PCEC shown the end of time
Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg welcomed everyone
to The Tavern by the Sea for the Pattaya City Expat Club’s regular Sunday
meeting on June 13. After the usual announcements, he called on fellow
member Harry “Sig” Sigworth to introduce the Club’s guest speaker, Zavin

MC Richard Silverberg invites new visitors to give us their names, and
let us know where they are from.
Zavin’s topic, entitled, “The End of Time - The Beginning
of New Time” was interesting, but was received perhaps with some skepticism.
He predicted there would be catastrophic events occurring on December 21,
2012. These events, in which he firmly believes, will alter life on Earth as
we know it.
Zavin gave his views on who predicted this catastrophic
event, what will happen when it occurs, what current governments and science
know about it, the social and political changes that will occur, and how to
prepare for it. Also, he stated that there will be a new age of spiritual
awakening as a result, but only for the third of the Earth’s population that
will survive.
Zavin said that the Mayan Long Count Calendar shows the
end of time to be December 21, 2012. He also mentioned other predictions of
catastrophic events ranging from ancient Tibetan predictions to those of
Nostradamus, and even Albert Einstein.
He mentioned that there are two comets that are now
approaching Earth that will affect the Earth’s gravitational field. There
will also be unprecedented solar activity.

Guest speaker Zavin Casarjian listens to one of the many
questions about this controversial hypothesis.
In the latter part of 2012, he said one comet will be
clearly visible as it will be about a quarter the size of the Earth’s moon.
Further, he commented that the Earth is coming in line with a black hole in
the Milky Way where the energy is and will continue to have a devastating
effect on the Earth’s core. Zavin said the Mayans called the black hole, the
Cosmic Mother. He said that even now, the energy waves from the black hole
are heating Earth’s core temperature. This, he believes, is the cause of
much of the climate change affecting the world rather than the usual global
warming theories.
He then explained that when all of these factors come
together on December 21, 2012, it will cause the Earth’s poles to shift and
the oceans to rise by 90 feet, thus wiping out many coastal areas. He said
that the Americas would be the worst hit. Further, there will be big shifts
in the tectonic plates within the Earth causing earthquakes and tsunamis the
like that have never been seen. He predicted that about one third of the
Earth’s population would be destroyed by these events and another third
would die within two years of starvation and disease.
He said that governments and scientists are aware that
these events can happen and that NASA along with others has provided
programming for television shows (National Geographic, Discovery, etc.) that
agree that these events may occur. He also said that the U.S. Government, in
anticipation of these events, has secretly built underground military bases
that will shelter up to 10 million people.
For the remaining one third that will survive, Zavin
predicted it would be a new age in a new time. He said everyone would fall
down for three days but arise with increased brain power and a new spiritual
awakening. It will be a new golden age.
To survive, he recommended that people move to higher
ground, create a shelter, and stock it with food as well as other items
needed to grow food.
Zavin then answered several questions from the audience
(Note: For additional reading about this event that is on a more positive
note, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon and this http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html).
Richard then updated everyone on upcoming events and
called on Les Edmonds to conduct the always informative and sometimes
humorous Open Forum where questions are asked and answered about living in
Thailand and Pattaya in particular.
Stanley Villavicencio to proclaim Divine Mercy in Pattaya
Appears at St Nikolas Church on July 8
Public Service Announcement
On the morning of March 3, 1993, Stanley Villavicencio’s
mother-in-law discovered Stanley moaning and shivering violently in his bed with
blood spouting from his mouth. A relative, who is a registered nurse, was called
but failed to find a pulse. Already his heart beat had come to a near halt and
his eyes had turned white.

Stanley Villavicencio
He was rushed to Chung Wah Hospital where he was immediately
placed in intensive care. His family was told by medical experts that he only
had a one-in-a-million chance of survival. His organs had failed and when
doctors attempted a blood transfusion they found that the blood was so thick it
was unable to circulate around his body.
His wife duly phoned home and arranged for his burial in the
family plot. Four of his relatives, who are doctors, were asked for permission
to turn off the life support machine, but they refused.
Although family members kept a bed side vigil praying at his
side, all hope had been given up of a recovery.
During the three days of coma it had been established that he
was clinically dead, but as he was to reveal later he was very much alive.
“I saw my whole life pass before me as if in a video screen,
everything I ever did was there being replayed before me. During this time I saw
a bright light. It was like a fog that was slowly evaporating. As the fog
disappeared I saw someone dressed in white who I thought was Jesus. The figure
stood by me and we relived my life from childhood to that day. As my life passed
before me I could see all the good deeds I had done, but when I committed
something really bad it was slowed down and enlarged as if to make the point.”
Stanley says that as part of his deal to live, he gave a
commitment to go through the world delivering a message from God.
“I was also told that Jesus would visit me whenever there was
a message through my dreams.”
At the end of the vision, he was given a gift of the recorded
message of the Divine Mercy dictated to Saint Faustina in the mid 1930s.
Stanley woke from his coma so suddenly that the nurse on duty
ran from the ward in shock. When doctors arrived they were dumbfounded. The man
they had declared clinically dead was now conscious with no sign of brain damage
or loss of blood.
In following days, he was subjected to a series of medical
tests and was found to be in perfect health. Pronounced fit, he left the
hospital and arrived home to find his family making funeral arrangements. When
he walked in, they fled thinking he was a ghost.
Touched by the mysterious events, the doctor who treated
Stanley declared it a miracle and left the medical profession to join a Jesuit
order to train for the priesthood.
Since that time, Stanley has been evangelizing through many
countries, visiting hundreds of churches proclaiming Divine Mercy.
Stanley is touring Thailand in July and will give a talk at
St. Nikolas Church in Pattaya on Thursday July 8, 2010 at 6 p.m.
Y is for Yasothon and Yorkies
Eileen Green
In 1999, A Yorkshire couple arrived in Thailand. With them
they brought equipment and over 50 years of experience in the meat industry.
Back in Yorkshire in the UK, Norman Denning and Eileen had
their own butcher’s shop which had run successfully for many years, making their
own sausage bacon and gammon, and baking all their own pies and pasties which
they franchised out to various establishments. Times changed in the UK and
Norman and Eileen decided Thailand was where they should be doing what they do
best. Butchery and bakery. They shipped their equipment to Pattaya, where they
had set up a company.

