Jones lands a win at last!
IPGC Pattaya golf society at the OK Corral
The final Pattaya Golf Society fixture of the month is
always eagerly awaited as it is the climax of the society’s “Player of
the Month” challenge at the OK Corral. The course and format is always
chosen by the players themselves and on Thursday, October 27, it was held at
Phoenix, probably for the last time in the foreseeable
receives her “Player of the Month” prize from Mr. Denis.
future, on the Mountain and Ocean nines. The group
braved two very heavy storms, which almost blighted the day, to complete the
tournament on a course in excellent shape. Soggy fairways and damp greens
made the course play very long however, and it was no surprise when John
Cunningham returned a score of 32 points. A winner two days previously, he
was doing his best to catch an absent Saranya Chaiyanont and wrest the
‘PoM’ title from her grasp. Little did he know that elsewhere on the
course, Rob Dolan was finally coming to grips with his game and was
penciling in a fine level par 36 points, which ultimately took second place.
In the final group, the OK Corral’s golf “geezer”, Len Jones, was
putting behind him hours of fretting over start-lists, transport and venues,
as well as the daily grind on the laptop, to finally come up trumps in one
of his own tournaments. His winning score of 37 points was his best for a
month or two and would you believe it, he was actually caught smiling back
at the presentation! The smiles however, were really for Ya who finally took
the monthly award after several weeks of sparkling golf which had seen her
win two events, come second in three and third in the other. It was the
perfect culmination to an exciting month with the Pattaya golf society at
the OK Corral
Kevin toughs it out at a soggy Burapha
PSC Golf From The Cafe Kronborg
Monday October 24 Plutaluang, Stableford
The Royal Thai Navy South and East Course was host for a
Stableford competition in two flights; A Flight, 0 to 14 and B Flight 15 up.
The course was wet in places, but otherwise in fine condition. There was the
threat of bad weather before departure so 6 golfers called-in and cancelled,
however, they missed a very fine, sunny days golf

week’s winners at the Café Kronberg: Marty Allred, Kevin Callaghan and
Wayne Koch
Marty Allred took the A Flight with 38 points; Kris
Helgasson was second with 37 points and Aussie, Paul Avery third with 35
Suwan took the B Flight with 36 points ahead of Kevin
Callaghan, second with 34 points and J.C. Lhoste third with 33 points.
Thursday October 7
Burapha, Stableford
The day was overcast and rainy as we set out on our
journey around the course, and of course when you have to take a cart and
it’s rainy and wet, you play off the Blue Tees and have to keep to the
cart paths. One or two ‘Golden Oldies’ were pretty tired and wet by the
end of their round, this was a long wet day.
One of the good points was that we played the A & B
Courses: these are indeed a fine couple of nines, and on the day, despite
the soggy conditions the course played pretty well. Despite this, it was
still tough and poor scoring was expected to be the order of the day.
In the A Flight, 0 to 16, however, the scores were pretty
good, as the more capable golfers adjusted to the conditions better. The
winner was Kevin Callaghan with 38 points ahead of a count-back on 37 points
won by Walter Bachli in second and Marty Allred in third.
In the B Flight, we got the scores that I had expected,
with the winner Wayne Koch on 35 points followed by Tim Holt in second with
30 points and Kevin Dinan in third with 29 points, beating Dave Richardson
on count-back.
Wednesday Quiz League
Sports Quiz
Congratulations to Paul Quodomine who was first in with
the correct answers last week. For those of you who tried, better luck next
time and in case you were wondering... here they
1. In Rugby League, who won last year’s World Club Challenge held at the
McAlpine Stadium?
Answer: Bradford
2. Where was this year’s Women’s Golf British Open played?
Answer: Royal Birkdale
3. In 1965, Keith Peacock became the first ever, professional football
player to become a substitute in English football. Which club did he play
Answer: Charlton Athletic
This week’s questions are:
1.Who is manager of West Bromwich Albion?
2.Who won the 2003 Super 12’s Final?
3. John Hill won the Formula One Powerboat Racing Championship. In which
Bowers, Earthrowl & Gummer take October trophies
Mike Franklin
A thunderstorm and heavy rain just prior to tee-off
threatened the October Diana Seniors & Ladies Open at Pattaya Country
Club. However, a serious course inspection by PSC officials in the form of
Chris John and Bernie Tuppin produced a verdict of ‘OK if there is no more
rain’, and an ‘It’s up to you’ decision. How right they were, as no
more rain came and the tournament, albeit slightly late, got under way. All
33 players ventured out and finished in sunshine.
Geoff Bowers shot the best score of the day with 41
Stableford points to win the Seniors division with Gordon McKnight runner-up
on 39 points. Dave Earthrowl won his second consecutive Super Seniors trophy
with a modest 37 points and the count-back for the runner-up spot went to
Roy Pimblett with 36 points. Bob Pearce, never far away in these events,
also scored 36 points. The ladies scores were even more modest, but Nooket
Gummer’s 29 point score was good enough to take another Ladies’ trophy
and a surprised Jackie MacPherson was runner-up with 26 points.
Near pins were claimed by Jack Moseley, Bob Pearce, Geoff
Bowers and Tony Oakes, and the long putts were holed by Bob Philp and Dick
November 24 is the last Thursday of the month is
coincidentally the day of the Papa Ray Rogers annual Thanksgiving tournament
at Pattaya Country Club. In deference to that, the November Diana Seniors
& Ladies Open will be held on Thursday December 1 and will combine with
the December Open to avoid conflict with the Christmas and New Year holiday.
Sign up for the November/December Seniors & Ladies Open can be made at
the Green Bottle or at the Diana Driving Range. As usual, the format will be
Singles Stableford at Pattaya Country Club and tee off time is from 09.30am.
We hope to see you then.
Winners are losers!
IPGC golf from The Haven
Mon 24 Oct.
