Money matters:
Graham Macdonald MBMG International Ltd.
Travel Insurance
With the holiday season almost upon us, several clients have
asked what I think about travel insurance. To cut a long story short, it is a
must. For the sake of a few shekels (or whatever), it can save you untold misery
and expense.
GBP39 billion - that’s the value of Britain’s walking wealth. New research from
Zurich Insurance reveals that on a typical day, the average Briton has an
‘on-the street’ value of £851 - the total worth of the clothes and jewellery we
wear, the gadgets that we carry and the other possessions we take with us when
we’re out and about. And, it is the women that are bathed in the most riches,
with a price tag of £904 compared to men, with just £725. Professionals aged
over 35, however, have the highest average ‘worth’ of £991, because of the
designer watches, mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and MP3 players they carry around
with them, ramping up their worth.
However, the average man (and woman) on the street is also walking around
wearing and carrying expensive goods. More than one in 10 (12 percent) wear a
designer watch, and a similar number (8 percent) carry a laptop. One in six (13
percent) have an iPod or MP3 player on them most days, and the majority of us
carry around a mobile phone - 84 percent. But being kitted out with the latest
gadgets could spell disaster. The Home Office’s British Crime Survey 2006
concluded that the rise in people carrying mobile phones and MP3 players was to
blame for an eight percent increase in street robberies and muggings last year.
If it is happening in the UK then it will be elsewhere.
New research from Halifax Travel Insurance shows that 7.2 million Brits have had
over £2.7 billion worth of items stolen while holidaying abroad in the past five
years. Worryingly, more than half, £1.5 billion worth of the items, could not be
claimed for, as the victim either had insufficient travel insurance cover or did
not have a policy at all. Apart from the trauma involved - it takes an average
of 2.25 days to resolve a crime from start to finish - the financial
implications are also significant with the average loss totalling £375 per
incident. Halifax’s research also reveals that despite the sizeable average
value of items stolen abroad, one in four (25%) victims did not bother reporting
the incident to foreign police. And whilst 80% of holidaymakers say they are
aware that a crime number or report is required to validate any theft claim, 3.5
million holiday theft victims (35%) still failed to obtain a crime number from
the foreign authorities. 2.5 million Brits (20%) claim they are oblivious to
this requirement. Of those that did report the crime to the police, nearly half
(44%) of Brits found them to be unhelpful.
The majority (32%) of holiday theft incidents take place from inside the
victim’s accommodation; 13% of incidents occur on the street and a further 13%
whilst the victim is relaxing by the pool or on the beach. Horrifically 1.4
million (11%) of travellers said their goods had been forcibly taken from their
person as they’d fallen victim to a mugging.
The majority (48%) of holiday thefts take place in Southern Europe; 18% occur in
Western Europe and 9% in Eastern Europe; Africa (7%) and Asia (6%) complete the
top five. Interestingly, Northern America only accounts for 5% and Northern
Europe 1%. Money is the most common item to be stolen abroad followed by cameras
and video equipment. Next comes clothes, jewellery and credit/debit cards and
mobile phones.
Travel insurance is a must and can be arranged on a single, multi-trip or annual
basis and should always include medical coverage unless it is already a
supplement to an existing healthcare plan such as that provided by William
Russell, JBI or BUPA, etc.
In general, Thailand is a safer place to be than most places in the West. Crimes
against tourists are relatively rare and minor, but like anywhere in the world
crime is present and sometimes tourists in Thailand are victims of crime. There
are certain areas that tourists should avoid when visiting Thailand:
Separatist rebels who desire a Muslim state in the south are, allegedly, behind
a spate of bombings in the Narathiwat, Pattani, Songkhla and Yala provinces.
Also, Thailand’s borders with both Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma) contain a
volatile mixture of land mines, bandits, smugglers and rebels. Several embassies
and consulates have issued warnings stating that travel in these areas should be
approached with caution.
Bangkok, on the other hand, as long as the traveller observes the same
commonsense precautions he would in any of the world’s big cities, is probably
as safe as any big city gets. Tourists often remark that they feel perfectly
safe walking around Bangkok, even in the early hours of the morning.
