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Skål International World President visits Pattaya

Safe, sound and on the ground – flying a first solo in Thailand

Skål International World President visits Pattaya

President Jan Sunde and International Coucillor Andrew Wood are welcomed to the Royal Wing by Panga Vathanakul and Marcel Sawyere.

Dr. Iain Corness
As a fore-runner to the Skål International World Congress, which will be held here in October, the world president, Jan Sunde of Norway, paid a fleeting visit to familiarize himself with Pattaya and what it offers the international tourists.

Michael Swart and Jan Sunde enjoy the view from one of the Royal Cliff suites.
He came across as a most up-beat personality, and when asked if he felt that the London Heathrow terrorists and Lebanon situations would see extreme repercussions for the tourism and hospitality industry replied that he was sure there would not. He cited the fact that the tourism industry had gone through the first Gulf War, SARS, the tsunami and Bird Flu, and yet tourist numbers continued to rise. There would obviously be a decline in tourist arrivals in the Middle East, but did not believe that there would be any negative effects seen in SE Asia.
Although Skål International is an apolitical and non-sectarian organization, he did feel that as tourism was one of the largest industries in the world (as was ‘weapons’), perhaps it was time to make a statement regarding terrorism and the organization’s outright rejection of terrorist methods. With a growing groundswell of anti-terrorist sentiment, he is probably correct in showing the organization’s stance in this regard.
He was also full of praise for the facilities in Pattaya, and stated that the ‘early bird’ bookings of 380 people for the Skål International congress was an indication of the interest in our resort city. Usually, there is nowhere near that number two months prior to a congress, he said.
He reiterated the fact that it was four years ago when the world congress in Cairns, Australia gave Pattaya the nod for the 2006 congress, over the bid put in by London. He firmly believes that it will be a benefit to the region, and even Thailand as a total destination. President Jan Sunde also said that when he returns for the World Congress in October, he will use the times before and after the congress to experience more of Thailand, so he can advise potential tourists from Norway first-hand.

Jan Sunde was most impressed by the quality of the accommodations at the Hard Rock Hotel too.

The dynamic duo, Professional Congress Organisers, Joan (standing) and Kate Sarasin have this world event in the palm of their hands.

Andrew Wood discusses health matters with Kamjorn Suriyasin of the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

Michael Swart revels over his magnificent cake as the ladies sang Happy Birthday.

Andrew Wood in an in-depth interview with Paul Strachan of PMTV.

Jan Sunde, Chanyuth Hengtrakul, Mayor Niran Wattanasartsathorn, Andrew Khoo, Andrew Wood and Peter Malhotra were all optimistic about the World Congress’s positive impact on Pattaya tourism.

(l-r) Ingo Raeuber, Neil Maniquez, Nittaya Patimasongkroh, Komson Srisam, Pascal Schnyder and Roger Soland were also in attendance.

Mayor Niran Wattanasartsathorn with members of the private and public sector at the Hard Rock Hotel reception.

(l-r) Malai Sakolvipak, Roslyn Khoo, Vathanai Vathanakul, Andrew Khoo, Rewat Phonlookin, Pres. Jan Sunde, Mayor Niran, Panga Vathanakul, Chanyuth Hengtrakul, Verawat Khakhay and Paisan Bundityanond.

President Jan Sunde enjoys an informal evening with the Congress Organising Committee.

President Jan Sunde in an exclusive interview with Dr. Iain Corness for Pattaya Mail on TV (PMTV)

Skålleagues & guests enjoyed a brilliant evening in the Hall of Fame of the Hard Rock Hotel.

Safe, sound and on the ground – flying a first solo in Thailand

David Tuck
I’m just levelling the aircraft out of a climbing turn from crosswind to downwind at the pattern altitude of 800 feet, preparing for another ‘touch and go’ at Sriracha airfield when, without ceremony, we lose engine power. Emergency procedures that have been practiced many, many times come into play: maintain aircraft control, analyse the situation, act accordingly.

