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A call for education reform on National Teacher’s Day

Catholic ‘healer’ lays hands on 100 at St. Nikolaus

Charity Club of Pattaya up-dates projects

A call for education reform on National Teacher’s Day

Ariyawat Nuamsawat
Calling education the “motor that will drive the nation’s progress,” Pattaya Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome honored and encouraged more than 1,000 Pattaya teachers to reform Thailand’s educational system at a National Teacher’s Day celebration at the Pattaya Indoor Stadium.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome pays respect to his teacher Bubpa Puttharaksa of Suankulab Wittayalai School.
“It’s important to develop and reform the educational system to adjust to the current world environment,” the mayor said at the Jan. 16 event. “This needs to be done to ensure Thai youth are quality human resources for the country. For it to succeed requires teachers’ cooperation to create quality education.”
Itthiphol also paid respect to his former teacher Bubpa Puttharaksa of Suankulab Wittayalai School with a special blessing. Shrines were then distributed to the best and favorite teachers of the year and Santhaya Supakorntanasorn of Pattaya School No. 5 was honored as school principal of the year.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome presents the award for the best school principal to Santhaya Supakorntanasorn from Pattaya School No. 5.
Other prizes included the “Chawan-Wannee Wannasri” award established by the Sattabonkot Group in 2005 that encourages people in education to work hard and make sacrifices for society. The best Buddhism Support Teacher Award this year went to Chanyarat Kanchanabut, former principal of Pattaya School No. 3, while the Best Intellectual Pattern in a Hotelier School Award went to Sopin Thappajug, head of the Diana Group.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome presents the best Buddhism Support Teacher Award to Chanyarat Kanchanabut, former principal of Pattaya School No. 3.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome presents the Best Intellectual Pattern
in a Hotelier School Award to Sopin Thappajug, head of the Diana Group.

Catholic ‘healer’ lays hands on 100 at St. Nikolaus

Elfi Seitz and Vimolrat Singnikorn
Photos by Heidi Glemeau

Crowds of ailing Catholics turned out again at St. Nikolaus Church in Pattaya to welcome back a Filipino priest who for two decades has celebrated masses around the world for people who believe he can heal their illnesses with just a touch of his hand.

Fr. Corsie Legaspi (left) heals the attending patients.
Rev. Corsie Legaspi from the Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Rosario, Cavite held his healing ceremony and mass Jan. 13. Parishioners with everything from cancerous tumors to sore limbs turned out, looking for a miracle.
Bishop Lawrence Thienchai, who hosted the mass, stressed that it wasn’t Father Legaspi himself that could heal people but that the priest was merely a conduit between the infirm and the power of God.
The cancer patients were first in line. Legaspi touched their foreheads and many collapsed, whether through mere fainting or from “resting in the spirits” as believers in Charismatic sect members believe. They were laid on the floor and awoke shortly after.

Fr. Thienchai Samanchit (left) performs the Liturgy of the Eucharist during the mass.
Father Legaspi’s “specialty” is dealing with “frozen” limbs. People who claimed to be unable to move raise their arms or legs found themselves again able to move after a touch from the famous “healer.” At times Father Legaspi picked people from the audience to help him touch the ill and heal them. Each time a formerly infirm parishioner moved again the crowd broke into applause.

Fr. Corsie Legaspi relieves a patient from arm pain.
Father Legaspi believes he obtained his ability in 1975 after a Charismatic prayer meeting when people collapsed after he touched them during prayer. He claims that after a subsequent lengthy prayer his mother, terminally ill with lung cancer, awoke from her comatose state to walk again. He’s traveled the world ever since hosting healing ceremonies.
For those that missed the January ceremonies, Father Legaspi will be back in Pattaya in April.

Charity Club of Pattaya up-dates projects

Christina Boden
The Charity Club were run off their feet before Christmas and the first part of January, so, over the next few weeks we will give you an up-date of what we have been doing and where the donated money has and is still going.
15 year old Sittipong
The Charity Club is still sending high protein food to 15-year-old Sittipong and a second doctor has looked into his weight again, but unfortunately as before he’s still not putting any weight on. The Dr.’s have said there is nothing more they can do and they suggest the club carry on with the high protein food.

15-year-old Sittipong still isn’t putting on weight.
He also has a new pushchair as he out grew the other one and the doctors gave us a recommendation for the one pictured. He now is a lot happier and more comfortable in this chair even though he doesn’t look it.
They are still trying to find a wheelchair that he doesn’t scream in and that he feels happy in.
Mr. Butt Geritram and his Family
Mr Butt, his son and daughter were living in a hole covered with a sheet of corrugated iron when we came across them on a trip to Isaan in March 2009.
Things have certainly picked up for Mr. Butt and his family since then. He has a new house which the Charity Club has helped him with; they have added gutters with a filter system to collect rain water with various pots to collect the water, provided kitchen equipment, plates, etc., and a bicycle for Mr. Butt. The Club is also continuing to support the family on the club’s food programme until Mr. Butt can get a full time job.
Somporn was born with both male and female organs, so the club arranged and paid for them to go to Bangkok to be assessed for an operation to correct this.

Mr Butt says thanks for his new bike.
Somporn has had the first of two operations and has been attending school with his 6 year old sister in between times, something they didn’t do before.
Somporn has another appointment on January 18th to see if he has gained weight and is fit enough for the second of his operations, the Charity Club will again cover the expenses.
The elderly receive blankets
With the cold weather sweeping in to the North of Thailand we arranged for a consignment of blankets to be delivered to the elderly.
Pantip and her mother have sent us pictures of the buffalo they have proudly bought and some of the ducks the Charity Club bought.
We have now stopped the 1,000 baht a month as they are now self sufficient and can carry on alone. The Charity Club will of course keep in contact with them.
Prosthesis Foundation
The Charity Club is continuing to support the foundation by collecting drink tabs. The Club would like to thank the P.I.L.C. for their recent donation and Ron and Yawadee Hall for their constant deliveries!
Anyone who would like to help with a donation of cash, food, clothing, bedding, children’s clothing and shoes toys and games can contact the Charity Club at any of the following: Christina on 0895454185, Malcolm on 089 7441040, charityclub

Elderly in Isaan receive blankets from the Charity Club of Pattaya.

Pantip and her mother sent in pictures of the buffalo they have proudly bought.