Money matters:
Graham Macdonald MBMG International Ltd.
Doom and Gloom?
From time to time we’re accused of being too gloomy and
continuously preaching Doom and Gloom. We resent this slightly in that we try to
highlight the negative and positive aspects of
what’s happening in the world - it’s just that at the moment there’s far more
negative stuff that we feel the need to write about because the outlook for
equities is in general so rocky and equities have a disproportionate impact on
the economy and most people’s investments. If sometimes we get evangelical about
the 5 asset class message, it’s because of the fact that while some sectors are
bad, there’s always some good news somewhere. For sometime now, commodities have
been an area that have afforded opportunities. In part this is because the
supply and demand curve for many commodities has skewed the traditional
backwardation effect (the fact that in real terms commodities tend to get
cheaper over time because extraction, refining and production methods become
more efficient). It’s also a feature of the fact that as physical, deliverable
items commodities have to be traded in a way that creates massive disparities in
the market allowing for exploitation of these over and above any increase in the
price of the underlying commodity itself.
However, today we’ll just look at the first aspect - the upward pressure on
commodity prices. Jim Rogers - founder of the Rogers International Commodities
Index, co-manager of the Quantum Hedge Fund with George Soros when it was
launched in 1973 (every $1,000 invested at launch was worth $3mn by 1998, when
Rogers left to ride his motorbike around the world and set up his own commodity
funds), world expert on commodities and author of “Hot Commodities”, “The
Investment Biker” and “Adventure Capitalist”, widely regarded as one of the best
analysts and asset allocators in the World - believes that the rise of China
(all US-based analysts are still obsessed with trying to estimate the point at
which China will become the world’s number 2 economy whereas many non-US-based
analysts are looking beyond that!!) and the change in the status of the US
Dollar as a reserve currency is having a profound impact on global demand. Jim
Rogers has for some time stated that the bull market for stock and bond markets
is over and that investors should get into the long-term bull market in
commodities which will extend to 2014-2022.
Recently, he repeated these views to the Credit Suisse Asian Investment
Conference in a keynote speech yesterday. Rogers’ research indicates that the
shortest commodity bull market has lasted for 15 years while the longest was 23
years. The commodity fund index set up by Rogers on August 1, 1998 has increased
by 243% since then, whereas the S&P index over the same period has risen 43%,
with a strong negative correlation to equities - whenever commodities are in the
ascendancy stocks and bonds are in decline, and vice versa. Rogers believes that
the big bull market for bonds was in the 1980s and 1990s and peaked out in 2003
and has been treading water around the peak since then preparatory to an
impending long decline - We’re not sure how the conference will ultimately
respond to Rogers’ exhortations - “I would urge all of you to go home and sell
all your bonds. I know some of you are bond managers - I would go home and look
for another job,”.
Not that equity investors or mangers should feel any more comfortable - at least
in the West. Rogers believes that application of time tested criteria (P/e
ratios, dividend yields, price to book ratios) shows that Western stock markets
were overvalued, similar to the 1970s with big trading ranges. Stock pickers
might be able to exploit this successfully, but anyone brought upon buying and
holding is likely to be in for a prolonged period of disappointment; as Rogers
says about stockpicking “most people are not very good at this. They need to
have a secular bull market when markets are rising all the time to make a lot of
Rogers believes that commodities are neglected as an investment class, because
of a lack of information and understanding - he feels that this is reminiscent
of attitudes towards stocks and mutual funds some 30 years ago (today there are
70,000 mutual funds available to the public to invest in stocks and bonds
compared with fewer than 50 commodity funds).
Rogers then turned his attention to China and to the Greenback - changes in
global demand for commodities are taking place against a backdrop of the rise of
China and the change in the status of the US Dollar as the world’s reserve
currency - “It is amazing how many people do not understand the rise of China -
China is the next great country in the world......I know they tell you that they
call themselves communists in China - but I tell you they are among the world’s
best capitalists right now,”. As a result of this structural change, increased
demand for commodities, particularly oil, will emanate from both China and India
- China’s per capita consumption of oil is a fourteenth of that of the US and
one tenth that of South Korea and Japan.