Thanks to you, a small village in the north of Thailand now
has a new equipped school where Thailand’s new generation will hopefully gain a
better education in safe surroundings.
We are Norman and Eileen, and the name of the company? … Well
it had to be called “Yorkies”.
Approaching our 10 years in Thailand, we decided to do
something to celebrate our success in Pattaya. The idea was to have a huge party
in 2009 to give something back to the country where we now live and work. We
wanted customers and friends to come along to the party and donate cash instead
of gifts, and those donations would be put to a charity.
But which charity? You make many friends when you live in a
place for 10 years, and two very good friends were to help us make the choice of
where to spend the donations. Fellow Englishman (although he comes from
Lancashire) Tom Coughlan and his lovely wife Noi, who together run their own
construction company in Pattaya, asked if we could donate some money to Noi’s
first school which was way up north in Yasothon, Ubon Ratchathani, in a little
village called Ban Chiang Pen. This school was badly in need of a new roof
apparently. In actual fact the whole school was in a bad state. So it was
decided that Yorkies would attempt to raise enough money to build a new school,
and the fund raising began.
In March 2008 money was raised at a birthday party; this was
followed by other events over the coming months. A 2009 calendar was produced,
and a global recipe book was also published with all the profits going to the
school fund. In March 2009, a huge charity concert was organized in Jomtien with
the band playing till midnight to an audience of 300 guests.
On the 4th of May 2009, a cheque for 550,000 baht was handed
over to the school in order for work to begin on the new building. Building was
completed and was officially handed over to the people of Baan Chiang Pen on the
auspicious occasion of the King’s birthday, December the 5th 2009, with the
mayor of Yasothon in attendance.
With work now complete on the school, and the school children
enjoying a dry safe environment to study in, we then decided to go a step
further and provide them with educational items. We couldn’t have done this
without the kind generosity of people like Carolyn Tarrant, MBE, President of
the BCTFN (British Communities in Thailand foundation for the needy), who
donated 175,000 baht to help buy playground equipment, floor tiles and other
important items needed. Carolyn does a tremendous job day in and day out raising
money for much needed causes all over Thailand, and has our utmost admiration
for the work she and her team does.
Finally, we must thank the Standard Charter Bank in Bangkok,
who came to our rescue when we decided to equip the school with a couple of
computers. Standard Charter did not give us a couple, they gave the school 5
computers, and on top of that, another 10 computers for the upper school as they
also asked for help. Not only that, they delivered them, and installed them too.
Thank you to Mr Ashley Veasey from Standard Charter Bank for your kindness, and
thank you to your team who traveled up to Yasothon to install them.
Yorkies would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has
donated to the school fund, be it large or small. You have all contributed, and
made it possible for a small village in the north of Thailand to have a new
equipped school where Thailand’s new generation will hopefully gain a better
education in safe surroundings.
Pattaya Talk Show coming soon

Sukhum Nuamsakul
Derek Franklin
Well known Thai personalities Sukhum Nuamsakul and Jatupon
Chompoonich will be holding a very special talk show in Pattaya.

Jatupon Chompoonich
Titled, ‘Sharing Love - Sharing Smiles’ this afternoon event
will be held at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort on Sunday July 4th at 13.30.
After the recent troubles in Bangkok, a tourist season that
was not as good as in previous years and the worldwide financial crisis that is
causing many to lose their jobs, what people need is to buy a ticket for this
event and listen to what these two celebrated orators have to say. Their aim is
to uplift the audience, and the nation, by sharing their words of wisdom, and
hopefully getting those gathered to think life is not always as bad as they
think it is.
Tickets for this event cost 2000, 1000 & 400 baht, and can be
purchased from the Fr. Ray Foundation Welcome Center on Sukhumvit Road. For more
information email [email protected] or call 038 716 628.
All proceeds from this event will go to help the children living at the Fr.
Ray Foundation.