Money matters:
Graham Macdonald MBMG International Ltd.
What do the Ivy League University
Endowment Funds do that we don’t?
The Ivy League Universities are ahead of the field when it
comes to diversified multi-asset class investing. They have been doing this
successfully for over twenty years. By using this methodology with investments
they have constantly achieved incredible success whilst maintaining low
volatility and only occasional reverses to continued growth.
Professor Harry Markowitz, the Nobel Prize winner studied the concept of
investing via the multi-asset approach. He ended up calling it the Modern
Portfolio Theory. This study indicates just how risk adjusted returns can be
improved by diversification across assets with varied correlations. Modern
Portfolio Theory is at the centre of how the Ivy League Endowment Funds invest
their money. They use this principle above all others to build the portfolios
that are the envy of most domestic and international investors.
These Funds have access to some of the best fund managers and private equity
portfolios in the world. Naturally, this also helps in how successful they are.
What we all want to know is how they do it and can we follow them in their
success with our own money. The answer is a resounding ‘Yes’. It is very
possible for the rest of us mere mortals to achieve high levels of risk adjusted
return which will obtain better results than the traditional equity/bond
portfolios and most balanced investment funds.
What are US Endowment Funds?
They are funds which are non-taxable and are established to make payments
for funding anything that the education facilities needed. The money is
collected from many different sources including legacies, gifts and investment
returns. In America alone there are more than 700 endowments with an average of
USD400 million in funds; the largest fund has nearly USD30 billion. So, why do
these funds achieve so much better results with such consistency? It is
important to look at how it is done and planned. Once we have seen this then
this is a major step in understanding how it is all achieved. To begin with
let’s look at the larger endowment funds. Those with a value of over USD1
billion have managed to give an annualized return of 12 percent. This is about 3
percent more than a traditional US portfolio while operating at a lower level of
investment risk.
Also, the US endowment funds are active and imaginative portfolios that have
access to all the asset classes. This gives more diversification benefits than
most funds can offer, which leads to higher potential gains whilst minimizing
volatility. This can be seen from the fact that the large endowment funds hold
just over 60% in equities and bonds whereas an average US endowment fund will
hold almost 85%. The extra diversification is one of the main reasons for the
superior long-term investment performance.
The other main thing to consider is that these funds are usually planned with
long-term investment targets whilst at the same time maintaining a non-volatile
approach. This means that they do not have to be subjected to the vagaries of
having to time things in the markets so as to generate results and income. It
also means they should have cheaper trading costs.
The Super Endowments of Harvard and Yale
The asset allocation of the ‘Super Endowments’ of Harvard and Yale are always up
there with annual results that usually put them in the top 10 of US endowments.
From 1996 to 2006, Harvard and Yale returned 15.2 and 17.2 percent respectively.
This performance is a lot better than that of its rivals. Just to back up what
was mentioned above, the Harvard endowment fund is also the largest in the US at
USD29.2 billion and the Yale Endowment fund is the second largest at USD18
billion. The latter did take a hit this year but it is still ranked up there
with the best. This also shows that fund results should always be looked at over
a period of time and not a couple of months.
The Super Endowment funds are amongst the most innovative when it comes to
multi-asset investing. At the end of last year only 47% of their portfolios were
in traditional assets. Compare this with the 86% for the average endowment and
61% for the other average large endowments. If you look at the alternative
assets, the majority have been placed in hedge funds. Other funds do this as
well. Where they differ is that the Harvard and Yale funds have a much larger
slice in commodities and private equity.
As with most endowment funds, the asset allocations of the Super Endowment funds
have been very stable. Since 1999, they have repositioned just 8.5 percent of
the portfolio each year. The non-volatile allocations show the long-term goals,
the need to select assets through economic cycles and whist keeping costs at an
absolute minimum.
Index investing using the asset allocations of the Super Endowments
Given the consistent out performance of these funds it is tempting to try and
benchmark them and follow what they do. The trouble with this is that most
people cannot invest in the same way as these funds, especially when it comes to
such things as private equity. However, reasonable returns can still be had by
following the multi-asset approach of these funds within an index tracking
portfolio. If you did this then the following would transpire:
Since 1999, your own special portfolio would have just 52 percent in equities
and bonds and would return an average of 9.3% per annum. Compare this with 4.4%
for a US Equity and Bond portfolio.
