- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
I hope you never experience such a scene
Thaksin is not exiled
Mr Robert Holiday (Bobby)
Apple and her observation
Sex on the beach
PhDs must be right
Thanks to Apple
In response to Observation by Apple
I hope you never
experience such a scene
Re: letter from John Arnone 19/2/10. I vividly recall at
age 21 suffering from penicillin poisoning, being submitted to a remote
English Midlands hospital which I eventually learned was the last resort for
dying patients, mostly smokers, to spend their last days. One after another
in this sputum coughing atmosphere, curtains would be drawn around beds
where the next expiry was taking place. I wonder if John Arnone had had this
experience, would he have written that absurd and irresponsible letter
spouting his view on the drug that continues to kill and maim millions.
My father and youngest brother were among those taken
prematurely and all of the smokers in my year class are either dead or
crippled through tobacco use. These are not “unprovable” statistics, these
are ‘provable’ facts unfortunately, and we all know that person who has
beaten the odds after smoking 60 a day for 60 years which is exactly what
hooked smokers want to hear for peace of mind. They have my sympathy because
I admit to drinking over the recommended amount of alcohol. But I do not, as
Mr Arnone, feel the need to fill almost half of the letters page with
rumbled nonsense to virtually promote my weakness and give my views on
smoking, the latter sadly resulting in scenes such as described above in
hospitals world wide. I honestly hope Mr Arnone that you, or any smoker that
is reassured by your misguiding rhetoric, never experiences such a scene.
Dorian Farmer
Thaksin is not exiled
Dear Editor;
Although I know that Thaksin constantly cries about
living in exile, it’s starting to bother me that both your newspaper and
other media refer to him with the same words.
Thaksin is NOT in exile. I would like to see journalists
write the truth about him. Thaksin is convicted of breaking the law,
sentenced to a 2-year jail time from which he fled. Thus, he is a fugitive
from the law and his prison-sentence and if any exile at all is involved,
it’s a self inflicted exile that he himself has chosen. If he was a man, he
could choose to return (no-one is stopping him) and accept his sentence.
Mr Robert Holiday (Bobby)
Dear Sir;
Through your excellent newspaper could you please publish
this letter regarding the sad loss of Bobby.
On Tuesday 2nd March Pattaya lost another one of its
characters, Mr Robert Holiday. Bobby will sadly be missed by friends, expats
and many who met him in many of his usual watering holes.
Although in his 70s Bobby enjoyed life to the full, often
seen with a Bacardi Coke in one hand and a lady on his other arm, but always
with a smile on his face.
Everyone who met Bobby will have a tale to tell. Bobby
will be sadly missed by all at Smiling Sam’s (Carlton Hotel).
God bless you Bobby.
The Gang
Apple and her observation
Three cheers for Apple for telling it like it is. We have
a spiritual guru in America that is on prime time TV healing so-called sick
people; and he was exposed for taking his own people around the revivals and
starting his healing service with them coming up on stage and getting the
audience all worked up with his magic power that he was supposed to possess.
This all came to the surface when this employee was fired and he went to the
It seems that when the person is not healed, they quickly
say; “He didn’t have enough faith.” And we all know, from reading the Bible
that Jesus healed some people that didn’t even have faith.
Again, quoting Apple; let them go up to the blind school
and start there show up there.
P.S. Also, this ex employee said; “That once a healed
person gets on the mailing list of the church, he is constantly asked to
keep giving donations to continue God’s work. Upon further investigations
from the authorities; this healing guru had a personal fortune of 12 million
dollars and lives in three massive homes spread around the U.S. Does that
sound like something God would endorse?
Beverly Protocoli,
Salt Lake City, Utah
Sex on the beach
Dear Editor,
It is obvious that Russian tourists enjoy having sex in
public as has been reported repeatedly in your publication. As Thailand is
actively attempting to attract more Russians, perhaps it is time that
certain areas of Pattaya’s beaches be declared an “Adult Zone”. The Russians
will be free to have sex on the beach and consenting voyeurs can watch to
their hearts content. A win-win situation all around! The rest of Pattaya
will remain Asia’s number one family vacation destination.