Set against this increased demand, many of the world’s major oilfields are in
decline. Demand is increasing and supply is tightening; prices are destined to
But what of impending US recession? - the shift from the US being a creditor
nation in 1987 to being the biggest debtor nation in history with debts of $13
trillion will also have major repercussions for global demand - “What is
terrifying to me is that our foreign debt increases at the rate of one trillion
every 15 months.” As a result of this, Rogers believes that Asian
countries, now among the world’s biggest creditors, will start to dump Dollars
and instead buy real assets such as oil, gold and other commodities.
Who are we to argue?
The above data and research was compiled from sources
believed to be reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its
officers can accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the above
article nor bear any responsibility for any losses achieved as a result of any
actions taken or not taken as a consequence of reading the above article. For
more information please contact Graham Macdonald on
[email protected]
Snap Shots: by Harry Flashman
Promote yourself – get a portfolio
At least once a month I get asked if I could take a photo of someone’s
wedding, or a golf tournament, or a charity event, or someone’s daughter
or take a shot of some products to be sold on the internet. At least
once a month I turn down these requests, and then answer, “And no, I’m
sorry, I don’t know of anyone else who might be able to do it for you.”
All this means is that there is scope for some enterprising young
photographer to make a little money on the side. The clients are out
there with a need that is not being met. So is that you?
Up till now you have been an amateur, with no paid assignments that you
can show to prospective clients. You may not have photographed products
for an internet catalogue, or someone’s daughter as a portrait, or shot
a golf tournament. But it isn’t really too difficult. If you are a keen
amateur then you’ve got the photographic eye, you just need some
At this stage, clients will still not be beating a path to your door,
where you wait, camera in hand and flash all primed and ready. What you
have to do, while waiting for the path-beating clients, is get yourself
a portfolio. Something you can show to clients. A mini ‘showcase’ of
your talents.
Back in the pre-digital days, we all produced portfolios with individual
transparencies mounted on heavy card. The trannies were a minimum of 6x6
cm, and 5x4 inch were even better. You lugged a portable light box
around that you plugged into the power supply in the client’s office.
Showing your wares was a hassle.
Not so any more. In the digital era, it’s a breeze. You store your good
shots in your computer in Photoshop or whatever, and when showing your
work, you just email suitable samples to the clients. Well, those people
you hope will be clients!
So what should you have in your electronic ‘virtual’ portfolio? Go back
to my opening paragraph where I stated “photo of someone’s wedding, or a
golf tournament, or a charity event, or someone’s daughter or take a
shot of some products to be sold on the internet”. That is a reasonable
start. I’d also throw in a couple of food shots, as there are always
restaurants looking for someone clever enough to make their food look
So how do you go about getting these shots, when nobody has given you a
commission yet? Again this is simple. You pretend to yourself that you
have been asked to cover a golf tournament, so you put together your
shot list which would include golfers teeing off, putting, someone in a
bunker, a ball beside the pin in the hole, a nice shot of a pretty
caddy. Starting to get the idea? By the way, nobody will complain about
you being there, especially if you offer to send them a couple of shots.
And, you never know, they might ask you to do some more – that is how I
got my first commission.
Now offer to do a wedding at no charge. OK, so you just used up a
Saturday afternoon, but you now have some more portfolio items. And I
will wager that someone at the wedding will want to buy some shots from
you as well. Do the same with some food photographs and product shots,
and you are on the way to putting together a working portfolio.
Now some of you will be saying, “But I don’t know the best way to shoot
food, or product, or weddings or whatever,” but this is no giant hassle
either. There are more ‘how to’ photographic books published than just
about anything else, other than cook books and personal advancement.
This how you learn. Countless thousands of photographers have learned
the same way. You read, you try for yourself and you review your
results. It actually does not take long. Once you can produce consistent
results, you are almost there.
The final steps? Display your photographs in a gallery, and advertise in
this newspaper. Then they will ring you, instead of me!
Best of luck in your new career.