Mountain Shadow,
1st Volker Esser 38 pts
2nd Brian Kelly 33 pts - c/b 17
3rd Glyn Nicholas 33 pts - c/b 16
4th Gordon Fraser 32 pts
All night rain and a drizzly overcast morning saw a
depleted gathering of just 17 intrepid golfers leave for the notoriously
difficult Mountain Shadow.layout: Richard Livingston later reported that
many regulars honed their skills at the driving range rather than risk the
heavy rains. What a waste! Not a drop of rain, a course in fabulous
condition with fast, true greens as tough as one could wish for on the
Eastern Seaboard. High handicapper, Volker Esser, destroyed the field with
his super 38 points, which will surely see him receive a cut on a day when
standard scratch went to 75. Some of those left trailing included Brian,
Glyn and Gordon with scores that were pretty good considering the wet
course conditions. In the ‘Two’s’ competition, Chris Davisson &
Trevor Schirmer shared the spoils in division 1, whilst Peter Johansson
hogged the division 2 prize. As the intrepid golfers made their way back to
Pattaya, the heavens opened and once again the Haven golfers had been
lucky! Prior to the delayed presentation, Richard welcomed back Roar Berger
who had arrived early that morning from Oslo, grabbed his golf bag and made
it on time for a jet-lagged and slightly less memorable round.
Wed 26 Oct.
Phoenix Mountain/Ocean,
Monthly Medal
Division 1 (0-15)
1st Barry Winton, net 75 - c/b 35
2nd Takeshi Hakozaki, net 75 - c/b 37
3rd Glyn Nicholas, net 79
4th Norman Isherwood, net 80
5th Ron Mathews, net 81
Division 2 (16plus)
1st Nile Sheehan, net 73
2nd Roy Thornton, net 75
3rd Roar Berger, net 76
4th Tony McCormack, net 81
5th Brian Kelly, net 83
Considering it is the height of the rainy season, a huge
turnout of 36 masochistic golfers descended on Phoenix for the battle of
the blue-tees and the coveted monthly medal. The tees were as far back as
they can possibly be and the fairways were uncut, wet and soggy making the
golf course as tough as you will ever see it. The scores appear poor but
are probably as good as could be expected on a day when 11 golfers found
the going just too tough and failed to return a card. So, congratulations
go to Barry and Nile on winning their divisions, to those who made the
podium and to the remaining 15 golfers who completed the round; especially
those in the back half of the field, who must have watched the distant
afternoon thunder and lightening with dread and then relief as the storm
headed away to Jomtien & Pattaya. Surprisingly, there were five 2’s
recorded and Yasuo Suzuki, Al Rolnik and Barry Winton shared the division 1
prize, with Roy Thornton & Jan Blysted picking up a share of division
2. Quite amazingly the handicap split was almost equal, 17 in division 1
and 19 in division 2, considering the divisions are preset at the start of
the year for the monthly medal! Prior to the delayed presentation, due to
heavy rains that flooded Pattaya, Richard Livingston welcomed newcomers
Alan Bishop, Keith Emerson and Jan Blysted and welcomed back Jens
Gunnarsson, Ron Dalen & Rick Holmes.
Friday 28 Oct.
Eastern Star,
1st Serge Straeten, 33 pts - c/b 21
2nd Peter Johansson, 33 pts - c/b 18
3rd Rick Holmes, 33 pts - c/b 17
4th Kim Espinos, 33 pts - c/b 15
5th Barry Winton, 32 pts
Another large turnout and another lucky day as far as
the weather was concerned, but what happened to the scores? Ok, wet
fairways equals no run, but 33 points? Nobody could have been more
surprised than Serge and the moral here is “never give up.” Serge
scored just 9 points after his first 8 holes then made 24 points over the
next 10 to snatch victory on a whole series of count-backs that left
Stephen and Richard gasping! In the 2’s competition, the big winners were
Yasuo Suzuki in division 1 and Spanker Lee in division 2.
Back at the Haven, Richard Livingston, welcomed
newcomers Kim Espinos, John Dawson & Rick Smith and welcomed back Alec
Hoare & Stephen Byrne.
Now you are wondering what the title has to do with the week’s
results. Well, two players arrived back with their scorecards an hour after
the presentation; one would have won the competition, the other had a
‘2’ and so yet again on Friday, we had one player failing to return his
‘winning scorecard’ on time. It is well known that if anyone cannot get
back to the Haven, for any reason, they will not forfeit any prize due,
providing the card is returned before the presentation! On this theme, from
01 Nov most golf courses are operating a two tee time start so as 6:30 am
is a little too early, departure time from the Haven will be 10 am (sign-in
by 9:30 am) for the later tee time. Presentations will be at 1830 hrs
latest. Don’t you be a winner and a loser, make sure your cards are
returned in time!
Bob Turner –king of the pins
PSC golf with The Bunker
Plutaluang Navy (Sattahip)
Monday 24 October
Bob Turner wins nearest the pin on Monday, Wednesday & Friday
This week began with a medal competition at the
Plutaluang Course. There was a tie for fist place between Geoff Parker
and Walter Smith who both returned net scores of 77. In third place
was Bryan Rought with a net 81. Nearest the pins were won Sean
McVitty, Bob Turner, Walter Smith and Bryan Rought.
Green Valley
Country Club
Wednesday 26
Wednesday had its share of confusion for the Bunker
Boys. Green Valley realigned the course layout but the cards were on
the old layout, which made the stableford scoring a little bit tricky,
but in the end Gerry Cooney won the “A” division with 40 points.
In second, with 37 points was Geoff Parker and third place went to
Terry Gill with 33. In the “B” division Granville Swanton won with
a score of 35 points, Bob Turner was second with 32 points and in
third was Tony Shepherd with 31 points. Near the pins were won by Bob
Turner, Terry Gill, Charles Cain and Sean McVitty.