There are plenty of western conmen in Thailand who prey on tourists in order
stay on living here. Many have taken to the busy tourist areas with a myriad of
sob stories designed to lighten the weight of your wallet. Don’t be too
compassionate when approached by someone with a story similar to: “Excuse me,
mate... I was wondering if you could help me? I’ve just been robbed and I need
to borrow 100 baht to make a phone call back to the U.K.” Over the years, crimes
committed by westerners on westerners range from glorified begging - like the
example above - to muggings, rape and murder.
Bangkok is overrun with taxis, and whilst most Bangkok taxi drivers are honest,
there are others who are not. When attempting to catch a taxi at the airport,
travellers should avoid unlicensed taxis and only enter taxis from the airport’s
official taxi stand or go to the airport limousine counter and hire a car and
driver there. Unlicensed taxis and minibuses often overcharge tourists for
airport transfers and there have been several incidents over the years of
unlicensed taxi drivers robbing, assaulting, and murdering their passengers.
Before signing on the dotted line always make sure you check:
- The small print
- Confirm you are covered in all areas of the world
- Sports injuries are included
Now, you can really enjoy your holiday!
The above data and research was compiled from sources believed to be
reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its officers can accept
any liability for any errors or omissions in the above article nor bear any
responsibility for any losses achieved as a result of any actions taken or not
taken as a consequence of reading the above article. For more information please
contact Graham Macdonald on [email protected]
Snap Shots:
by Harry Flashman
Camera Care
where do you go to get a camera repaired in this country? Let me
tell you right off, that if it is an electronic and or digital
that is out of warranty, it is probably better to buy a new one!
Sad, but true, I am afraid. We are in the age of disposable
Another sad but true is the fact that eventually all mechanical
things must fail, yet we expect our expensive cameras to last
forever. This represents a double standard worse than double
pricing, because we are fooling ourselves in this matter.
OK, how do you look after your expensive investment? The first
thing to remember is that cameras are very delicate pieces of
equipment. They have lots of moving parts (shutters, apertures,
film transport/wind on, LEDs, and a whole farmyard full of
pixels, etc.) plus expensive optical glass in the lenses, mirror
system and viewfinder, let alone all the fancy electronics,
batteries and such. The humble camera is not so humble these
Let’s start with the outside and clean it. Do not get the
kitchen universal “Spray ‘n Wipe” all purpose cleaner and spray
liberally. The family that sprays together doesn’t always stay
together. With a clean soft brush (like a child’s water colour
paint brush, or a lady’s make-up brush) gently wipe the nooks
and crannies on the surface. Round the eye piece and all the
little edges, and under the knobs. Now dampen a cloth with plain
water and gently rub it all over the exterior of the camera
body. By now, the camera should be looking like new again – but
we’ve hardly started!
The next item to deal with is the lens. Unscrew the lens and put
the camera body aside somewhere safe. With your soft brush
gently dislodge any dirt and dust from the lens barrel. What is
really good here is one of the soft blower brushes available in
most camera shops for around 180 - 300 baht, depending on fancy
packaging and a little bottle of cleaner. Go for the brush only
type - do not use commercial camera cleaning fluid anywhere near
your camera! Blow brush the lens elements as well (front and
Now with a very clean damp cloth gently clean both the front and
rear surfaces of the lens. Use a spiral motion to clean from the
center to the edges. Use a fresh piece of the cloth and give it
one last swipe. Put the cleaned lens aside safely.
Now let’s turn our attention to the camera body. This is where
you have to put in the majority of your time, and the ultimate
care and attention. There are certain things you must never do.
Let’s look and note these first. You must NEVER touch the mirror
or the focussing screen with your fingers. Even to change the
focussing screen, you will be supplied with special tweezers by
the manufacturer.
The other part of the camera that should never be touched with
your fingers is the shutter. This is a very delicate part of the
workings and can be bent or twisted very easily. The other DO
NOT is oiling or spraying with CRC or other similar lubricating
fluids. Leave lubrication to the manufacturers agents or camera
repair shop only.
