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Book Review

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Book Review: by Lang Reid

Yorkies Global Recipe Book

I make no apologies for reviewing a recipe book this week. Whilst it is not the usual type of publication to be featured here, this recipe book is outstanding even if just for one very special reason - it is part of the charity drive to raise 1.5 million baht to rebuild a school in Yasothon, being run by Eileen and Norman Denning, the proprietors of Yorkies Pork Platter in Jomtien.
It begins with a couple of pages from another charity donor in Pattaya, The World of Wine, and discusses food and wine, and the relationship between them. Good food and good wine make for very pleasant evenings, I am sure you would agree.
Following that advice, and since this is a book for cooks, there is a very helpful page covering Metric, Celsius and Gas Mark equivalents. Did you know that Gas Mark 4 was 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C?
Like all good reference books, there is an Index (up the front in this book, doubling as a ‘contents’ page as well, and shows that there are 12 sections in the book, covering Starters and Appetizers, Vegetables and Salads, Seafood, Meat and Poultry, Pasta, Desserts, Baking, Microwave, Weightwatching (I don’t think Norman believes in them), Sauces, Drinks and that wonderful classification called Miscellaneous! Mind you, in that section I found the recipe for that childhood delight called ‘tablet’ which is probably the one recipe that has kept a succession of dentists in new Mercedes Benzes all over the world.
The recipes are certainly global, with friends from all over the globe sending their favorite recipes to Eileen and Norman. Of course, many of the recipes are tried and true Yorkshire items, as befits a couple so steeped in Yorkshire that they called their business Yorkies! A perennial favorite is Yorkies baked ham with spicy raisin sauce. A great one for Xmas.
Some of the recipes come from professional chefs, whilst some are from enthusiastic amateurs, but it does not matter. The recipes are laid out in simple form and the methods explained in detail. Even the humblest of home cooks can follow the directions. And even the humblest of dishes can be found as well, such as the British standard Toad in the Hole with onion gravy, or more delectable items like a Roman style Roast Lamb. It is an eclectic collection, but well worth having as a reference.
At B. 500 it is an inexpensive recipe book, and with all the profits going to the charity fund, you will be helping Eileen and Norman, and around 60 children will get a better future. I have met the teachers and they are a most dedicated group, attempting to teach in a ramshackle building. They need help. There are factions of the population that say one of the problems in Thailand is the lack of education for children in Isaan. This is not strictly correct. There is a lack of facilities, rather than education. Purchase of this book from Yorkies (on Jomtien Beach Road about 50 meters past the Chaiyapruek Police Box) can help alleviate that need.