Also, these results have out-performed many managed funds. For example, if
compared with UK balanced funds since 2001 the total return of the index tracker
has been considerably more than most of the funds rated by the S&P and with a
lot less volatility. This indicates how important it is to have a multi-asseted
These Endowment funds have, year in and year out, managed to achieve good
investment returns with low volatility. This is due to the multi-asset
methodology they adopt and not being afraid to go into the alternative asset
Obviously, most investors cannot invest in the same way. However, from the above
it can be seen that by following the same ideology then an individual investor
will achieve returns that have managed to outperform more traditional
portfolios. This is also true for some of the better managed funds. But it must
be remembered that these Ivy League funds have a long investment goal along with
low liquidity needs.
All of this is very similar to our favoured fund managers Miton Optimal. Their
own investment philosophy is very similar by the fact they are Global Tactical
Asset Allocation Specialists who utilize the multi-manager approach and focus on
absolute not relative returns. Also, they are not constrained by benchmarks.
Basically, what this means is that they can outperform in both Bull and Bear
Markets. On top of this they can be overweight esoteric areas whilst at the same
time have an active response to changing conditions. If they do not like an area
then they are not obliged to invest there. This is why they have won so many
awards from S&P, Lipper and Multi-Manager over the last five years.
The above data and research was compiled from sources
believed to be reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its
officers can accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the above
article nor bear any responsibility for any losses achieved as a result of any
actions taken or not taken as a consequence of reading the above article. For
more information please contact Graham Macdonald on
[email protected]
Snap Shots: by Harry Flashman
Control Depth of Field - the second rule?
of Depth of Field really is the second rule of photography in my
opinion. Before you ask, the first rule is to walk several meters closer
to the subject!
The Depth of Field in any picture can often make or break the entire
photograph, but knowing how to manipulate the depth of field improves
your photography instantly!
The term Depth of Field is really an optical one and depends solely on
the lens being used and the aperture selected. Altering the shutter
speed does not change the Depth of Field.
Depth of Field really refers to the zone of “sharpness” (or being in
acceptable focus) from foreground items to background items in any
The first concept to remember is “One Third forwards and Two Thirds
back.” Again this is a law of optical physics, but means that the Depth
of Field, from foreground to background in your photograph can be
measured, and from the focus point in the photo, extends towards you by
one third and extends away from the focus point by two thirds.
For those of you with SLR’s, especially the older manual focus SLR’s,
you will even find a series of marks on the focussing ring of the lens
to indicate the Depth of Field that is possible with that lens (and you
probably wondered why there were all those extra marks on it!).
Take a look at this week’s photograph, which is really two shots, taken
seconds apart of the Chinese lion statue. More importantly, look at the
background. In one you can clearly see the leaves on the bush and the
fountain spray, while on the other it is a soft blur. How did I change
this Depth of Field sharpness? Answer, with a flick of the wrist!
You see, for each focal length of lens, the Depth of Field possible is
altered by the Aperture. The rule here is simple - the higher the
Aperture number, the greater the Depth of Field possible and the lower
the Aperture number, the shorter the Depth of Field. In simple terms,
for any given lens, you get greater front to back sharpness with f22 and
you get very short front to back sharpness at f4.
For example, using a 24 mm focal length lens focussed on an object 2
meters away - if you select f22, the Depth of Field runs from just over
0.5 meter to 5 meters (4.5 meters total), but if you select f11 it only
runs from 1 m to 4 m (3 m total) and if you choose f5.6 the Depth of
Field is only from 1.5 m to 3 m (1.5 m total).
On the other hand, using a longer 135 mm focal length lens focussed at
the same point 2 meters away, you get the following Depths of Field - at
f22 it runs from 1.9 m to 2.2 m (0.3 m) and at f5.6 it is 1.95 m to 2.1
m (a total of 0.15 m).
Analysis of all these initially confusing numbers gives you now complete
mastery of the Depth of Field in any of your photographs. Simply put
another way - the higher the Aperture number, the greater the depth of
field; the smaller the Aperture number the smaller the Depth of Field;
plus the longer the lens, the shorter the Depth of Field, the shorter
the lens, the longer the Depth of Field (just remember the ‘opposites’ -
the longer gives shorter).
