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Mail Bag

KOTO says thanks

Aloha Pattaya Mail,

Just a short note to say the Pollution Group is alive and well, cleaning 1 beach at a time. Now we are sharing pictures of a few Thais that offered their Tambon and we all picked up trash left behind by others.

We find that there are many Thais that offer help, when they see what a old farang is doing, picking up other people’s garbage, making it a safer place for the voiceless, children, wildlife and waterways.

We have also had a few farangs reach out, from time to time.

Remember, it is never too late to waster-size: bending at the waist to pick up some waste and getting rid of both. We all need to eat right, think right and exercise. Also there is, and has been a major garbage problem at the entrance to Dongtan Beach. We have talked with Pattaya City Hall to bring another dumpster or 2 or have the garbage service picked up every day. If you care call 1337 and also tell them.

Keeper Of The Ocean

Which side is the filler cap?


Have you ever hired or borrowed car and suddenly realised you do not know which side the filler cap is when you come to a filling station? Well, here’s a little tip that should avoid you being on the wrong side of the petrol pump or having to get out to look.

On the dashboard petrol gauge you will see a little petrol pump and, depending on which side the filler hose is on the miniature pump, that is the side of the filler cap on the car. It will probably also have a small triangle on the same side. I hope this is useful.

Obviously, if you get in the car and are not sure which side the steering wheel is located, I suggest you get a taxi home. Clearly you’ve had one too many!


Chuck True TV

Dear Sirs;

I had True TV for many years. Some of the programming was good, (such as) TV 5 French channel but no DW Asia (which is free to subscribe). Therefore I have chucked the dreaded Pay TV, (which cost) up to 2000 baht monthly, and installed a satellite with DW Asia and many channels which are free. Unfortunately, True TV gives a s..t about the viewers opinion (and money!). When I canceled the service nobody inquired why. Now I’m very happy with my free TV. I should have done that many years ago!
Jerry in Rayong

Monorail - pie in the sky?


Some 4 years ago I wrote a letter concerning the problems of transport in Pattaya but as usual, blind eyes and deaf ears. We are still being pushed towards the Pattaya Sky-train idea. I can not understand what the obsession is with building this transport system up in the air. There are the immediate obvious troubles caused for the elderly and disabled even with moving stairways, lifts and stairs for the raised sections. The cost would be just crazy when the final figure is reached. Whilst the Bangkok version is very good it has caused something resembling cave life underneath in some places and added to the concrete jungle.

My feeling is things could be much simpler with a well thought out tram system that works for everybody. Basically it would run from Naklua, north to south to the end of Jomtien Beach with the tracks splitting from Dolphin roundabout to go via Beach Road and Second Road. Links would be Pattaya north, central, south and Thepprasit roads all going to 4 terminals on the Sukhumvit Road. These terminals would have park and ride facilities with free rides in exchange for the parking ticket up to a given number of hours. The baht buses would be reduced in number with jobs on the trams being offered first to those who gave up their vehicles.

Thailand is great at making or copying most things so put the talents to work and make replicas of famous trams all over the world: old styles from San Francisco, Blackpool UK, Paris, Shanghai, wherever. New styles could be futuristic: open, closed, short, stretched, it’s fun and endless.

For the centre of the city, (traffic could be limited to) delivery trucks at specific loading and unloading times and the good old motorbike and sidecar. Personal motorbikes and motorbike taxis OK. (As for) Cars, build some multi-story car-parks and make Beach Road and Second Road for permits only. Find a piece of ground and have Bike City where all motorbikes for hire can be off the streets and compete fairly with each other without telling tourists “you can’t park there” like they own the street.

My guess is we will still have no tram or mono-rail system in 5 years time which reminds me, what was that date again for Thappraya Road and Jomtien 2nd Road being completed?


HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

KOTO says thanks

Which side is the filler cap?

Chuck True TV

Monorail - pie in the sky?

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