Modern Medicine:
by Dr. Iain Corness, Consultant
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
and how to pacify it
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS since we like acronyms, is
an interesting condition. It is not a disease, and in fact tests for
abnormalities come back reported as ‘negative’. Does this mean that IBS
isn’t really in the bowel, but all ‘in the brain’? Unfortunately, there is a
school of thought in medicine that says that if all the tests come back
negative, the condition is not real, only imagined. This is however totally
wrong. There are many conditions for which we did not know (or had not
developed) the right tests. Until the last couple of decades, we did not
have a definitive test for HIV – but the people had the ailment, even though
we couldn’t identify it. We doctors must never forget to treat the patient,
not the test results. (I thank my eldest son, Dr. Jonathan Corness, for that
sage little homily.)
Getting back to IBS, I repeat that it is not a disease, but can be a very
debilitating condition, characterized by some of the following (but not
necessarily all) symptoms: cramping pain in the stomach area, painful
diarrhea or constipation (now that’s confusing), mucus in the stool, swollen
or bloated belly, increased gas and the feeling that you are unable to
totally empty your bowel.
If IBS is not a disease, what is it? It is a functional disorder, which
means that the bowel doesn’t work as it should. What appears to happen is
that the nerves (called Auerbach’s Plexus from memory) and the muscles of
the bowel are extra-sensitive. For example, the muscles may contract too
much when you eat. These contractions can cause cramping and diarrhoea or
rapid bowel movement during, or shortly after, a meal. Or the nerves can be
overly sensitive to the dilating of the bowel (because of gas, for example).
Cramping or pain can be the result.
Any condition that does not have some nice finger-pointing in the right
direction test result is then too often put into the ‘psychosomatic’
pigeonhole. “It’s caused by stress,” say the non-medical ‘experts’. In
actual fact, emotional stress will not cause anyone to develop IBS. However,
if you already have IBS, stress can trigger the symptoms, just as it can for
a myriad of medical conditions. Stress does not cause the problem, but it
can make it appear worse. In fact, the bowel can overreact to all sorts of
things, including food, exercise, and hormones (women with IBS get more
problems around the time of their menses).
Food and drinks that tend to cause symptoms include milk products,
chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and fatty items. In some
cases, even eating a large meal will trigger symptoms.
Another complicating factor is that the symptoms of IBS can also mimic other
gastro-intestinal problems, which is why in the ‘work-up’ there may be a
barium enema or lower GI (gastro-intestinal) series. Barium is a thick
liquid that makes the bowel show up on X-ray. Another examination is a
colonoscopy. This is where the doctor inserts the ‘black snake’ into your
bowel via the anus and can look through the small camera on the tip.
Although there is no ‘magic bullet’ to cure someone of IBS, there is
treatment that will help. This includes dietary changes, anti-spasmodic
medicine and stress relief if you are a highly stressed person. As a
starter, fiber (found in bran, bread, cereal, beans, fruit, and vegetables)
reduces IBS symptoms - especially constipation, because it makes stool soft
and easier to pass, but you have to identify the ‘triggers’. (And it ain’t
Roy Rogers for those old enough to remember the celluloid hero!)
Heart to Heart with Hillary
Dear Hillary,
I always enjoy your column and have found that your advice is usually spot
on in most cases. However your latest piece of wisdom is probably the best
you’ve done to date where you said to the guy looking for a wife, “If you
want to buy some cheese, then you don’t find it in a hardware shop. Can I be
any more plain than that?” No Hillary you cannot be more plain than that. As
you point out, the good time girls are great for a good time, when you’re
here on holidays, but if you’re here for the long haul, then you need
someone prepared for the long haul as well. I found mine, and it wasn’t in
the hardware shop either! Keep up the good work, Hillary. I reckon your
advice should be given to all young bucks at the Suvarnabhumi airport. It
would probably produce a slump in the gold shops though!
The Long Hauler
Dear Long Hauler,
Thank you for the nice words, my Petal, makes me goosey all over. Like
champagne does. You obviously found your long haul mate and are happy. There
are plenty of happy marriages out there, but of course they don’t need to
write in for advice, so people only get to read about the disasters and
imagine that all marriages to Thai women end in failure. The failure rate of
first marriages in the western countries is around 50 percent, so no society
can claim itself to be superior to another. Keep on hauling, and thank you
Dear Hillary,
Do you know where I can get my favorite shoes soled and heeled? These are a
pair of snakeskin leather shoes that are now starting to look a little tired
and need a rebuild. But I don’t want to go anywhere, just in case they ruin
them. Any ideas?
