, both emotionally and financially, to a kid like Jose is immeasurable. The WBC should take a good look at itself and fix the situation. Jose and Mauricio Sulaiman say that they stand for justice. Now is their time to prove it,” said DiBella. Yo, Lou don’t hold your breath.

Writing of title shots the last time that PABA feather champ Saohin Srithai Condo (45-11, 30 KOs) had a title shot was 1999. He lost a UD (111-117 all around) to then WBA Champ Paulie Ayala. No disgrace in that. Ayala is one of the better fighters of the last 10 years. That and the fact that the fight was in Ayalia’s hometown of San Antonio make Srithai’s performance more notable. Unlike many Thai fighters Srithai uses the motto, “have gloves will travel.” His stock rose recently when he destroyed Alfren Bulala at Mahanakorn University in Bangkok. Srithai “dropped his Filipino foe three times, in round 4, round 8 and the last time with a right hook at the belly, scoring a TKO at 2:33 of round 11.” This guy Bulala (10-11) in one interesting dude. Try this on for size. Back in 2001 with a record of 7-3-1 he Ko’d the current WBC Asian Super Fly Champion Medgoen Singsurat now 38-3. Granted when they fought a rematch in 2003 Singsurat took a unanimous decision. In 2002 Bulal lost a UD (119-109 , 119-108, 118-109) to WBF champ Samson Dutch Boy Gym who at the time was 42-0. Dutch Boy Gym has retired so he’s still at 42-0 and Bulal has lost 8 on the trot.

While Srithai’s win may not bring a title shot, WBA#2 Poonsawat Kratingdaeng (20-0) may have one in the future. On the same card he stopped Filipino Jack Verano in 3. Kratingdaeng (20-0, 15 KO’s) would now like a title fight against the winner of Zarate vs. Sidorenko for the WBA 118lb. Good thinking as it keeps him away from the cream of the Bantam crop in Veeraphol Sahaprom (46-1), Ratanachai Sor Vorapin(60-8) and Rafael Marquez (33-3). It should also be noted that Poonsawat’s opponents have been a “little suspect.” The last, Jack Verno, has a record of 5-4 but is 2-4-1 in his last 7. Wash out!

Getting ready for his mandatory WBO Featherweight title defense Champion Scott Harrison (23-2-1) has indicated that next he wants Mexican Marco Antonio Barrera in May. There’s a big “If” to consider. Harrison’s opponent for the January 28th defense is Victor Polo (34-4-2) who is one tough dude.

Let me tell you about Polo. The likable Colombian can flat fight. Twice he’s fought for world title’s losing both on split decisions. Once in London to Julio Pablo Chacon and once in New York to Derrick ‘The Creep” Gainer. Should Harrison overlook Polo he could be up the creek without a paddle. What’s Harrision say?

“I am ready for the big fights now and do not want any easy options. 2005 is going to be a big year for Scott Harrison and after I went to Vegas for Barrera-Morales III it proved to me this is the class of fight I want every fight in my career moving forward. I can box, fight and have a punch and really do want to mix it with the other boxing champions.” Don’t count your date to the prom before the first dance.

Three pretty good fighters were suppose to be appearing on the same card next Friday, January 21, at the City Hall in Nonthaburi. Due to the Tidal Wave they been postponed with no new date announced. As I worked so hard on this we’ll do the story anyway. WBC Bantam champ Veeraphol Sahaprom (46-1-2) gets in the ring in a non title affair against Edmund Velayo (6-5). With 14 successful title defenses maybe Veeraphol is allowed a laughter. Velayo has lost 5 of his last 7. Pre-fight hype has Velayo at 9-4. Someone’s lying. Saman Sorjaturong (46-5-1) is one hell of a fighter. He held the WBC light fly title from 1995 to 1999 when he ran into Yo-Sam Choi who took the title with a unanimous decision. Saman got a rematch in 2001 this time losing via a KO in the 7th canto. Still any fighter that can defend a “real” world title 11 times is aces in my book. His opponent. Devid Lookmahanak is a suspect 4-0. The real question here is, how long it will take Saman to shake the ring rust as he’s been out of action almost 36 months? The real diamond here is Napapol Kiattisakchokchai (28-2) who took the best super bantam in the world, Oscar Larios, 10 stanza’s in ’03. He lost via a TKO but fought well at Los Angeles famed Olympic Auditorium. He gets Jake Verano who is 5-4-1 and 2-4 over the last 6. As the guy in the big town with the traffic use to write, “Mosey on by.” But as it’s postponed, I’ll drink to that. How about them apples?

PH3- Run 1087

What a great day for a run in the outback. With two seasoned veteran hares Barnacle Bill and T4, expectations were high that this first run of 2005 for the Pattaya Monday H3 would be the best run of the year. Or would it be the worst? Have you noticed that Mismanagement is so well organised this year? I think the new Grandmaster Flying Frog can be discredited for this and unfortunately I have decided to plan out my Monday hashing to keep up with this contemporary trend. Because of an estimated 200 people on this run the plan was simple: get to the Scandi bar early, sign up, get a seat on the bus (sick of standing), be a FRB and stay out the front of the pack just behind Fireman.