The Emerald Golf
Friday 28 October
Because of economics, the Friday venue was changed
to The Emerald for a medal competition. Geoff Parker sealed his
victory with an impressive net 70 while Gerry Cooney returned a net 74
for second place. Granville Swanton came third with a net 75. Near the
pins were won by Granville Swanton, Bob Turner, Neil Griffin.
The Bunker Boys are located on Soi Chaiyapoon (near X-zyte disco
and across the street from Tony’s Disco II). Monthly golf schedules
are available or consult the Pattaya Mail every week.
Tom ‘the top dog’ at Plutaluang
PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s
with Pu.
Tuesday October 25 Plutaluang, Stableford - The
popularity of a golf course can usually be gauged by the number of players
who turn up on any given day: Plutaluang fares pretty well in these
statistics and as such, there is usually a very good turnout. On this
particular day, a good number of people turned up for breakfast at Bert’s,
before taking on the journey to Plutaluang, with the prospects of a good
days golf on this welcoming course. The heavy rains of late were obvious to
see, but the course was still in fine condition.
Back at Bert’s, hot food was waiting and Bob Noble did
his bit as tournament organiser by calling out the winners, the main one of
which was Tom Herrington.
Winner: Tom Herrington
Near Pin: Stu Thompson, Paul Avery, Max Matthews, Ray Pimblett, Mike Larson,
Jackie McPherson, Gary Harrison
Long Put, Bruce Lawrence (2), Mike Larson, Keith Avery
Brian takes the honours
at Phoenix Country Club
I.P.G.C. Golf with the caddy shack
Tuesday the October 25 - The golfers
travelled to Sattahip for a medal competition, the courses of South and East
were selected. Due to recent downpours of rain, no golf carts were
available; this course is not the easiest to walk and the golfers suffered a
little. In division two; Clark Alexander scored a net 77 to put himself on
the podium in 3rd place, in 2nd place was Glyn Evans with a net 75, but the
winner of division two was Les Hall with a net 73. In division one the
scores were better with Emmet White recording a net 73 to put him in 3rd
place, in 2nd was Dave Smith with a net 70, but way out in front was Al
Mcgrory with a 5 under net 67 round to take 1st prize. The 2’s were shared
by Dave Smith and Geoff Hart whilst the lovely bunch of Bananas were awarded
to Steve Nowell for just breaking the 100 mark, not to worry Steve at least
you get point one back for it! Steve continued his run of luck and was the
prize draw winner of the Sunday lunch at The Caddy Shack.
One Winner Brian Jacks (left) with Keith Fortt.
Thursday October 27 - The Caddy Shack golfers travelled
to the ever popular Phoenix Country Club. Unfortunately, due to Phoenix
management increasing the fees and not budging, we will not be back here for
a while, but we hope it’s not too long before the I.P.G.C and the big wigs
of Phoenix can come to an agreement. Anyway, back to the day’s golf, with
the Mountain and Ocean courses selected and the format being Stableford, in
division two Les Hall and Ben Findon both scored 32 points for a share of
2nd place whilst Glyn Evans managed 35 points to take 1st place. In division
one, Tony Thorne and Jan Eriksen shared runners up spot with 37 points each
but ahead of them all on the day was Brian Jacks with 39 points. After
winning the booby prize on Tuesday, Steve Nowell was determined not to do
the double and steered clear of the Bananas and also recorded the only two
of the day. Unfortunately, there have been no Aussies winning anything
lately so as they were feeling a little left out, we picked out Aussie Ron
Mathews and awarded him with a nice ripe bunch of Bananas. Tony Thorne won
the Sunday lunch prize.
The Caddy Shack is situated on the second part of Soi 17 on the same road
as the Harley Bar. For anyone wishing to play golf, we leave the bar at
11.00am for a Midday tee off, we play every Tuesday and Thursday and all are
VFW Post 9876 holds on to first place
Pattaya Sports Club Friday Bowling League

Bowlers - Oy, Bill, Mai, Lenz and Mio
Ten weeks remaining in the league and VFW Post 9876 are
still in first place but this league is very tight with only 8 points
difference between first and eighth place. VFW won three points from Café
Ole whilst Friends got three from Café Kronborg but are now tied for second
with Mai’s Thai Restaurant, who won all four points from Jack & Tar.
Shenanigans are in fourth after winning three from Grape Vine. Three Sisters
dropped down in the standing after losing three to Domicil and Brother D
defeated House of the Golden Coin and took three points.
Best bowlers of the day were:
Lenz, Mai’s Thai Restaurant: games of 253, 209, 190 - 652 series
Mai, Jack & Tar: 225 game - 571 series
Mio, House of the Golden Coin: 215 game - 565 series
Morn, Domicil: 540 series
Kran, Café Kronborg: 540 series
Leo, Brother D: 539 series
Konrad, Brother D: 526 series
Pin, House of the Golden Coin: 522 series
Bill Key, Domicil: 212 game - 514 series
Oy, Café Ole: 201 game - 509 series
Graham loses three count-backs!
IPGC golf from Lewiinski’s
Sunday October 23
Green Valley - White Tees,
1st A Flight: Darren Smith - 39 points
2nd A Flight: Bob Philp - 39 points
3rd A Flight: Mark Harbidge - 39 points
1st B Flight: Jeremy Masse - 39 points
2nd B Flight: George Jackson - 38 points
3rd B Flight: Dave Boran- 38 points
1st C Flight: Loz Shaw - 41 points
2nd C Flight: Eddy Beilby - 38 points
3rd C Flight: Poo Supaporn - 37 points
NP’s: #2 Dave Boran; #9 Jim Munns; #12 Gary Blackburne
2’s: Graham Johnson (2); Gary Blackburne (2); Phil
Mitchell; Ian Ashenden; Dave Tanner; Dave Boran (2), Jim Munns; Fred
Not again!!!... Yep, Loz Shaw is on top of C Flight.