Now open up the back of the camera and clean the internals with
the blower brush again, taking particular care with the channels
where the back fits in as it closes. You are quite likely to
find small particles of dust and dirt in the cassette holder
area, as this is the part you open up every time you change
film. The pressure plate inside the back has to be completely
clean too, because the film emulsion runs across it. Any dirt or
grit there will leave a scratch on the negatives.
The last area to check is the battery compartment. Again, a
quick brush and blow should be enough. Do not use the damp cloth
in here. Finally, if you don’t know how old the battery is –
then change it for a new one.
Thanks to my photographic friend Ernie, I can also give you the
name of what I believe to be an honest repair shop in Bangkok.
It is TK Camera Repair, 164/1 Sukhumvit Road 8, and is directly
at the Nana BTS station on the left side of Sukhumvit inbound.
The manager’s name is Oddy.
Modern Medicine:
by Dr. Iain Corness, Consultant
DNR – is it the end?
A few years ago, a consultant in a hospital in the UK was
reported to have hung a sign over a patient’s bed that had only three
letters – DNR. Turned out that they stood for “Do Not Resuscitate”! Needless
to say there was a great furor over this, with much heated argument on all
There were those who looked at the resuscitation matter as a bean-counter
would. If the patient was not a member of the working community generating
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) then this patient was a drain upon community
resources. What was to be gained by resuscitating such people? This approach
always amazed me, to be quite frank. Do bean-counters not have mothers and
Then there were those who would claim that all human life is sacred and
everything possible must be done to keep the patient alive, no matter how
courageous those procedures would be. And no matter what the patient would
go through as a result of all this. Quality of Life was not under
consideration for this group.
Eventually some reason returned to the emotive debate and it was decided
that the only ethically correct way was for the treating physician to
discuss all the options with the patient, and let the patient decide whether
or not he or she actually wanted to be resuscitated.
However, there would still be the vexed question as to what happens when the
patient is incapable of making such informed decisions through conditions
such as Dementia, for example.
Further ethical argument and discussion ensued, and it is the consensus
these days that ‘resuscitation’ only refers to Cardio-Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR). In other words, the resuscitation that would be done
following a cardio-pulmonary arrest. The question of DNR did not refer to
other treatments such as antibiotics, transfusions, dialysis, ventilator
support or even care in an ICU.
This to me looks like a reasoned approach and the American Medical
Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs issued an eight point
guideline to be used. The first is the most important, and the rest hinge
upon that. Point 1 stated that “Efforts should be made to resuscitate
patients who suffer cardiac or respiratory arrest, except when CPR would be
futile, or not in accordance with the desires or best interests of the
The efforts would be considered futile if they could not be expected to
restore cardiac or respiratory function. This is the situation where you
already have a seriously ill and dying patient, and even if you could get
the heart started again, the damage to the heart would be such that the
patient would become a coronary ‘cripple’, on top of all his or her other
problems. And that gets us back to the Quality of Life.
In my mind, unless we (as treating physicians) can offer the patient a
better quality of life, are we treating the patient ethically by embarking
on a course of treatment or therapy that leaves the patient with a poorer
quality of life?
I had a friend who developed stomach cancer. By the time he consulted a
doctor after months of symptoms, it was really too late. He had been
continuing to work in his small business, but he could continue to function.
Unfortunately, he consulted a surgeon who could only see the fact that the
man had stomach cancer and he operated. The operation was hazardous, the
cancer could not be totally excised, he never recovered and spent his last
three months in hospital with tubes out of every orifice, begging to die.
As medical practitioners we must never forget the Quality of Life, and as
patients you owe it to yourselves to always inquire as to what the Quality
of Life will be after any proposed course of action. It may be the most
important decision you will ever make.
Heart to Heart with Hillary
Dear Hillary,
A couple passed through our lives, and my wife noted with alarm the total
lack of even basic understanding between them. Recently joined, they had
come together through the usual (for here) contractual arrangement - which
they both understood and agreed to. But that was the end of it. She had no
understanding of who he was, what he did for a living, etc., etc. She spoke
no English at all, he no Thai. My wife was perplexed. How could they
possibly stay together?