The Eagle 150 cockpit is comfortable and well equipped. Unusually for a trainer, a central joystick replaces the more common dual control wheels.
The prop’s still turning and there’s no obvious sign of any serious mechanical failure. Could be a fuel problem. Check the fuel pressure gauge … emergency fuel boost pump on … check mixture rich, fuel quantity and main fuel valve on … no change. While doing these checks I pitch the nose down and trim for a constant speed descent at the recommended dead engine flaps-up speed of 80 knots.
We’re too low and slow to make it back to the runway, that’s for sure. But immediately to our right is a large area of open fields - no power lines, not too many trees, no houses. I know from experience of the aircraft I’m flying, an Eagle 150B, that we’ve got just enough height for a 180-degree turn without engine power. I’m also looking for a turn because the 10-knot plus headwind we had on take-off is currently helping to push us along. When you’re landing without an engine, however, you want a wind like that coming towards you, slowing you down.

An Eagle 150B on final approach into Bang Phra.

Less than 30 seconds later, turn pretty much complete, some flap coming in to give a little more lift while bleeding off a little airspeed, a couple of hundred feet now from the ground, its clear we’re going to make the chosen landing site with room to spare. Time for full flap … slow the aircraft some more … airspeed coming down to 65 knots and rate of descent also slowing … and that’s when Captain Piya tells me to go to full power and take us back to pattern altitude.
Thankfully it was only a SFL - a simulated forced landing - one of several that Captain Piya had thrown my way during the flight.
I always try and do my best but today, however, I’m really going the extra mile, because depending on how Captain Piya feels about my flying, I may just be looking to do my first-ever solo flight. To do that, though, Captain Piya, who’s the CFI (Chief Flying Instructor) at the Thai Flying Club (TFC) based at Bang Phra near Chonburi, needs to be confident that I’m not going to break either myself or the club’s aeroplane.
So now we’re back in the pattern, calling Sriracha for clearance to land. “Make it a full stop and then let’s talk about things,” says Captain Piya. At this point I’m still 50:50 as to whether I’m going to get the green light for a solo. I feel confident, but the wind is an issue.

The friendly and helpful TFC staff and instructors make learning to fly at Bang Phra all the more enjoyable.