Continuing a downward handicap spiral, Loz Shaw won his flight for something
like the third of five Sunday’s. His best on the day 41 points was three
clear of Eddy Beilby and Ms. GM, the latter a beneficiary of her beau’s
count-back calculation over Sugar Ray; (only kidding, the Col. is above
Big Darren Smith, finally having a chance to concentrate
on golf after a protracted work stint in Iraq, bested a knot of four premier
players, all across the line with 39 points. Aussie Bob Philp, utilizing his
trademark guile, slipped into second as newcomer Mark Harbidge filled out
the prizewinners. Regrettably, G-r-a-h-a-m J-o-h-n-s-o-n’s 39 points were
adjudged the slowest of the four.
Tuesday October 25 Laem
Chabang C & A -White Tees,
2-Person Better Ball (Stableford)
1st: Tom Noonan & Jimmy Ryan - 45 points
2nd: Mark O’Loughlin & Timmy Guidera - 42 points
3rd: Rick Sharp & Dave Porter - 42 points
4th: Dave Schelling & Keith Emerson - 40 points
2’s: Tom Sathrum; Eddy Beilby; Jimmy Ryan
It was an Irish invasion as Tommy Noonan brought his
‘Emerald Lot’ to the society’s 2-person Better Ball. The Leprechaun
capped the services of 8-handicapper Jimmy Ryan and rode him home to a 45
point total, three clear of fellow ‘Micks’, Timmy Guidera and
5-handicapper Mark O’Loughlin. It wasn’t until the third step that a
couple of the Old Guard surfaced in the persons of The Hermit and Master
Porter, but it should be noted they were only that low due to a count-back
loss. Dave Schelling surfaced from the bowels of Pattaya to show fourth
place form with Keith Emerson. That final podium slot was well contested as
the teams of The Principal and One Ball, of Tom Sathrum and Nick Payne, and
of G-r-a-h-a-m and Flipper all had 40 points as well, albeit not as
favorably packed on the inward leg as were Dave’s and Keith’s.
Wednesday October 26
Burapha A & B - Blue or
White Tees, Stableford
1st Blue Flight: Simon Spaulding - 40 points
2nd Blue Flight: Graham Johnson - 37 points
1st White Flight: Roger Koehler - 40 points
2nd White Flight: Max Arlen - 37 points
3rd White Flight: Jim Munns - 35 points
2’s: Colin Davis
Old friend Simon Spaulding was a sight for sore eyes, at
least, that is, until he spoiled the warm welcome by coming in with the
winning Blue Flight score. Simon’s 40 points were three more than
G-r-a-h-a-m J-o-h-n-s-o-n’s silver medal effort.
Roger Koehler continues his way to the pay window, and
his White Flight winning 40 points insured that the trip was worthwhile. Max
Arlen quietly snuck into second as opposed to the scene for third which was
hotly contested by the good Capt. Fogg, ‘The Farmer in the’ and Dave
Tanner; and although he might have been the last to know, the Capt. took it.
Friday October 28 Crystal
Bay Blue or White Tees, Stableford
1st A Flight: Jimmy Ryan - 40 points
2nd A Flight: Simon Spaulding - 37 points
3rd A Flight: Jan Eriksen - 37 points
1st B Flight: Jez Lees - 40 points
2nd B Flight: Ray Dell - 38 points
3rd B Flight: Eddy Beilby - 35 points
2’s: Jim Brackett (2), Phil Groves, Ian Ashenden, Dave Tanner
Jimmy Ryan struck again, this time in a solo performance.
He bettered Simon, himself a two-time podium holder in as many days, and
count-back loser Jan “The Quiet One” Eriksen. And yes, there was our
title boy, G-r-a-h-a-m, cast aside for the third time on the week. It should
be noted that but for the vagaries of count-back, Graham’s play on the
four day week consisted of a first place tie, a fourth place tie, a second
place and a second place tie; an exemplary effort by any measure.
In B Flight, The Principal scored a fine 40 points on
this the second to last competition of his student’s vacation. Good
friends Ray Dell and Eddy Beilby made it an all Brit podium in the B Flight.
Crumpets and High Tea were served.
John Cunningham back on track
IPGC Pattaya golf society at the OK Corral
Tuesday, October 25 - The beautiful Crystal
Bay course was the venue for the Pattaya golf society’s weekly medal event
and the large field left the OK Corral in high hopes of a fine day’s golf.
They were not to be disappointed as the day, whilst remaining overcast,
stayed dry and the course was well presented except for the evidence of
aeration on the “C” nine. The “A” nine was impeccable however, and
the golf was closely fought with only five shots separating the top ten
players at the end of the day. Barry Pethig and Saranya Chaiyanont, the
runaway leader in the Society’s “Player of the Month” challenge, both
fared better than the others and their net 74’s were a reward for some
accurate golf. Having spent seemingly an age in the doldrums, Scotland’s
John Cunningham rediscovered the form which has made him a single-figure
handicapper and shot the day’s best gross score of 82, giving him victory
by one shot with his net 73. The only birdie two of the day was recorded by
Harry Riley whose exquisite drive and putt on “C” 7 enabled him to
capture the twos pot. The returning Brian Bellis scrapped his card after a
catalogue of disasters and put himself in the frame for the Booby Bevy, as
did a rudely intrusive Korean four-ball who managed to squeeze themselves in
amongst the group and held up play alarmingly. But, when you are a
five-handicapper lying three-under par, you do not expect to start a hole
with one ball and finish it unknowingly with someone else’s and, as John
Smith committed this grave error, he disquaified himself and ended his day
with the Booby. Want to play a round in Pattaya, John? Always check your
Green Valley - master
of The Grapevine golfers
PSC golf from The Grapevine
Thursday 27 October saw 35 golfers head off to Rayong
Green Valley. On the way there, the heavens opened and the rain came
bucketing down. Shudders and cries of “can we turn back now” were
“No, she’ll be right” was the call, and so it
proved to be. We got to the course, the rain disappeared and a great day’s
golf was enjoyed or endured by all.
