Sara helps the primary
students plant their seeds.
Jenny and Sally are proud of
their little seeds and look forward
to them germinating.
A couple of primary Ecodudes
plant their seeds.
Secondary Student Guild
members are ready to get their hands dirty!
The Student Guild’s hand over
the money raised for the new tree nursery
to Chris from PATT.
Sara Menges Year 13 IB student Environmental Pillar
The Regents School is part of the Round Square which is made up of
six pillars called the IDEALS - Internationalism, Democracy, Environmental
Awareness, Adventure, Leadership and Service. This organization encourages
students to be well rounded and thrive as individuals in all aspects of life
other than academics. So, under the Environmental pillar the Regent’s School
has now established a tree nursery on campus which was initiated during the
Regent’s School’s “World Around Us Week”, Oct 29th -Nov 2nd 2007.
One of the key aspects of the World Around Us Week was to raise awareness
about how we individually affect the environment through our Carbon
Footprints and how we can help to reduce this impact. Along with posters to
promote this issue we welcomed a visitor from the Plant-A-Tree-Today
organization based in Bangkok. Mr. Chris Doherty visited the school on
Thursday November 1st.
During his visit, Mr. Chris provided seedlings and equipment (sponsored by
the Regent’s Secondary and Primary Student Guilds) for the new tree nursery.
He also instructed us on how to care for the seeds and gave a well informed
presentation on the PATT organization and the environmental issues
concerning carbon dioxide and our own personal footprints. Growing trees is
a key way to reducing the carbon dioxide in the air and to improving our
environment in the future. Therefore the Regent’s School is planning to grow
the seedlings over this academic year - with the help of the primary Eco
Dudes and the Secondary Environmental Group - and hoping to eventually plant
the grown trees in June during our Round Square Week and form a RS Garden on
the campus. However, the environmental projects don’t stop there! Along with
dealing with our Carbon Footprints, the Environmental group is also
promoting the reduction of plastic waste, saving electricity, recycling
paper and cleaning up our school environment from litter which we hope will
all lead us to successfully preserving our environment and making the world
a better place both globally and locally.