Now to apply this formula - when shooting a landscape for example, where
you want great detail from the foreground, right the way through to the
mountains five kilometers away, then use a short lens (24 mm is ideal)
set at f22 and focussed on a point about 2 km away.
On the other hand, when shooting a portrait where you only want to have
the eyes and mouth in sharp focus you would use a longer lens (and here
the 135 is ideal) and a smaller Aperture number of around f5.6 to f4 and
focus directly on the eyes to give that ultra short Depth of Field
Try it this weekend.
Modern Medicine:
by Dr. Iain Corness, Consultant
How to live to be 110? Be happy!
There has been much discussion over many centuries as to
whether your personality can predict your disease pattern. The simple answer
is, “Yes it most certainly can.”
After much research, including clinical studies, the researchers have the
answers. Be happy and stay well. Be aggressive and get heart attacks and
Now that does not mean that all happy folk live to be 110 and the misery
bags turn in their credit cards at age 45 - but there is enough evidence to
show that your personality type influences the kinds of diseases you will
get later in life. Time for some introspection perhaps?
However, this latest research is really nothing new, it is more of a
reinforcement of previous knowledge. In the times of Hippocrates, the
healers were interested in the personality of the patient, because even then
they felt that this had a bearing on the disease process. This conclusion
was reached after observation of the patients. This combination of mind and
body and disease is the basis for holistic healing, and even though
Hippocrates and his healers did not have all our pharmaceutical treatments,
wonderful tests and MRI’s, they did not just treat the disease, but also
treated the person. Unfortunately there is also a tendency in our new
super-scientific age to treat the test and forget to treat the person.
So why do we fall ill in the first place? Is it a personal weakness, is it
just “lifestyle” or just plain bad luck? Since I am not a great believer in
“luck” be it good or bad, my leaning after many decades of medicine is
towards a type of individual “weakness”. After all, you can take two people
with the same lifestyle but one gets ill and the other does not. Why?
Simply, the sick person was more “susceptible” than the other - in some way
they had a pre-disposition or call it a “weakness”. Simplistic I know, but
it seems to fit. We just have to find it and counteract it.
So what factors seem to be involved in bringing about the pre-disposition.
Genetics is one, and do play an important part. If your parents are diabetic
then you will most likely have the problem too, but it is not absolutely
inescapable. The modern scientific studies with large numbers of people have
come up with interesting statistics. One famous researcher, Eysenck, lumped
us all into four main personality categories.
Type 1 have a strong tendency to suppress their emotions and tend towards
“hopelessness” and are unable to deal with personal stress.
Type 2 people, on the other hand, are also unable to deal with personal
stress, but react to life with anger and aggression.
Type 3 is less clear-cut with a mixture of all these personality traits.
Type 4 covers the optimistic and relaxed who deal much better with
interpersonal stress and external stressors.
Using these broad categories and looking at disease profiles that each type
gets returned some interesting facts. Type 1 was the cancer prone group,
Type 2 got heart disease, Type 3 got both while Type 4 people were not prone
to either cancer or heart disease. Can you see what’s coming next?
Eysenck did not stop there. He went on to show that when people modified
their personality they also modified their disease profile. When you think
about it, this is staggering stuff! By attention to your personality profile
you can modify your disease profile!
The most significant personality trait was “anger”. Learn to modify your
anger response (and this can be done and is part of the concepts involved in
Buddhism) and you become less “at risk”. This is the “jai yen yen” (cool
heart) - but you can modify your personality to incorporate this. That last
sentence can make you live ten years longer, happier and disease free.
Forget all the wonder cures, just look at yourself first! Hippocrates did
more than say oaths!
Heart to Heart with Hillary
Dear Hillary,
What happens with these Thai women when they get hooked up with us
foreigners? My little woman has gone crazy about sport and this Twenty 20
cricket stuff and sits up till all hours watching it. Before that it was
some football world cup or something, or the nation’s cup in rugby. By the
time she comes to bed after watching something on ESPN, I’m away with the
zzzz’s. As the only wage earner, I have to go to work, but she sleeps in
till lunchtime. This sport thing of hers is meaning there’s not much
sporting fun for Larry at the end of it, if you get my drift. She wasn’t
like this when she first moved in. Any suggestions, Hillary?