Snake Eyes
Dear Snake Eyes,
You don’t give me much to work on, Petal. Where are you living? Your email
does not say. There are plenty of shoe repair shops, or even small sidewalk
operators, in the major cities in Thailand, be that Chiang Mai, Bangkok or
Pattaya. However, since it sounds as if these were bespoke shoes, why not go
back to the shop that made them for you? I’m sure they’d be happy to
rejuvenate the shoes for you. Resuscitating the snake could take a little
Dear Hillary,
I went to take some photographs in one of the up-market food courts in one
of the local shopping centers, so that I could show my friends back home.
After I had taken about three shots I was told by a security guard, “No
photo!” I asked him why, but he could not speak any English other than “No
photo!” Then up came the floor manager who did have some English, and she
said “Not allowed!” No reasons were given. Do you know why this was so,
Dear Confused,
There can be many reasons that the food court could get a trifle tetchy,
Petal. They might think that you are from a competitor, trying to steal
their good ideas, though one food court is pretty much the same as another,
I have found. Only the décor and the prices are different. The food is the
same. You might also be working for another shopping center. Another reason
could be the fact that the nationalities of some of the cooks could be
non-Thai. Aliens generally don’t like to be photographed (even ET was photo
shy). But don’t worry, you managed to escape with your three shots. That’s
probably enough to show the folks back home.
Dear Hillary,
I am sure that you must make up some of the letters in your column because
surely people are not that silly. What I want to know is just how do you
dream them up? Do you study other agony aunt columns or what? Do you get
your inspiration from real life? Tell me and I promise not to tell a single
solitary soul.
The Unbeliever
Dear Unbeliever,
Are you suggesting Hillary makes up this drivel? Sorry, Poppet, Hillary
couldn’t possibly make up letters as silly as yours. So you think people
aren’t that silly – well think again - you just joined them, my little
turtle dove. By the way, other aunties get their inspiration from me. I’m an
inspirational kind of person.
Dear Hillary,
My step daughter is coming to stay with us for a few days. Over the years
she has not been at all friendly towards me and takes whatever she can
wheedle out of her mother. I am sure that this will be no different than in
previous years and she will spend her time finding new and more inventive
ways of getting into my wife’s purse. Do you think I should warn my wife, or
confront the daughter?
Dear Stepfather,
I don’t think your wife or your stepdaughter has the problem, but you
obviously do. Leave your wife to deal with her daughter as she sees fit.
Don’t be meddlesome, just try to be a little more accommodating. You have
already admitted it’s just for a few days. Leave the pair of them alone and
they’ll work out their relationship, and in the long run, does it matter
what your wife gives her daughter? Loosen up, Petal.
Learn to Live to Learn: with Andrew Watson
The characteristics of the pioneer
Ah, the pioneer. There’s something terribly
romantic about being the first to do something, breaking new
ground and leading the way, venturing into the unknown. To be an
innovator, trailblazer or a groundbreaker is to come close to a
kind of immortality. Around London, houses are dotted with blue
plaques marking the residences of people who demonstrated the
characteristics of the pioneer. It’s a nice touch. Better, I
suppose, than being rendered into popular consciousness via a
biscuit, like Garibaldi or Trotsky (his chocolate assortment) or
even perhaps, as a road. I used to wonder whether people thought
about the name of the street they lived on in London, “Alleyn”
Road for example, or “Trevor Brooking” Way.
Last week I wrote about the “Third Culture Kid” (TCK) a well
established latter day phenomenon in research and one of
increasing relevance to us here in Thailand. The TCK not only
ventures into a new physical environment but also a new
emotional and technological place. They are settling a
previously unoccupied place in the cultural landscape of the
globe, opening up new possibilities and ways of understanding
their brave new world. TCKs are in the vanguard of creating and
developing a new global reality for a group of highly mobile,
well educated, mostly privileged young people. The Global Nomads
website, ( one of the places where TCKs congregate,
actively pursues and promotes the kind of ideas articulated in
the IBO leaner profile.
