We are a small group of British expat pensioners (BEPPs)
with a big grievance against the British Government. Our state pensions have
been frozen, simply because we chose to retire in Thailand, which is one of
the countries which hasn’t got a “Reciprocal Agreement” with Britain. I have
yet to meet a bureaucrat who has been able to give me a satisfactory
explanation for this phrase. Other countries include Australia, South Africa
and Canada.
There are over 500,000 of us in the same situation
worldwide, so there must be a few thousand of us here in Thailand. Come and
show your support for our “just cause”. Even if you are not a pensioner yet,
come anyway, you will be helping our fight to ensure we all get what we have
worked all our lives for and what we are entitled to.
The venue has now been booked. We are holding 2 meetings
at The Bowling Green in Soi Fuengfa in Pattaya. They will both start at
12.30 p.m. on Thursday the 19th and Sunday the 22nd of August. Look on
www.pattayabridge.com for further details & a map.
We are not being charged for the venue, so it would be
appreciated if you purchased food and drink from the menu. Judith Edmonds is
kindly looking after the admin side of things, so please contact her on
goldenoldies. judith&les@gmail.com if you wish to attend one or the other of
these 2 meetings. Also see the news section on our website www.
pensionparitythailand.com for further details.
I live on Koh Samui and will be going to Pattaya for both
meetings. There must be dozens of us here on the island, simply accepting
this gross injustice, without so much as a whimper. Now is the time to come
and join us, together with other BEPPs from all over Thailand, to voice your
opinion. Alone, I’ve been fighting for justice for 5 years now, all in vain.
Now, united, we have a great opportunity to make the government take notice.
Even if you are unable to attend but wish to do
something, you might wish to visit the UK Government’s Freedom website:
http://yourfreedom. hmg.gov.uk/ where you can find and add your comments to
threads about this matter.
Clement Attlee, in 1946, started this problem by saying
that some people who retired abroad would not get indexation on their
pension. (Maybe because he thought “If you can afford to live abroad, you
won’t need it?)
This is a list of some of the countries where BEPPs do
get annual increases to their pension: Barbados, Bermuda, Cyprus, Jamaica,
Mauritius, Switzerland, The Philippines and the USA.
This is a list of some of the countries where BEPPs don’t
get annual increases to their pensions: Australia, Canada, South Africa and
Reciprocal agreement? No, that is blatant discrimination!
Des Gillet,
Koh Samui