Good scores were thin on the ground, especially the B
division with Keith Avery (24) posting 32pts and Phil Dwyer (18) & Dave
Swaine (28) each posting 30s to take 2nd & 3rd respectively. The top
flight fared only marginally better with visiting Irish professional,
Brendan McGubbin (0) shooting par to get the big money, (joke there) with 36
pts. Jeff Wylie (4) & Fergus Brenan (15) each had 34 pts to get runner
up & 3rd respectively.
The near pins were well shared with only Rich grabbing 2
(greedy fellow & first day back too!) Others were picked up by Takeshi,
Tom, Steve, Jeff, Brendan & Walter. Long putts went to Walter &
Keith and the Lucky draws were won by Barry, John, Paul & Gordie (a.k.a.
The course was in top condition other than a little
confusion re handicap indexes on cards but it was nothing we couldn’t cope
with. While Malcolm & Opal were away, the staff did a great job catering
to the golfers’ culinary & drinking needs and it was much appreciated
by all; the curry was top class!
If you are looking for a game on a Thursday, come on down to the
Grapevine located on soi Regent Marina and sign up. In the meantime, I bid
you cheers & good golfing.
The Jomtien 8-Ball Pool League
Standings October 27 (week 2)
Soi Welcome
teams shine at home
The majority of the Week 2 action took place in Soi
Welcome with all three local venues scheduled to play at home. At the top
end of the soi, San Snack Bar hosted Simple Simon. The home team had the
points on the League Table early but Simple Simon ended the night a little
happier after taking the last two doubles to narrow the score to 5-4. Back
towards the beach, Carefree Bar entertained Twilight Zone. Carefree’s 8-1
win, to take top spot in the standings on game difference, didn’t really
do justice to Twilight Zone’s standard of play. Nevertheless, TZ find
themselves in familiar territory in the standings. The last of the Soi
Welcome matches had Hide-A-Way at Lucky Bar. In a case of ‘snatching
defeat from the jaws of victory’, Hide-A-Way led 4-2 and then lost all
three doubles - and the match with the 5-4 result.
Cosy Bar continued their good form and maintained their
share of first spot with a 5-4 victory at Moonshine. Moonshine rescued a
couple of points for the ‘game difference’ column by taking the final
two doubles. Elephant Bar were at Paweena’s in Soi 5. The Knockout Cup
Champions slow start to the season continued with their second defeat;
Elephant Bar having the match wrapped up after the singles, the final score
being 6-3.
In other matches, Rose & Thistle christened their
renovated table with a comfortable 6-3 win over League newcomers Scooby’s
and the other newcomers, Sky Bar were overwhelmed 8-1 by their visitors from
Country Club.
Next week the top rungs on the ladder should remain unchanged but
Elephant Bar, having their first home match, could bring Lucky Bar back to
earth after their great escape this week.

Footballing for a worthy cause

competing in the Wolfen M.C. 5-a-side tournament.
The Wolfen motorcycle club based in Pattaya recently
organized a 5-a-side football event to help raise funds for the Camillian
center in Rayong, which provides care and support for people living with
HIV/AIDS. The two-day tournament took place last weekend at the school no.
7, Sukhumvit Hwy, Pattaya and drew a total of 12 teams from the surrounding
area. The Golden Inn, Soi 7, Jomtien, finally emerged as the tournament
champions but thanks must go out to all the competing teams, event
organizers and the spectators for there support of such a worthy cause.
Seaboard FC suffer first defeat in 9-goal thriller
Seaboard FC suffered their first defeat of
the season at the hands of the Londoner on Saturday in Bangkok. With the
Londoner unbeaten for over a season, this was never going to be an easy
game. Seaboard were also hampered by the absence of key players through
injury. The game kicked off in a fairly open fashion with the Londoner
having the better of the early possession and soon took control of the
midfield. Seaboard were struggling to get the ball forward but on 7 mins. a
neat curling free kick from John Campbell on the right was met by Pierre
Ndjana, whose first time shot was unfortunately straight at the keeper.
Pierre Ndjana slides in to score.
The Londoner however continued to press and on 9 mins
the ball was played neatly through for their number 10 to calmly shoot past
Mark Coombs in the Seaboard goal. Seaboard were to be punished further when
on 11 mins., some neat inter play down the right hand side saw the ball
crossed to the unmarked Londoner forward at the far post to score easily.
At 2-0 down Seaboard finally started to come into the
game and gain more possession in the middle of the park; but to make their
task even harder, the influential John Campbell and Craig Banks were both
lost through injury before the 20 min mark. Rick Bryant the Seaboard
manager was forced to shuffle his side around and almost immediately some
neat play on the right saw Mark Brittain find Ndjana whose cross beat the
Londoner keeper but crept just over the bar, landing on the top netting. A
similar move 1 minute later however, saw Paul Derbyshire out pace the
Londoner defence and unleash a tremendous shot onto the underside of the
bar with the ball coming back into play. During the ensuing scramble the
ball fell nicely to Ndjana who drove home.
This was now a more evenly matched contest with chances
falling to both sets of forwardsp; Coombs in the Seaboard goal being called
upon to make an excellent save to deny the Londoner a further goal.
Seaboard were to find themselves the victim of some poor
refereeing on 27 mins. when James Phillips clearly made contact with the
ball in his challenge on the Londoner forward but was adjudged to have made
his tackle from behind and a penalty was awarded. The Londoner player
calmly stepped up to score to leave Seaboard trailing 3-1. The remainder of
the half saw little goalmouth action but with Seaboard slowly gaining a
larger share of the play.
Half time saw the Seaboard manager rallying his troops,
and what he said certainly fired up his team as they started the second
half far better than the first with their positive approach being rewarded
in the first minute of the second period, when Brittain raced onto a
through ball, shrugged off a couple of challenges and neatly slid the ball
home. Seaboard continued to press and were now completely dominating the
game and were unlucky not to draw level when a lose ball in the box was
driven onto the post by the impressive Ndjana.