Unwittingly, because they typically find themselves in a
situation over which they have little control, the TCK has
become the subject for thought, research and development, as
they open up new realities in the context of their lifestyle and
situations. The TCK constructs new ways of understanding and
dealing with constant change personally, locally, regionally and
globally. They demolish out-dated modes of living from their
self-constructs which have little or no relevance and attack
ethnocentrism, xenophobia and racism. In this way, mobility is
more easily achieved.
It can be argued that TCKs inhabit what lawyers might refer to
as an ‘intellectual space’, which before Useem, had been a
barren environment. Equally, International schools can be seen
as their natural home, where they are nurtured and educated in a
manner which reflects and informs their understanding of global
reality. Shaped by their environment and their education, TCKs
cannot fail to act in a manner consistent with their evolution
and third culture status, whether they are conscious of it or
Having spent a large part of my life in Kibbutzim, I perceive
that there are real parallels to be drawn between Kibbutzniks
and TCKs. Kibbutzniks will have heard of other kibbutzim in the
same sense as students have heard of other International
schools. The way of life, systems and structures will be
familiar and they embrace each other’s existence with
familiarity. They have in common the need to find what Schaetti
(1996) calls, “integrity and direction” and the desire to forge
identity. Like the Kibbutznik, the TCK demonstrates great
courage in leaving behind the familiar, embracing what is new,
enduring the path to acculturation and learning, “to cherish the
life of the world” (Mead in, 2005) and “celebrate
diversity” (Walker, 1999). It could be argued that pioneers in
the history of immigration in counties such as the US and
Israel, Fail (2002) has bred individuals who relate strongly to
their national identity. I assert that TCKs do the same in
fiercely defending their identity and feeling pride in their
role as TCKs as Schaetti (1996) testifies.
However, Pearce (1998) maintains that any change in the
validating system will bring a sharp increase in dissonant
experiences and that rejection of alterity (the unfamiliar or
markedly different) is a defence of identity. But I would
strongly argue that the TCK, like the Kibbutznik pioneer, breaks
through the barrier of rejecting alterity and then moves beyond
it to a plateau of a new validating system which incorporates
dissonant experience. I would further argue that internationally
mobile children actually learn to embrace alterity, partly
because as a coping mechanism it works out (almost by trial and
error) to be considerably easier if you develop a positive
mental attitude towards it. It seems reasonable and logical to
expect the TCK to reject narrow identity as Schaetti (1996) does
in “Phoenix Rising” because their multi-cultural reality has
become more important. Almost as if it were a rite of passage,
the TCK has to forge his or herslf an identity, because it is
not something they have inherited. That is the essence of the
pioneer in TCKs.
Pearce (1998) identifies two psychological concepts in exploring
how a child develops cultural identity; symbolic interactionism
and social constructivism. For the TCK, the former (from Mead
1934 in Pearce 1998) has similarities with Vygotsky’s zone of
proximal development (in Bruner 1986 in Pearce 1998). If TCKs
can be seen as inevitable products of their education and
experience, then the role of International schools, as the
natural habitat for TCKs, becomes critical.
Given the exponential development in communications and
technology over the past fifty years, it is, I submit, no
coincidence that this period has witnessed commensurate growth
in International schools (over 1,700 listed on the website). If “culture” can be
understood as a meaning system by which life experiences are
understood, so it follows that International schools should be
expected to produce a new breed of Internationalist - the TCK.
Given the multifarious variety of Internationals schools, what
might seem surprising, is that so many TCKs feel a sense of
shared experience.
International schools purport to have particularly high
expectations for their charges, which are often translated into
slogans such as “Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today” or “For the
Leaders of Tomorrow”. This is both exciting, because TCKs seem
admirably equipped for leadership in the 21st century but also
worrying, because bold statements of intent by schools often
lack the pedagogical persuasion, vision or interest to put their
promotional promises into practice. I have seen more than a few
children in my time in education who have been taken into
schools for their fees, but have not received the tender loving
care that they need and indeed, which they deserve. When this
child is a TCK, feelings of being very lost and isolated can be
accentuated as they search for an identity. A great deal of
unnecessary suffering might be avoided if the characteristics of
the TCK were better understood.
Andrew Watson is a Management Consultant for Garden
International Schools in Thailand.
Next week: Education – a political narrative?