Bill Turner
PhDs must be right
I would imagine that the Pattaya Mail has tired of
this debate, but just on the chance that they haven’t, I will offer an
answer to Lawrence Remington.
I guess I owe you an apology Lawrence. How can anyone
argue with the PhDs at Scientific American? It would seem that given the
level of air pollution in the world’s cities, it would be pretty much
impossible to determine if it were second hand cigarette smoke killing
people or air pollution, but if Scientific American says that it is second
hand smoke, then it must be.
Actually, I feel better knowing that now. I have been
reading where the PhD economists that work for the American government are
claiming that the recession is at the beginning of its end and that the
housing market is going to improve and unemployment is getting better and
the dollar is secure in its value and I have been skeptical. But when
“experts” make statements on areas that are gray areas, if they are PhDs,
they must be right. Thanks for teaching me that.
John Arnone
Thanks to Apple
Thank you Apple for pointing out what has plagued me and
(I’m sure) other readers for years about these so-call spiritual-faith
healers. They only seem to be able to apply there techniques and heal
certain types of people under circumstances they control. In the U.S where I
come from; most of them have been exposed and some have gone to prison over
their scams.
According to the Bible; there are many cases that reveal
where Jesus healed people. Also, some of the disciples were given the power
to heal. Christianity was in its infancy and it was important that Jesus and
the disciples proved that their power came from God. But the scriptures
plainly state: that after Jesus and the last of the disciples passed-on,
that healing and the gift of tongues would cease. Read 1 Corinthians
I have been a minister and spokesman of God for over 55
years and I have seen many false disciples come and go. And as the great-day
of God Almighty approaches there will be even more that surface and
hopefully exposed.
God bless you and Pattaya Mail for printing what
people really feel.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Eddie Lister
Retired, living in Chonburi
In response to
Observation by Apple
In response to the comment Apple made in regards to faith
healing by the priest from the Philippines. The first question a person
should ask: is faith healing approved by God? It seems that when one of
these so called modern faith healers heals someone; a prerequisite is; that
person has to have faith. But was that the case in Jesus’s day? Did Jesus
demand that a sick person have faith before he would heal him? The answer is
no. Faith was needed on the part of the healer but not necessarily on the
part of the sick person. On one occasion Jesus’s disciples failed to cure an
epileptic boy. Jesus healed the boy and afterward told the disciples why
they had been unable to heal him. “He said to them: ‘Because of your little
faith.’” - Matthew 17: 14-20.
According to Matthew 8:16, 17, Jesus “cured all who were
faring badly.” True, these people had a measure of belief in Jesus that
caused them to approach him. (Matthew 8:13, 9:22, 29) In most cases they had
come and ask before he healed them. However, no confession of faith was
required for the miracle to be performed. On one occasion Jesus healed a
lame man who did not even know who Jesus was. (John 5:5-9, 13) On the night
of his arrest, Jesus restored the severed ear of the high priest’s servant,
even though this man was one of the groups of Jesus’s enemies who had come
to arrest him. (Luke 22:50, 51) Indeed on occasion, Jesus even raised the
dead! Luke 8:54, 55; John 11:43, 44.
How could Jesus perform such miracles? Because he relied
on God’s holy spirit, or active force. This is what did the curing, not the
faith of the sick individual. If you read the accounts in the Gospels, you
will also notice that the healings by Jesus were performed with a minimum of
ceremony. There was no exhibitionism or playing of emotions. Further, no
matter what the disease, Jesus never failed. He was always successful, and
he never took up a collection or charged a fee!
Have a blessed day.
Rev. James Bledsoe
Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail
are also published here.
It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be
given to those signed.