Continued pressure from the visitors left the Londoner
struggling to get out of their own half and with Derbyshire outstanding in
attack, looked the more likely to score. But on one of their rare attacks,
the Londoner managed to force a corner on the left. The ball was swung in
to the near post and some poor marking in the Seaboard defence allowed the
Londoner forward time to stoop low and head home. Rather than let their
heads drop the Seaboard team continued to press and were yet again rewarded
when a cross on the right by Ernest Romario found Ndjana who hit home to
score his second of the game. The next 15 mins was yet again all Seaboard,
however with only 9 mins remaining on the clock, as they piled forward to
find the equaliser they were caught short at the back and a neat though
ball saw the Londoner forward sneak in between defender and keeper to score
against the run of play.
Seaboard were still not finished however, and with Mark
Betteridge pushed forward to support the attack, they continued to create
chances. With 5 mins left on the clock it was indeed Betteridge who got
onto the scoresheet, when he latched onto a lose ball in the Londoner box
and fired in from 6 yards out. The last few minutes saw Seaboard pressing
yet again for the equaliser but it was not to be and the Londoner managed
to gratefully hang on for a 5-4 victory.
A much-improved second half performance by Seaboard was
not quite enough to get a point from the game
Seaboard’s next game will be at Horseshoe Point
against FG Pattaya on Saturday November 5, kick off 4:00pm.
Seaboard FC have been fortunate enough to secure the
sponsorship of AGS Four Winds International Movers for the this season and
would like to thank them for their support.
Anybody who could be interested in joining Seaboard FC, whether their
stay in Thailand is for a long or short period is more than welcome to come
down to the football pitch in Naklua every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm,
contact us at [email protected] or call Peter on 01 810 1470.
Jet ski championships will raise international profile
The Jet Ski Association of Thailand in
association with Pattaya City council will stage the World King’s Cup 2005
Thailand jet-ski championships at Jomtien Beach on 10 and 11 December.
Vice chairman of the association, Dr Santad Sasivanich
and deputy mayor Wirawat Khakhai held a meeting on October 27 to discuss
details of the event, which is expected to attract 20,000 spectators. Dr
Sanat said that the championships would be conducted to international
standards. Thai jet skiers have won championships in all major international
competitions. This year’s event will be special in that the winners’
names will be engraved on each trophy to take back home with them.
The championships will be televised live throughout the country and also
transmitted on Star Sports Asia, which has coverage in 16 countries.
The Beautiful Game?: Boro spoil United’s party
Riz Taylor
Don’t tell me that football doesn’t teach you
anything. There can’t be many readers (other than Dr.Iain Corness) who had
any idea what a “metatarsal” was prior to the 2002 World Cup. If someone
had asked me I’d have suggested it might be Renault’s answer to the Ford
Focus, but David Beckham’s famous breakage of the second metatarsal bone
in his foot gave us a new word for our vocabulary. Whether we’ll ever need
it again is another matter.
More recently a new phrase has come onto the scene that,
like Beckham’s feet, has got everybody talking. Listen to any football
chat these days and the discussion centres around having a player capable of
fulfilling the “Makelele Role”. They refer, of course, to the duties
performed by Chelsea’s Claude Makelele, the French midfielder who sits
back and covers the back four whilst allowing other midfielders the freedom
to push forward without worrying about boring things, such as defending.
Every home should have one.
At around 7pm on Saturday, Manchester United notched
their thousandth goal in the Premiership. Ronaldo’s bullet header from a
Paul Scholes corner that flew into the roof of Middlesbrough’s net should
have prompted the celebrations of all that United have achieved since
winning the first Premiership title in 1993 thanks largely to the influence
of Eric Cantona and the goalkeeping of Peter Schmeichel.
Instead the goal was a mere footnote in the sensational
story of Middlesbrough’s 4-1 thumping of Sir Alex Ferguson’s sorry side.
A shocker from Rio Ferdinand summed-up United’s poor start to the season
that means now, surely, any attempt to haul back Chelsea and to reclaim the
Premiership crown is almost impossible.
The two sides meet at Old Trafford this Sunday (11pm
Pattaya), and should Chelsea emerge from the encounter with three points any
hope for United is most certainly lost, no doubt about it. With no
disrespect to the likes of Wigan Athletic, Tottenham, Bolton and Charlton
it’s difficult to imagine any of these hopefuls not only sustaining their
current form but then also managing to reel in the all-conquering Blues by
May. Quite simply, United have to emerge victorious from Sunday’s game for
the benefit of the Premiership itself. And who’d have imagined that two
years ago?
At the start of the season this column speculated on the
possibility and excitement of a four horse Premiership race, but Liverpool
have been a disappointment once again and Arsenal, much like United, seem to
be going backwards. Outplayed by Spurs for much of the North London derby
last week, any doubt that the Gunners are in transition was cast aside as
Tottenham’s midfield, still finding their collective feet and even without
the hugely influential Edgar Davids, were able to dominate Arsenal for the
entire first half before the visitors managed to salvage a draw through
Robert Pires. Arsenal looked ordinary until Pires’ introduction and look
like making hard work of finishing in the top three.
The “Makelele Role” isn’t a new position invented
by the genial Jose Mourinho - Nobby Stiles was doing the same job for
England forty years ago, for example - but the talk centering aound the
position is reaching fever pitch. And perhaps the pundits have a point, as
it’s surely no coincidence that Arsenal and United’s issues this season
seem a result of Patrick Vieira’s transfer to Juventus and Roy Keane’s
steady decline respectively.
In United’s case the name of a Ghanaian midfielder
offers an insight into their two biggest problems at a stroke. The failure
to capture Michael Essien before Chelsea stepped in during the summer means
that a possible replacement for Keane slipped through the fingers of Sir
Alex Ferguson, who is now unsuccessfully trying to shoehorn Alan Smith into
the position.
