Mail Bag
HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

If you want Mekong ask for Jack

Environment suffers because of bombings

Problems with tiles at the new airport

A brutal attack in an internet cafe

Vacationing in Pattaya

If you want Mekong ask for Jack

I read with interest the challenges of those, like me, who have decided to reside in Thailand and as the baht bus debate rolls on and on, I thought I would give my tuppence worth on a slightly different commodity.
I have drank whisky (Scottish or American) all my adult life so when I came to Thailand it took some time to get a taste for the local hooch. There’s no comparison in taste; however, the price is just too good to ignore. Unfortunately the price of local whisky is certainly not reflected when you buy it in a bar where you pay slightly less than imported whisky but get a measure that in Scotland we would call ‘A Dirty Glass’.
So I revert to Jack; however, here’s the catch: in many bars you get small measure or they pour in the coke first and the whisky on top – so you think it’s a real strong one only to find 100 percent cola lurking below and to add insult to injury some bars even try and pass off Mekong as Jack but they have to give a good measure to get away with it.
So here is my solution: I like the local brands but hate getting ripped off. So I now avoid the bars that give short measures (yes guys you know who you are) and when I want Mekong, I simply ask for Jack and in return I get a proper glass of local whisky: doing my bit for the economy and raising two fingers to the unscrupulous bar owners.
Glen Livet

Environment suffers because of bombings

The bombings on New Year’s have been made a more cowardly act than most terrorist atrocities by the simple fact that nobody has claimed responsibility. Most terrorist organizations that want acknowledgement jump at the opportunity to brag about their horrendous deeds committed in pursuit of their cause. In this case, Thai society doesn’t even know who it needs to worry about.
Unlike America, Thailand has allowed whoever was responsible for the bombings to intimidate society. Sure, security has been beefed up again, as it was after September 11, the anthrax attacks, the London bombings, the Spanish train attack, etc, but what is the sense if the authorities can’t identify who caused the problem?
One thing is for sure, in the midst of increased security measures, the Thai environment stands to suffer. A lot of supermarkets, department stores and franchise convenience stores have removed rubbish bins in an effort to hinder potential bombers. Where are people supposed to dispose of their rubbish? Unfortunately because of short-sightedness, there is an upsurge in the amount of rubbish to be found on the streets. And strangely enough, there are still street-side bins at bus stops, stations beach, side resorts, etc.
As anybody who has ever watched the events on the news in the Middle East knows, people committed to a cause don’t need bins to set off bombs. Supermarkets, department stores and franchise convenience stores should not be intimidated by ‘ghost’ terrorists and they should return rubbish bins for the sake of society and the environment.
Mr. Steve Martin

Problems with tiles at the new airport

Dear Pattaya Mail;
I know there has been a lot of new airport bashing lately so let me add more fuel to the pot of potential corruption and poor workmanship. I will list the problems with the airports tile work as seen by a professional tile installer. I enjoy Thailand and I visit or pass through a Thai airport four times a year so I hope I will remain anonymous to prevent any reprisals.
While at the airport I noticed problems with the tile work.
1. The tiles had many cracks going along the entire ground including across the face of tiles, not only in the grout lines. This is a dangerous situation or to say the least a potential massive problem in the near future. It shows stress on the concrete slab below including cracking and shifting.
I noticed many replaced tiles as if this problem was an on-going repair and a cover up problem in the terminals and surrounding areas.
In similar situations when brick work cracks along its face of bricks it denotes structural problems where bricks and mortar are under pressure and stress.
2. I noticed many replaced tiles
3. I noticed that the tile gauge was thin and not the thickness that should have been installed in a major trafficked area. Especially at a major airport.
4. I noticed tiles irregularly and improperly laid, wavy denoting a concrete slab that was not level.
5. I noticed many tiles already popping up.
6. I was looking at such a tile on the floor of the only bathroom I could find that had popped off. The special mortar that is supposed to be used that contains a glue additive was unusually sandy.
Perhaps the special thinset mortar that is used in their placement of porcelain tile was inferior and a lesser grade was used. It is a difference of almost $10.00 US dollars for a 50 pound bag for the porcelain bonding tile set mortar. If a bonding thinset mortar was not used the sand should have been of a finer grade and a glue additive must be used. I saw no evidence of a polymer additive to the tile mortar.
If you think about the 10’s of millions of tiles and a million or so bags of this special glue additive mortar it adds up too an unimaginable amount of money or at the least a big mistake.
I am sure you will hear or see more of this in the future.
M.S. Alabama

A brutal attack in an internet cafe

While checking my email in Enjoy Internet shop on Wed. January 31 at about 12:45, I saw 2 internet workers attack a tourist customer. They punched him and kicked him as he was about to leave. He was told to go because he asked them to open the air conditioner, as the air was very bad and stuffy at the time.
In a case like this the police are prone to believe the Thai people; e.g. a few years ago 2 Thai men attacked a tourist in the street, and tried to rob his watch and money. He punched them in defence, and when the police arrived he was put in jail for 3 days because he attacked 2 Thai people.
In this attack on January 31, the internet worker claims the tourist customer attacked him first, which is highly unlikely, but since this is Thailand, the police believed him.
In view of this, I feel its time to make a stand against the brutal conduct of a few people, and I ask the other 9 or 10 customers in the Internet shop to go to the police station at Soi 9 to make a statement about what happened. They should get a receipt, or stamped copy from the police to confirm it’s recorded in a proper manner.
Also please contact me for further info at frankxyxy@
Frank Smyth

Vacationing in Pattaya

I recently returned to my home in Canada, from a visit to Thailand. Having visited Pattaya many times over the years I can sincerely say that these visits always give me a very warm feeling toward the citizens of Thailand. In Pattaya during this past trip, as with previous trips, I have met many friendly people who were quick to smile, joke, provide assistance when needed and make a visitor feel welcomed.
While walking along the Beach Road I was impressed with the changes that have been made to improve its appearance. Along the Beach strip the planting of trees, additional grass areas, improvements in the walkway, the statues of children playing, availability of large garbage containers to keep the area clean and progress in getting rid of the overhead wires; have all added to the improvement of the Beach area.
I am very impressed with the new ‘Pattaya City’ sign that now stands on the hillside overlooking the city. It is without a doubt, one of the more impressive signs that I have seen anywhere in the world. With its ideal location overlooking the city and water, its changing colours, the use of spot lights and the occasional display of fireworks; it truly enhances the area. Whoever conceived of having the sign in that location or came up with the unique plans in building the sign should be commended for their creative ideas.
With the presence of good, well intentioned people in Pattaya working to improve the city, I look forward to seeing further improvements to Pattaya in future years.
With respect to Suvarnabhumi Airport; it is certainly nice to have the shorter drive to Pattaya, after enduring a long trans-Pacific flight! I realize that the new Suvarnabhumi Airport has problems to deal with, as have all new airports when they first open. But past history has shown, because of the economic advantages to countries having good airports and sea ports, these problems at startup are usually corrected as soon as possible.
Having experienced many airports all over the world, it is easy to see that Suvarnabhumi Airport has the potential of being a world class airport in the future; that could challenge the airports of Hong Kong or Singapore as a vital Asian hub.
I hope that the criticisms being leveled against the Suvarnabhumi Airport help to correct flaws that are present in it. However, I also hope that the criticisms do not distract Thai people from realizing the potential economic advantages that this airport could provide to the country and future generations. This can only happen if people work together and share ideas to correct the problems.
Thank you to all the people who made my recent visit to Pattaya so pleasurable. Good luck with the future development of your city.
Dan Campbell,

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