Book Review: by Ann Nongsue
Farang, the Sequel
done it again. After penning the best selling “Farang, Thailand through
the eyes of an ex-pat,” Dr. Iain Corness’s long awaited follow up
“Farang, the Sequel - Another look at Thailand through the eyes of an
ex-pat” (IBSN: 978-1-905379-63-7, Maverick House 2009) has finally been
The good doctor has an uncanny way of capturing the realities of life in
Thailand - both as the expat viewing it all, but also with an inside
knowledge of the Thai perspective. The length of time he has spent here
truly shows in his ability to dissect some of the aspects of living in
Thailand and present them in a way that will have even long time residents
occasionally thinking, “Hmm, I didn’t know that.”
But of course, just like the first “Farang”, Dr Iain writes with a
light-hearted wit that elicited more than one outright chuckle from this
reviewer. Many of the chuckles come from his unique way of expressing things
long time residents have all experienced. Such as the security guards at
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, about whom Doc wrote, “The new lot wear khaki,
complete with Scotland Yard chequered caps, lanyards, boots, intercoms and
whistles. Be found transgressing and you will be given a severe whistling.”
In the section on toilets, he also brings up something I suppose all males
(and perhaps some females) think about when visiting a bar’s unisex restroom
urinal: “I must say I enjoy seeing how many ice cubes I can melt with one
Once again, the relatively short stories, most 4 to 5 pages each, keeps the
book moving at a fast pace making this a definite page-turner, but also one
that can be put down, then resumed without feeling like you’ve lost your
place and need to reread the previous chapter to get caught up.
Along with the humor, there are also some very valuable lessons about Thai
culture, such as the chapter titled, “The price of Thai virginity”. Thai
folk are very clever about how to deal with transgressors, especially those
who try to get out of paying for their crime. Read it and you will see what
I mean.
And especially all you “Jims” out there, read the chapter on “Base jumping
without a parachute”.
Although the book has great appeal for ex-pats in Thailand, it doesn’t end
there. The book is also a must read for anyone thinking of visiting
Thailand, but more than that, the book has universal appeal as demonstrated
by the first volume, which is now available in French and German and selling
well in both France and Germany. Ann predicts “The Sequel” will do just as
At B. 495 on the Bookazine shelves this is not an expensive book for being
such a good read. You will learn more about the ‘real’ Thailand than you
will from any tourist guide, and often with dollops of humor. (Ed’s note:
it’s almost worth the cover price just to see the photo of the “ugliest
ladyboy the world has ever clapped eyes on.” It’s in the photo section in
the center of the book. Have a look.)