First I recalled that one of the most thrilling moments of my life was the
first time I made love to a girl I couldn’t talk to. As a budding
intellectual, I had found it impossible to enter any relationship without a
great deal of soul searching discussion - which consistently squelched the
fires below and stopped any further progress.
And then by extension I hypothesized that perhaps, if you could somehow
magically endow all the ladies in Pattaya with a perfect command of the
English language, perhaps many of the Thai/farang encounters here would
never develop into relationships, and Pattaya’s (Thailand’s?) economy would
be significantly different.
Your comments?
Dear JC,
Aren’t you the contentious one! Firstly let me deal with your “most
thrilling moments of my life was the first time I made love to a girl I
couldn’t talk to.” This made me wonder just what it was that you were
expecting from the deep and meaningless encounter? Germaine Greer referred
to events such as this as the “zipless four letter word meaning intercourse
and starting with F”. So what did you get? Personal gratification that was
slightly warmer than handing yourself the solution, if you get my drift.
Your problems, where you felt you should have, and needed, a deep and
meaningful relationship which “consistently squelched the fires below and
stopped any further progress” to me smacks of repressed Calvinism, with all
the self-recriminations that went with attempting normal relationships with
the opposite sex. The parental tapes that said that sex was somehow bad were
coming forward, and to overcome this, you had to put “meaning” into it.
Forget simple lust. That was too much!
Now as to the hypothetical situation of all the ladies in Pattaya having
perfect English understanding and expression, and whether this would stifle
relationships - no, Petal, I think it would lead to even more spurious
relationships. The belles of the bounteous beer bars would be even more
skilful at extracting money for houses, gold chains and motorcycles if they
knew the right words to use, as well as the right buttons to push! But I do
agree that yes, the economy would be significantly different. It would move
even further upwards!
Dear Hillary,
I have been trying to take your advice and look for female company away from
the bar scene, as I know how shallow and grasping those women can be. So far
all this has done is give me extreme frustration as I don’t know how to
approach your good girls. For example, there is one girl in a display area
in the Royal Garden who always smiles at me when I walk past, but by the
time I have got up enough courage to talk to her (and I’ve heard her speak
English, so that shouldn’t be a worry) there’s customers there and I’m too
embarrassed to just hang around. Then when I decide to march right up to her
the next day I find that her display has moved, and I have to wait for a few
days until she is back. Don’t tell me to pretend to be a customer, because
she sells shawls and stuff like that that I’d never need. I get so depressed
that I go back to the beer bar, but the senseless chatter from the birds
there is also depressing. What do I do now, wise one. (Bubbly and chocs if
it works!)
Dear Jeff,
What is wrong with the young men of today? If you are embarrassed about
pretending to be a customer, don’t be! All you have to do is really become a
customer! Just because she sells shawls doesn’t mean that you can’t be
buying one for your aunt, or mother, my shrinking Petal. So next time you
see her in the shopping center, go right up like any other customer would,
and ask the price of her shawls. You don’t have to buy that day, now do you.
You can ask if she is in the center all that week. You can ask does she get
any time for a break, maybe she might like a cup of coffee? She will soon
tell you if she is willing to entertain the idea of being entertained. Do
that a few times and you will see if the attraction you have for her is more
than just physical, and whether she is interested too. Relax! Even if she
isn’t interested, it is not the end of the world, and you just got some
practice at talking to a woman not from the bars. After all that good
advice, please leave the champers and chocolates with my secretary on the
way out! Best of luck!
Language Matters : by Peter McKenzie-Brown
The price of a poor career choice
The problem with choosing a career is the same problem one has when first
choosing who to have relationships with. Both choices come at an age where
one lacks knowledge and experience and are prone to making big errors of
judgment. If one wishes to enroll at a college/university for the year after
high school graduation, then the decision of which college /university must
be made before Christmas of your Senior year. Working backwards much thought
and careful planning must have taken place in grade 11 to enable educated
choices to be made. This means important life changing decisions are made at
16 years of age.
Hartmann is Career Counsellor at Prem Tinsulanonda International School
Chiang Mai. He was a regular contributor to the Chiangmai Mail.