The plan worked well. No dogs, quiet cattle, well marked barbed wire, nice scenery, friendly farmers and us FRB’s all agreed that it was the best run of the year. But, the majority in the circle may have felt differently and so to the circle. Our No-Disaster Grandmaster Flying Frog opened the circle to the jeers of cows, barbed wire, cows and cows. Being a FRB I had missed all the drama of the pack stampeding some hefty cows. A couple of weeks ago we lost some children on the run, but this time the Hares placed these children and their loving parents in danger of being trampled to death. The look of horror and fear on the circle’s faces disappeared as Sunflower’s breasts bounced around (and we all tried to imagine what colour g-string she was wearing under those crack forming tight tights and and where was I...) giving the happy raffle winners prizes including Free Willy with the worst Christmas shirt ever. Visitors, Madmax, CIA, and Butt-F’r were welcomed. Religion and RA Sir Airhead had no hesitation in icing the Hares for causing the near disastrous stampede and the poor farmer was heard to say he was writing a letter of complaint to the Pattaya Mail. King Yao Yao (bleeding and suffering from barbed wire wounds) rightly criticised the Hares for the death traps they laid. The most popular person on the ice Fireman has started a new Hash tradition by wedging 3 large ice cubes into his crack of ass while patiently waiting in the bucket and with great muscle control releasing them when rising from the ice. It has been suggested by the cracks that the Hash sheet contain photos of nice young butts, but I think this may be a rule 6 or 7 violation.

Monster and his black eye were iced and it was suggested by the RA that, over time and with the right steroids, he could grow into his name. The circle was then given back to the GM who farewelled the leavers No More C*m and C*m Yak Yak, and Virgins On In to the call of skin, skin (I wonder what that’s about?) Returnees Ringworm. Anniversaries: I’m a Pig F’r - 50 runs, Kidney Bean - 100 runs, Ringworm - 150 runs, VV - 250 runs.

There was confusion when Hash detective Poncho The Pervert iced Spaghetti Head for letting his lovely expanding wife drive the car in America without having a licence. Spaghetti Head was heard to say “If it’s good enough in Thailand, its good enough in America” and that his ex-wife is the local sheriff, so everything was OK. To conclude a great night’s entertainment and the best run of the year, all nations were iced for the New Year and the merriment continued on the bus and back to the TQ2 for happy hour.
On On
Cunning Linguist

Maria Sharapova downs Venus Williams in TAT tennis exhibition

Daisy Vogt
Photos: Michael Vogt

Just two weeks before the opening of the first ATP tournament of the 2005 year, the Australian Open, Chiang Mai saw Wimbledon champion Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams (world ranking number nine), Thailand’s number one Tamarine Tanasugarn and Thailand’s number two women tennis player, Suchanun Viratprasert.

Venus returns one of Maria’s powerful serves.

One minute of silence was observed before the matches began and the players donated their fees towards the victims of the Tsunami disaster.

Even though the Sharapova/Williams contest was an exhibition match, both players showed powerful deep strokes, but the young Maria, ranked world number four, did not allow Venus Williams to get the upper hand and showed her there is a small difference between number four and number nine.

Venus’ serve was broken in the first game, and she dropped to 0-2 before she found her power to come back to even the match at two games all. But Maria came back to take a 4-2 lead before Venus could level again at 4-4. Despite many first serve errors, Sharapova won the first set by blasting two un-returnable forehands down the line.

Maria served well, but needed to work on her first service.

Venus Williams, known for her power game, seemed distracted even though the fans really cheered her on, and she was down 0-5 before she regained her concentration and won three straight games. The match lasted only 78 minutes, finishing with Venus serving a double fault to lose in two sets, 6-4, 6-3.

The second feature was a special doubles match with Maria Sharapova and Tamarine Tanasugarn against Venus Williams and Suchanun Viratprasert which ended with a win for Maria and Tamarine in a tie-breaker.

At the end the players auctioned off their rackets, realising 100,000 baht each to raise even more funds to help the victims of the southern disaster.

Tamarine Tanasugarn, Thailand’s number one women’s tennis player, makes a powerful return during the doubles.

Sightseeing for the tennis stars was also on the agenda, with Venus seen sitting on a huge elephant at the elephant training center in Mae Rim, talking to her sister on a mobile phone saying, “Guess where I am? I am sitting on top of an elephant. I never thought I would be able to do that!”

Sharapova and Williams will be playing in Hong Kong next, before going to Australia for the ATP opener.

The packed stadium, specifically erected for this event.

A wedding green in Pattaya

‘The Shirt’ bowling tournament reloaded

The annual ‘Shirt’ Bowling tournament postponed after being rained out in September added a new twist to the day.

Phil ‘The Shirt’ and Renalyn Clear re-took their vows in Pattaya for their friends in Thailand after marrying in the Philippines earlier last year.

Phi Clear, aka Phil ‘the Shirt’ held a small weeding blessing on the greens at Pattaya Bowling Green. The ceremony in Thailand was for Phil’s friends after having been married to Renalyn in the Philippines earlier last year. What better way to celebrate a wedding than hold a bowling tournament?

Loud shirts were during part of the day dress code for the re-loaded ‘Annual Shirt Challenge’ at the Bowling Green.

The day began with friends and family gathering on the grass at the Bowling Green, where a priest from Pattaya’s St. Nikolaus church gave the blessing as everyone was eager to get onto the green to take part in the day’s competition.

Local players dressed in brightly colored shirts, the reason Phil is called ‘The Shirt, took to the greens for a fun event. Bangkok based lawn bowlers also took part in the informalities they went on into the evening.

Winners were presented with their unique trophy after a successful day out.

The party began with raffle tickets being sold as part of the day to raise funds for the Lions club of Jomtien Pattaya’s community based projects.

However, the emphasis was on relaxing and having fun and the prize giving began for the bowlers with not only the winners being presented with ‘Shirt’ plaques but also those who wore the brightest and most outlandish attire for the day.

Reports from those attending the evening’s celebration recalled little the next day but assured the enjoyed the wedding blessing, the bowling and of course the party.

Play ball...oops, wrong sport! Bowlers took to the greens for the fun competition.