Safely back on the ground, engine shut down, I follow Captain Piya to the ‘control tower’ at Sriracha. It’s actually just an airconditioned office on the ground floor, but note the airconditioning. Bubble canopies in Thailand, midday, are, to say the least, hot.
We review a number of procedures and then I hear the words that I’ve been waiting for since I started my flight training on the Eagle two and a half months ago. “Okay, you’re going to do your solo now, if you feel comfortable”. I say that I am, and Captain Piya tells me to head back to the plane when I’m ready. “I want you to take off and fly the circuit, but abort your approach on final before touch down. Go around and then make another circuit for a full stop landing. If you don’t feel comfortable on that pass, go round again. If you feel comfortable, then you’re okay to leave the pattern and fly for 10 minutes or so to get more familiar with how the plane flies when it’s lighter. Just stay above fifteen hundred feet.”
When you’ve only got time to fly at the weekend, it seems to take forever to develop the skills and experience needed for the solo, but here I am, Saturday 5th August, two days past my 40th birthday, getting ready to do something that I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid.
I walk out to the Eagle, which is baking gently in the midday sun. Lucky I’m an Englishman, then.
Preflight walkaround and other checks completed, I strap myself in and pull the four-point harness tight. The cockpit, which usually feels a bit cramped, actually seems spacious when you’re the only occupant. I busy myself with the next series of items on the checklist and start the engine. Everything looking good so far: oil pressure’s up, fuel pressure’s good, engine’s ticking over nicely at 1200 RPM. Signal the ground crew guy to pull the wheel chocks and we’re ready to go.
“Sriracha Tower, Eagle Zero One requesting taxi clearance.”
“Zero One, cleared for taxi, Runway 23, wind 240 six knots.”
“Six knots?” I think to myself, as I glance at the wind sock, which looks to me pretty much like it’s sticking straight out. Hmm. Reckon it’s more like ten plus.
I release the parking brake and the Eagle starts rolling immediately. This is a very light aeroplane. Australian-designed but built in Malaysia, at its maximum all-up weight the Eagle 150B weighs a tad under 650 kilos. With no-one in the right-hand seat, a half-load of fuel and no baggage stowed, we’re at least 100 kilos lighter than that. The Eagle is also almost wholly made of composites, and has an unusual design that features a sizeable front canard – basically an additional wing – to give excellent lifting and stall characteristics. Matched to a 125 horsepower engine, this is an aircraft that doesn’t hang around, happy to cruise at 110 knots or so.
Before switching to the Eagle I had some time in the TFC’s elderly Cessna 150’s, a basic trainer familiar to students at flight schools the world over. Compared to the Eagle 150 is a bit like comparing the latest Honda Civic to a 1980’s Toyota Corona. They’ll both do the job, but it’s going to be a lot easier and more comfortable in the modern vehicle.
Apart from its looks and construction, the Eagle is also different from most other trainers in that it features a single central joystick control instead of dual control wheels, and the throttle is built into the cockpit sidewall. In that sense the cockpit orientation is a bit like a fighter. That’s part of the reason why I think the instructors at TFC like the plane.
The instructors, Captain Piya (nickname ‘Peewee’), Commander Paiboon (‘Speedy’) and Commander Pongthep (‘Bubba’), have day jobs as Sea Harrier pilots in the Royal Thai Navy. They all trained in the US, speak great English and seem to know pretty much everything there is to know about flying. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who can land on a carrier, at night, in a pitching sea deserves some respect.
The training and procedures that my instructor, Bubba, has patiently worked at over and over again over the past couple of months all comes into play as I taxi down the runway at Sriracha and line up for take off.
I run through the pre-take off checks one by one and then it’s time to go.
“Sriracha Tower, Eagle Zero One ready for take off.”
“Zero One, cleared for take off, report turning downwind and good luck.”
I scan the instruments one last time - everything looks good to go - feed in a little power to get the Eagle rolling and then advance to full throttle. The aircraft leaps forward and within what feels like a matter of seconds is approaching the rotation speed of 59 knots. I pull back on the joystick and we’re airborne. With the headwind and the reduced weight the Eagle is climbing fast. Through 300 feet, retract the take-off flaps, and trim for climb at 85 knots.
The rest of the flight passes uneventfully. I make my first circuit and execute a missed approach as instructed. Then I turn out of the downwind leg on the next pass, climb to fifteen hundred feet, and spend the next 15 minutes simply enjoying the fact that I’m flying an aeroplane by myself.
I wasn’t sure how I’d feel before I did the solo. Excited, nervous, satisfied, terrified?
Truth of the matter is that I feel serenely comfortable. It all feels somehow natural. The hours of training, of doing the same things over and over again, let you tell the aeroplane what you want it to do, rather than having it do things that you don’t want. It’s all a far cry from the first flights when simply trying to keep the plane straight and level was hard work, and trying to fly a coordinated landing approach seemed to be in the realms of impossibility. Now, however, flying an approach presents an opportunity to get it just right, touching down smoothly on the runway centre line just where you want, with the persistent “eeeeeee” of the stall warning sounding in your headset just as the main gear touches the tarmac.
Back on the ground in Sriracha, I pay the 100 baht landing fee, wait for Captain Piya to climb back into the right-hand seat, and head back to the TFC home field at Bang Phra.
Sriracha is used for much of the initial flight training, and for first solo flights, because, unlike Bang Phra, it doesn’t have hills at one end of the runway and high tension wires at the other. To be honest, though, I quite like the hills at Bang Phra; they make it very clear where you want to be on the base and final legs of the approach!
Back at Bang Phra and it’s time for the traditional ceremony that marks a student pilot’s first solo. I knew that my shirt would have a big chunk cut out of it, on which the date of the event and other key details would get written, so I thought I’d been pretty smart in bringing along an old shirt. I hadn’t figured on the water … first the stuff with the ice cubes, and then the hosepipe. One by one the instructors poured icy water over me, followed by the stalwart ground crew and mechanics, the TFC staff (thanks Khun Worawoot and Khun Add), and the husband and wife team of TFC Secretary Khun Lek and Dr Nuni, the Ground School Director, both extremely accomplished fixed and rotary wing pilots and ever helpful to the students.
So now it’s time to move onto the next phase of training, which emphasizes cross-country flight. What have I spent so far? Adding it all up - the mandatory ground school, annual TFC membership dues, the annual medical, petrol for the drive to and from Bangkok, and of course the cost of the aircraft and instructor (which is a shade under 6,000 baht an hour) - I reckon I’ve spent around 175,000 baht so far. How much more is it going to cost to get my licence? Probably the same again. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s worth every baht.
For more information on the Thai Flying Club, the best source is the club’s very informative web site at www.thaiflyingclub.com, or call the club direct on 0 1996 2957 or 038 777 348.