The other more important decision of what subject or career to major in
needs the most careful consideration particularly if one goes to the UK or
Australia. At least with the USA system, one has a year of generic subjects
before having to choose a major. However, top students doing the IB Diploma,
AP subjects or Higher A levels can gain advanced standing and miss a large
part of the first year in the USA. Decisions are so important yet the
reality is many students just don’t know what to do.
Parents can play a critical role here. Typically parents will want their
son/daughter to study a prestigious course from their life-experience like
Medicine, Law or Engineering. They will not know about the bright new
careers spawned by new technology. An animation artist, a web designer or a
human resources specialist would mean very little to many parents unless
they are in a new field. Yet the way work is changing suggests that many of
the jobs the children of today will do will be like these new careers.
Nearly all the growth in the job market is in the service industries which
require people who can communicate, are flexible and can work in a team.
What if you choose the wrong career and end up in an area you don’t like,
doing something you do not enjoy? Statistics show that this wrong choice
will be a very expensive mistake for you and your family. The personal cost
to your self-esteem and happiness will be considerable. Spending every day
employed doing something you do not like will change your personality.
Alternatively, look at the vibrancy and energy of those doing what they
love! Going to work every day is a pleasure for them. So the HUMAN Cost is
The financial cost is equally damaging. The stories I have heard of doctors
giving up in their 30’s, enrolling in art school and finally feeling
liberated are inspirational but think of the financial cost. They have paid
up to $250,000 for their medical degree. Their presence at medical school
kept someone else out who may have made an excellent doctor while meanwhile
they trained in a profession they were not suited for. The cost to the
country is enormous and must be billions of baht in wasted courses every
year. Tom Payne who is pioneering the Career Liftoff Interest Inventory in
Thailand mentions that so many Thai graduates only discover what they want
to do when they are 30. Before this they took the advice of parents and
teachers who acted with “kind hearted bias” that never explored the interest
or values of the student but concentrated purely on their academic ability.
Being a Career Counsellor at an international school I daily see students
who are confused, stressed and uncertain where to go and what to do. I
attempt in my job to help these students with aptitude tests, personality
profiling, goal setting, college/university information and finally decision
making. It is not always easy but for many students it is their first step
into the adult world of choice and self determination. In Australia they
appointed career counselors to all schools when youth unemployment reached
high levels and generally this initiative has paid off handsomely. All
students and many adults need career counseling too and thankfully there are
private organizations as well as much “do it yourself” programmes on the
internet. The one I recommend for grades 10 to 12 is which
specializes in the USA system but helps students focus career choices
Alongside getting married then, choosing your career is one of the most
important things you will ever do. You will need all the help you can get to
make a wise choice but like a marriage, it may not be perfect but if you
make the right choice for you, happiness and self fulfillment will come your
way. The country will save money and what you give back to society will be
much greater.
Learn to Live to Learn
by Andrew Watson
Webster – look it up!
Standing high above the world on a sky train platform in Bangkok,
looking down the line towards a distant, sparkling, silver dream
machine, affords the discerning traveller the luxury of a few moments of
contemplative calm. Precious moments indeed, as the hustle and hurry of
shoppers, like ants to sugar, continues unabated in the city’s labyrinth
delightful campus in Hua Hin/Cha-am
There’s a theme running through my head these days; rhetoric versus
veracity, hyperbole or authenticity? Platitude or attitude? A search for
truth, perhaps? Plus ca change! I peer at a poster promoting some kind
of ‘international education’ and I wonder, with a healthy scepticism
that only relevant experience of top and bottom can bring, whether the
institution has any idea of what ‘international education’ does or can
mean? I am eased out of my reverie by the approaching carriage, which
whisks me off effortlessly to Chitlom and a meeting with the elegant and
sartorially splendid Sanjib Subba, executive director of Webster
University in Bangkok. You might very well have heard of Webster; they
are kind of omnipresent in a subliminal way. You know you’ve heard of
them, but you’re not quite sure why.