Dear Larry,
This is a much deeper problem than just the cricket, my Petal. With my
glasses I have 20/20 vision and can see much further than the Twenty 20
cricket. Can’t you see the trend here, Larry? You get up early and go to
work, while she sleeps in. You go to bed and she sits up watching athletic
men on the telly. But it is your hard-earned money that she uses to live the
life of luxury, sleeping in till noon. The alarm clock is telling you
something Larry. If she’s not prepared to share the same hours as you, she’s
not prepared to share her life with you. You have two options. Get a new
“little woman” (how I hate that British phrase), or give up your job and get
one that starts at mid-day. The first option will be easier!
Dear Hillary,
I will admit I’m new in Thailand, and also admit that I have found a very
loving lady who used to work in a bar I used to use before I paid the ransom
to get her out of there. The relationship between the both of us is very
good from my point of view, and now after three months I am looking at
making it something more permanent. (Maybe getting my ransom’s worth?) We
have been living in my apartment that I rent, but it is too small for the
two of us, especially when we get guests who stay over, including Nok’s
brother and cousins at the weekends, so I thought I should get something
bigger. A house would be the way to go and Nok is very much in favor of
this. I think that coming from farming stock up in the north east they have
an attraction to the land. Only problem is this ownership thing. My mates
tell me I cannot buy land in my name, only in her name. I wouldn’t mind this
so much, but common sense tells me that if I’ve only known her for three
months, this might not be too secure a way to get a house, or keep a house.
What do you think Hillary, is there some way I can get the property put in
my name, not hers?
Aussie Bill
Dear Aussie Bill,
By the time I had read half way through your letter, I was about to give up
on you, but you redeemed yourself when you used the magic words “common
sense”. Yes, my star-struck Petal, you have indeed only known your Nok for
three months, and even though the relationship might be wonderful right now,
how will it be in three years? You have to develop the long range vision
here, Aussie Bill. You have to remember that before you bailed her out of
the beer bar “prison” she was in, her job was to keep foreigners happy, make
them feel loved and wanted and find ways to get those foreigners to donate
to her favorite charity - her! Now that may sound a bit harsh to you, but
these girls don’t go and work in a bar because they can’t get a job in
Tesco’s. They select the life and its lifestyle themselves. A very well
known statement goes, “You can take a girl out of the bar, but you can’t
take the bar out of the girl.” How did this piece of information get into
popular culture round here? Because there is more than just a slight element
of truth in it, Petal. Now getting back to your predicament - go to a
reputable real estate agent (that’s not an oxymoron, try a Real Estate
Brokers Association (REBA) member) and discuss the options with them. There
are ways you can retain ownership, but the way to do this is well beyond the
scope of this column, and anyway, I live in a tent erected in the editor’s
back garden (he won’t let me use the front garden as it makes him
embarrassed, he says). And while you are looking at your future, I would
also make sure that the “brother” has the same parents as Nok. Stranger
things than this have happened, more than once, in this country. I get the
feeling that as well as the relationship only being three months, that you
have only been here three months and one night (to meet Nok) yourself. Slow
down Aussie Bill. “Time” is not only the great healer, it can be the best
tutor. Give yourself some.
Learn to Live to Learn: with Andrew Watson
Another year, another dollar
Sometimes, it seems that’s what it’s all about.
Nothing more. Just make a few quid. Charge like raging bulls
(Coulson, ’06) for this, for that, for anything that takes your
fancy. To hell with education, accountability, value for money
and other apparently remote concepts. Hit ‘em where it hurts! In
the pocket!
It’s funny (funny-sad) that so many come with such high
expectations of education, based on a combination of where
they’ve come from and their own experiences of education. So
much so that they can’t see the wood for the trees, until it’s
too late. I’m talking about parents and students coming for
three or four years. I suppose we can handle things we wouldn’t
countenance when we’re away, on the grounds that, “Well, we’ll
sort it out when we get back to reality.” But what happens in
the mean time? What are we subjecting our children to? It’s
easier to turn our backs sometimes, isn’t it? Especially when
the punishing truth might be too hard to handle? We wouldn’t
want to disturb our barbecues or our beers, would we?