Essien’s choice of club also demonstrates United’s
inability to compete with Chelsea’s financial muscle, and Ferguson has
admitted as much. “I do not think we would even think about competing with
Chelsea,” he said last week. “If Chelsea go for a player we are
interested in, we are not going to beat them, so there is no point even
going for him unless, like Park Ji Sung, they are of a mind to join
The defeatist talk from Ferguson is something else
that’s new in the Premiership, and his position as manager is under
scrutiny; again something unthinkable only two years ago. But times change
and as United fans see their dominance at an end and struggle to find
someone in the Makelele Role, they’ll be facing the man himself on Sunday
with their chances of the Premiership title at stake. Big game? Not half.
Dedication, that’s what
you need
The main benefactor from Monsieur Makelele’s defensive
efforts is of course Frank Lampard, who seems unable to stop scoring goals
from Chelsea’s midfield. Last week the England international’s manager
heaped praise on his star man as Lampard finds himself just three short of
David James’ record of 159 consecutive Premiership appearances.
“I don’t see how he can improve because for me he is
the best player in the world at the moment,’’ declared Jose Mourinho.
“I don’t know what the people who organise these world awards do at the
weekends because only English people recognise what this player is. He was
the best player in the Premiership last season and you have some great
players in the world but they play one game a month. This player is top in
every game.
“I would not change him for another player because he
does everything. His defence is incredible, he can pass over a long
distance, he can pass over short distances, he’s professional, he can
score goals over long distance, how can he improve? I just hope he carries
on because he deserves to break the record for consecutive appearances in
the Premier League. David James has the record and he is a keeper. That is
completely different because a keeper has more chances to play.’’
Pollard and Semple take out the Ocean Marina honours
David Bell and
Peter Cummins
As the Ocean Marina Yacht Club sailed its penultimate
weekend of competitive yacht racing last week, a prevailing light wind
tested the tactics of all the teams, according to yachting spokesman and
top-class helmsman, David Bell.
As the north-easterly gradually takes control of the
Northern Gulf, as is usual at this time of the year, it nevertheless
features relatively light, shifting winds, interspersed with at times
ferocious, front-line squalls. This made for some interesting tactics in the
keel boat racing at the Ocean Marina’s monthly regatta.
On day one, on a course consisting of two triangles and a
windward-return leg, the breeze held at around 8-10 knots, providing
skippers and crew with good racing in smooth water. In the keelboat
division, it was David Pollard’s classy X-boat, Foreign Exchange which
carried the event, with a third place on Saturday and a first on Sunday. A
tie breaker in the second race gave Pollard’s boat an advantage over David
Bell’s Pink Pussycat, which was second overall with a first on Saturday
and a third on Sunday. Bill Gasson’s Jomtien-built Buzz8, skippered by
John Vause was third overall with a second and a fourth.
In the highly-competitive Platu Division, the winning
pair Neil Semple and Morten Jakobsen sailing Emma, easily won the Saturday
race, and with a third placing on the Sunday, it was enough to give them the
points win for the weekend. Second in this race was Alex Skaria sailing
Platu 132 with two second places. Third was Chana on Platu 108, with a third
and fourth position.
Radab, sailing the famous Cedar Swan managed to sail up
to his handicap to convincingly beat Olaf Reese’s new super-fast
Phuket-built Voodoo Child on handicap. However, Voodoo Child did manage line
honours over the whole fleet in both races with some impressive bursts of
speed on the Saturday race.
Sponsors for the weekend regatta were again Gulf Charters
Thailand which also provides charter yachts to people in the area who may
wish to race in the monthly series. There will be one more regatta at the
Ocean Marina, before the Kingdom embarks on an extremely busy year-end
plethora of yacht racing events.
In fact, just last weekend, champion Platu sailor Morton
Jakobsen, ‘down-sized’ to a Laser and won the GMTEE-sponsored 2005
Thailand Laser National Championships. Starting this weekend and continuing
through next week is the Asian Optimist Championships, featuring some 100
children (under 16-year-olds) from 14 Asia-Pacific countries: a huge event
for Pattaya’s Royal Varuna Yacht Club. Later in November Raimon Land comes
forward again, this time to sponsor one of the Royal Varuna’s classic
events, the Varuna Cup.
In December, to celebrate HM the King’s 78th birthday,
the 19th sailing of the world-acclaimed Phuket King’s Cup Regatta will be
held and it too, is shaping up to be a great week of sailing. Again, Raimon
Land have taken over as principal sponsors for 2005 and through the next
three years.
It is ‘All Go’ for the marine tourism industry.
Any visiting yachtsmen or those living in the Kingdom, who may be
interested in crewing at the Ocean Marina series, should contact Bill
Gasson, [email protected]. For Gulf Charters, all enquiries should be
forwarded to phil
The Square Ring
by Howie Reed
Last Sunday the top level of Thailand’s boxers were on
display at the Diamond Desert Casino, Tucson, Arizona USA in four world title
bouts for the World Boxing Organization. The frosting on the cake was the Boxing
World Cup that would be awarded to the country with the most wins. It was
Thailand against Mexico, ‘Mano e Mano’. Going in, the “betting agents”
had the lads from the Kingdom favored in only one contest. Veteran, Ratananchai
Sor Vorapin (65-8) was favored slightly to retain his WBO Bantam title against
Jhonny Gonzalez (30-4). T’was not to be; Vorapin probably took the first round
but starting in the second, Gonzales finally showed the ability that many have
seen in him for years. He dropped the champ twice in the second, once in the 6th
and then was all over Vorapin like a service girl at closing time, forcing Las
Vegas Referee Robert Byrd to stop the fight at 22 second of the 7th..