First impressions are important. A smile can make a difference. When
you’ve been around as many schools and universities as I have, you can
sense immediately whether or not it’s a place where people are happy to
be at work. Webster has a plush, almost gentle feel about it, a soft
focus if you will, but with a hard academic edge. I was met by a
gentleman named Coke Mead, whose name alone deserves mention; two drinks
for the price of one. A happy hour indeed, for he was most attentive and
ushered me into the board room, no less, where presently I was attended
by Sanjib, a Nepalese banker who has turned his attentions, for the time
being at least, to charting Webster’s rise and extending their
occupation of our consciousness.
Sanjib has been at Webster, Thailand since they first opened a campus
here in 1999, in Cha’am, but their name stretches back ninety years to
St Louis, Missouri. It became immediately apparent that even way back
then, someone in St Louis possessed great vision of the potential needs
of transient student populations. Thirty years have already elapsed
since Webster actualized and embraced the concept of international
education. In a short space of time, Sanjib presents me with facts and
data to satiate my appetite; Webster is a private, not for profit,
multi-campus and international institution offering a wide variety of
undergraduate and graduate programs in Austria, Bermuda, China (PRC),
England, Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands and the United States of
America. Webster currently enrols more than 20,000 students worldwide
and is listed in the top 10 private universities in size. In
establishing the reality behind the rhetoric, you can’t beat data.
I was interested in understanding more about the reasons behind Webster
venturing into the wider world. Webster’s concession to jargon is “Real
Knowledge for Real World Success”. Great! But what does it mean? Sanjib
smiled knowingly, “It’s all to do with taking education to people’s
doors. We offer a technologically sound education which enables students
to share skills and technology with their communities.” Hmm. Sounds
great, again. But then again, I suppose that thirty years in the
business does mean thirty years of experience, expertise and excellence
(or they would never have survived) as pioneers in a particularly
exciting field. Conscious of their pre-eminent place in what has become
(whether you like it or not) a global marketplace, it is clear that
Webster responds to demand. “More than four hundred students from
Thailand had graduated from Webster even before we opened a campus
here,” Sanjib informs me. (I hope you can follow that.)
On the road to being convinced, I was feeling mighty reassured that
“working with the wider world” as Sanjib puts it, really is at the
centre of Webster strategy. It’s a feeling that is reinforced by a
faculty which in its recruitment and cross cultural make-up, rather
nicely reflects one of my own mantras, ‘local, regional, global’. I also
appreciate the application of a simple idea, (so often overlooked in the
sometimes parochial confines of supposedly expansive and progressive
international schooling) that if you want to teach students about the
‘real world’, you should go and fetch someone from the ‘real world’ to
teach them! Oh, how joyously simple education can sometimes seem! The
‘application of common sense,’ no less.
But there’s an important ideological bent here as well; never has the
need to incorporate and develop critical appreciation of global dynamics
into international education been so real. I pity those myopic
ignoramuses who question the educational value of bringing in experts
from fields of journalism, television, or any other walk of life for
that matter, to either deliver or at least help inform delivery, of
curricula. Ted Wragg had a name for these people from ‘outside’ who can
so obviously enrich education; ‘annotators,’ he called them. So many
teachers after all, have been institutionalized since birth. Schools are
all they have ever known, which represents a stifling and uncomfortable
paradox; ‘What should they know of schools who only schools know?’ to
paraphrase Kipling.
But there’s none of that at Webster. The artificial encumbrance of
imagined barriers between education and the world outside is rendered
irrelevant. They worked out long ago that they simply don’t exist.
Webster embraces the ‘here and the now’ of the ‘real world’. Their
worldwide faculty numbers two and a half thousand and most come from
industry. For instance, a vice president of Standard Chartered delivers
finance at Masters level. Naturally, she has a doctorate herself, but it
was once again reassuring to hear Sanjib espousing the virtues of
experience in industry alongside academic qualifications. Indeed, as you
might expect, many of Webster’s Masters students are working
professionals themselves. ‘Life-long learning,’ another cliché of
currency, at least has real resonance here.
Catering for a highly mobile student body requires belief in ideals and
the commitment to putting them into action. Then there’s the question of
quality assurance. In a truly international setting, how does Webster
maintain standards, I wonder? You’ll have to wait until next week to
find out.
Next week: The Real Deal
[email protected]