Assumptions and accountability just don’t seem to mix. Where is
that teacher you so loved? Why has she gone? Where has she gone?
Don’t expect a straight answer to that!
In “International Education in Practice”, Hayden, Thompson and
Walker (2002) state that, “It is often said that the good news
is that many schools are currently doing a very successful job
of educating their children, while the bad news is that they are
successful in educating those children to take part in a world
of the 1950’s and 1960’s rather than that of the new
As educators we surely need to reflect on why this might be,
when we consider the curriculum on offer. A ‘traditional’
curriculum is still widely used throughout the world, especially
at a national level. It is essentially based on a ‘content’
model of education which has been around for many decades. But
the world is a different place from that of 50 years ago;
societies have changed and are changing, globalisation is here
and our knowledge about the brain, how it functions and how we
learn, has greatly increased.
Young (1998) says: “If the school curriculum is to become an
emancipatory experience for a much larger section of each cohort
of students, this is going to require much greater involvement
of many people who currently have no direct links with school,
including parents and employers, and many activities by teachers
and pupils which are not confined to the school nor, in
conventional terms, are usually defined as ‘educational’ at
all”. At times like this, perhaps it is best to go “back to
basics” and ask again, “What is the purpose of education?”
Education serves a different purpose for different people. For
instance, the educational challenges that developed societies
face today and may face tomorrow are very different from those
faced by developing nations (Swamy, 2003). Be it correct or not,
developed societies are educating themselves for the purpose of
participating in a knowledge economy (Hargreaves, 2003), one
that they themselves are shaping. Developing nations, on the
other hand are still faced with the challenges of transformation
to an industrialized economy while simultaneously attempting to
establish valuable contributions to the information age. Within
societies there are the masses at one end and the urban elite at
the other.
Deciding the purpose of education for a poor public with no
social infrastructure is radically different from deciding what
the educational imperatives should be for a comparative minority
who have the luxury of perhaps being seen as an effective change
agent (Kumar, 2005) for an existing social or class order. The
question is, does there exist a purpose that can transcend
social, economic, cultural and intellectual differences amongst
individuals in a society, a set of ‘universals’ that become the
bedrock from which all educational discourse originates? (Geetu,
2006) A purpose that does not restrict itself to curricula
shaped by current educational trends (education for the
environment, education for sustainable development, education
for citizenship, etc.) and one that is not dictated by cultural,
local or global forces.
Personally, I think it all ought to begin with the end … what
kind of human being is the student going to end up becoming?
Educational trends and the ideologies they espouse are designed
predominantly for and by and amongst an ‘urban elite’, but can
we not find some common ground, on which to base our education
for the future?
I read recently in Hayden, Thompson, Walker (2002) that
“increasing globalization is perhaps the single most important
reason why we need to develop internationally-minded curricula.
In such a world, it is already essential to understand, relate
to and coexist with other cultures whilst at the same time
remaining a part of one’s own.”
George Walker takes the example of the IBO and says that it
offers an education system “throughout the world, but not for
the world.” He stresses the importance of each region to sculpt
this education system to local needs, but at the same time
recognises the fact that there will always be tension between
the ‘standardisation’ requirements of a global passport to
tertiary education and ‘local variability’. Maybe the common
ground could develop from an idea of a combination of an
international or national curriculum with a core curriculum and
a local curriculum recognising local culture and needs?
Perhaps it is only after we can agree on the “what” of education
in relation to “who” that we can consider implementing the
“where and how” that students learn. If you’ve lived in a
developing economy, you might be able to identify with thoughts
on the impossibility of defining a universal purpose of
education; as it is a product of resources and learning demands
and depends on the capacity of nations and social classes to
envision the future they want (Piore and Sabel in Young M,
1998). These values and expectations are constantly changing in
a global, technologically influenced environment. This calls for
the tall order of balancing different requirements; of “building
a sense of community, protecting democracy, making education a
public good as well as a private one and using new technologies
to deepen learning, creating high quality education in contexts
of great diversity.” (Hargreaves A, Fullan M 1998)
Next week: For the camera