If the only Thai favorite got beat what chance did the guys
from the Land of Smiles have? Well, as it turned out ‘slim and none’. Sod
Looknongyangtoy (25-1) looked like a possibility when he dropped Daniel Ponce De
Leon (27-1) in the second but couldn’t capitalize. He was out worked from that
point on so didn’t get to claim the vacant jr. Bantam title. Kaicho Sor
Vorapin (17-7) fought WBO jr flyweight champion Hugo Cazarez (22-3-1) on even
terms until the 6th when he landed a crushing right hook that sent the champ to
the canvas. Moving in for the kill, Vorapin walked into a short left that
knocked him first over backwards, then on all fours as he tried to beat the
count and finally flat on his back in the Land of Nod. Vorapin went from
penthouse to outhouse in the spell of 10 seconds, sent there by a short left.
By far the best fight of the evening before a packed venue of
liquored up Mexicans was between WBO super flyweight champion, Fernando Montiel
(32-1-1) and Pramuansak Posuwan (29-1-1). Both Thailand and Mexican fighters are
known for their great hearts. This one displayed the best from both countries.
It was a Pier 9 Brawl with no knockdowns but plenty of action with both fighters
sustaining ‘serious damage’ and Posuwan’s right eye was grossly swollen at
the end. The judges had it for Montiel 114-112, 114-112, 115-112 to complete the
sweep for Mexico of the four title bouts. The night proved that if Thailand is
going to compete on the international stage, they are going to have to step up
to the plate. To be successful at this level, it is no longer possible to fight
only at home and only against ‘selected’ opponents whose main purpose is
building a winning record. To be the best, you have to fight the best. Mexico
wins the first World Cup of Boxing. Knowing them it will probably be coming to a
Taco Bell near to you.
His many fans have waited for some time for the “Tuaman”
to take the second step in his comeback? As you read here, Tua(43-3) would face
Cisse Salif (17-4-2): “Each combatant exchanged hard shots round after round
but the battle wasn’t the war that the public had anticipated until the
end.” The 10th round was a little ‘old time’ Tua with the shorter fighter
winging punches meant not to set something up but to end it all. Salif, who had
suffered only one KO, hung on to be on the short end of a split decision. The
judges’ scoring was somewhat strange for lack of any consensus. Two had it for
96-94, 98-92 while a lone judge saw it for Salif 96-94.
“This was a good win for me,” said Tua who had been
training in the United States for the past nine weeks. “I knew he was going to
be a tough opponent. I could have chosen an easier route. I didn’t have to
take this fight.”
Actually he did have to take the fight. He doesn’t have a
lot of time to prove that he’s not so much back but that he has improved his
boxing skill to handle heavyweights that can move. That decision is still in
play. Next up for Tua in January is Calvin Brock (27-0) provided the latter gets
passed David Bostice on November 19th. Brock should have little trouble with
Bostice as his last two wins came against boxers with combined records of
Well they’re ice skating in hell, true love flourishes long
after the baht, hair and waste line have gone and “no problem” actually
means “no problem”. Lady’s boxing, aka ‘Chick fights’, are coming to
the Land of Smiles. Next Monday, at the Central Prison of Pathumthani Province,
108lb Carina Moreno (7-0) of Watsonville, California will fight Thai Inmate
Nongmai Sor Siriporn for the WBCF 105 pound world title. Little is known about
Siriporn except that she’s soon to be released from the Gray Bar Inn and she
won a Bronze Medal at the Thai Prison Games. Those games had to eliminate the
pole vault event rather quickly after two contests cleared not only the minimum
height but also the wall and the moat and are now driving baht cabs in Pattaya.
There will be eight other female bouts all involving prisoners.
The top of the card is headlined by a male fight this time.
Sirimongkol Singwancha (50-2) is in a tune-up for a WBC lightweight title shot
that will never come. Never come? Nope, Diego Corrales is the champ and won’t
travel to Thailand ‘cause he doesn’t have to. Singwancha won’t travel to
the USA ‘cause the fight won’t sell tickets. So Singwancha fights a tune-up
for a fight that won’t happen against a Chinese boxer maybe named Sieo
Lee Fu with no official record. Bring on the chicks. How
about topless/walking to music/chick boxing?
There are a couple of fights on Sunday that will answer a
numbers of questions. At Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Jeff Lacy (20-0) gets his sternest
test yet when he goes up against “pro” Scott Pemberton (29-2-1). This was
supposed to be the date for Calzaghe-Lacy but Joe injured his hand with a
meaningless tune-up. When you’re 40-0, as Calzaghe is, a ‘tune up-fight’
is like a 1,000 miles check-up on a Mercedes-Benz. For those of you that have
started the weekend ‘attitude adjustment period’ a little early, that means
that a tune-up for Calzaghe is a waste of time.
At Braehead Arena in Glasgow, Scott Harrison (24-2-2) tries
once more to prove that he should be considered the best in the world. I don’t
like his chances, not so much for the opposition, Nedal Hussien (39-2) but
because he’s not done much lately. He’s still the WBO feather Champ which
confirms the previous sentence. Hussein looked less than formidable when last
seen losing to Oscar Larios in Vegas. He got blown out. My favorite judge had it
118-110 and the poster boy for better-seeing eye dogs even had it 119-110 for
Larios. That’s a blow out. Hussein is wary about the judging that comes out of
Glasgow when Harrison fights; he should be! On the under-card is British Olympic
hero (he lost), Amir Khan in his third pro-fight.
Last Friday WBC #3 straw, Oleydong Sithsamerchai (18-0, 8
KOs) ‘impressively
retained’ a string of useless titles with a 6th round KO of
Angelito “Lito” Sisnorio (3-1). The champ had the visitor down in the second
then closed the show at 1:08 of the 6th. Also at the Chokchai 4 Market Center in
Bangkok, former WBC fly king, Chatchai Sasakul (52-2, 33 KOs) tossed a shutout
80-73 unanimous decision against Nathan Barcelona (25-42). The visitor from the
Philippines is 3-17 in his last 20. Now if I managed a former champ and I had to
fight a guy that was 3-17 in his last 20, the last thing I’d do is make it
public. Drive a man to drink? “Yes Jeeves, pull over here,the Twilight Zone.
H’mmm, looks like a likely establishment for a few liquid refreshments.”